Reincarnation part 2

" If you want something you never had then you must do something you never did "

( View Inside the church )

"She hasn't woken up yet?", Father asked.

" No, she hasn't woken up for 12 hours. Her body is still processing the newness. She needs more time. I'm checking up on her all this time. You must stay strong in every situation Father." Jasper informed him in detail.

" I will be waiting for her condition to get better. You may go now." Father ended the conversation.

( 12 hours ago )

She was having a nightmare. She tossed and turned. Her hands got sweaty. Her heartbeat was irregular. She clutched her heart in her hand painfully, she gasped for air but couldn't breathe. She panted and lick her dry lips to say something. Then she whispered " Stop" and aggressively moved her hands in front of her in the air. She kicked her legs into an invisible thing and slapped her hands at someone invisible. Until someone came and caught her both hands in one hand. Getting a hold of her in his strong hands he slowly patted her shoulder to calm her down. Sitting by her side and gently removing her hair from her forehead Jasper checked her fever. It was way too high. She was burning like a furnace. He gently put her down on the bed and put a pillow under her head. And then hurriedly went outside and came back having a bowl of water with some towels. Soaking the towel in cold water, after soaking a little he put it on her forehead. It was cold on her skin, she pushed a little. And grabbed the hand of her caretaker. Hardly squeezing the hand she whimpered feebly. She didn't lose hold of the hand. One after another he changed many towels and tried to lower her fever down. Then he helped her to get up and drink some water. With a spoon, he helped her drink water. Her throat felt dry as barren land, she drank like she hasn't drunk water in a month. Then Jasper straightened her pillow and helped her lie down again. He worked his best to lower the fever through traditional methods. And then after a struggle of two hours, the fever went down a little. He sat there a little tired and let out a deep breath. He adjusted her blanket and filled a glass of water on the side table of the bed and turned to go back but something stopped her. She desperately held his hand pleading with him to stop and stay. He reassured her by holding her hand in his hand and sitting beside her on the bed. She hugged his hand and slept like a child.

(8 hours later )

Jasper woke up and saw himself still on the bed with her. Sleeping in a sitting position for so long made his muscles stiffen. He got up and went to take a warm shower. After taking a shower to soothe his tight muscles, he made some calls and then went to see Father. Father asked her about her current condition.

He thought of something and went out.

She woke up and felt somewhat alive. She felt like she came back alive after dying. Sitting upright on the bed she saw a stick-up note on the glass. " Get up, take a shower, and wait for me "

She drank the water and got out of bed. She looked at her clothes, she was wearing a black gown that was wrinkled all over. She headed over to the bathroom and turned on the tap, splashed some water on her face, and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"Who are you?", she asked the girl in the mirror looking back at her. Touching the loose strands of her hair to her neckline and then her round big eyes, she felt a newness in her. But she didn't know what it was. She couldn't describe it in words. Shaking her head to let go of all the thoughts she took a long warm shower and stayed in the water as long as she could. It was the best method for loosening up. After showering and unwinding she came out wearing a bathrobe with damp long hair hanging around her round face. After entering the room the first thing she saw was a bag. Someone put it on her bed. She came near and opened it. To her surprise, there were clothes in it. A dark blue shirt with white lining trousers.

" Looks like my size," she spoke.

She took out the clothes. With an unpleasant look at her black gown, she took those clothes to the bathroom to change. Coming out wearing neat and fresh clothes felt like sunshine.

" Should I stay here or go outside to see what's happening ", she asked herself.

" Let's get some fresh air and see the church.", saying this to herself she put came near the door, put her hand on the handle, and opened it.

" What the hell. It's night already? " she spoke loudly to the dark corridor and moonlight coming in from outside.

" How long was I sleeping? ", she again questioned.

" Long enough to see the moonlight meet and greet you in person. " a rich voice came from the end of the corridor surprising her.

Gradually reducing the distance between her he came towards her in that moonlight. He took every step without faltering. He knew how many steps it would take to come. He knew this place by heart. And he closed the distance between him and her. Leaving her speechless for a minute. Standing close enough to see the orange and blue shade in her eyes and admire the fire in her. But leaving a foot distance to not invade her personal space.

" Good evening", he said in a deep voice and rhythmically greeting her.

" Good evening....uh...." she left the sentence incomplete.

" Jasper " he completed it for her.

" Yeah, Jasper."

"how are you? "

" Are you alright? "

" Me, why? "

" Nope. I mean you hit your head, and you can't remember anything, are you feeling alright now."

" Oh yeah, I forgot about that. "

" I'm just getting used to this memory loss thing ", she chuckled.

" Sometimes losing is another form of gaining. If you lost your old memories then you have a chance to make some new ones. Do you want to make some new memories? " he asked the girl standing in front of her wearing blue n white in the moonlight. It made her appear pure and he didn't dare to impure her. He promised himself.