Barry had come out of a portal and onto a street from running back and forth to stop the tsunami that was headed towards Central City. But suddenly it was night time again and he sees himself running beside him before the image disappears and he is standing on the sidewalk in front of the street. He heard dogs barking in front of him, which he was certain he had seen before. "No, no…" Barry gasped as he looked around.
"Taxi! Taxi! Oh, come on! I'm gonna be late!" A woman called into the night.
"Oh, boy." Barry sighed, his body still in shock from what he had just realised.
"Hey, what's going on? Dude?" Cisco spock in the ear piece.
"Yeah, Cisco. I'…" Barry replied.
"What happened? Why'd you stop?" Cisco asked.
"I just got a little disoriented." Barry lied.
"Well, you need to make up some time, man. You better hurry up." Cisco reminded him.
"Hurry? What are you…" Barry went to say but Macanese zooms in and stands in front of Barry, whose face widens when he sees her as he remembers her bleeding in his arms.
"Hurry, as in get to the morgue." Cisco told him.
"The morgue? I was there. Yesterday." Barry said, confused about what was happening.
Macanese looks at Barry confused as she retracts her mouth piece. "You okay?" She mouths before the mouthpiece covers her face again.
"What are you talking about? Come on, you and Macanese gotta go." Cisco reminds him. Macanese reaches her hands out to Barry. Barry hesitates for a second, the memory of her on the brink of death in his arms still playing in his head, but he ends up taking it and they zoom off to the morgue together.
Later, police were all over the crime scene at the morgue. Cameras were clicking as Barry and CyAmze walked in. CyAmze noticed that Barry was looking frantically around the crime scene but didn't say anything about it as Joe walked over to them. "Hey, Barr… CyAmze. What's with all the water? Did the sprinkler system go off or something?" Joe wondered.
"What?" Barry said, looking amazed.
"No, I checked the sprinklers. They're all intact." CyAmze informed him.
"But the water has ice in it. And the bruises on the coroner aren't just on his face. Check... look at his torso." Barry told them.
Joe lifts up the coroner's shirt and sees huge bruises. "Whoa." Joe gasps. "How the hell did you know that?"
"He was killed by hail. We have to listen to the recording." Barry continued.
"Recording?" CyAmze questioned as Eddie walked over to them.
"Joe, we got something." He said. "The coroner's office just installed an automated dictation system. Listen to this." He hits play on the recording.
"Please... no more…" The coroner begged.
"I'll stop when you tell me…" Mark growled.
"Just stop!" The coroner cried.
"Who killed him?" Mark asked.
"It's Mark Mardon. He wants revenge." Barry tells him as they hear screams of pain from the coroner on the recording.
The next day, Cisco and Caitlin were walking out of the elevator at STAR Labs. "And I really don't wanna go." Cisco complained.
"He's your brother, Cisco." Caitlin reminds him.
"Not by choice." Cisco groaned.
"Okay, well, how bad can a birthday party be?" Caitlin asked.
"Um, my folks think Dante's stink doesn't stink." Cisco explained. "Doesn't matter how much he screws up, or how many times he gets into trouble. In their eyes, he can do no wrong. And yet, they never fail to remind me that I can do no right."
"What if I came with you?" Caitlin questions.
"What? Seriously?" Cisco wondered.
"Absolutely." Caitlin answers. "You've done so much for me. Let me be there for you for a change. And I could look at old family photo albums and see what little Cisco looks like without long hair."
"I'm rescinding your invitation." Cisco chuckled.
Minutes later in the Cortex, they were all looking at mug shots of the Mardon brothers. "Clyde Mardon has a brother?" Caitlin noticed.
"So, both Mardon brothers survived the plane crash and then the dark matter released by the Particle Accelerator explosion affects them both in…" Wells starts to say.
"Virtually the same way." Barry and Wells say in sync.
"That's right." Wells agrees.
"Only Mark's not like Clyde at all. Mark's powers seem to be…" Atchaco goes to say.
"A lot more precise." Barry bursts in and Atchaco looks at him confused. "He can do things that you couldn't even imagine."
"You mean he's sort of like a…" Cisco said.
"Weather wizard?" Barry and Cisco suggest.
"Yeah." Cisco said as he slurps his slucky and gets a brain freeze. "Mm."
"Trigeminal headache?" Barry and Caitlin wonder.
"Mr. Allen. A word please." Wells tells him.
