"Everyone on this planet, at some point in their lives, has had a major case of the feels... Those days when your heart is just too small to hold the big things you're feeling." Barry says as he was zooming around town, helping people in all sorts of ways, even for small things. He zooms in between a couple and leaves a vase with daisies on their table, making their day. "Today's one of those days. We think of our emotions like they're these unique, personal phenomena, that no one has ever felt what we have felt." Barry zooms towards a painter and paints the building for them, saving them so much time and on the way to Jitters he pushes a couple closer together.
"There is a basis in science for every emotion we feel... Anger, love. As a scientist, I know there's nothing magical about what makes us feel something for someone else…" Barry says as he zooms to Jitters and sees Atchaco hanging out with Iris, smiling, laughing and all in all having a good time. "But then I see her smile." Barry stopped moving for a second as he looked at Atchaco. "Man, that cannot be science."
On the other side of town, at the Gold City Bank in Central City, a man in a long trench coat with sunglasses walked through the door. "Sir? Help you with something?" A security guard asked.
"Thanks." The man tells him as he turns to face him. He takes off his sunglasses and his eyes turn red. "I'll be just fine on my own." The security guard's eyes turn red, so does the eyes of everyone that was looking at him.
"Sir, you're not allowed to be back here." A bank clerk said as the robber walked towards the vault. He looks at her with his red tinted eyes, her eyes turn red in an instant.
"Nothing to get upset about." He tells her as he passes her. Behind him everyone was fighting each other as he walked into the vault unaffected. So as he stole everyone from the vault everyone was fighting and trying to kill each other, with no reason to do so.
Macanese had caught up with where Barry was running, and they both zoomed around the city. "Barry, Macanese, bank robbery in progress at Cunningham and Sampere." Cisco told them.
"We got it." They replied in sync.
"Wait, that's where I bank." Caitlin stated.
"Once super thieves showed up, I went mattress." Cisco informed them, looking at Caitlin.
Back at the bank, the metahuman had finished robbing the place of everything of worth, he snuck out just as a woman picked up a gun and fired at someone. But, luckily, Macanese and Barry zoomed in just in time to move and object in front of the guy the bullet was aimed at. The bullet hits the sigh just as everyone snaps out of the trance they were in. Macanese and Barry watched from above at what happened before they quickly took off.
At Eddie's house, he and Iris were making out when Eddie pulled away and sighed. "I've already missed the gym." He sighs.
"Ugh, no. Five more minutes. Come on, we never get to sleep in." Iris complains.
"I know." Eddie replies. "But your dad hates tardiness. Buzzkill?"
"The buzziest." Iris answers as she picks up her laptop and sees that there was a new post. "Another picture of The Flash and Thunder came in. See?" She turned the laptop around so Eddie could see.
"Those red and violet blurs? How do you know that wasn't photoshopped?" Eddie question.
"It wasn't." Iris argued. "It's not a hoax or a mass hallucination. You know, every day, someone new accepts the impossible and believes in him. Why can't you?"
"I believe in what I can see…" Eddie replies as he gets closer to her. "What I can touch... What I can feel. Which means I believe in you." They give each other a quick little kiss.
Later at the bank, CyAmze and Barry walk towards Joe at the crime scene inside. "Hey." Barry greeted.
"Busy morning. Witnesses reported seeing a red streak and a violet one?" Questioned Joe.
"Joe, you should have seen it. It was like everybody in here was trying to kill each other." CyAmze informed him.
"We got here just in time." Barry told him.
"Well, it must've been a diversion, because there's 1/2 million bucks missing from the vault. There's a tracer in the cash stacks. We're trying to find the signal. Meantime, any idea what could've caused such mass... This?" Joe said, with a lack of a better way to describe it.
"A neurotoxin, maybe." CyAmze replied.
"We're going to swab some surfaces, see what we can find, but I think maybe they got whammied." Barry told him.
"Did you just say 'whammied'?" Joe asked.
Meanwhile, Eddie was walking beside the woman who would have shot a guy, if it weren't for Barry. "I got so angry. I can't believe I did that. I would never hurt anybody. You have to believe me." She begged.
"I do." Eddie reassured her.
Later, Eddie was standing in Singhs office back in the precinct. "Something is happening in this city and everyone wants to pretend like it isn't, but it is, and I think we should do something about it." Eddie told him.
Singh didn't look like he was listening as he ate a big belly burger at his desk, getting food over him. "My boyfriend has decided we need to eat healthy at home, so work is now the only place I can eat what I like. Oh, I'm sorry, were you saying something, Detective?" He asked him.
"The Blurs, The Flash, Thunder, the man in the red suit… and the cyborg. Whatever they're called... They were spotted at the bank this morning." Eddie reminded him.
"You mean the bank that was robbed of 1/2 million dollars, where a dozen people tried to murder each other, and you think our attention should be focused on catching Santa Claus and his cyborg double?" Singh questioned.
"I can't explain how they get to and from crime scenes so fast. We need to figure out who these guys are and what they want." Eddie informed him.
"You should ask your girlfriend. She writes fanfiction about him." Singh laughed.
Eddie turns to face Joe with a defeated face. "Joe, help me out here." He begged.
"Sorry, partner." Joe apologised. I stopped believing in Santa when I was about eight."
CyAmze and Barry were standing outside Singh's office as they heard muffled arguing.
"Hey. What's going on in there?" Iris asked as she walked over to the two.
"I think Eddie's trying to convince the Captain that The Flash and Thunder are public menaces." Barry told her, his eyes not moving from the door.
"Excuse me?" Iris gasped, looking shocked. The door opens and Eddie walks out of the office and up to the three people standing there. "So after weeks of my trying to convince you that The Flash is real, now that you finally do believe me, you're trying to have him arrested? What the hell?"
"Thanks, Barry." Eddie says sarcastically as he glances at Barry.
"Sorry." Barry smiles.
"No worries." Eddie reassured. "The captain shot me down. Look, I'm not feeling like lunch. See you later."
"He's just jealous." Iris told them.
"Of who? The Flash? Should he be?" CyAmze asked, confused.
"No. I'll see you later." Iris answered as she walked away.
