Fight 3

Seeing 100 puppets running toward them. Naruto uses his signature jutsu. "Shadow clone jutsu"


Five Hundred shadow clones of naruto appeared. "Divided into groups with five members each. One of them uses Rasengan and the front four protect the clone which uses Rasengan. Destroy all puppets." Naruto said to his clones.

"We know your plan. You don't need to say it. You forgot we are you" A CLONE SAID.

"WHY should I do this?do yourself." Another clone said.

"If we solve all the puppets, then what's your job" clone number 200 said.

"Just because we are clones you can't give us an order," Number 500 said.

Hearing the complaints of his clone blue vein appeared on his forehead. "SHUT UP"

"Focus on the opponent"

Naruto's shadow clones are split into groups. Five clones in each group. Four clones in the front and one in the back. Divided into 100 groups rushing towards 100 puppets of sasori.

"Rasengan," 100 shadow clones said in unison. Facing the Rasengan of naruto sasori 100 puppets were destroyed.

"Light beam Gear 2".Naruto wanted to sneak attack sasori with his light beam. But when light beam will attack sasori, sasori vanished into some kind of spiral rotation.

Seeing this scene naruto knew what is this trick called. 'Kamui'

Naruto uses his observation haki to know the whereabouts of sasori and Obito. But to his surprise, he can't sense them in his range.

'Maybe they are in the Kamui space. But why did Obito saves sasori'

In the Kamui space,

"Who are you" seeing the masked man in front of him sasori asked.

"Senpai I am Tobi.New member of akatsuki."

"Why did you bring me here"

"Oh senpai, I thought you were in danger. The yellow-haired boy uses some kind of powerful jutsu to attack you, senpai. So I bring you here in this space."

Hearing this sasori looked at Tobi "Don't say this again or you will die"

"Oh, senpai I was just following orders.Deidara senpai is dead. so it will be difficult to catch three tails from the lake. so the mission failed.''

"I can still kill that nine tails boy"

"Senpai, let's go and meet the leader first".

"Ok".After exiting Kamui space Obito and sasori were walking in the opposite direction of where the fight occurred.

'Maybe we should capture nine tails first' Obito thought. After watching the fight Obito thinks if more time is given it will be troublesome to defeat nine tail jinchuriki.


"Deidara is dead."A black and white creature said to the masked man in front of him.

"What, how?"

"Nine tails jinchuruki killed him and if you don't hurry up sasori will also end up dying."


"Kurama can you feel three tails here"

"Yes. But it should be deep in the lake"

"Well, the mission is complete then.''

'I should start learning funjutsu' Naruto thought.

"Let's go sakura"


Asuma and his team were running in the forest. Their destination is kirigakure.

After Naruto and sakura went on the mission, Tsunade always feel some bad presumption. So for safety, she sent Asuma and his team to assist naruto.

"sensei, what is the mission," Ino asked Asuma.

"We have to assist Naruto and sakura in their mission"

Hearing naruto's name and thinking about how he kissed her that night ino blushed a little.

This scene couldn't escape from Shikamaru's eyes. 'Surely girls are troublesome' Shikamaru thought.


Sakura was looking at naruto trying to ask him something. But in the end, she didn't ask. From this mission, she understands how powerful Naruto was. In this mission, Basically, she didn't play any role. And the boy whom she used to make fun was saved her in this mission. First Sasuke left the village because he wanted to get stronger. Now Naruto was stronger after coming from his training. In team seven, she basically plays the role of soya sauce.

'NO, I have to get stronger'


'Can't even defeat sasori. How I am gonna kill Kaguya. Forget Kaguya, First I have to defeat pain, Obito. I was too confident before. But this fight opened my eyes. Firstly I should learn more jutsu and I should buy a chakra nature from the system. Talking about jutsu can't I just create them. I remember, I created a passive skill when I first came here. But after that, I didn't create any more skills.'

while thinking about this naruto saw sakura was trying to ask him something but in the end, she didn't ask.

" Do you want to say something " Hearing Naruto's question sakura said

" Why do you behave rudely with me "

"Oh, it's pretty simple. Because you are weak, And another reason is that you behave pretty badly in the past with me. So I am just giving you back."

Hearing this sakura speed up and get in front of naruto.

'WELL, she got a nice ass though'


In a random area,

A figure was laying down. He is inside of some kind of circle. From the other perspective, it looks like he is doing some kind of ritual.

"It's been thirty minutes. Are you done yet ,Hidan?''A voice asked.

They were wearing the same robe as sasori and Deidara.

"Fuck you, don't disturb me while doing the ritual kakuzul"

"You drive me nuts with this crap,"kakuzu said.

"It annoys me, too, but the commandments are very clear!" Hidan said to kakuzu.

"Hurry up complete your ritual.WE have to give this body to black market for money"

[A/N: should I kill Asuma!]