Chapter 18: Experiment in Charity


When she runs, she runs. I can’t feel any unevenness in her steps. There’s no gait. She flies over the ground in a smooth motion, moving more like a car on a highway than a biological being. Carrying me doesn’t seem to slow her down at all. I’m no longer as fit as I once was, but that doesn’t change that I have a frame a few inches over six feet.

She said that I would know where the cauldronhold was, but she’s overestimated my ability to navigate. I can’t see any details in our surroundings. Everything is blur of color at this speed.

The truth is, despite the nerves pushing my adrenaline higher, this is fun. We’re going at the speed of a rollercoaster, the wind is slashing against my skin, and if I close my eyes it feels like I’ve fallen into one of the Barry Allen comics I read as a kid. I want to run like this. I want not just her strength but the ease in which she uses it.