"Yeah." Barry replied.
A few minutes later, Barry and Wells went into another room. "You ruptured the time continuum, didn't you? You're experiencing temporal reversion." Wells noticed.
"Yeah!" Barry agrees.
"How long?" Wells asked.
"Uh, a day and some change. It's like I'm living it all over again." Barry answered.
"Yeah, well that's good." Wells informs him. "That means there's not too much you could've messed up yet. How did this happen?"
"I... I don't know." Barry admits. "I mean, I was running faster than I've ever ran, and the first time that I lived this day some really horrible things happened. There was a tidal wave and Atchaco…"
"No. Do not tell me." Wells orders him. "I do not want to know anything about the future you experienced. Nothing!"
"Okay, but Dr. Wells, I…" Barry tries to argue.
"Barry." Wells ignored what he was going to say. "Time... is an extremely fragile construct. Any deviation, no matter how small, could result in a cataclysm. Now here's what you're going to do. Everything you did before. Every word you uttered, every step you took, you're going to do again. And you're not going to tell anyone this happened." Barry nods and sighs.
Later, Wells goes into his secret room and walks over to the pillar at the front. He touches it and Gideon pops up. "Good day, Dr. Wells." She greets him.
"Time will tell, Gideon." He answers. "Show me the future."
"As you wish." She replies and shows him the newspaper article. "The future remains intact, Dr. Wells."
"If anything changes, alert me immediately." Wells orders.
"Of course, Doctor." Gideon tells him.
Later at the precinct, Barry and CyAmze walk in to see Joe and Eddie in Singh's office. Barry suddenly remembers Singh being electrocuted by Mardon. A few seconds later, Joe and Eddie walk out of the office and Joe walks up to them. "Hey. Hey. What's going on with you? How'd you figure all that stuff out at the morgue?" Joe questioned.
"I was wondering the same thing." CyAmze admitted, looking at Barry.
"Lucky guesses, I guess." Barry answered.
"Look, I'm telling you, I'm gonna get Mardon if it kills me." Joe said.
"Joe, um…" Barry mumbles, remembering Joe's car exploding because of Mardon wanting revenge. "I gotta run an errand. I'll see you later. All right?" He gives CyAmze a quick kiss and then walks out of the door.
"What is going on with that boy?" Joe asked.
"I have no clue." CyAmze sighed.
Minutes later, Barry is zooming around town until he finds Mark's hideout, with Mark still inside. "I didn't know there was anyone else like me." Mark gasped. Barry walked over to him and grabbed his arm. In seconds they were gone as quick as they arrived.
Back at STAR Labs, Mark was now locked up in the pipeline. "I'm gonna break out of here! I'm gonna create a tidal wave that destroys your entire city!" Mark yells. Cisco just shakes his head and closes the pipeline door as Barry takes off his mask.
"So, I still don't understand. How did you find him?" Cisco questioned.
"I just had a hunch." Barry lied.
"That's gotta be some kind of record." Caitlin points out.
"Yeah." Cisco laughs. "Well, there goes my excuse for bailing on my brother's birthday." Cisco and Caitlin then walk out of the pipeline.
"Do you have any idea what you've just done?" Wells asks.
"Yeah, I do. I just saved a lot of lives." Barry answered.
"I warned you not to mess with the timeline." Wells reminds him.
"Dr. Wells, if you would just let me tell you what was gonna happen, you'd understand why I did this." Barry argues.
"Whatever tragedy you think you've just averted, time will find a way to replace it and trust me, Barry, the next one could be much worse." Wells warns him.
Later, at a mansion in Central City. "Don Santini, they're here." Someone said. Then they bring two men with bags over their heads, the bags are yanked off to reveal that Mick and Snart had been kidnapped.
"Oh, I love the panelling. Mahogany?" Snart mocked.
"So glad your house is made out of wood. It's gonna be a pleasure watching it burn." Mick smiles, earning a hit behind his head by one of the minions. "Aah! Refreshing!"
"What are you doing back in Central City, Snart?" Santini asked.
"This is my city." Snart answers.
"Our city." Mick corrects him.
"I told you if I ever saw you again I'd put the hurt on you." Santini reminds them. "You stir up trouble. Trouble is bad for business."
"It's time for you and your family to pack up. Leave town. Retire to warmer climates. Finito." Snart replies.
"And if we don't?" Santini wonders.
