Genny was happy to park her RV at Jerry’s because even though she had only known Jerry for a few days, she could tell he was a very gentle soul, and he gave her a spot in the big back yard of the place and free run of the house he had inherited.
The Timm place was pretty good sized, a few acres with some willows on it and the tall, gaunt, tired old house in the middle of the grass with a bare ground driveway going up to it.
Genny loved the place, it was like a dream come true. Jerry was easy going and seemed like she had known him for years. She came and went as she pleased and together they checked out the old house. It had several rooms, all with a bit of furniture, such as dressers that were mostly empty, and a kitchen that bore an old stove that you had to light, replaced by Jerry with an electric flat stove he sat on top of it to get away from gas.