In the arena, Guihu Luixing was in a bad situation.
Hector had a great defense and his offence should be equally or even more dangerous. Gravebreaker Method was already showing it's advantages. By discarding everything else, one could obtain maximum proficiency on what they were naturally excellent at.
Not wanting to give Guihu Luixing to recover, Hector was the one who attacked this time.
His attacks were done big in big arcas, slow, but powerful and with a lot of momentum.
As soon as Guihu Luixing started avoiding the first move, he had to keep evading every subsequent move. He wasn't given s chance to counteract.
Hector sent out a vertical kick. Guihu Luixing evaded, but the power of the kick was so high, that when it hit the ground it created a shockwave that sent Guihu Luixing back a few steps.
He suffered more damage, if things stayed like this, it was just a matter of time until he was defeated.
'Why is there so much difference between us? Even though Brother Schmitt's control is at the highest level, shouldn't my control over all elements gime and edge? Wait!'
Thinking of a plan, Guihu Luixing made use of Hector's attack to build some distance between them.
"Oh, did you come up with a plan, Brother Guihu?" Hector was constantly observing Guihu Luixing, so he obviously noticed his change in expression.
"Just a little trick. I don't know if it'll work." Guihu Luixing answered.
Not wasting time he ran towards Hector who was also approaching him.
The moment Hector's attack was about to connect.
Hector suddenly felt his connection to the elements quickly fading. Before he could make sense of what was going on, however, the attacks already connected.
This time though, Hector eas sent back flying, while Guihu Luixing was unaffected.
"Kuf...Kuff, kuff. Wha... What happened?'" asked Hector, visibility surprised.
"Like I said, just a minor trick." answered Guihu Luixing. Of course he would not tell him how ye did that, they were still in the middle of a battle.
'A good strategy, Young Master. Using the other elements besides the Gold Element and Earth Element to surround him before the attack to suddenly cut him out of his energy reserves.'
Obviously, Niko noticed how Guihu Luixing managed to do such feat, but it was like Guihu Luixing said, it was just a minor trick, if Hector discovered the problem, next time it wouldn't be so easy to replicate.
A second clash happened, with similar results. This time, however, Hector seemed to discover what happened.
"Kuff...kuff... Brother Guihu truly is clever. I nevet though of doing something like that. Next time won't be so easy though."
This was the main weakness of the Qi Interaction Realm, dependence on external energy. The Qi they used, were not theirs, so it could be easily blocked by others, disabling their strength.
Even though it would not work anymore, Guihu Luixing wasn't worried. He already managed to think of another plan and management to deal two heavy blows on Hector. His victory was practically assured.
Hector once again circulated Qi around himself. He was not going to let Guihu Luixing easily block thr flow this time. He was paying even more attention to the surrounding Qi. As soon as he detect Guihu Luixing trying yo cut him off, he would secure a connection.
His worries were for nothing, however, as Guihu Luixing wasn't planning on using the same strategy a third time. Instead, when they were about to collide, he changed the composition of the Qi surrounding his limbs.
His right arm started emitting fiery sparks, while his left started emanating the scent of grass. Taken aback by the sudden, unexpected change, once gain, Hector couldn't react on time.
Guihu Luixing's right fist tore a hole through his defences and landed on his shoulder, while the left hand barely managed to deflect his fist.
Hector was once again sent flying. This time however, he didn't manage to get up
He was in no condition to stand up easily.
"Winner: Guihu Luixing!" Announced Niko.
Niko, then checked more closely Hector's state. Though he was a bit battered, he wasn't in any danger and his wounds should heal in a day or two.
Surprising everyone, however, the tall kid managed to slowly get up.
"Brother Guihu is truly amazing. I had no chance at all." he said while looking at Guihu Luixing.
"I think that you're the amazing one. I certainly wouldn't be able to stand in your state. Also, I won by surprise attacks. Next time it won't go as smoothly." Guihu Luixing answered.
"A win is a win." Hector shook his head. "But next time, I won't lose."
"Let's continue." Announced Niko.
Guihu Luixing fighted two more times. Once against Yewan Meiling and another against Zhao Feng.
Zhao Feng, was in the Mid Phase Qi Interaction Realm, so instead of a spar, it was more a guidance from Guihu Luixing. Yewan Meiling, however, gave everyone a surprise.
She already had three Entry Phase Qi Interaction Realm ghosts under her control. This is specially amazing if you take in consideration that she shouldn't be able to control even a single one in her realm, much less achieve it in a week. This showed how much talent she had in controlling ghosts.
The fight was a bit tricky, but not difficult. Guihu Luixing had to arrive next to Yewan Meiling in order to defeat her. The ghosts certainly made that very difficult, as his fists couldn't hurt them, but they could hurt him.
He had to make a dust cloud by kicking the ground in order to escape the ghosts controled by Yewan Meiling and blitz her with all his speed. The battle ended with that, with another won for Guihu Luixing.
After that, it was Guihu Luixing's turn to observe and the others' turn to fight.
Using the chance, Guihu Luixing used his Fate Agent Eyes on them, in order to detect try completing his mission.
The results surprised him.
With the exception of Guihu Luixing, that hadn't a role defined by fate, and could assume any role, and Diego Mattos, that was a [Regular], all the other children were pillars!
And Hector wqs showing clear signs of a [Fated], he was simply needing an opportunity to fully transit in his new role.
Guihu Luixing didn't need to think much to find what was that opportunity. The competition in less than a month.
If Guihu Luixing himself was aiming for a chance to participate, why couldn't others as well? Specially someone like Hector, who clearly had the talent to do so?
[This is a good opportunity.]
[You have received a new mission. Would you like to see it now?]
'Another one? Aren't that too many? I'll see it now.'
[Mission N. 9 Fated
Yiu have identified someone in your surroundings to have the possibility of becoming a [Fated]. In order to become one they need a good opportunity be it an inheritance, a special bloodline or a treasure. Make sure the [Fated] candidate can acquire theirs. Make him earn the headmaster's reward.
Prize: Heavenly Rune Manual (Beginning)
Penalty: Candidate turned into [Regular]
Time limit: 3 months.]
'So basically, I manage to turn a pawn into a queen, or lose it altogether.'
Guihu Luixing immediately started making plans.