
Looking a certain distance I spoke, " Are you going to come out or stay hidden?"

Everyone looked at me with surprised. How could I missed the presence of another person with my sharp senses? I didn't see his face as his back was facing me.

"How..how did you know someone was here?" R questioned.

"That's not even a question. And whoever are you , the leader of these stupid people or one of them; if you want to know about Rit and Riz then atleast act sincere and question yourself. Wouldn't it be better if you have a private talk with me?" 

"Haha…interesting. You all leave except R. I would have a good talk with Brother Nine." The man walked out from the shadows.

I tried to figure out his features. His body was in much better condition than Lucas, wearing a black denim jeans and jacket, had a hair tied on his back. Standing on the light I could see his face which was somehow similar to Lucas and…