
                          *Y-N Pov*

After he left, I let out the breath which I don't know I was holding. If I think about it 'Why did I say Yes to him, am I even ready?' I face palmed myself knowing there's nothing I can do now to escape from the past like I've been doing all this time to avoid talking about it so the hurt I felt could be remain buried in my heart.

                         (Time Skip)

We are both sitting in a restaurant. I can see he's nervous from the way he's continuously tapping his feet. We have just ordered the starters for now because neither would be able to eat like this. I looked at him for awhile before speaking...

"Are you willing to speak or shall I change my mind and leave already?"

"Sorry I was just thinking from where to start. Ok so here what happened...."


                6 Months Ago Jk pov.

13 June, it was the day for Jeon's Enterprises 7th Anniversary. I had thrown a big celebration party in the evening. Every business partner, investors, friends and employees were present there. The ceremony was going well with my speech to cake cutting, drinks and chit chat. Y-N was also busy with her colleagues and friends. When I was discussing something with my new business partner I got a call from an unknown number. At first I wasn't attending but because of it's continuous ringing I got frustrated and excused myself to take it. I picked up the call and before I could speak I heard crying from other side. At an instant I recognized who it was.

"Lisa?" I said little taken aback from a sudden call from her after a really long time.

"J-jungkook....!" She replied stuttering.

"Why did you call me?" I asked stubbornly.

"I'm sorry Kookie, I'm really sorry for breaking up with you !" She said whimpering.

"It doesn't matter. I've moved on from you and now leading a very happy life with my Y-N so don't ever call or come near me!"

"Jungkook Bambam left me. I guess karma hit me for doing the same with you!"

"If he left it's your and his problem you should take care of this yourself. Don't call me again!" I exclaimed

"I tried but I am not able to do so. I need you JK please come meet me."

"You must be out of your mind Lisa, it's late go to sleep and stop bothering me. I don't have time for your nonsense."

I told her and was about to cut the line when I heard her speaking...

"If you don't come to me in an hour I'll suicide JK and don't think I'm kidding you because I mean it!"

She said confidently.

"Then go die because I'm not coming!"

I replied and finally cut the line pissed off.

I turned around and saw Y-N looking at me worriedly. I gave her a weak smile before walking over to the bar. I took a seat around the counter and stroke my hair back in frustration recalling the last part of the call. Being really confused in deciding what to do I gulped down 4 shots at once. After some time, a message popped on my phone screen. I checked and found it was the address from Lisa along with some threats.

I looked around and saw the party was going fine and since everything is already done for celebrations there's no need of me here for now. I texted Y-N to meet me at the balcony and she responded instantly with an "OK".

I reached there and after some minutes Y-N came standing beside me. I looked briefly at her noticing each and every details. She's wearing a wine dress with golden embroidery on neck. The cold breeze made her hair fly and I swear she looked like a princess standing under a moonlight just like in fairytales.

"You called just to stare at me huh?"She asked rubbing her hands together with a beautiful smile plastered on her face.

The smile which captured my heart the moment I saw her first in the company.

I can stare at her like this for eternity that much I love this woman. Forgetting all my worries and troubles I myself smiled and put my coat on her shoulders back hugging her letting a sigh of relief. I always feel so comforted and healed by holding her in my arms. We just stood like this feeling each others warmth in silence until I spoke....

"I have to go somewhere. Can you manage the endments here for me?"

"Umm I can but where are you going at this time. Is everything okay?"

She replied turning to face me.

I removed the hair locks away from her face and held her close to me by waist while she had her arms wrapped around my neck neither wanted to let go.

"Yes beautiful, everything is fine. I just have to visit some close friends who weren't able to attend the party." I said obviously lying because I don't want her to get involved in this bullshit.

"Ok, but promise you'll come back home soon!" She replied pointing a pinky finger in front of me. I chuckled at her cuteness before locking mine with her's I replied back.... "I promise my love!"

She smiled happily and saving the moment I pecked her forehead first then lips. "Take care!" She waved at me and by replying "You too!" I left from there.

                     (Time Skip)

I arrived at Lisa's apartment and rang the bell furiously. She opened the door and immediately hugged me.

"I knew it that you would come!"

She stated and I pulled back from her rolling my eyes.

"Let's go inside!" She said and held my arm leading me in a living room.

"You sit here, I'll quickly bring your fav coffee!" She said excitedly. I can't believe she's the same woman who was threatening me over the phone that she can do a suicide.

"No need! Let's get straight to the point. What do you want from me?" I asked completely annoyed.

"Well, I wanted to say sorry to you and I also needed someone by my side while facing this hard time since I'm very alone." She continued.... "I thought if we'll meet eachother we could clear things up between us and be happy together again."

"What the- who told you I wanted to clear things with you forget about getting back together. Listen to me Lisa, I don't know why you are trying to get in my life again but just know that I have a girlfriend whom I love more than my life so I need you to stop with your bullshit. I'm warning you!"

I told her and turned to leave but she back hugged me stoping me in the tracks.

"JK I know that you have moved on and believe me I'm not gonna ruin your relationship. All I want is you by my side for a meantime so I can share my pain and talk about what's been going on lately in my life, taking a little burden off my shoulders. Please don't go now, stay here as nothing but my friend only." She said.

"Fine but first get off me!" I replied sighing.

"Thank you Koo! I'll bring us some juice until then make yourself comfortable."

She told me before vanishing from my sight.

I sat down, laying back on a couch I closed my eyes resting my arm on forehead. It was not long enough when I felt Lisa sitting beside me. She took my other hand which was placed on my thigh and started caressing it. I know it was her habit to do this in past and I loved it also. But now I feel disgusting by her touch. She opened her mouth with that like how she missed old days.

"You remember JK when we used to go on dates at beaches, long drives and fancy restaurants? Those were really some golden days. If only I could bring that time again!"

I laughed mischievously at her words before yanking my hand away from her hold, I replied...

"No, I don't remember anything like that and you know why? Because Y-N played such an important role in erasing those hurting and regretful memories from my life!" She looked at me clenching her fists in anger.

I sat straight and took a glass of orange juice which was placed in front of me on the table. I didn't realized I was that thirsty to gulp it down all at once.

She kept on babbling her shit talks nonstop that my head started to hurt at some point and I started feeling nauseous as well. Not to mention I was drunk from the party also. I asked her where's the washroom and she led me to the one in guest room or so I thought. I started washing my face with cold water and even tried to puke so I could get rid of the hangover but nothing was helping me. The last thing I remember from that night is I was very dizzy and Lisa was beside me all the time.