The handsome demon smiled at the orcs that were all gathered against him, they all looked scary, intimidating and extremely huge, compared to the demon, but this didn't even faze him, he only smiled and said "kneel" his words laced with a little of his mana, carried a pressure that couldn't be ignored, the pressure he emitted from his voice forced all the orcs to kneel some of them even passed out, the orc generals all fell to their knees, without even resisting, but their faces were unwilling.
During this time the orc king was watching everything from behind, decided that the battle was going against them and was time for him to flee, he didn't even think to try if he could defeat the demon, his first thought was to escape the battlefield, as long as it's alive it can build another army but they had already lost this battle, and he doesn't want to take the chances of fighting a battle he might not win.
The demon noticed it from afar, he smiled "the king of bugs want to run away" the demon said remembering his countdown, he raised his hands, pointed a finger upwards and said "Hell flames" immediately he finished his words, a big magic circle appeared in the sky, bringing forth flames that were like a falling lava burning everything it touched, all the orcs that were kneeling couldn't even squeal before they were burned to cinders, it was a very clean death the only thing that was left was the scorched earth, immediately all the orcs were killed, the demon teleported to meet the fleeing orc king and appeared at it's front, the orc king saw this but didn't stop running and ran straight to the demon with his fist stretching forward, the speed it used was so fast that the average mage or warrior would be turned into meat paste, but the smile on the demon face was still there unfazed, he stretched out a finger to meet the incoming blow.
Both the finger and the blow connected causing a huge explosion of wind, the blow was stopped in it's track and the hand of the orc king caved in, causing him to squeal loudly, "ahhhh" but as soon as it screamed the hand healed, it's vigilance increased it stepped back watching the demon, thinking of how to escape or if to still fight, until it heard a voice from the demon.
"Hmmm interesting, you monsters are really interesting, this is new" the demon said looking amused as if he was having fun, the look in his eyes was like he found a new toy to play with, the look finally died down and a sigh escaped his mouth.
"I don't have the time to play with you, am almost out of time" the demon said before immediately teleporting directly in the face of the orc king with a smile, the orc king couldn't immediately react, it had been vigilant but it didn't expect the demon would just appear in it's face, it roared but before he could finish it's roar, the demon put his hand in the orc king face while floating and said "Freeze" the whole body of the orc king was immediately frozen, "shatter" after uttering the word, the ice shattered into a million pieces before disappearing like snow flakes.
"Hmm, too far not enough time, a bit stronger also" the demon murmured to itself before going back to the battlefield, before looking around as he was looking around his aura disappeared and he was no more, the only thing left was the unconscious Derrick.
Baron Dark who was still conscious could not really explain his feeling, they survived but at what cost, he must hide all facts that his son has awaken their family ancestor many many centuries ago.
He even had the notion not to send his son to the academy anymore but that would bring about alot of suspicion, especially with the Holmans, so he immediately dropped that idea, he should stop all these thoughts and check on his wife and son but he was in no state to move about either.
Meanwhile deep within the Dark forest, there was a silhouette in shadow, it wasn't known if it was a man or woman but said "What a failure, but I found something interesting in this test" before apparently disappearing.