Initiation of the true war. Russia vs Nemesis part -2

"What happened to them ?" Alina asked. The man looked at her with a severe expression and started breathing heavily. "After going inside the cave they didn't return for more than 10 hours. Other villagers were worried about them so they sent a small search party inside that cave. But not even they came back until....."

"ouch!" Alina moved her hand again around the part where the bottle struck her head. "What happened to you..... Sorry, I am really sorry for hitting you" The man apologised. "Don't, whatever you did was for self-defence purposes. you don't have to feel sorry for that."

"Ok then let's continue, after 2 days they returned ."

"Who returned? Search Party or The village head " Alina interrupted the man and asked.

"Everyone " The man looked straight into her eyes. "The village head and his companions and the search party as well. After they returned their families were overjoyed. After questioning they said the cave is like a maze and because of this they lost their way and it took time to locate the exit. But who knew that this marks the beginning of the calamity. As soon as they arrived at the village some weird things started to happen in the village. Maybe I was the only one who noticed but their expressions they were completely fake."

"What do you mean by fake?" Alina asked.

"Like programmed robots. " The man answered.

"Robots" Alina murmured to herself in surprise.

"One by one each and every man in the village turned into a robot. From their way of waking to eating and even sleeping was like someone programmed them that way. But then something mysterious happened. One day after doing my job I came inside my house and went to sleep. At midnight I heard screams around the village. I got out of my house and head up to check out the village with a gun in my hand just in case. Apparently, the whole village was being ravaged by some mysterious creature. It was a truly terrifying sean My legs froze at that point. When that thing looked at me. "

"Were those creatures that terrifying ?" Alina asked.

"I was terrified by them, I accept that but another thing was twice as terrifying one of those aliens and an abnormal giant man around 9ft in height with huge mussels was also there. I don't know what it was but was definitely not a human or one of those creatures or those aliens in the news. It was something new entirely like a huge mutated muscular man. " The man started shaking in terror.

"Wait were there more than 1 alien species who attacked us? Even the tallest person ever recorded was 8'11. The world needs to know about this ASAP. This could help in the war of existence. We must do whatever we can in order to save the world " Alina thought to herself.

Slam! somebody opened the door of the house. "Alina, can't you hear me? It's time to move out." Ivan barged into the house in anger son he realised that on his left a survivor was shivering in cold in the corner. "A survivor" Ivan murmured but his voice was still audible to everyone in the room.

"Sir, this survivor this man knows something about those aliens there might be a chance that we might have gotten attacked by more than one alien species at the same time. And we might now have an idea why they are kidnaping all the men from around the world." Alina said that in one breath.

"Hmm.... Ok fall me and bring that survivor with you I will inform the H.Q about this and ask for a helicopter to take him there."

"Understood sir," Alina Responded and moved towards the survivor and asked, "Can you stand on your own?". The survivor nodded and stood up. "ok now let's move out" Alina said to Ivan.

As soon as Alina crossed the door of the house after Ivan they heard a loud cracking noise and she looked around. "What the fu.." Alina saw something very terrifying two hands came out from the floor and grabbed the legs of the survivor and tried to pull him down. Suddenly the wooden floor beneath cracked and his whole lower body was now under the floor. Suddenly Alina grabbed his hand in time and pulled him with full strength.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH..." The man screamed. Alina pulled him by utilizing the strength of a single cell in her body. "What the hell is going on here??!!" Ivan came running and grabbed his other hand and pulled him with full strength. They were successfully pulling him out but suddenly Ivan get glims of the thing which was pulling the survivor (It was a nemesis but since Ivan don't know anything about them he was not mentally prepared) and lost his grip on the survivor's hand for just a second.

But this was enough time for the nemesis to pull him and with a sudden pull the nemesis pulled the man down in the darkness. "Sh!t" Ivan pulled out his AK which was on his back and started firing like a madman until he half empties the magazine. "Fuɔʞ!" Ivan looked straight into the hole which pulled the survivor down for a few minutes and then looked at Alina.

"Alina I know this is not the time but I just want to tell you that I am proud of you and I always will be. I might not be your father but I always looked at you as my daughter." Ivan said that with a heavy tone.

Ivan turned around and moved outside the house and murmured to himself "Even if I had a daughter I fought that she might be just as brave as you." . "What was that just now I never saw him this worried and what with that speech. I bet he was whatever he said at that moment he was scared." Alina thought to herself. "Alina, meet me in the centre of this turned-apart village in 30min. More precisely that frozen fountain over there". "Yes Sir" Alina responded.

"What was that sensation just now? I never felt like it before is this what parents' love towards their children feels like? " Alina looked down at her feet and asked herself. After a few seconds, she looked at the sky and thought "Then if what I felt were care and love then why..why his voice was full of sorrow and sadness. What the saw in that hold over there. Was that this terrifying for him? "

Around half an hour later the squad members gathered around the fountain. they were 15 in total including Ivan and Alina (Excluding dogs). "Everyone here?" Ivan asked. "No sir Alina is missing" one soldier replied. "Where is she ?' Ivan asked everyone in the group. "Here," Ivan turned around. It was the voice of Alina.

"Sorry I am late, I was gathering the dogs they went too far hunting a bird ". Alina came with the dogs and joined her squadmates.

"hmm...." Ivan looked at her and then turned around in the position he was in before her arrival. Looking at all his squadmates. "Soldiers, it's time to discuss our strategies. As you have known a survivor of this village was found in that house outside of the village where he was dragged out by some Alien creature. He witnessed everything that happened here. As Alina's report suggested about his statements and claims, they were very horrifying. As much as you don't want to believe it. Anyways we have sent this report about what we have found. Now it's up to us to collect more intel." Ivan pulled his bag out and put it on the ground.

"Here take these." Ivan pulled out a bunch of night vision goggles from his bag. "Well these goggles, as you know are night vision goggles and you know their purpose. In addition, they also have cameras in them so whatever we see will now directly be sent to the H.Q. Furthermore please change the frequency of your air piece to this ". Ivan pulled out a paper from his pocket and showed it to everyone and everyone adjusted their air piece. "Good, now we are directly in contact with H.Q. It's time to move to the second stage of the plan."

"Have you placed the explosives correctly?" Ivan asked the granny. "Of course! It's been 30 years since I am doing this there is no chance that my explosives would not work.". "Glad to hear it, NOW brothers and sisters it's time to move. Let's show the world how much capable We Russians are " Ivan boosted their spirit.

"Right!!" Everyone shouted in unison.