Punishment 1

"I trust nothing of this would be said to anyone, you can do that right?" Diana said to sandy. She was beyond elated when Sandy brought the box containing the muffins. She tasted it earlier and hummed in satisfaction. Let's see what Lucas has to say.

"I'm not like that Dionne, you can trust me." Sandy jerked. She would also get in trouble for aiding Dionne in her mischiefs.

"Very good." Dionne smiled smugly. This was going to be fun.

Or maybe not.

"Make extra ten batches immediately." Lucas ordered.

He had just gotten back from work when Diana excitedly presented the muffins she supposedly made. She didn't even let him get comfortable on the couch. It only means one thing, the muffins came out perfect, which was obviously not expected given Dionne's history with the kitchen.

When Lucas gave the order to make muffins, he was already expecting failure. But when he took a bite of the muffins, a whole new world of flavors bursted in his mouth. The first muffins she served him when she arrived was wonderful, but these muffins were excellent. Someone like Dionne couldn't be responsible for such delicacy.

He squinted his eyes at her and he could see the proud look on her face.

"It's good. Making muffins must be your thing." Lucas commented.

"Everyone says the same thing whenever they taste my muffins. Even those diagnosed with ageusia (loss of taste) glee in joy when they taste my muffins." Diana exaggerated and Lucas scoffed. Liars always talk big.

"Ok." Lucas said simply before turning to Lucas and saying "send this box of muffins to miss Olivia. Tell her it's a gift to apologize for last time"

"Yes sir."

When Dionne heard Lucas order she saw red. How dare him.

"You are giving my hard work to some woman?, So I was making muffins for your lover all this while?" Dionne fumed. Lucas stopped in his tracks and turned to glare at her.

"It seems you are forgetting something here. You are my slave. You have no right to demand for explanations or feel wronged. The earlier this gets into your dumb skull, the easier for you." Lucas said before walking to his room.

"Dionne?" Sandy said carefully. She wanted to go comfort Dionne but was shoved in the process as Dionne angrily walked to her room.

"Sir Lucas want you in his study." Ben announced to Sandy who was still standing in the same spot. She didn't get to ask why as Ben walked away and she could only follow him.

"Who is there?" Dionne drily asked. She was still upset about what she discovered earlier.

"It's me Sandy." When Dionne didn't say anything, Sandy took that as a sign to enter.

"What do you want?" Dionne asked rudely.

Sandy walked to Dionne's bed with a solemn look on her face, "stop being mad okay?" She said

"How can I not be?! My precious muffins specially made by Mr mask went to another woman!" Dionne raged.

"How sure are you it's sir Lucas' lover. She could be a business partner for all we know." Sandy reasoned.

"That's trash. I'm sure Lucas is just an ordinary worker in some company. As to how he amassed such wealth, I can only guess his father played a huge role." Dionne said sternly.

Sandy sighed. If only Dionne had an idea of who their boss was, She would never speak such again.

"I'm telling you sir has never dated any woman. Stop sulking already. You don't know if your muffins earned him a promotion or anything." Sandy convinced passionately.

"I think you're right. I've not seen any girl visit as well." Dionne sighed, "I was just getting angry for nothing."

"Yeah that's right." Sandy exhaled the air she didn't know she was holding. Dionne was finally in a good mood. Sir Lucas won't punish her again. Now to the next part.

"Sir Lucas wants to meet with you in the study. I think he wants to praise you for a job well done."

"Hasn't he done that already?" Dionne tried to act uninterested in getting complimented, but she was all giddy inside.

"He might give you a reward, you never know."

"Fine. It's not like I have a choice. Let's go."

Dionne and Sandy walked to the study and when Lucas gave his permission, they both entered.

Dionne eyed Lucas as he typed on his computer before finally giving them his attention. He wore a loosely knitted sweatshirt that exposed his collarbone and Dionne couldn't get over how sexy that looked on him.

"Olivia praised your muffins," Lucas started, that mischievous glint never leaving his eyes.