"You will all freeze." Snart smiles.
"Or burn." Mick chuckles.
"I heard about your guns." Santini admits. "I also heard that you lost them. So, tell me, Snart. What the hell are you and your pyro friend gonna do without your fancy weapons?"
"This." Snart grins. He then hits one of the minions in the gut, causing all hell to break loose in the room. The fight ended pretty quickly after Snart and Mick took everyone out.
"Now that was fun! Fun. Fun. Fun." Mick cheers.
Snart sees one of Santini's men awake and looks at him with devil eyes. "Go. Tell the rest of the Santini family there's a new Godfather. And his name is Cold." Snart orders. Mick then punches the guy in the face and knocks him out.
Later, Cisco and Caitlin went over to Cisco's parents house for his brother's birthday. "Wow. Your parents really went all out with the cake." Caitlin noticed as she pointed to the huge cake on the table.
"Oh, well... It is Dante's birthday. The most important day of the year." Cisco sighed, internally hating his brother.
In front of them, Cisco's mother and Dante were talking to a group of people. "Mi hijo was invited to play Carnegie Hall when he was just 13 years old." Mrs Ramon told them.
"They invited the entire band, Mama." Dante corrects.
"That doesn't make it any less worthwhile." Mrs Ramon tells them.
Dante chuckles before turning around and seeing Cisco there. "Hey. What's up, man?" Dante greets him.
"Hey." Cisco returned.
"Glad you could make it." Dante told him.
"Of course." Cisco sighed.
Dante notices Caitlin standing beside Cisco. "Hi, I'm Dante." He introduces himself, shaking her hand.
"This is my friend, Caitlin." Cisco informed him.
Hi, Caitlin." Dante smiled.
"Happy birthday, Dante." Caitlin told him.
"Thank you." Dante replies.
"Here, I... I got you this." Cisco mumbles as he hands Dante his gift. "Oh... I think you'll really like it. It's…"
"Thanks, man." Dante buts in, not even opening the gift.
"Yeah." Cisco sighed.
"Excuse me." Dante said as he walked away.
Back at STAR Labs, Barry was running at superspeed on the treadmill but stops when Wells wheels into the room. |I don't get it. I've been running just as fast as I was when it happened, and nothing. I'm still here." Barry complained.
"Any number of things could have triggered the wormhole that allows you to repeat your day. Your emotions, your circumstances, your cortisol levels, all of the above." Wells explains.
"Well, I mean, my adrenaline was super high since Atchaco and the entire city…" Barry tried to say.
"No, no, no. No details. I told you." Wells reminds him.
"All right, I'm sorry, but Mark Mardon's already locked in the pipeline and nothing bad has happened." Barry tells him.
"Yet." Wells warns as Joe walks in with Atchaco. "Detective."
"Hey. What are you doing here?" Barry questioned.
"So when were you planning on telling me you took down Mardon?" Joe asked.
"Or me because Triton had to be the one to tell me." Atchaco agreed.
"I... I just haven't had a chance yet." Barry mumbles.
"You got sidetracked, you mean?" Joe said.
"No, Joe, you can't be mad." Barry answered.
"I'm not mad." Joe informs him. "But I am curious. I mean, you were acting so weird at the crime scene."
"I always act weird." Barry tells him.
"Okay. Weirder." Joe corrects himself.
"Look, Joe, there are just some things that I can't tell you, and you're gonna have to trust me." Barry replies.
"And by any chance, did you also forget about our lunch date today." Atchaco wondered.
"Ah, no." Barry sighed.
"You did." Atchaco corrected him. "But it's okay."
"We'll go now." Barry tells her. "We'll see you later, Joe. We go to run." Then Barry and Atchaco zoomed out of there.
"And I don't suppose you're going to fill me in either?" Joe asked.
"No." Wells answered.
"Mm." Joe hums.
Back at Dante's birthday party, Dante had just finished playing on the piano. "Que linda, Dante! Well, here is one who was touched by God." Mrs Ramon cheered.
Dante gets up from the piano and walks over to Cisco and Caitlin. "Ah, I was a little rusty. I haven't played in a while."
"Oh, well... If that was what you sounded like rusty, I can't imagine what you sound like when you've practised." Caitlin told him.
"Oh, for you, I'd practice morning, noon, and night." Dante flirts.
"That means you'd actually have to get up in the morning." Cisco laughs.