"Barry, CyAmze, you need to get to S.T.A.R. Labs." Joe said as he walked over to them.
"Yeah, we will. After I eat." Barry said as he spotted Singh's burger sitting on his desk and he smiled.
"What about me?" CyAmze asked. Barry sighed and zoomed into Singh's office and stole the burger.
Later, at STAR Laboratories. "Anger, hate, aggression." Wells says.
"A Jedi craves not these things." Cisco does a Yoda impression, a really good one at that. "No one is feeling that quote?"
"Everyone in the bank went total savage for, like, five minutes. And then they were fine again." Atchaco informs them.
"Anger can be a powerful emotion. If this meta-human can engender irrational feelings of anger in his victims, he can do a lot of damage." Wells reminds them.
"Detective West helped get a copy of the cat scans the hospital did on everyone at the bank. Take a look." Caitlin replies, placing a USB into one of the computers and showing the scan results on the monitors.
"Well, look at this, the emotion centres of the brain are still showing signs of being overwhelmed." Wells noticed.
"Particularly the area that controls executive function. That's the part of the brain that stops people from doing whatever random and potentially destructive thing that pops into their head." Caitlin informs them.
"Like what my AI can do." Atchaco points out. "He can do what my AI can do."
"Exactly." Cisco agrees.
"How do you think the meta does it to them?" Barry asks.
"That's the 1/2 million dollar question." Caitlin answers.
Suddenly Barry's phone vibrates and he picks it up to see that it is a message to the Flash from Iris. "Hey, if you guys figure it out, just give me a call, okay?" Barry tells them not looking up from the screen.
"Is The Flash off to another rooftop rendezvous with Iris?" Atchaco asked with a smile.
"No." Barry replies slowly, Atchaco gives him a questioning look. "Yeah, but she probably just wants to ask me... I mean, you know, him... about meta-human stuff for her blog."
"Do you want some advice?" Caitlin asks.
"No matter what I say, I'm getting the advice, right?" Barry sighed.
"Don't get involved. As The Flash or yourself." Caitlin tells him.
"You don't want to be the one to blame for their breakup." Atchaco reminds Barry.
"Okay. I hear you guys." Barry smiles, then second laters he whizzes out of the Cortex.
Later, inside Jitters, Iris was closing the place up when Barry shows up on the balcony and places Iris back on the ground. "Iris." Barry greets her.
"Flash." She returns. "It would be great to call you by your real name."
"You mean like Ralph?" Barry states.
"Is your name Ralph?" Iris questions.
"What did you want to see me about?" Barry asks.
"My boyfriend, he's…" Iris tried to say.
"Did you guys break up?" Barry says.
"No." Iris answered.
"Oh." Barry said.
"He's a cop and he thinks that you and Thunder are dangerous. And he's trying to convince his boss that you two are menaces that need to be stopped. I thought I should warn you. Anyways, you should probably go. You're not going." Iris told him.
"Barry, are you there?" Cisco says over Barry's earpiece.
"What?" Barry asks him.
"The police got a ping from the tracer hidden in the stolen cash. SWAT team's closing in on the 1600 block of Pass. Macanese is already on her way there." Cisco informed him.
"Now stop ruining Iris' love life and go." Caitlin ordered.
"I've gotta run." Barry apologised to Iris.
"I bet you say that to all the girls." Iris smirks.
"Only one." Barry tells her.
Somewhere in Central City, the metahuman was counting when he suddenly found the tractor. But, sadly for him, the police were already on their way to him. But by the time the SWAT team and Joe got to where the meta had previously been sitting, he was gone. "He always paid in cash. Never seemed like trouble." The landlord told them.
"He's on the move." Joe said.
They walked around the room until they finally spotted him, with his glasses off. "Freeze! Hold it right there!" The police shouted.
"Hands up." Joe ordered.
"Is there a problem, gentlemen?" The metahuman asked with a smile on his face.
"Certo." Joe said. The officer, Certo, walked over to the metahuman. "Turn around!" Joe yelled at him. The meta did as he was told and looked at Certo with his red eyes glowing. Certo suddenly stopped moving. "Certo, what are you waiting for? Cuff him!" Joe ordered.
"You don't tell me what to do." Certo, turning around to face Joe, pointing his gun at him. His eyes too were also red.
"Get down!" Joe orders as Certo pulls the trigger on his guns. The bullets were travelling towards Joe when Macanese and Barry zoomed in. Macanese pushes the other officers away as Barry pushes Joe out of the way, causing the bullets to hit the wall. Suddenly Certo gets shot with two arrows, one in each leg, and falls to the ground. Joe, Barry and Macanese turn around to see Oliver Queen, the Arrow, standing there in all his green, leather wearing, glory.
"Nice masks." Oliver told them, then he jumps from wall to wall and jumps out of the roof window as the others watch him leave with a smile on their faces.
Somewhere else at an abandoned shack, it was raining as Felicity and Diggle were standing outside, under some cover, eating food. "It's kinda comforting to know that no matter what city you go to, Big Belly Burger is always going to taste like Big Belly Burger." Felicity said.
"You mean full of grease and salt?" Diggle asked her.
"I thought those were the secret ingredients." Felicity chimes back. She lifts her head when she hears a motorcycle engine revving and sees Oliver riding up to them. "Oliver's back."
"By the way, we gave Oliver, like, a half hour head start." Barry said as he and Macanese arrived before him, toppling Diggle's fries over from the wind they created.
"Hi, Barry. Hi, Macanese." Felicity greeted them.
"Hey, Felicity." Macanese returned.
"How are you doing, Dig?" Barry asked.
"You're both fast." Diggle said, startled.
"Did you guys not tell him about us?" Barry asks.
"Seeing is believing, or... Drooling." Felicity chuckles. The others start to chuckle as Oliver gets off his bike and walks over to them.
"Hey, thanks for showing up back there, but we had that." Barry tells him.
"Uh-huh." Oliver grunted.
"What, I was getting ready to make my move." Barry complained.
"What move? The one to the morgue?" Oliver retorted.
"Wait, so what are you guys doing in Central City?" Macaese asked them.
"Working a case. Suspicious homicide in the styling where the murder weapon is a boomerang." Felicity told them as she takes out a plastic bag with a boomerang inside it.
