Abiyya Naysyilla Syahnaz

   Coming home from Iyya's house, Abi immediately checked into his restaurant in Jakarta. It's not calm if you don't check your business for a day.

    Every day, Abi's activity after coming home from campus is to go to the factory and check the restaurant. If Sam needed him, he would be happy to come and help. Tired? Of course, it feels. However, for Abi, it was an extraordinary favor that Mahesa had entrusted to him.

    Came home around seven o'clock in the evening. Iris doesn't seem to have slept yet, that's right. Because Abi brought his favorite food. Iris would love it.

    "You haven't slept yet?" As usual, whenever Abi wanted to kiss her hand, Iris always ignored it, making Abi pull her hand back.

    "Abi brought Mother's favorite fruit salad. Abi also bought it at the place where you are subscribed." Abi put the paper bag on the table in front of Iris who was having dinner.

    Iris's eyes immediately looked at him with a sharp look. It was enough to frighten Abby.

   "I'm having dinner, then you offer me a fruit salad. What's the point? Want to make me fat? Besides, I can't believe you bought it for my subscription.

    Abby took a deep breath. It was normal for Iris to say that. Nothing to take to heart.

    "No, Mother. Abi bought this at the place where you are subscribed. If you can't eat tonight, just put it in the fridge, so that you can eat anytime," said Abi, preparing to take the paper bag back before suddenly Iris' hand made the paper bag fall, and its contents scattered on the floor.

    Abe looked at him in awe.

   "Oh my gosh, I didn't mean to. It's dirty, don't forget to clean it. Oh yeah, don't forget to wash the dishes I used to eat too!" After saying that, Iris immediately went past Abi to her room. Dinner is over.

    A housekeeper about the same age as Iris, only a little older, approached Abi, wanting to help him clean up the fruit salad. However, Abi quickly stopped him.

    "Don't. Let it be Abi," said Abi with a sweet smile.

    "But, sir. This has become my job, let me help ya!"

   "Don't. You'll be angry later, didn't you tell Abi, just let it be. You love Abi, don't you?"

   Unable to hold back his tears, the old servant cried. Seeing how tenderly Abi spoke to him alone made his heart move, especially considering all the things he had seen that were happening in this boy's life. Too bad for you, kid.

    "Well, I'll just help wash the dishes then okay!"

     "Do not!" Again and again, Abi stopped this servant named Suti when she was about to wake up.

    "That's also up to Abi. Have you forgotten what happened two years ago?

    It happened two years ago when Iris got angry because of something and told Abi to wash the dishes she had eaten. But, at that time Mbok Suti did it. Do you know how angry Iris is? The plate he used to eat was slammed into pieces.

    "Then what can I help you with, sir?"

    Abby smiled again. Ah, that smile never fades. "You just help pray. Who knows if your prayers are heard? Wish you the best!"

    "I will never forget to pray for you, Sir, your family. Pray that you can open your heart to the young master. Have patience, young master!"

    Patience has become Abi's daily food. It felt weird when Iris was rude to him but he couldn't resist at all. Just surrender and accept what you get.


   Let's tell about Abiyya.

  Her full name is Abiyya Naysyilla Syahnaz, aged twenty-one weeks ago. She is the only daughter of a mining entrepreneur named Santoso Pramugya and a former famous model named Kalina Sybeelyn.

    They are an ideal family that is a favorite of many people. The way Kalina and Santoso worked together in raising Iyya was truly exemplary. However, everything that is done will get a positive and negative response. His parents were so kind, Iyya didn't need anyone else to love him. The love of his parents was more than enough. Especially with Iyya who complied and did not argue.

   You must know if Iyya never had any money. Never eat on the side of the road, not because I don't want to but because no one has ever invited her. Iyya is always happy and never weighs anything that comes and goes in his life. 

    Even when he was cheated on, Iyya was not sad. It let go and moved back to live as it should. Some take advantage of it, but Iyya never takes it seriously. Iyya always treats it like the wind.

    Even in pursuing Abi who has encountered so many obstacles, Iyya never complains. Because of all that Iyya did with pleasure.

    Look now! What is that woman doing?

    "Dina, this guy came here, you know," said Iyya to one of his servants who was trimming his left fingernails. While his legs were handled by two more different servants. He's at home, but it's like a salon.

    "Oh yeah? Yesterday I went to the market, so I couldn't see," he replied in response to his boss's words.

    "Yes, even though I want to show off, unfortunately, I am with you. Eh, you guys are compact, no one shows up," he said enthusiastically while continuing to scroll through his cellphone screen which was in Abidzar's account.

    The three maids only smiled faintly in response to the young lady. It's impossible for them not to give any response.

    These three young servants, their age is not much different from Abiyya's age. Her job in this house is as a babysitter, Iyya. That means that always accompany every day Iyya. Like asking him to talk, playing, sometimes like being a salon manager. Because Iyya rarely goes to the salon directly.

    "Next time, Miss can introduce us," said one of the maids who handled Iyya's right leg.

    "I have to. Because he said he would come here again. Don't worry, I can bring him back to this house. At the same time introduce papa," he said confidently.

   "You must, Miss," said the three of them in unison.

    These three servants already hold almost all of Iya's secrets or stories that other people don't know. On campus, Iyya does have many friends, but at home, Iyya only has three of them. It's impossible if Jane and Alula come to his house every day.

     "Pray well. So that you can quickly have a handsome young master."