Chapter 50: Committing to Fight Together

“Are you sneaking up on us?” Vernicia retorted immediately when she saw Elliot behind them.

“No, I was sent to find you, Vernicia,” Elliot replied.

“Oh sorry,” Vernicia responded. “I guess we got carried away.”

“See you later, then,” Julietta greeted and walked to her own classroom.

“She walked straight up to her teacher when she arrived there.

“Sorry ma’am, I was held up by a small problem,” she said.

“You will remain behind for second break to catch up on the work that you just lost,” her teacher responded.

Julietta had nothing to do but resign herself to her lot.


Emile and Sheila were amazed that they had stumbled upon this new information while they were looking for other facts.

“How much do you know about Urella?” Emile asked. “Can she perhaps be ancient, like a few centuries old?

Doesn’t she have family? No relatives? ” he continued.