"Cool. I mean, awful." Macanese corrects herself mid sentence.
"I found traces of iron oxide on it. I know it's a long shot, but Central City has the highest concentration of iron oxide in the country." Felicity reminded them.
"Did you know Australian aboriginals use boomerangs to hunt? Mainly on kangaroos, which is a surprisingly low-fat source of prot…" Barry clears his throat, as he doesn't want to make it awkward.
Oliver looks at him. "We were following up a lead when we heard the S.W.A.T. Raid over the radio, and I thought that I would come by... Watch you make your move." Oliver told them.
"I had a cousin get hit by lightning once. He just developed a stutter." Diggle said, not really catching onto the conversation.
"Huh. Well, my team and I are after a nasty meta-human who makes people angry." Barry informed them.
"Cool." Felicity smiles. Macanese laughs a bit at her reaction. "I mean, awful." Felicity corrects herself.
"Uh, well, since you guys are here, why don't we team up? I'll help you find your boomerang man, you can help me find my super rage-a-holic." Barry suggested.
"We'd love to." Felicity grinned.
"No, we'll handle our business and head home." Oliver said.
"The fastest way to find out everything we need to know about the boomerang is to stick S.T.A.R. Labs on it." Felicity reminded Oliver.
"Enough people know my secret identity." Oliver complained.
"Fine... I'll go." Felicity tells him. "They already know who I am. You can drop me off, and I will meet up with you later." She finishes as she starts to walk away.
Barry picks her up bridal style and smiles at her. "How 'bout I give you a lift?" He asks her and they zoom away.
Macanese turns towards the others. "So… it was nice meeting you again, Oliver." She turns to Diggle. "Nice getting to make you acquainted, Diggle. But now I must run." Then she disappears in a cloud of violet lightning.
Minutes later, Barry and Felicity arrive at STAR Labs before Macanese. "Oh!" Felicity looks shocked after her ride.
"So what'd you think?" Barry asks.
"I think…" She suddenly smells something off and looks down at her shirt to find that it was a light. "My shirt's on fire!" Her blouse was sizzling as Barry tried to help.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Barry apologised.
"I'm glad I decided not to go braless." Felicity gasped as she covered herself with her bag as Cisco and Caitlin walked in, and Macanese zoomed in as she reverted back to her civilian form.
"You guys remember Felicity?" Barry said when he realises that they aren't alone.
"I'll always remember this." Cisco chuckles as he is eating some licorice. Atchaco hurryingly picks up a STAR Labs sweatshirt and hands it to Felicity to save her from more embarrassment.
"Hi, Felicity, it's so good to see you. What brings you back to Central City? Not Barry?" Caitlin asks.
Barry and Felicity glance at each other and Barry diverted his eyes to Atchaco."No, not Barry. This? Not happening. We looked down that road and we said 'no, thank you.'" Felicity said quickly.
"They get it." Barry replied to Felicity.
"Actually, I'm here... because of this." Felicity takes the boomerang out of the bag and shows it to them.
"Awesome! What are the wings made of?" Cisco smiles as he takes it from her hand.
"Not sure... I'm thinking of some sort of composite or high-density plastic…" Felicity answers.
"Reinforced with carbon fibre. Oh, that's weird. It almost feels like it's…" Cisco starts to say.
"Vibrating." Felicity suggests.
"Yeah." Cisco agreed. "Oh, I wanna run some tests, and I wanna run 'em right now!" Then Cisco and Felicity quickly walk out of the room.
Barry smiles at them before turning to Caitlin. "Hey, you guys come up with anything new on our meta?" Atchaco asks.
"The officer who was affected tonight says he saw a flash of red before he lost control. I suspect the meta is inducing rage via the ocular nerve." Caitlin replies before turning to Barry. "Oh, Dr. Wells wants to see you."
"Did you do something wrong?" Atchaco questions Barry.
"I did nothing wrong… I hope." Barry answered.
"Why do I feel like I just got called into the principal's office?" Barry asked as he walked into the training room to find both Wells and Joe sitting there.
"Starling City vigilante." Joe replies.
"He calls himself 'The Arrow' now." Barry tells Joe.
"Oh, does he... 'Flash'?" Joe answered.
"Wait, what's the problem?" Barry questions.
"We don't trust him." Wells informs Barry.
"You guys don't even know him." Barry reminds them.
"I know that he was wanted for murder in at least 12 different cases dating back three years." Joe informs them.
"I know there's been at least two major terrorist attacks in Starling since he became active." Wells continues.
"All right, but the cops there are cool with him now. He doesn't kill people anymore." Barry replies.
|And what about all the criminals that he put arrows through? Those, what, don't count?" Joe asks.
"He's a hero, Joe." Barry answers.
"You're a hero, Barry." Joe replies. "You and Atchcaco are… you both offer protection, hope, light. What that man does is carry out a dark reckoning for his city. It is a brutal, violent vision of justice, one we do not share. You truly think he's a hero, fine, so be it. But he's not the kind you should be looking up to."
Suddenly there was a loud sound of glass shattering, followed by a loud clatter. Barry and Joe rushed in and saw the boomerang flying all around the place until it stopped, embedded in the wall. "That's my bad. That's on me." Cisco tells them.
A light bulb behind Joe falls and shatters. "I want that 'Arrow' out of my city. Tonight." Joe orders.
Later, Oliver was out patrolling while Diggle was sitting in a van, looking out for him. "I mean, do you think he can do everything really fast? I mean, like, how fast do you think they go to the bathroom after they've eaten something?" Diggle asks.
"This is you watching my back?" Oliver retorted.
"Well, the Mirakuru soldiers are one thing, but this…" Diggle tried to say.
"Whatever he can do now, he's still the same Barry we met last year." Oliver reminded him.
"Well, if you're so adamant against teaming up with him, what are we doing here?" Diggle questioned.
"They're good kids, and it's just a name, Diggle." Oliver replied as he busted open the door of a storage unit to a man sitting by a desk. "The man who rents this storage unit... I want... his... name." Oliver ordered as he pointed an arrow at the man. Hey.
