This is just an idea I had that I found interesting.
I am the cookie monster.
3 years ago
Are you gonna stop this fanfic after a few chapters like your other ones?
Your fanfics are good you just don't continue them and leave them after a few chapters. So please don't get my hopes up if you are gonna break them again.
3 years ago
Tolong lanjutkan membuat bab selanjutnya kumohon karna fanfiction ini sangat bagus, semoga beruntung...... Zaa zazazazazazazaazzazzazazazazazazazazazaazazzaazazzazzazazazazazazazaazzazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazzazazazaazazazaz
3 years ago
Good first chapter, unfortunately there is not much chapters yet so hopefully it can upload fast. There is much potential for a slice of life content.
This is just an idea I had that I found interesting. I am the cookie monster.
Are you gonna stop this fanfic after a few chapters like your other ones? Your fanfics are good you just don't continue them and leave them after a few chapters. So please don't get my hopes up if you are gonna break them again.
Tolong lanjutkan membuat bab selanjutnya kumohon karna fanfiction ini sangat bagus, semoga beruntung...... Zaa zazazazazazazaazzazzazazazazazazazazazaazazzaazazzazzazazazazazazazaazzazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazzazazazaazazazaz
Good first chapter, unfortunately there is not much chapters yet so hopefully it can upload fast. There is much potential for a slice of life content.
interesting.............................................. ... ................................................................. ............
need more chapter, Author~ .............
Love it! Though we only have two chps, it really got me hooked! I hope you continue to write and don't drop. Your really amazing author.