
                                  *Y-N Pov*

I got home exhausted and tired from the party. I looked at the time and it was near 12:00 pm. I decided to change into my nightwear and rest but than I realized that Me and Jungkook didn't get enough time to spend together, also I haven't eaten much and I'm sure JK didn't have the dinner too. I thought for awhile and finally decided to surprise my baby with a romantic dinner date for the little celebration between the two of us. I want to tell him that how much I'm proud of him for coming this far in such a young age. I want to assure him that I wasn't there for him in the beginning but now I will always be here in his good and bad time's. Today I am gonna confess to him that he means world to me and I am so lucky to have him in my life as my boyfriend.

Chuckling I started preparing the things. I cooked his fav food and dessert. I prepared wine, scented candles and beautiful flowers on the table. I had dim the lights to make it look more romantic and warm. After fixing myself I waited for him desperately. To kill the time I started watching the TV but soon got bored of it. I looked at the ticking clock and it was 3:00 am. Jungkook hasn't come home yet and I'm getting worried now. He promised me that he would get home at the soonest, I wonder what made him broke that. I picked my phone to see if he has left any texts for me but there wasn't one. I started dialing his number but he didn't picked a single call from me. I texted him asking where he is and why he didn't came home yet? I wonder if everything is fine, this has never happened before that Jungkook would not inform me about his whereabouts. No matter how much I'm calling and texting him, they were still unattended. I'm having a really bad feeling about this but I shook it away walking back and forth in the living area. I kept on looking at the door thinking he'll enter the house anytime but he never did and I don't remember when I dozed off on the couch.

                                     *JK Pov*

I woke up from the brimming sun light hitting my face. I hastily sat and looked around me. I realized it was not my bedroom that means I stayed over at Lisa's place. I tried to remember anything from last night but all I got was the headache again.

"Oh, you are awake! Come let's have a breakfast together." Lisa said walking towards me. I looked at her and shoot daggers from my eyes which was enough to make her stop in the tracks. I get off the bed and picked my shirt from the floor. I must've got rid of it while sleeping as of a habit and nothing else. I took my phone and my eye's widened looking at Y-N 10 missed calls and 20 messages. I grabbed car keys and walked closer to Lisa. "If you ever dare to contact me again, I will kill you with my own hands!"

She gulped in fear and nodded whimpering. I left the apartment and drove to home. While driving I stroke my hair back in frustration thinking.... 

"I had promise Y-N that I'll get back home ASAP. I can't believe I broke it for that fucking bitch. If Y-N get to know that I had lied to her and went to see Lisa she'll probably have a bad idea and will be so disappointed in me. No- No Jungkook you can't let her know about it since you won't be seeing that bitch ever again."!

I reached home and opened the door with spare keys as I didn't want to disturb Y-N. But to my surprise I saw Y-N sleeping on the couch still in the dress and without any blanket. I also noticed the dining table decorated with rose petals, candles, drinks and untouched dinner. I felt guilt rushing through my veins. My princess had prepared so much for me and I made her wait for me the whole night. Taking a deep breath I walked near her and crouched down to her level sitting beside her, I started caressing her cheeks looking lostly at my sleeping beauty.

                                  *Y-N Pov*

I woke up to the familiar feeling. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jungkook staring at me while caressing my face with so much love and fondness that my heart melted looking back in his eyes with the same emotions. I immediately sat up realising about the last night and embraced him in a hug leaving out a sigh of relief.

"Are you ok Jungkook? Where have you been the whole night, you know I was so worried and scared that something might've happened to you." I said and couldn't hold back the tears from escaping my eyes. He hugged me and patted my back to calm me down before replying.... "I'm sorry babe that I made you feel like this and for also running the precious date night which you had prepared for us with so much love!" He kissed my neck sending butterflies in my stomach.

"It's okay, atleast you are safe." I replied taking his hands in mine. I continued...

"But why did you not come home, it never happened before that you would stay out for nightover's? Also why didn't you picked up my calls or replied to my texts either." He looked down at our intervined hands and said...

"About that you know those freaks made me drink so much that it wasn't safe to drive anymore so we decided to stay at the club only which was owned by one of my friends and by the time you were contacting me I was already passed out!" I nodded understandingly and smiled at him before replying... "Leave it, now go and freshen up in the master bedroom meanwhile I'll use the guest room and make the breakfast!"

"Nope!" He shooked his head.

"Why?" I asked him confused.

"Because- we'll bath together and I will make the special breakfast today for my lovely GF!" 

He said chuckling and within a blink of an eye he carried me in a bridal style and walked over to our room.

"Jungkook put me down!"

I said sheepishly lightly hitting his chest.

"Not today baby girl!"

He replied with a sly smirk.

I buried my flushed face in the crook of his neck and he laughed at my reaction. Guess what? He loves teasing me.

                                *Time Skip*

We took a warm bath and changed into couple sweat suits. As promised he made a delicious breakfast and we dig into it like a pig since we were so hungry. After eating I started washing the dishes while he informed his PA that we won't be coming today in office. We were so tired and lazy to do any other chores so we end up cuddling and falling asleep in eachother's  embrace.