The next day Barry and Atchaco walk into Jitters to see Felicity and Oliver sitting by one of the tables, where they had planned to meet them earlier, and walk over to them. "The bad guy that you're after, the one who robbed the bank, his name is Roy G. Bivolo." Oliver told them as they sat down.
"Uh, thanks. How did you find that out? The guy's still alive, right? I'm just asking." Barry asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
"I thought you didn't want to help." Atchaco asked.
"I'm not. It's just a name." Oliver answered.
"Alright." Barry replied.
"Hi." Iris says, walking up to them with two cups of coffee.
"Hey." Barry and Atchaco said in unison.
"Ooh!" Felicity says as Iris hands her a cup of coffee.
"One non-fat latte, extra sugar for Felicity, and one coffee, black, for Oliver. I brewed you a fresh pot, so…" iris tells them with a smile on his face.
"Thank you." Oliver smiled. Atchaco chuckles slightly at how Iris acted around Oliver.
"Yeah. Barry, Atchaco, um, can I talk to you for a second?" Iris asked.
"Yeah." Barry said.
"Okay. Bye." Iris says looking back at Oliver.
"Bye." He returns politely.
The three of them walk away from the other two and Iris grins as she smacks Barry on the shoulder. "Ow. What are you doing?" Barry asked her.
"You did not tell me that you knew Oliver Queen." Iris answers.
"I know Oliver Queen." Barry sighed.
"Oh, my God, he's even more handsome in person." Iris gasps. "And his arms are, like, twice the size of yours."
"Technically they're not twice the size." Barry sighs.
"Of course not." Atchaco smiles.
"He's on my three list." Iris told Barry.
"What's a three list?" Barry asked.
"It's her list of three guys she's allowed to cheat on Eddie with." Atchaco informed him.
"You usually don't meet people on your list, but now here he is, and I just can't stop staring at him." Iris replies as she keeps on glancing over to Oliver and sighs.
"Felicity, this is me noticing you staring." Oliver tells Felicity as they continue to sit by the table.
"We need to help Barry with his case." Felicity says. Oliver sighs. "Why don't you want to help?"
"Because Barry doesn't really want my help. He only thinks he does. And I barely know Atchaco" Oliver replies.
"Harrison Wells and Barry's cop foster dad both said you were dangerous and a bad influence. Barry defended you." Felicity informed him.
"You're going to hock me about this until I say yes, aren't you?" Oliver asked.
"I'm a hocker." Felicity smiles.
Oliver sighs, stads up, and walks over to Barry and Atchaco. "Okay." Oliver sighs.
"Okay, what?" Barry questioned.
"Okay, we'll help you catch your bad guy." Oliver told him.
"Nice." Atchaco answered.
"Great. Metahuman." Barry replies.
"I am not calling him that, Barry." Oliver says.
"Partners?" Barry asks, sticking out his hand.
"Partners." Oliver replied, shaking Barry's hand.
Later, Oliver is waiting for Barry and Atchaco at an abandoned shack that he and his friends were at last night. "Hey." Atchaco waves at Oliver in her macanian form.
"Your own time, good." Oliver told her.
"Early is on time, on time is late." Macanese smiled.
Eventually Barry comes running in. "Hey." He smirks.
"You're late." Oliver growled. "Barry, how can you have super-speed and still not be on time? Atchaco has the same powers as you, she was on time."
"Sorry, I guess the super-tardiness kinda neutralises it." Barry apologises.
"So how do we catch Bivolo here?" Macanese asked.
"Oh, no, we don't here. We're here to train." Oliver informed them.
"What? Like Rocky?" Barry asked.
Oliver glares at them. "I read your friend Iris' blog post on The Flash and Thunder, and I visited all the crime scenes you fought at." Oliver told them.
"Don't you sleep?" Macanese asked. "I'm part machine and I still need to sleep."
"Last month you took on a man named Leonard Snart." Oliver continued, ignoring Macanese's question.
"We call him Captain Cold." Barry said.
"We can talk about you giving your enemies silly code names later." Oliver retorted.
"You mean like over coffee with Deathstroke and The Huntress?" Macanese laughed.
"The point is that you engaged Snart on a commuter train, which he derailed." Oliver reminded them.
"Okay, there may have been some damage, but we got the job done, we were the heros." Barry said.
"Barry, when you two approach a new environment, do you two even case every inch of it? You both definitely could. You guys have the time. But you both don't. You two just run in blind. There's a difference, Barry, between having powers and having precision." Oliver informed them. They all walked a few feet away from the shack.
"When we came to you thinking about going out and helping people, you said we could be an inspiration." Barry reminded him.
"Living this life... Well, it takes more than a mask. It takes discipline. And Barry… since you are probably as stubborn as I am…" Oliver says as he holds up his bow and two arrows.
"What is that for?" Macanese asks, pointing to the objects in Oliver's hands.
"Can you revert to your civilian form, please, Atchaco." Oliver asked her. Macanese nodded and reverted back to her everyday form. "Okay. You two are going to run over there, you two are going to come back at me, and you two are going to get hit with an arrow."
"No, we're not." Barry laughs.
"Yes, you are." Oliver chuckles.
"Okay, fine, we will humour you." Barry said as runs a fair amount of the way with Atchaco. "Ready?" Barry yelled.
"Ready." Oliver replies as he gets ready to shoot the arrows.
Then Oliver shoots the arrows and both Barry and Atchaco catch them "Nice try." Barry grins, then all of a sudden he is shot in the back by two arrows. When the other two shootout behind Atchaco at roughly the same time she turns quickly and catches them as Barry screams in pain. "What, you shot me?" Barry groans.
"I heard you heal fast." Oliver replied as he pulled the two arrows out of his back.
"Oh, God!" Barry screamed.
Later at the precinct, CyAmze and Barry were walking over to Joe when they heard muffled arguing between Singh and Eddie coming from Singh's office. "Hey. What's up?" Barry asked Joe.
"Eddie's making his case for the task force again." Joe answers.
"But I thought the Captain shot him down already." CyAmze replied.
"Well, apparently he's got a new argument." Joe told them. "The Arrow made another appearance last night. And you two forgot to tell me that you guys got Bivolo's name from shooting that storage guy in the leg."