"So, Mom tells me you're still working at S.T.A.R. Labs, huh?" Dante questions.
"Yeah. Why?" Cisco ponders.
"No reason, man. Guess it was just hard to find another job, huh?" Dante answers.
"Oh, I wasn't looking. I actually like working at S.T.A.R. Labs." Cisco answers.
"And we couldn't do what we do without Cisco." Caitlin admits.
"Oh, he's loyal. Just like a dog." Dante mocks and Cisco glares at him. :Oh, come on. Why are you so serious, mi hija?"
Cisco turns around and storms out of the house. "Happy birthday." Caitlin tells him before she turns and leaves too.
Later, Barry and Atchaco were sitting on a bench together at the park while eating some big belly burger. Barry is staring at Atchaco.
"Okay." Atchaco sighs, noticing that Barry is staring at him. "What is it? What is wrong?"
"Nothing." Barry answered.
"Really?" Atchaco wondered. "Because you have been staring at me eat for quite some time."
"Can't a guy look at his beautiful girlfriend?" Barry ponders.
"Yeah." Atchaco chuckles. "But seriously, I know something is wrong and I'm not going to use my powers to find out what, but you're looking at me as if someone had died." Atchaco suddenly stops talking. "Oh my god, did someone die."
"No, no one died." Barry reassured her.
"Then why don't you tell me what seems to be wrong? I know you told Wells what it was, so why can't you tell me." Atchaco asks.
"Trust me, I really want to tell you… I do… but you just have to trust me when I say I can't right now." Barry admitted.
"Okay." Atchaco smiles as Barry hugs her. "Oh, not that I don't love your hugs but… are you sure you're okay right now?"
"I'm great, and I love you." Barry told her.
"I love you too." Atchaco confessed.
"I mean it, I really do love you." Barry said.
"I know, I meant it too." Atchaco told him. They stared into each other's eyes, leaned forward and kissed each other.
Later at Central City Picture New, Iris was sitting at her desk, working on an article of The Flash and Thunder when Mason walked up to her. "'The Flash and Thunder, speeding their way into our lives.'" Mason read. "It's a little bit on the nose, don't you think?" He then shows her a picture. "I have something to show you. Simon Stagg, remember him? Hasn't been heard from in nearly a year."
Suddenly, Barry and Atchaco walked in, and Barry rushed over to Iris's desk. "Hey, Iris. Mr. Bridge, hi." Barry gasped.
"Do I know you?" Mason asked.
"Oh, no, we haven't met yet... fully, you know, um... this is my girlfriend, Atchaco." Barry answered.
"Hey." Atchaco said, waving her hand.
"Iris, can I talk to you for a second?" Barry wondered.
"Uh, yeah, sure." Iris replied, turning to Mason. "We'll catch up later."
"Yeah." Mason said. "Nice meeting you, strange young man. You too, Atchaco." Mason then walks away and over to his own desk.
"I'll just wait for you guys at the door. See you later, Iris." Atchaco told them.
"See you." Iris replies and Atchaco nods and walks away.
"So what's up?" Iris questioned, turning back to face Barry.
"I just wanted to say, thank you for being the best friends anyone can ask for." Barry told her.
"No problem." Iris replied.
"And thanks for the advice." Barry said.
"What advice?" Iris asked.
"It doesn't matter, just thank you." Barry answers.
"No problem, I guess." Iris hesitated.
"I'll see you tomorrow, bye." Barry nods.
"Bye." Iris said.
Barry then starts walking away and towards Atchaco but he stops at Mason's desk and bends down. "I know you think Harrison Wells had something to do with Simon Stagg's disappearance, but you're wrong." He tells him.
Late at night, Barry and Atchaco met up with Cisco at a bar. "Hey." Atchaco greets him.
"Oh, hey." Cisco returns. "Thanks for meeting me here. Even though... you two can't get drunk." Atchaco and Barry laugh.
"No worries." Barry replied.
"So, how was your day?" Cisco asked.
"Great." Atchaco answered.
"Really great." Barry corrected.
"You two are adorable… I hate you." Cisco joked and Atchaco chuckled as a girl with blond hair walked up to them.
"Hi." They greet them. "I don't normally do this, but I was watching you… can I buy you a drink."
" I mean, I'm really flattered, but I…" Barry tries to say.
"Actually, I was talking to him." She replied, motioning to Cisco.
