Derrick's Past Life 2

Coming in contact with the African politician, Shadow's eyes narrowed, the fat man was lying in bed with two beauties in each arm, they haven't notice shadow due to their obscene behavior.

Shadow's first kill, he was someone who valued life, but was denied his own, he was scared to take a life, even with all the training he hadn't taken a life before, and this moment of hesitation cost him alot.

"Kyaaaa" one of the women saw Shadow and screamed at the top of her lungs, on this quiet night, it was like a beacon, the hesitation left Shadow immediately when his life was on the life, he threw a short knife directly into the forehead of the politician killing him immediately, with that the room was filled with guards who opened fire with one look, shadow burst out of the window and was falling from the third floor, when he was about to get to the floor he already had a dagger tied to a rope which he threw into one of the window slowing down his descent.

Guards remaining on the ground opened fire at him, he tried his best to dodge most of them but he couldn't outrun bullets, and dogs were released towards him, this lessen the abrupt firing due to running out of bullets, which was his que to go, he ran killing two dogs in the process by cutting one's head and stabbing the other one, immediately he left the estate there was a plane waiting for him, he entered and escaped but with three bullet wounds, two on his shoulder and one on his thigh, he was losing blood, "you hesitated didn't you?" Mr Blade said while staring coldly at Shadow, bleeding from bullet wounds, "if you hadn't hesitated, you would have left there unharmed, this would be your lesson either you take their life or they would, if they don't I might, remember that Shadow" Blade said before ordering some one to take shadow to the infirmary inside the plane.

Shadow went to more numerous missions like that and some were even messier, Shadow was getting worse each passing day, and with these he grew up into a 15 years old ruthless killing machine.

"It's time you become my right hand man, it's time you become my shadow" Blade said with a sinister smile, "our mission this time is extremely secret and I can't do it alone, we are to wipe out a group of scientist who developed a virus underground in Beijing, there would be no loop holes, they know too much and their usefulness has been exhausted, this is our mission from the top brass"

Shadow only nodded his head acknowledging the mission, he has grown into becoming a mute, he hardly talks and only made gestures when spoken to, but this didn't bother Blade, a mute pawn is better than a talkative one.

The day of the mission came, the way Blade work was very brutal and Shadow saw first hand what heartlessness meant, the 107 scientist were killed in a very gruesome way, those that were not found in the underground lab were hunted down and killed with anyone found with them in that moment, his method of killing was all over the place, even his weapons were laced with poison.

There was one particular woman at the lab, who wanted to escape but Blade sent Shadow after her, the woman couldn't really get far, and was eventually caught by him, without any warning Shadow stabbed the woman on her stomach just to get it over with, but she begged Shadow to take care of her daughter "I have a daughter in xxxx school her name is Li Fei, I have committed alot of crimes in my life, I don't regret dying, but she is a little girl with no one to look after her, please look after her for me" the woman said with her dying breath, Shadow's sword still in her stomach, looking at her with his empty eyes, he only took his sword back and went back to meet Blade.

When Shadow went back to base after the whole mess has been cleaned up, he wondered who were the higher ups, who gave this messed up jobs, and remembered the dying woman's request, he felt he should check it out, as they were no mission for him for now.

He went back to Beijing, looked for the school, investigated the child, it's been about two weeks since the incident at the lab, so he was just going through the information of the girl "what the hell is this? Father died at the age of 1 due to a motor crash, lost mother a week ago due to an experiment that went wrong in the lab, causing the death of all scientist, this is bullshit, what experiment gone wrong"

The news was stated there and he knew the truth, he felt bitter but he felt he was just an hypocrite, he committed the crime, so why was he feeling angry about people who fabricated the truth.

On getting into the school premises, he asked around about the principals office, he got there and asked for the class of Li Fei, he was asked a few questions before he was easily directed, due to Li Fei mum's death she was easily remembered, after getting to her class, Shadow asked the teacher to call out Li Fei for him, which she did.

Li Fei came out looking at Shadow a bit confused, he was a foreigner looking for her, Shadow had many identities so getting into the school was relatively easy, "My name is Joshua a friend of your mother, am sorry for your loss little Fei" Shadow said to the young girl of 6, who had dark hair, dark eyes and was a little petite, her whole face look cute but was stained with tears.