"Well, technically we didn't shoot him." CyAmze said. "If I shot him the guy would be near dead."
"Well, what word would you use to describe how you got this info? I'm gonna go with 'torture.'" Joe retorted.
"I don't... The Arrow gets results." Barry sighed.
"He's a crazy man." Joe reminded them.
"Look, we don't actually disagree with you at the moment, but we wouldn't even have Bivolo's name if it weren't for The Arrow." CyAmze informed him.
"So maybe instead of judging him, you should just be thanking him." Barry told Joe.
"Two things I won't be doing in this life…" Joe started. "Playing professional baseball, and thanking that lunatic." He then walks away.
At STAR Labs, Cisco was standing next to the boomerang as he had been looking over it. He quickly glances at it. "Stay." He tells the inanimate object before leaving the room.
In another room Caitlin and Felicity were talking. "Have you heard of colour psychology?" Caitlin asked.
"The theory that changes in the colour spectrum can affect emotion." Felicity answers.
"It is so nice to have another woman to talk to, not that Atchaco's bad." Caitlin replied.
"I know." Felicity agred.
"I was thinking that if Bivolo uses colour to induce the temporary psychosis, maybe we can use light and colour to reverse it." Caitlin told her.
Then Wells rolls into the room. "Miss Smoak, a word, if you please." He orders.
"Hey, what's up, doc?" Felicity asks as they stand in the hallway. "Sorry, that was dumb. Remember I went to M.I.T."
"Yes, you're smart." Wells answers. "Felicity, I like to surround my team with known quantities. That is because I find the unknown to be toxic, dangerous. The Arrow is unknown."
"I can assure you, Dr. Wells, he's not dangerous. To us." Felicity reassures them.
"Well, of that, I have little doubt." Wells told her. "And yet, I find myself with a conundrum. How can I completely trust a man when I don't even know his name? And so, I was hoping, Miss Smoak, that you could help me trust him. Who is he under the hood?"
"That is not my secret to tell, Dr. Wells." Felicity answers.
"Of course. I'll figure it out on my own." Wells replies.
Felicity then hears a whooshing sound and runs towards it when she knows that it's Barry and Atchaco. "Hey." She greets them.
"Hey." Barry replies as Atchaco waves at her.
"How'd it go with Oliver?" Felicity asks.
"You know, to be honest, not exactly the partnership I thought it would be." Barry tells her.
"I kinda expected it." Atchaco said.
"Oh, did he really do the thing with the arrows?" Felicity questions.
"You knew he was going to shoot us?" Barry asks.
"Whoa, it is practically impossible to tell when Oliver's making a joke." Felicity admitted.
"Barry got shot by the arrows, I managed to catch them." Atchaco smiles as Barry glares at her. "Sorry, not sorry."
"Hey, we just got a ping from the facial recognition software on Bivolo, aka, Prism." Cisco told them as they walked into the Cortex.
"Since when do we have facial recognition software?" Caitlin asked.
"Happy Hanukkah." Felicity replies.
"Thanks." Atchaco said.
"Where can I find him?" Barry asked.
"Traffic cameras just caught him entering a residence at 168 Jarvis." Cisco informed them.
"We should let The Arrow know." Felicity replied.
"I agree with Felicity on this one." Atchaco told Barry.
"Atchaco and I can handle this. We've done it before." Barry said.
"Barry, I really think you need to wait…" Felicity answers.
"Felicity, I don't need his help." Barry interrupts her.
Later, Barry and Macanese arrive at 168 Jarvis and they walk towards the door. Barry vibrated the lock until it fell off and they both walked inside. "I knew you two would be coming for me. I could see it in your guys eyes at the bank. When I turned those people against each other, it made you two angry." Bivolo told them.
Macanese zooms over to Bivolo and shoves him against the wall and holds him there as Barry walks over. "Have some real anger." Bivolo said as he took his glasses off and showed his red eyes to Macanese and Barry. Macanese dropped him and stood back shaking her head as Barry's eyes momentarily looked red before reverting back to normal. They looked at each other and shrugged, it didn't work.
Later at STAR Labs, Caitlin was checking Barry's eyes as Cisco ran a scan on Macanese's robotic eyes and brain function. "No signs of macular damage. Your retina and cornea seem unaffected." Caitlin told Barry.
"Macanese is clear too, no incorrect brain function, AI and eyes both function normally. No signs or effects or tampering." Cisco said.
"I told you, we're fine." Barry said.
"You said Bivolo whammied you two." Felicity said. "No desire to go MMA on any of us?"
"No." Barry said.
"Yeah, I mean, something weird happened with his eyes for a sec." Atchaco informed them.
"Weird thing?" Caitlin asked.
"Yeah, everything went red." Barry said. "Like Macanese's eyes normally."
"You were right." Felicity said.
"Okay, next thing you know, Bivolo is gone." Atchaco told them.
Look, obviously his powers didn't work on me or Atchaco, so…" Barry replied.
"It was stupid for you two to go out there. You guys take too many risks. As fast as you are, that's going to catch up with you." Caitlin informs them.
"Caitlin, I'm not Ronnie, neither of us are." Barry reminds her. "You gotta stop treating us like we are."
"Caitlin, I'm not Ronnie, neither of us are." Atchaco snaps at her. "You gotta stop treating us like we are."
"You're right. You're not." Caitlin replied as she turned and walked out of the room.
Emma looks at Barry and then to Felicity. "What?" Felicity asks.
"Nothing." Barry sharpley replies.
Suddenly, Barry's phone vibrates, it was a text from Oliver. "It's Oliver... he wants to have another session." Barry sighs.
"I'm sure he's not going to shoot you again." Felicity reassures them. "Maybe you should wear body armour."
Later, Atchaco and Barry meet back up with Oliver. "Thinking of new ways to embarrass us?" Atchaco snorts.
"I'm not trying to embarrass you two, but you went after Bivolo last night alone and you lost him." Oliver reminds them.
"We know." Barry growled at him, anger showing through his voice.
"What? And you've never had a misstep?" Atchaco spits.