"Um... I'm... I'm sorry, you said... you said you were talking to me?" Cisco mumbles.
"Yeah, I just told my friends over there that I thought you were cute and they dared me to come over here and talk to you, so... please talk to me." She smiled.
"Yeah. Yeah, I suppose I can talk to you for a little bit." Cisco tells her before muttering suggestively to Barry and Atchaco.
"Yeah, no, I was just leaving." Atchaco said.
"Make me proud." Barry whispers as he clears his throat. Then Barry and Atchaco get off of the bar stools and start walking away, but not before Barry turns around and makes a face.
"I'm Lisa, by the way." She introduces herself.
"Hi, Cisco."He returns.
"I'm just in town for this symposium at Mercury Labs." Lisa lies.
"Really? You... what do you do?" Cisco asked.
"Oh, I'm a structural engineer." Lisa answers. Cisco looks at her shocked. "Why do you look so surprised? Can't a girl be an engineer?"
"No, of course. That's... You just don't look like an engineer." Cisco admits.
"I can't help how I look." Lisa replies.
"I... I mean, it's good. It's a... it's a good look. It's a great look." Cisco mumbles.
"Well, you don't look so bad yourself." Lisa compliments.
"Am I being pranked right now?" Cisco chuckles. Lisa then leans in and kisses Cisco. Then they slowly pull away.
"What do you think?" She smiles.
Later, Cisco and Lisa walked into a mansion as they made out. "I can't believe this." Cisco cheers. "The day started out pretty terrible, but now it's turning out pretty damn good."
"I'll say." Lisa replied.
"Wow. Look at this. These are nice things." Cisco smiles.
"Oh, we're just squatting." Lisa tells him.
"We?" Cisco wonders.
"Yeah." She answers, taking off her wig. "Me and my brother." The lights turn on and Cisco turns around to see Snart right behind him.
"Hello, Cisco. What exactly are your intentions with my sister?" Snart questions.
"Oh, come on. I should've known better. I am not that lucky. Please don't kill me for kissing your sister." Cisco begged.
"You kissed him?" Snart asked.
"You're not dad, Lenny." Lisa reminded him.
"I know. Dad's in jail. Sterling role model." Snart admits.
"What do you want, Snart?" Cisco asked him.
"Guns. Heat and cold, to be precise." Snart informs him.
"There's no way I am making weapons for you. Never again." Cisco spat.
"Mick." Snart orders. Mick then walks in with Cisco's brother, Dante, and shoves him onto the ground. "I know I would do everything in my power to protect my family. The question is, will you?"
Later the next morning, Dante and Cisco were still being held captive by Snart and Mick. "Dante. Dante, just keep cool, okay? Let me do my thing." Cisco tells him as he made the guns for the two criminals.
"Oh, really? And what? You're gonna save us with your mechanical engineering skills?" Dante laughs.
"Right now, my skills are the only things keeping us alive, so if I were you, I would shut up." Cisco reminds him.
"You shut up!" Dante growled as Mick, Snart and Lisa walked into the room.
"Ah! There she is. I missed this baby." Mick smiles as he picks up the finished heat gun.
"Here it is." Cisco sighed as he finished the cold gun. "All finished. You gonna let us go now?"
"You know, I took the first gun you made me apart dozens of times. Learned how it ticked. What went where." He motions to Cisco to fix what he had messed up with the gun. "Thought you could tamper with the firing pin without me noticing. Nice try, kid." Snart then turns on the cold gun and it works. "Yes."
"Lenny? Where's my gun? Girl's gotta defend herself. Besides, why should you two have all the fun?" Lisa wonders.
"My sister needs a weapon. Something that suits her personality." Snart tells him.
"Make me something pretty and toxic, like me. How about something with gold?" Lisa suggests.
"Gold." Cisco laughs. Snart stares at him, silently telling him to make the gun.
Later, Barry and Atchaco were sitting at a table in Jitters. "Okay." Atchaco sighed. "I cannot take this anymore. I know you told me that you couldn't tell but can you at least tell me a little bit of it.
"Atchaco…" Barry tried to say.
"Please, Barry." Atchaco begged.
"Fine, I'll tell you one thing." Barry told her. Atchaco nods as she listens to what he is saying carefully. "I have lived this day before."
"What, like deja vu?" Atchaco asked.
"No, I mean I travelled back in time." Barry corrected her.