"I'm honored." Dionne responded.

"So I was thinking, why don't you make ten more and I'll give you a deserving reward."

Dionne knitted her brows and cursed under her breath. Why was Lucas obsessed with her making muffins?. Her mother was to blame for this, if she had not made that muffins and told her to take credit, Lucas wouldn't be torturing her like this.

"I don't think I can make more master. Besides, I don't want the reward" Dionne said trying to escape from making more muffins.

"And who says you get to choose what you want or not. I need 10 muffins now. The reward is still up if you want it." Lucas said stoically.

Dionne glared at Lucas till her eyeballs hurt. She knew what he was doing. He prolly found out that she didn't make the muffins and he was just making excuses for her to make more so that she could mess up. The question now is, how did he find out.

She turned to look at Sandy who shrunk her self in a corner to be invincible and then sighed. She didn't blame sandy though, Lucas has a way of getting the truth out of someone. Just look at her now, she was about to blow her cover.

"I'm not the one that made the muffins." Diana revealed reluctantly.

"Hmmm." Lucas hummed calmly and it caused Diana to arch one of her brows.

"You won't punish me?" Dionne asked.

"I will, Just that you ruined my fun" Lucas said coolly. "It seems you don't understand that you belong to me and no one else. I have to teach you a very big lesson." He sighed lazily like a teacher who was tired of teaching his students the same thing over again but they still don't understand.

"What do you want me to do?" Dionne who was scared to think of the horrible things Lucas was planning asked.

"You may leave." Lucas ordered before going back to his laptop, but the small smile that curved his lips did not escape Dionne's eyes. She clenched her fist as Sandy dragged her out of the room.

"Let go of me!" Dionne was enraged. She should have known Sandy was to too timid to lie to Lucas' face.

"I-I didn't mean too Dionne. S-sir Lucas asked and I couldn't stop trembling. I'm really sorry." Sandy pleaded.

"It's if no use getting angry, what's done is done. Just remind me never to trust you with anything regarding Lucas. Have a goodnight" After Dionne finished saying her mind, she stormed off. She knew what she did to Sandy was wrong, but she was too angry to think clearly. She might apologize to her tomorrow. If she's in a good mood that is. But she doubt she will. With Lucas out for her sanity, everything was going to ruin her mood.

The next morning.

Dionne can count the number of times she has slept peacefully in this house. It was zero. It's been four days since she arrived and Lucas always leaves her dreading the next day making her unable to get a peaceful shuteye.

She plodded to the kitchen to go fix something for her `master` before he comes up with a reason to stress the living daylight out of her.

She didn't even have to think much of what to make. Since she was so bad at cooking, a simple coffee and toast would do. It was breakfast after all.

Few minutes after she set the table, Lucas came down. He flashed her a malevolent smirk before settling on the dining table and digging in right away.

Dionne was confused when he didn't come out clothed in his suit. Instead he wore a casual hoodie and joggers together with flip-flops.

"Aren't you going to work?" Dionne nervously asked. She didn't want him to remember the punishment he mentioned yesterday. She was trying to be on her best temperament.

"Nope. I have something important to do." He took a long sip from his coffee before saying, "I have to punish my slave personally"

Dionne gawked at Lucas in disbelief. Sweat trickled down her forehead, she wasn't ready for this.

After breakfast, Lucas went up to his room without saying anything. The silence was nerve-racking making Dionne restless.

She went to her room waiting for someone to inform her of Lucas' call, but none came. After two hours of waiting she finally relaxed. Maybe Lucas was just trying to get into her head. She sighed and laid lax on the bed as she hummed different tunes only for someone to barge into her room without knocking.

"Is anything wrong Luc– master?" Dionne asked.

"Someone has forgotten that she needs to be punished" Lucas smirked. She knew it. It was too good to be true.

"Shall we head to the garden?" It was a rhetorical question because the answer was quite obvious. She didn't have a choice.