
Dionne sat in front of Lucas on Ark as the horse walked slowly under the hue of the orange sun. She kept quiet, unaware of how to act in this situation.

"Do you like your reward?" Lucas whispered into her ears and she shrunk forward.

"Don't do that master?" Dionne bravely stated her discomfort.

"Do what?" Lucas asked. He knew what his actions did to her.

"You know..."

Lucas did not reply. The ride was uncomfortable for Dionne. Aside the fact that he was her 'master', she was horseback riding with her ex. It just didn't sit right with her.

"What do you do for a living?" Dionne asked to ease the awkwardness.

"I'm a CEO" Lucas replied. His reply made Dionne let out a loud scoff.

"I'm being serious. What exactly do you do for a living?"

"What do you think I do for a living?" Lucas questioned back.

"A clerk? An office worker?" Dionne guessed.

"You guessed right. I'm an office worker."

"Exactly what I told Sandy but she didn't believe." She let out a sigh, "I wonder why people don't believe me when I tell them things. Ironically, it always turns out to be true. Just like when I told Helen, do you know Helen?" She suddenly asked and Lucas muttered a 'No'

"How can you not know her?! She was in the other department we shared a class with. The tall rude blonde with the body odor. I remember buying her a spray as a gift when she was elected financial secretary."

"Yeah, I remember her now." Lucas answered. He was smiling calmly while Dionne babbled away. She had already gotten comfortable.

"Finally" Dionne drawled dramatically. "Anyway, I told her her boyfriend was having an affair with her best friend but she called me out for being jealous of her relationship. A whole Dionne, jealous?. I could get any guy I wanted, yet she called me jealous?! Her boyfriend wasn't even much of a looker." Dionne frowned her face at the memory.

"Continue" Lucas asked gently before resting his head on her back. This action caused Dionne to jolt a little but she quickly brushed it off. Finishing her story was more important.

"After that conversation I had with her, I made it my mission to bring the affair her boyfriend had with her girlfriend out in the open. Certainly not because I cared about her, but because I wanted to prove to her that I was right. Then one day an opportunity finally presented itself. I caught the both of them making out in the female restroom. As much as the sight was disgusting together with the sounds of their stupid moans, I still took a picture and posted it on the school website. You needed to see Helen's face when she came to tell me I was right." Dionne chuckled. She was expecting a response from Lucas but she heard none.

"Lucas... Lucas?" She called out but she still got no response. Is he sleeping?

The horse stopped and she looked around to find out they've gone quite a distance from the rest. She really didn't know how to ride a horse so she was in bit of a dilemma.

She turned back a little to get a glimpse of Lucas' face, but what she saw next made her to widen her eyes in shock.

"Lucas! Lucas!. Is anybody there?, Help!" Dionne screamed on the top of her lungs. When Dionne turned to look at Lucas, he lost balance and fell down from the horse. Unconscious, he laid on the floor. His face covered in blood, that probably came from his nose.

Dionne came down from the horse immediately and ran to where Lucas laid. She shook him vigorously as she yelled for someone to come.

"Wake up Lucas, you can't do this to me, Lucas. Somebody help!" Dionne yelled. The time when Ben was needed, he was no where to be seen.

Left with no choice, Dionne picked Lucas and with all the strength she could muster, placed him on her back.

She fell down a few times but the will to get Lucas the help he needed pushed her to stand up and keep walking. Thankfully she still remembered the route they followed. A little further from where she was, she sighted Ben.

"Help! Ben." She called out but her voice wasn't loud enough to get his attention.

"Ben, help." When she saw that Ben wasn't responding, she decided to use that energy to carry Lucas instead of shouting.

When she was sure Ben could hear her, she called out again, "Ben help. Lucas is unconscious." Luckily Ben heard her this time.

He hurriedly ran to where she was and collected Lucas from her, placing him on his back with ease.

The urgency with which Ben ran, told Dionne that something was definitely wrong. She ran after them.

"You can't come with us." Ben told Dionne after placing Lucas at the back seat of the car.

"Someone needs to look after him, you will need to focus on the road. Don't argue with me, let's just go." Dionne got into the car even with Ben disagreeing look. But he had no time to waste so he just let her be.

"What happened?" Ben asked behind the wheel. The car was going at the highest speed to the hospital.

"We were on the horse and suddenly I didn't hear his voice. When I turned back to check up on him, his face was smeared with blood. I called for help but no one was coming so I just carried him." Dionne summarized hurriedly.

The remaining drive to the hospital was silent.

"Where is doctor Jude?" Ben questioned the receptionist with Lucas on his back when they got to the hospital.

"What happened?" Jude asked, he was finally heading home after three nights of back to back surgery. "Bring him this way" he continued, the state Lucas was in answered his question already.

"Did he have another episode?" Jude tried to get some information as they were rushing to Lucas' private room but when Ben passed him a wary look, he kept mute. He saw Dionne trailing behind them with a worried look on her face. "Is she the one?" He asked and Ben nodded.

"Oh boy." Jude's mouth became agape.