Filled voicemail

The days after the funeral were worse than the shock of finding out about her grandmother's death.

When everything was settled and people stopped visiting, that was when the pain started. Vera spent most of the time in her grandmother's room, moving her things around from one drawer to the other - pretending to be tidying up not to feel jobless.

She would feed the chicken and water the plants. The goat wasn't anywhere to be seen, and the stables were clean. Her grandmother must have sold it because she couldn't take care of it anymore. Vera also found a cat wandering around.

Luckily, the beast hadn't appeared during the funeral, not to cause havoc with those superstitious people. Since it seemed to like the place, Vera didn't chase it away.

It was a stray, ugly and ruffled. It did move piety, and Vera had more food than she needed. So, she shared some of it with the cat.