A familiar yet foreign feeling

"You go out immediately. Bring me a bottle of hot water after an hour." With my strict order, Zero walked out unwillingly.

I knew my situation better than anyone. I had forgotten that I was a lady in reality and could get monthly health problems. It should have been natural but in my case, I didn't suffer from the problem for a long period of time so I have nearly forgotten. Sometimes I even forgot I was a lady and other things related.

I slowly stood from my seat and as I had expected the seat cover was dyed red. The dress I was wearing was also wet. How much blood did I lose? Uff…

As I had expected I had my menstruation. It was a familiar yet a foreign feeling to me. I searched the cloth bag and found something that I could use as a sanitary pad. This place was out of reach for ladies so finding sanitary pads would have been difficult.