Punishment 2

If there was one thing Dionne hated, it was the sun. To make it worse, she didn't apply sunscreen. Her skin is about to go through tremendous torture.

"From that end to that end. I want all the weeds cleared." Lucas instructed. He had changed into a pair of colorful summer shirt with shorts, and he adorned his eyes with a pair of sun glasses.

Dionne looked at the large area of land that Lucas asked her to clear. The garden was beautiful and they were barely any weeds, yet he wants her to pick them out.

"Where are the tools?" Her rebellious voice sounded.

"No no. You are going to use your hands to carefully pick them out. We don't want you harming the innocent flowers now do we?" Lucas seriously said as if he really cared for the flowers.

"Nevermind" Said Dionne as she bit her inner cheeks to stay calm.

Lucas sat on a chair, sipping a glass of juice while Ben held an umbrella to shield him from the sun. He stared gleefully at Dionne who was struggling to pull the tough weeds out. For a man of his caliber, naturally his garden is always well taken care of. But then he wanted to teach her a lesson, so he ordered for onion weeds to be grown.

One may wonder if the muffins were Lucas' exact reason for dealing with Diana this way. No it was not.

On the day Dionne arrived at his mansion, Ben had told him about what took place at Mr mask's café. To think Dionne was the on who initiated the moment, made his blood to boil. Then he heard from Sandy about who really made the muffins. It was still that pesky Mr mask who wouldn't leave his Dionne's side.

Actually, he had been keeping tabs on Dionne for quite some time, and that Mr mask always ends up in the picture. Another thing that irked him, was that he couldn't find a single thing about the man. Practically he didn't know who he was up against.

After an hour and half of waiting, Dionne finally finished. She was covered with dirt from head to toe. Almost like she used all her body to weed.

"I'm done" She said plainly when she got to Lucas.

"Hmm. You were slow but we all good." Lucas took a sip from his juice without severing eye contact with Dionne. He loved seeing the fierce look in her eyes.

"I'll just go freshen up" Dionne made to leave but had to stop when she heard Lucas' voice.

"Why are you in a hurry to leave, you have lots and lots of punishment to serve"

Dionne closed her eyes, drew a deep breath in, before she asked "what else master?"

"Now we are talking. Follow me." Lucas didn't miss the anger in her voice. That was what he wanted. For her to feel anger, for her to feel fed up. Only then could he get a valid reason for being angry with her. How could a slave rage at his master?!

Ever since Dionne stepped foot into the mansion, she had never really explored it's premises. It was more vast than she imagined. But even if she was offered to explore, she will turn it down immediately. Walking in this type of vast yard, will make you tired in an instant.

"Are you tired?" Lucas asked.

"No" Dionne flatly replied. Lucas didn't probe further after her short answer.

Dionne roamed her eyes around her surrounding when Lucas paused in his steps.

"This is where your second punishment takes place, dirty ain't it?" Lucas asked, and for once, Dionne could say that they agreed on the same thing.

The next place Lucas brought her to, was a horse stable. The amount of hays and horse dunks present gave hint that this stable hasn't been cleaned in a long while.

"This is your next punishment stop" Lucas said coolly with his hands behind him . "You need to clean this stable and the horses."

Dionne was not surprised. She had already guessed it the moment he halted in his steps.

"You will give me tools this time right?" She tried not to sound irritated but it wasn't helping.

"Why not?" Lucas smiled, "The tools Ben." He ordered and Ben dropped the bucket he was holding in front of Dionne. It contained gloves, disinfectants, brushes, and the likes used in cleaning.

"If you do it perfectly, I'll give you a nice reward. Now start." Lucas walked to the chair that was already prepared for him and sat down. "Hurry up" He added when Dionne still didn't move from her spot. She just stared absentmindedly at the stable.

Dionne picked up the bucket and entered the stable. She started by moving all the hays to one corner. When she was done with that, she started clearing the horses dunks. Luckily for her, it didn't smell that bad, but it didn't mean the smell wasn't there. She used a hand shovel to pack them into a trash bag.

Hours past and she was still scrubbing the floor of the stable. She was almost done though, just that she still needs to wash the horses.

Finally she was done. She went through another door in the stable and found five horses standing in a column and were separated by an average height wooden barricade.

"You just have to wash one." Lucas came from no where which caused Dionne to jump in fright but she quickly composed her self.

"Which one?" She asked not looking at him.

"The midnight black one" Lucas said simply while stifling a chuckle.

After recognizing the horse Lucas was referring to, Dionne got right on the task.

Lucas watched closely, the interaction between Dionne and Ark, his horse.

"He's comfortable" Ben mouthed with a gasp. Ark was never one to be friendly with anyone except Lucas. Even though Ben has tried many times, he just couldn't get Ark to like him.

And here was this stubborn horse, neighing like a kid who just got gifted his favorite candy when Dionne caressed his mane.

"He likes her" Lucas smiled.

"The both of you have similar taste in women." Ben said to which Lucas chuckled to.

"Where is the bathhouse?" Dionne asked, not minding the hush sounds both men were making in the name of whispers.

"It's at the backyard" Ben replied as he proceeded to show her the way.

Dionne thought she was alone in the bath-house, so she talked freely to the horse.

"Your owner is really getting on my nerves" She fumed. "How can he make me go through all these stress, does he think I'm a push over all because of that contract?. It's like he forgot who I am. I will surely get my revenge" Dionne kept on complaining to the horse and as if the horse understood her, he kept neighing at each sentence.

"You agree too right?. Your owner is just a wicked soul out to get me, but don't worry, I won't go down without a fight. You won't be angry if I teach your owner a little bit of lesson right?" She asked and the horse neighed again. "Thank you for understanding."

Lucas watched from the crack in door and heard everything Dionne said. He found her conversation with the horse cute but above all, he was anticipating this revenge she was ranting about.

"You're all clean now" Dionne smiled as she dried the horse with a towel. Bathing the horse wasn't such a bad thing after all, she felt relief surge through her body after talking to the horse.

"You did a wonderful job, Ark is looking spotless as ever." Lucas praised.

"Is there any other thing you want me to do master?" Dionne asked grimly.

"You can go freshen up, once you're done, meet me here for your reward."

"I don't want any reward" Dionne rejected calmly. All she wanted now was to get rid of the stench from her body and have a good long sleep. Since it's night soon, she'll probably wake up tomorrow. That's if Lucas decides not to bother her. But was that even possible?.

"Don't make me look like a bad master." Lucas hummed with a smile other ladies found charming but annoyed Dionne to no end. "You must come here before sunset, it's an order."

"If you put it that way, I'll be back." Dionne said before turning to leave. If only Lucas could hear the voices in her head, he'll be throwing a fit right now.

Dionne got under the shower and let the warm water flow down her body taking the dirt with it. She took some some soap and lathered her body. Soon she came out of the bathroom, after making sure she was all clean, she dried her body with a towel.

With everything she has been through today, Dionne was not looking forward to any reward.

Not to trigger the wrath of her boss, she hurried and took the long journey back to the stable.

"I'm here now master, where is the reward?" Dionne asked as she stood behind him.

"The sun is about to set, it's the perfect weather for horse riding don't you think?"