Chapter 48: Another Day in Paradise

As the trial against the members of the Creatine who resided in Greece came to a start, we were instructed by law enforcement to remain in Crete—specifically Heraklion—while we waited for Tyler and Chandler to each take the stand. With Chandler’s testimony finished, today was finally the day that Tyler had his chance to speak to his experiences, both with Isaak and as a former con artist.

His foot tapped on the ground as I looped his tie through and tightened it against his neck, while his hands kept flexing open and shut.

“Tyler, you need to relax. Everything will be fine.”

“That’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one testifying against men you’ve known for a majority of your life.”

“Nope,” I answered as I straightened his finally completed tie. “But they do want to kill me, so there’s that factor.”

“Oh, so you can laugh about it now?” Tyler teased, raising one eyebrow at me. “It’s funny?”