"Course I've had missteps." Oliver answers. "I have been living this life for almost eight years, encountering things that you two can't even fathom, and I am still alive. Not because super-speed kept me out of the ground. It was because I realised that I needed to keep learning, keep training, keep getting smarter, and until you get that, despite your best intentions, you will do more harm than good."
Atchaco and Barry shake their heads. "I finally see it. You're a little bit jealous of us, aren't you? A guy like you, handsome, rich, can have any girl he wants, jealousy's probably a new emotion for you, so you might be a little slow to get what it is that you're feeling." Atchaco taunts.
"Is that theory from both of your thinking?" Oliver questions.
"Absolutely." Barry agreed. "So you can train, lift weights, climb that stupid barn till your heart explodes, but you'll never be as fast as we are. You'll never be what we are. And that's gotta hurt your rock-hard pride, Ollie."
"I told Felicity you two didn't want my help." Oliver replied.
"Yeah. You're finally right about something." They both spit and then zoom away.
At the precinct, Singh walks out of his office and looks up the stairs. "Allen! CyAmze!" Singh shouts they both come walking down stairs. "Where are you with the Bivolo case?"
"We're working on it." CyAmze answers in an angry tone.
"Care to be more specific?" Singh questions. "Hey, how 'bout you answer me when I ask you a question?"
Barry and CyAmze shapley turn their heads to his direction. "Hey! How 'bout you back off?" Barry snaps.
"Excuse me?" Singh asks.
"Look, we work just as hard as anyone in this building. We don't need you constantly berating us to do our job. When it's done, you will have it, all right?" CyAmze growls, Triton showing through her angry tone.
"Sorry, captain." Joe apologies. "Barry's having an allergic reaction to some bad medication, and I think something happened to CyAmze's internal operating system."
"You remind them who answers to who." Singh replied as he walked away.
"Have you guys lost your minds?" Joe asked.
"We're so sick of Singh talking to us like that." CyAmze spat.
"He's still our boss." Joe reminds them. "Now I know you're upset about losing Bivolo…"
"Wait, wait... You're just like him." Barry growled. "Like Wells, and Oliver, and everyone else my whole life that didn't think I could get the job done. Do you want to help me, Joe? You want to help me? Get my dad out of prison. You helped put him there, didn't you?"
"Barry, Atchaco, I need you guys to calm down." Joe told them. They both suddenly see Iris walking out of the elevator, arm in arm with Eddie. The both look back at Joe, angrier. "Why don't we all take a ride to S.T.A.R. Labs?"
"I'm calm!" Barry spat. "Okay?"
"When I am not calm, you'll know." CyAmze says, Triton taking control mid sentence. Both of their eyes flash red for a moment before going back to normal.
Later at STAR Labs, Joe was with everyone else. "Okay. I'll call you back later." Felicity says as she hangs up her phone. "That was The Arrow. He says Barry and Atchaco were both acting strangely."
"Strangely, how?" Wells asked.
"They've been whammied." Joe answered as he walked into the Cortex. "They were acting angry. It was scary. And their eyes... They glowed."
"It's possible that their bodies are fighting off the effect, so it's hitting them slower." Caitlin questions.
"When it comes to rage, that is not a good thing." Wells tells them. "The longer you suppress your emotions…"
"The bigger the explosion." Felicity finished. "Considering what they can do, how do we even stop them?"
"I have a bit of info that might help." Everyone turns to Joe. "I don't know what to do with Barry, but Triton took control of Lady Macanese's body, a fail safe I think."
"A cold-gun would come in real handy right about now." Cisco smiles.
"Hey." Joe replies.
"I'm just sayin'." Cisco reminded them.
"None of us can stop Barry and Triton." Wells stated. "Fortunately, Felicity knows someone who can. I think you better call back Oliver Queen. We're gonna need The Arrow's help." Felicity looks sharpley at Wells, dumbstruck that he managed to find out Oliver's secret. Caitlin and Cisco also looked surprised at the reveal of the Arrow's identity.
Later, on the road, Eddie and Iris were driving in the car together as Eddie was flipping through the radio stations. "Is this your way of telling me that you want satellite radio for Christmas?" Iris asks and Eddie turns off the radio. "Look, I am not mad at you."
"Good, 'cause there's no reason you should be." Eddie answers.
"Eddie, you, The Flash and Thunder all care about protecting this city. You all would give your lives for it. You're more alike than you think, okay? They are not bad people." Iris replies.
"How do you know so much about them, Iris?" Eddie questions.
"They got in touch with me after I started the blog, and I've seen them a couple times." Iris admitted.
"A couple times?" Eddie asked. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"
"Well, given the fact that I think he's a hero, and you want to put him in jail, do you really need to ask that question?" Iris questions him.
"How could you ever think I would be okay with this?" Eddie asks.
All of a sudden Iris gets yanked out of the car seat by Macanese and Eddie quickly takes the wheel, the tires screeching as he stops the car, while Iris rolls down the road. She looks up and sees Thunder and the Flash standing in front of her. "What do you want?" Iris asks as she starts to get scared.
"What's the matter?" Macanese mocked. "Is daddy's little girl scared?"
"Aww." Barry fake cries. "I thought you were strong. You thought you could take care of yourself in this brave new world."
Macanese kneels down in front of her. "But just like everything, you were wrong." Macanese taunts.
"We've heard you've been looking for us." Barry continues. "All this time, you've been trying to catch us, and we caught you first."
Behind Iris, Eddie takes out his gun and aims at Barry, knowing he can't penetrate the metal on Macanese's body. Iris sees him. "Eddie, no!" Iris screams, but it is too late and he lets the bullets fly. Barry uses his speed to dodge all of the bullets, meaning they head towards Macanese, who doesn't move and lets the bounce of her metal body.
Back at STAR Labs, Diggle was now in the room with everyone else. "Ooh, see I knew The Arrow was Oliver Queen. I mean, I had it narrowed down to, like, a list of 150 people, but he was definitely on that list." Cisco admitted.
"Do you have a way to stop Barry and Atchaco's rage-fest?" Diggle asked.
"I have an idea about how to do that. Joe, we're gonna need your help." Wells answered.
"We need to find them first before they hurt somebody." Caitlin said.
