Chapter 5: The Journey Begins


"Brother what happened?"

Cain finally heard the commotion outside and stepped outside of our Tent to see my face streaming with tears. It didn't take but only a few seconds before he had realized what happened.

"No.... Lady Aurora is...?"

I closed my eyes in a heartbroken sigh, it pained me that she had died for the sake of a stupid damn prophecy I was suppose to fulfill... but now I knew wasting time here was just gonna make the prophecy and her death all in vain, therefore I decided to finally stand my ground once again.

"Cain, I'm leaving."

I hold the back of his head with one and pulled him into me.

"Brother Seth... you're leaving? But why? Don't... please... not after Lady Auroras death... I need you more than ever right now!"

I pull him back and shook his shoulders with two of my hands, tears streaming down my face.

"Cain, it's time to man up without me for a while. Listen, Abel isn't well, I need you to be there for him and make sure he's in safe hands, alright?"

I could see Cains expression being shook as ever from my sudden change in attitude. Indeed, I was motivated to fulfill what Lady Aurora wanted, and for the sake of my brothers I loved dearly.

"I understand Brother Seth... then I will do my best while you're away! I can promise you!"

Cain ran off after our exchange of words while pushing through the crowd into Aurora's Tent to see her once more, even though she passed.

"I'll return, I can promise you that Cain..."

I walked towards our tent with my hand holding the necklace of providence, handed to me by Aurora, now stepping inside of my tent I could see Abel fast asleep.

"You must be tired Abel, sleep well. I will return soon, for the sake of you both, after I reach the mountain of the gods."

I packed my things, from clothing to weaponry such as a dagger, bow and arrows, even my trusty sword I long ago obtained from a brave knight who died near our village after his venture from the Devil Zone— just thinking about what lied ahead given me chills.

"Alright, it's time to get moving."

I looked at Abel once more while making my way towards the exit of our tent. I finally started my journey deep into the forest after leaving our village, heading straight into the Center of death itself.


Hours, upon hours. I traveled the forest and it's path down into the pathway for the Devil Zone, eventually I ended up reaching its location, however upon my arrival I could hear screaming in the distance, but I knew what it was.

"A Skinwalker, so even they exist within the Devil Zone?"

Skin walkers naturally mimicked human appearances, and they were common around our village, as were the sightings of fairies.

"I can fight toe to toe with a Skinwalker, if they can live in the Devil Zone then I may really have a chance—"

I was cut off, I could hear something heading towards my direction from the Devil Zone in front of me— it was an arrow, shooting straight for my face, I managed to evade it with a simple tilt of my head, now grabbing my blade by its hilt and out of my sheathe, I faced the dark forest in front of me, prepared to battle.

"Skinwalker...? No... they don't know how to use Bows, let alone even speak human language. The best they can do is only yell, so what is it?"



It hit me at that moment, I was caught in an ambush. Dozens of armed bandits had popped up behind bushes holding pickaxes to entire Broadswords, it seemed they lived in the Devil Zone? I wasn't for sure, but it was a theory until I asked.

"Bandits huh? I assume you all live in the Devil Zone don't you?"

They all circled me until I asked the question in which they stopped, and laughed...?

"DEVIL ZONE YEH SAY? BWAHAHAHA YOU ARE ONE FUNNY KID! Most of the deaths that happened wasn't from the Devil Zone but was from us! Learn your place, child! The myths inside the Devil Zone don't exist, we're the ones you idiots of Etobu Village are suppose to fear!"

I placed my hand upon my hip as it still held onto the hilt of my blade, my other hand lifted and placed upon my face as I laughed into the sky in nothing but—


A relief, I didn't have to deal with some big brute to entire the Dark Zone, all I had to do was finish off some bandits.

"Maybe this is really my prophecy huh? Things are going almost too easy for me."

I could hear them all grunt in frustration before the leader of this little bandit group ordered them "BRING ME HIS HEAD, MEN!"

The leader looked almost identical to a dwarf, long ginger beard, 5' Feet, and even a bit chubby wearing some iron armor, and a Viking helmet. His men I could tell were a bunch of goons who believed they were invincible in numbers, however they were dealing with me.

"Speaking of head, I'll have yours..."

I glanced upon the leader as my eyes shone red for a moment.


The bandit leader gasped in awe, and before he had even known what happened, he could see his own body? He looked confused as he blinked a few times to understand the situation he was in.

"AHHH... B-BOSS!??"

The men who were under his lead had turned around in fear, seeing ME hold onto his head.


The Bandit leader groaned as he realized he had been decapitated, his entire head ripped off by sheer strength alone. Why not have some fun?


Using all of my Sin Energy, my hair, hands and feet changes into a Red vibrant aura, My Godspeed ability allows for me to react and move my body at speeds that would typically be physically impossible. From the amount of Sin energy I had in me, I could use this for some time.

All evil/sinful energy in my area is absorbed into me, fueling my Godspeed mode further to new heights. Right now I could do the unthinkable

"His hair has grown... it even has Sin energy— No... it's around his entire body?"

The bandits were scared, their voice sounded like underlings speaking and defining the Grim reaper which was I as of now... naturally I could move at 5,372,672 Miles per Hour approximately, but now—

"Speed of Light..."

In that moment I flashed like a bright red light. My body had vanished in the blink of an eye, using 'Speed of Light', it allowed me to move my body according to my own will, used to travel long distances at high speed and surprise even my enemy.

I decided to even move at light speeds in an instant, decapitating their heads with nothing more than my sword, striking them all down simultaneously.

"It's over. If this is what threats I have to deal with inside of the Devil Zone, then this will be a walk in the park..."

They were all still standing, their heads were even attached to their bodies, but that only lasted so long, even their cells couldn't keep up to my light speed movements.

"We're alive...— GUOHH!!!"

I heard them all die behind me, reality finally hit them, it was no mercy in life, definitely if you threatened me.

Taking a step into the Deep Dark forest, my body vanished into the thick fog, taking my first step into hell itself I would call it.

I had to reach the mountain of gods, to save those that I love dearly.