Fight 4

In the forest, 4 people were running, Their destination was naruto and sakura. They were undoubtedly members of team 10.

"Sensei, do you know what kind of mission it is?" A blonde girl asked

"They had gone to kirigakure for some secret information, so we have to reach there fast" Asuma answered and then he took out one cigarette from his.

"What a drag'' A pineapple head boy lazily said.

"Munch" "munch" a certain fatso eating chips.

Seeing her ino thought ' what kind of team is this'

Shikamaru notices two figures coming toward them. Seeing that they were wearing black robes with flower prints .shikamaru stopped and said "sensei"

"Yes, I see them Shikamaru "

Seeing the seriousness of these two choji stopped eating his chips. "Who are they," ino asked.

"They are from an organization called Akatsuki," Asuma said.

"It's troublesome to meet them," Shikamaru said. Being a chunin himself Shikamaru knows a little about this organization called Akatsuki.

ASUMA and his group stopped seeing the Akatsuki duo.

At this time, kakuzu and Hidan also notice four of them.

"Haha, more sacrifice for Lord jashin" Hidan said.

" sarutobi Asuma, Bounty: 40 million''

"Shut up kakuzu. He will be sacrificed for lord jashin first,"

"SWISH, SWISH" a chakra blade was thrown toward them. sensing the blade both kakuz and Hidan takes a few steps back.

"Here I thought, I can injure one of you with my chakra blade," Asuma said while puffing smoke from his mouth. [Dumbass Asuma trying to act cool in front of his student lol].

"You will be sacrificed for lord jashin," Hidan said pointing his scythe towards Asuma. AND ADDED "Kakuzu don't interferon these battles"

Hidan rushed towards Asuma with his triple-bladed scythe. Asuma looked at Shikamaru, sensing the gaze of his sensei Shikamaru know what he have to do.

Unknown to Hidan Shikamaru manipulate his shadow.

Hidan waves his scythe to gaze at a part of Asuma. He only needs a small drop of blood from his enemy. Asuma easily dodged it.

"Not bad but how long can you avoid it" saying this Hidan tries to wave his scythe again but to his surprise, he can't do that. "What happened" At this time Shikamaru said

"Shadow manipulation complete" saying this Shikamaru looked at ino, "Ino, do it"

Ino was ready all along to do her technique. "Mind-body switch technique".

Seeing his student's success Asuma quickly uses his chakra blade. He aims at Hidan's heart.

At this time kakuzu was watching their battle. He disdainfully said, "Losser, can't defeat these small characters. This is the last time I will help you". Saying these kAkuzu looked at Shikamaru and "water style: water bullet jutsu"

Shikamaru losses his shadow mimic because he has to avoid this jutsu.At this ino also losses her control over hidans mind.ASUMA was close to attacking HIDAN'S heart at this time Hidan regain control over his body. Seeing asuma attack his heart, Hidan didn't do anything to stop him.

When the chakra blade pierced Hidan's heart asuma said, "Finally one down".But to his surprise, Hidan didn't react when he was attacked. At this time Hidan attack asuma with his scythe. sensing this asuma hurriedly tries to avoid it.

Asuma successfully avoided the scythe hitting his vital point but it still gazes at his arm. Hidan retracted his scythe. On the scythe, there is a drop of blood of asuma.

Hidan takes out the blade from his heart "Fuck it's hurt. My body is immortal but it still fucking hurt."

Blood was dripping out from Hidan's chest But there is no fatigue on his face.

Seeing this scene Shikamaru said, " sensei, from the tone of his talking, seems like his body is immortal"

Hearing This Asuma nodded,

"Is this kind of thing possible" Ino asked.

"There are many things in this ninja world that don't make sense, well that's a topic for another day focus on the enemy," Shikamaru said.

Hidan uses his blood, from a circle for his ritual. Then he looked at the asuma and said "Ritual shall begin. Let's experience the ultimate pain together"

Hidan cuts his leg with his scythe. At this time asuma felt a sudden pain in his left leg.

Blood coming out from his leg seeing this scene ino shouted "sensei"

"I AM OKAY," Asuma said to his students. Shikamaru looked at Hidan trying to figure it out. Seeing Hidan standing in the circle Shikamaru cracked Hidan's technique

"It's not in the vital point. But this kind of pain is the pain. So where should I attack you now"

Hidan said laughingly.

"Should I attack you in the heart" saying these Hidan aim toward his heart, when he will cut his heart at this moment his hand stops. Looking at the shadow under him Hidan was angry "fuck, not again"

Seeing this scene Asuma gets up and rushed toward Hidan with his injured leg. 'This time I will aim towards your head' Just when he will be successful kakuzu makes his move. "Water style: water dragon technique" A dragon rush toward Shikamaru. seeing the water dragon rush toward them choji uses his body expansion jutsu to stop it from attacking Shikamaru.

Water dragon hits choji severely. " choji" ino shouted. choji was severely injured. Ino was trying to help choji to recover with her mystic palm. Never in her dream did she thinks that there will be a day like this happening. Her sensei was severely injured, and her teammate was injured. She felt so powerless today. She regraded why she don't know some powerful elemental jutsu.

[A/N: Hey guys author here, I was thinking about dropping this fic because of my messed-up system

and power level. well, that's why the chapter was late. I will try to fix the system and power level. Honestly, the only thing I regretted is to give naruto the power of Kira Kira no mi.

I know my grammar has some problems but I am trying to improve it. what to do I am a bad student hehe.

Anyway, I will not drop it. if you guys like this story or even dislike it ; leave a review.]