"I have them." Felicity told them. "Facial recognition picked him up on a traffic camera downtown, and Macanese's cybernetic signature is in the same place." She sees that they are with Iris and Eddie. "Oh, God."
Back with the others, Iris tries to run away but Barry uses his speed to catch up to her and throw her harshly to the ground. "Iris!" Eddie screams as he sees it happen.
Macanese walks over to Eddie and grabs his gun out of his strong grip and gives it to Barry. "Who the hell are you, huh? You think you can just come along and get to have whatever you want? What gives you the right?" Barry questions as Macanese stands by his side.
"What the hell are you talking about? What are you doing? What has happened to you two?" Iris asks them.
"We feel fine." Barry tells her.
"Better than fine, actually." Macanese admits. "We finally feel alive and free."
"You guys are not fine." Iris tries to tell them.
"How would you know?" Barry asked. "Because you write about us?"
"You don't know us!" Macanese growled. "You don't know who we are. You never did."
"I know that you have risked your life to help people, to save them!" Iris told them. "Someone who does that does not suddenly turn around and want to hurt people."
"We don't want to hurt just any person." Macanese tells her.
"We only want to hurt you." Barry admits.
As they go to charge towards Iris, wires come out of nowhere and wrap around Macanese and Barry, making them fall to the floor. Oliver was standing in the shadows holding his crossbow, it aimed at the two speedsters. "Run!" Oliver yells as he tries to hold the two race-induced metas.
"Eddie, run!" Iris screams as they both run away.
"You need to calm down." Oliver told them as the wires from the arrow tense a bit from being strained.
"And you need to hold on." Barry smirks as Macanese and Barry grab the wires connected to Oliver's bow and take off running in the opposite direction, dragging Oliver along the street behind them. Then Barry pulls the wires of his body and Macanese rips them apart.
At STAR Labs, everyone is watching the feed. "I just hope they can turn Barry and Atchaco back before they kill Oliver." Caitlin told them all.
"Me, I'd be more worried about what Oliver might have to do to the two of them." Diggle responds.
"Barry has superpowers. Atchaco is a literal alien cyborg and Oliver has a bow and arrow." Caitlin replies.
"Do you have any idea how many people Oliver has killed with that bow and arrow?" Diggle asks them.
"Recurve bow arrows can travel up to 300 feet per second, so, like, 200 miles an hour. Barry can run three times that fast." Cisco said as he leaned on the table between the two of them.
"Whatever." Diggle replies. "Oliver's been doing this a lot longer. My money's on experience."
"My money's on speed." Cisco grinned.
"Please tell me you're not actually having this conversation right now." Felicity questioned.
Back with the others, Oliver shoots two arrows at the two superhumans, but they fly right past them. "You missed." Macanese smiled.
"No." He replied. They turned around and saw the arrows embedded in the wall and as they turned around to see Oliver, the arrows exploded and sent them flying. Barry shakily stands up but Macanese doesn't.
Barry looks around but doesn't see Oliver anywhere so he bends down and picks Macanese up as she blinks lazily. Suddenly he feels a sharp pain in his shoulder and drops Macanese back onto the ground. He turns his head as black spots fill his vision to see a green arrow piercing the muscle in his shoulder blade. "Aah!" Barry screams.
"2000 milligrams of horse tranquilliser should be hitting you any time now." Oliver informs him. Barry shakes his head as he falls onto his knee, quickly feeling weaker. Then, suddenly, he yanks the arrow out of his shoulder with a groan and he stands up and vibrates all the drugs and chemicals of the tranquilliser out of his system.
He walks over to Macanese and slings one of her arms around his and holds her up. She looks at Barry with a confused face as she slowly regains strength in her limbs. "Hi, Flash." She smiles as she properly stands up. She looks down at the dark green arrow on the ground and turns to look at Oliver with a death grin. Oliver looks at Macanese with a worried look as Barry starts to run circles around him.
Oliver shoots an arrow up onto one of the buildings and flies out of the lightning circle. "Where are you going?" Macanese yells as Barry runs up the building and removes the arrow of the building and Oliver falls to the ground.
"We're not done! Is that all you got?" Barry taunts.
Then the gates of hell open up. Oliver runs at the other two, he tries to land a few punches on Barry but none of them manage to hit due to his super speed. As he goes to hit another Macanese loops her arms under his shoulders and flips him over her head with her enhanced strength. He gets up again, ignoring the pain he is in and runs at them again, never succeeding in landing even a couple of hits before he is thrown to the floor again by Barry.
"Oliver, get up!" Felicity orders through the comms as she watches everything unfold on the monitors.
From where he is lying, Oliver presses a button on his bow and two arrows shoot towards Barry and Macanese. Barry manages to catch the arrow that was going to hit him, but Macanese's hit home on her back. Suddenly, Macanese's body jolts as a large course of electricity runs through her. Macanese screams as the lights on her body flash. She fell down to her knees, clutching her head in pain. She shakes her head and stands up, clearing a fair bit of pain. She looks at Oliver with a smile before limping over to him, her head back in a clear state of mind.
Barry looks at Oliver with anger on his face. "Fool me once." He tells Oliver, who takes the small timeframe to throw an arrow head into his leg. "Ah... ah... ah!" Barry screams as he clutches the leg and pulls the piece of metal out as Macanese come
"I still believe in you, Barry." Oliver told Barry. Barry's eyes turn flash red again as he charges at Oliver. He throws a punch at him, but Macanese steps in and catches it. Barry's eyes widen as he looks up at her. Oliver and Barry then turn Barry around and hold him in a secure hold so that he can't attack them again as a white van pulls up with Joe and Wells inside.
"Is this even going to work?" Joe asks as steers the vehicle.
"He just needs to see the right colours." Wells told him. "Now, Joe!" He orders as he pushes a button on a remote. Je spins the car around as the doors open and a machine with a lot of lights starts flickering colours at Barry who was trying to fight Oliver and Macanese's hold, before stopping, can the other two let go of him and stand back.
Barry just stands still in a trance for a few seconds as the red in his eyes disappears. He shuts his eyes as he groans. Everyone collectively holds their breath until they see his body finally relax.
"Barry, you okay?" Oliver asks.
"Oh, this is going to be a special kind of hangover." Barry chuckles.