"Whoa… really?" Atchaco wondered. Barry nods. "So, for you everything that has happened has happened before?"
"Yes." Barry answered. "But I kind of changed it and I can't tell you why, just trust me when I say that everything is okay now."
"Okay." Atchaco replied.
Later, Barry and Atchaco walked into STAR Labs holding hands. "Hey." Barry greeted them.
"Hey." Caitlin returned. "Have you talked to Cisco? I've been trying him on his cell, but he's not answering. Kind of... worried about him. He had a rough night."
"Trust us, it got better." Atchaco smiled as Barry's phone vibrates, he picks it up and sees that Joe is calling and answers it.
"Hey, Joe. What's up?" Barry wondered.
"Yeah, Snart's back." Joe told him.
"Wait, Cold is back?" Barry questioned.
"Yeah, he was spotted at the Santini crime family casino." Joe informs him. "If he's hitting the Santinis, we could be looking at the beginning of a mob war." Barry sighs as he hangs up the phone.
"Well, this day just keeps getting better, doesn't it?" Wells sighs.
Later at the casino that belongs to one of the members of the Santini family, Snart walks through the doors with his cold gun in hand as Santini's brother walks in with his men. "You killed my brother. You shouldn't have messed with my family." He said.
"That's funny." Lisa laughs. "I was gonna say the same thing about ours." Lisa then takes out her gun and shoots it at one of the guys, covering him in cold. "All that glitters…" Everyone in the casino starts screaming as they run away from them. Snart wastes no time in shooting his cold gun up in the air, hitting a chandelier causing it to fall on the ground and shatter. Snart and Lisa start to get shot at but they both hide behind a table before they could get them. "This is sick."
"Well, you wanted us to spend more time together." Snart smiles as they kept getting shot at. Lisa and Snart shot their guns at them, but before they could hit the mark, the two would-be-victims were moved out of the way as Macanese and Barry zoomed in and saved them.
"How many times are we gonna go through this, Snart?" Atchaco sighed.
"Until the best man wins!" Snart laughs, pointing his cold gun at them.
"Drop the gun!" Barry ordered.
Snart holds his hands up and smiles. "We both know you're not going to do anything to her. Oh, by the way, meet my baby sister. Lisa, Thunder and Flash. Thunder and Flash, Lisa. Cisco has been very, very busy. Unless you want me to mail small, frozen pieces of him back to his family, I'd take your hands off her." Barry lets go of Lisa without hesitation.
"Let him go, Snart." Macanese growled.
"I'll think about it." Snart grins as he turns and walks away. Lisa looks at Barry and blows him a kiss before leaving.
About an hour later, cops were all over the casino as Barry and CyAmze stood there. "Barr, Maz. Witnesses reported seeing The Flash and Thunder. They said you had Snart dead to rights but you both let him go? Why?" Joe wondered.
"Cisco. Snart and his sister have him." Barry admitted.
"Oh, man. Okay. Get to S.T.A.R. Labs. I'll get there when I can." Joe told them.
"All right." Atchaco nods.
Later, Barry and Wells are alone in the lab looking at the security tape from the bar, while Atchaco went to go get Caitlin. "So there's Cisco getting into a car with Snart's sister. And the licence plate is iced over." Wells noticed.
Barry slams his fist on the table in aner. "All right, Dr. Wells, you were right. I... I... I screwed with time and now time is screwing with me. Cold is back, he kidnapped Cisco, and…" Barry tried to say.
"Stop right there before you cause another disruption to the timeline." Wells ordered.
"Please, Dr. Wells. Please, I have to talk to someone." Barry begged.
"Go ahead." Wells replied.
"In the previous version of today, Captain Singh is seriously injured, Joe is in danger, and Atchaco… She died because of Mardon." Barry explained.
"And now Cisco's life is on the line and Atchaco is alive and well, you saved your girlfriend's life, Barry, you should be happy." Wells said.
"I am." Barry admitted. "But at what cost am I? I thought I was helping people by stopping Mardon."
"Yes, but this new ability of yours, Barry, is dangerous. You only travelled back in time one day. What if you traveled back decades? Centuries? Imagine the havoc you could wreak." Wells warned him.
"But I will have the opportunity to travel back in time in the near future and save my mom.'re saying I shouldn't?" Barry questioned.
"I'm saying how many more people could die if your mother lives?" Wells answers as Caitlin and Atchaco walk in.
