Initiation of the true war. Russia vs Nemesis part -3


2 warriors were going toe to toe with each other. The planet on which they were clashing was now unrecognizable the entire planet was now red like a star. Volcanos surrounding them erupt at the same time. Not in just the place they were fighting but on the entire planet. From every single place, lava flows out in the middle of this 2 warriors fought each other, avoiding lava and with killing intent in eyes of both the warriors.

"You bastard, you betrayed me. You want all this power for your own. You greedy fuɔʞing dwarf " An elf shouted wearing golden shiny armour, she looked like an angel whom everyone idolised.

"Wooh.. watch your mouth Racie$t, if you got guts then fight me here on the ground. Besides this battle is going on for more than 24 hours now you would be out of fuel just about... 5...4...3...2.... NOW!!" a dwarf in silver armour similar to that of the elf was saying on a plane surrounded by a river of lava.

As soon as the dwarf said now the wings of the elf stopped functioning "Sh!t !!!". The elf falls on her back just about 20 meters away from the dwarf. "You know I am the one who made all those blades. I know everything about them and also about that person who helped me create the best of the best weapons in my forge. It's the dream of every dwarf to create a weapon superior to anyone or anything in existence. HA HA HA.." The dwarf chuckled a bit and started moving towards the elf who fell down with a huge battle hammer in his hand.

"Reteri remember, what I invented was metrical, what I ordered was a fabrication, but what you forged was destruction." The armour of the elf and dwarf showed how much they fought within 24 hours. Scratches and dents were everywhere but there was a catch, the Blades of Reteri were capable of repairing themselves over time it only takes 15 days of cooldown to do that. This was not even the crazy part because within 24 hours they fought the destroyed 3 galaxies and 12 solar systems (Solar systems of those 3 galaxies not included). The only thing that remains in at this battlefield is the light of a red star and the remains of destroyed planets.

Both of them advanced towards each other and closed the distance. The dwarf moved his hammer horizontally with all his might but the elf used her mechanical wings to do a high jump at the same time and kicked the face of Reteri. The dwarf lost his balance for a bit and stepped backwards "Wo ho ho.. Tuka you have changed a bit, do ya. If I were in your position, I would have saved every bit of mana just to power that suit and run away. Because I know who would win this battle.". "I am not like you!!" Tuka attacked Reteri with high speed and full force and closed the gap within milliseconds. But before she could hit him Reteri hit Tuka by moving his hammer vertically and launched her in the air.

Using even the last bit of replenished mana of hers, Tuka used her wings for a soft landing but the landing was still not that smooth. Tuka coughed blood from her mouth and saw her smashed chest plate and thought "After all those attacks this thing only has scratches on it. If it weren't for this armour I would have died 1000 times now ". Tuka got up, and both of them looked straight into each other's eyes and moved one step at a time, moving towards each other and increasing their speed with each step until they were running and both of them prepared to kill each other. Tuka used the last bit of her mana to jump higher then Reteri's height and prepared to smash his face with her last punch. At the same time, Reteri moved his hammer from up to down in order to smash Tuka...

Before they could collide the red star busted and a light covered the entire battlefield blinding everyone....


In Akari's apartment, Rakesh was sitting on a bed and Akari was putting pins & threads on a board like a detective in movies. She looked dead serious doing that.

"What you are doing?" Rakesh asked

"Aiming for a big fish" Akari replied.

"Ok I don't think I get it tho "

"You don't need to its something personal"

"Ok, well Akari what I really wanted to ask was this, What is this mana and I have it? " Rakesh asked.

"Well, are you familiar with the term Magic?" Akari asked back insted of replying.

"Well yes"


"Movies and books"

"And any idea how they got the idea"


"Well I am not sure myself but even in ancient records stuff like Magic was possible and the only possible explanation is that somehow we forgot or were forced to forget about magic."

Rakesh looked down and murmured "Make sense"

"So how long do I have to say here," Rakesh asked again.

"Until we receive our next order" Akari replied.

"So what you have been doing all this time? I mean look at that board. It looks like a detective searching for a criminal "

"Well, I am searching for someone for quite a while now. Hay Rakesh will you help in my own mission until we receive our next orders?"

"Haan? But I am not much of a fighter actually."

"Hmmm... you don't have to fight actually. You just need to stay alive and observe me. Watch and learn how to fight. "

"Ok if you say so"

"Great! also please buy a complete medical kit before going there I bet we may need that"

"Sure but there is a bit of a problem"

"Haan.. What is it?"

"Well actually I don't know Japanese actually"

"Idiot I have been talking to you in Japanese all this time. How could you forget Liam gave you a passive grimoire didn't he? You practically know every language mentioned in that book. And I think it was an S+ grade so you already know almost all the popular universal languages including Common. "

"Haan really, But wait what is, common?"

"Well as you know there are multiple languages on earth, in fact, this plant holds the record of the plant will the most languages but English is the common language in every county. Just like that, the universe required a langue to understand each other. Since the Elfs were one of the oldest species to ever exist their language 'common' was established as the language of the universe and it is compulsory to learn if you want to survive in this never-ending infinite universe."

"Aah.. now I get it "

"Relax there is a lot to learn about the universe so take it slowly"

"You are right"

<< Somewhere in Russia >>

"Sir we found the entrance. It is just as you described in the reports sir. Its walls are made up of metal of some kind." 2 soldiers came running towards Ivan. Snowflakes fell all around the hill, the sean was just like a sean out of a fairy tale. The dogs were running around Alina and enjoying the beauty of the snow. "prekrati to" Alina was trying to gather all her dogs in one place but their faces of excitement said all they wanted to play more.

"Prepare yourself soldiers now we are going to enter the Enemy's stronghold. We can expect some unknown and mysterious creatures there. Our efforts are going to determine the future of our land and our people, No actually let me correct myself our efforts could determine the fate of our world. Everything we know, everything we love, we will lose all of it if we don't succeed today."

Everyone was standing as stiff as a statue of stone listing Ivan's speech. It was even surprising for them to see their leader look so serious.

"Do you understand me?" Ivan asked via shouting.

"YES SIR!" every soldier in unison.

"Do you believe in me"


"Do you trust me"


"Good now let's roll out."


Ivan and his team entered the cave on the top of the hill carrying their weapons in their hand. they moved inside around 100 meters inside the cave and reached a dead end.

"Wait what?" One Soldier.

"This is a wall." Another Soldier.

"Relax Soldiers there must be a waaa...." Liam tried to calm them but suddenly the floor started glowing. It was because one of the dogs of Alina pulled a ball-like object floating in that area. It was dark and that ball blended so well in the environment that it was impossible to distinguish it from the wall even with their Night vision goggles. But animals are animals. Suddenly a door slammed closed behind them and everyone got a bit panicked. The room lit up and soon started going down like an elevator.

"Granny, I seriously hope your explosives work," Alina asked with a scared look on her face.

"Don't worry I have planted so many bombs from the village to the opening of this cave that if I pull the trigger then no one would be able to finger out this there was even a hill like a hill ever existed in this area"

Suddenly the elevator stopped and a gate opposite to the gate which was closed before opened and they saw a lot of truly horrifying creatures in front of them in huge tubes like a laboratory.....