"This is one of those times where I am glad to have a cybernetic body." Macanese smiles. "But man, this is gonna hurt in the morning." They all chuckle.
"So... It was a tie." Cisco says in the Cortex.
Back with the others, Macanese was supporting Barry because the wound on his leg wasn't fully healed yet from the arrow. "Oliver... We're so sorry." Macanese apologised.
"It's not your fault." Oliver reminded them. "But we still have your metahuman to take care of. Anything left in the tank?"
"Well, if not, there's three of us, right?" Barry asked.
"Right." Oliver and Macanese say in sync.
The next day, in the Pipeline of STAR Labs, Bivolo was captured and locked in a cell. "You think this will stop me?" He screamed. "I will make you tear each other to pieces! You will all die screaming with rage!"
"Blah, blah, blah, 'no prison can hold me.' heard it all before, pal. Adios, Prism." Cisco tells him as he shuts the door on Bivolo and they walk away.
"I liked 'Rainbow Raider.'" Caitlin admitted.
"Okay, you don't get to pick the names." Cisco reminds her.
"I have a prison like this." Oliver informs them. "Mine's on a nearly inhospitable island in the north China Sea, but this works too."
A few minutes later, in the Cortex, Felicity and Oliver are ready to leave. "My identity is a closely-guarded secret known only to a few, and if it were to get out, it would endanger my family, my friends, and it would embolden my enemies to retaliate at me through them." Oliver told them.
"What Oliver is trying to say is that he had a lovely time working with you and getting to know each of you, and he can't wait to do it again soon." Felicity smiled.
"Right." Oliver groaned.
"You know, it didn't sound like that's what he was saying." Cisco admitted.
Joe walks over to Oliver and shakes his hand. "I may not agree with your methods, but... Thank you." Joe tells him.
"You're welcome." Oliver replied.
Felicity walks over to Caitlin. "Hey. If I had a DNA sample I was unable to fully break down, do you think you could isolate the genetic markers for me?" Felicity asks.
"Sure, what's the sample from?" Caitlin questioned.
"The Canary's murder." Felicity answered.
"Of course." Caitlin replied.
Wells wheels himself over to Oliver. "Mr. Queen, I met your father once. Charity event. One of the things we spoke of was you. I think he would be very proud of the man you've become." Wells informs him.
"Thank you. And please, call me Oliver." Oliver told him as he shook his hand.
"There is something off about that guy." Oliver said when he was in the hallway with Felicity and Diggle.
Later, inside Jitters, Iris was working on her laptop when Eddie showed up. "Captain Singh approved the task force. You wanted me to believe The Flash and Thunder were real. Now I do. The Flash and Thunder are both highly dangerous, and I am going to take them in. How do you feel about that?" Eddie asked.
"All I know... Is how I feel about you." Iris replies as they hug each other.
Oliver and Felicity walk into Jitters and walk over to Barry and Atchaco, who were sitting at a table. Iris sees them there and walks over. "Hey! Are you guys heading home?" Iris asks.
"Yeah, we could use some javas for the road." Felicity admitted.
"I will hook you up." Iris replies.
"Okay." Felicity says.
"Thank you." Oliver told her.
"Uhm, so listen…" Barry said. "We're really sorry for what we said in the field and then last night in the street. We wish we could say it was all because of whatever Bivolo did to us, but I guess I had more feelings bottled up than we thought."
"Yeah." Atchaco agreed.
"You can always talk to me." Oliver reassured them.
"Yeah. Thank you." Macanese said as she walked over to Iris.
"And you were right, we still have... A lot to learn." Barry said.
"There's one more thing... And you're not going to like it." Oliver admitted.
"Does it involve you shooting me in the back?" Barry asked.
"No. No, the heart." Oliver answered and Barry looked back over to Atchaco. "That's not going to work out for you. You need to let her go, for both of your sakes." Oliver turns to look at Felicity as Barry looks at Atchaco. They were both giggling with Iris. "Guys like us don't get the girl."
"You ready?" Felicity asks after she and Atchaco have walked back to the table.
"Mm-hmm." Oliver agreed.
"This one's yours." Felicity told Oliver as she handed him a cup of coffee.
"Thank you." Oliver returned.
Then a woman came in and walked up to Oliver. "Oliver. Hi." The woman greets him.
"Hi. How are you?" Oliver smiles.
"Good, good. It's been a long time." She replies.
"We never spoke after, and I'm so sorry." Oliver mumbles.
"No, I'm sorry." She apologised. "I heard about your mother... She loved you very much."
"She did." Oliver agrees.
"I should get going." She replied.
"All right." Oliver smiled. Then Oliver's ex turned and walked away as Felicity came back up to him.
"Who was that?" Felicity asks.
"Hmm?" Oliver answered. "Someone that I used to know."
Later at night, on the rooftop of Jitters, Iris walks out to see that the Flash is waiting for her. "Got your message." Iris tells him.
"I wanted you to know, last night... That wasn't me and Thunder." Barry informed her.
"Sure looked like you guys." Iris retorted.
"Yeah." Barry replies. "We were affected by one of the meta-humans. He messed with our heads. But we are okay now, I promise."
"Where is she, is she not going to say sorry to my face?" Iris asked.
"She uh… she didn't think it would be the right thing to do after… after that." Barry mumbled.
"She's right you know about you two, you have come, but I defended you. Everyone told me that you guys would bring me nothing but danger. My father, Barry, Atchaco, Eddie... I didn't listen to them. I never listened to them. But now it's time I did. Don't contact me anymore, okay?" Iris informed him.
"Iris... I'm sorry." Barry apologised.
"Me too." Iris replied.
Later, under a bridge near the freeway, a guy was sitting down on the ground, shaking. Two muggers see him and walk over to the figure with a smile donned on their faces. "Look at that. Better than an ATM. Anyone tell you not to hang out under the freeway at night?" He asks, taking out a knife. "You're liable to get robbed."
"You got the shakes, man?" The other mugger questioned. "What are you, tweaking, or just cold?"
The guy sitting on the ground slowly stands up as he breathes heavily. He looks them in the eyes as his hands are developed in flames. "I'm not cold." He answers them as his whole body is consumed with fire.