"Did you guys find Cisco?" Caitlin asked.
Back at the mansion, Cisco and Dante were tied to a table as Mick was looking at the flame from the drinks in front of him. "Most people think the hottest part of the flame is the white part. They're wrong." Mick tells them, blowing the flames off the drink.
"You gonna admire those or you gonna drink 'em?" Dante wondered.
"Both." Mick smiled as he drank one of the shots.
Dante turns his head towards Cisco. "Si nos iban a dejar ir, ya lo habrían hecho (If they were going to let us go, they would have already done so) ." Dante tells him in spanish.
"Sí, lo sé (Yes, I know) ." Cisco replied.
"¿Te acuerdas de Medlinda Torres (Remember Melinda Torres) ?" Dante asked.
"Tu novia de secundaria y el amor de mi vida (Your high school girlfriend and the love of my life) ." Cisco answered.
"Antes de que empezáramos a salir ella me dijo que estaba enamorado de ti (Before we started dating she told me she had a crush on you) ." Dante admitted.
"¿Melinda Torres estaba enamorada de mi (Melinda Torres had a crush on me) ?" Cisco questioned.
"I told her you wanted to become a priest. Broke her heart." Dante answered.
"Why'd you do that?" Cisco asked.
"Because I was jealous of you, man." Dante confessed. "I mean, even then I... I knew exactly where my life was headed. Nowhere."
"Dante. That's not true." Cisco told him.
"I live at home. And I work a crap job for no pay." Dante reminded him.
"Yeah, but you still manage to be mom and dad's favourite." Cisco replies.
"I don't even know why." Dante scoffs. "It's because they... they still think of me as their son, the concert pianist. But you, man, they never understood your talents. Never understood that you pursued your passion no matter what. And me, I was just too scared to even try. Nunca he luchado por nada en mi vida… Hasta ahorita (I've never fought for anything in my life… Until now) ." Suddenly Dante starts kicking the leg of the table.
"Dant... Dante... No!" Cisco told him, but he didn't listen. Dante breaks the leg off of the table and grabs it. He goes to attack Mick but he catches it and hits him across the face with a bottle of alcohol and it shatters. Cisco then goes to hit Mick but Mick hits him instead. Mick was continuously hitting Cisco when Snart and Lisa walked into the room.
"Mick! Mick, calm down! Mick! We need them!" Snart reminded him as he pointed his cold gun at him.
"Mick? Baby? It sounds like you're hungry. How about you and I grab some dinner?" Lisa said as she pulled Mick off of Cisco and took him out of the house.
"I like you, kid. You're smart. You pulled yourself up from humble beginnings. You seem like a good brother." Snart tells Cisco as he groans on the floor.
"You too." Cisco replies.
"Debatable." Snart smiles. "You answer one question for me, I'll let you and your brother walk."
"What's the question?" Cisco wondered.
"The Flash and Thunder. Who are they?" Snart asked.
"I swear...they always wears a mask." Cisco answers. Snart glares at him as he shoots his cold gun at Dante's hand and he screams in pain. "No! No! Stop!" Cisco yelled as Dante continues to scream.
"This is first degree frostbite." Snart informs him. "Your brother could recover with proper treatment. If not, all his tendons, blood vessels, and nerves will freeze. His fingers will need to be amputated. No more concertos for the Ramon family holidays. Now tell me, who is The Flash and Thunder?" Cisco lifts up his head and looks at him sadly.
Later at STAR Labs, everyone was looking for a way to find Cisco. "There's nothing on the satellite thermography." Atchaco noticed.
"You were right. This is all my fault." Barry sighed.
"How is this your fault?" Caitlin questioned.
"Brave heart, Barry. We'll get Cisco back." Wells reassured him.
"I'm back." Cisco called, they all turned around to see Cisco standing behind them.
"Oh, my God. Are you okay? We were so worried." Caitlin told him.
"What happened?" Atchaco asked.
"How did you escape?" Wells wondered.
"I didn't." Cisco admitted.
"Snart just let you go? Why?" Barry questioned.
"He, um... he tortured my brother. And he said he was gonna kill him if I didn't... if I didn't tell him…" Cisco answered.
"Tell him what?" Caitlin asked.
"Who The Flash and Thunder really are." Cisco cried. "I, honestly, man, they... they could've killed me. But they were gonna kill my brother. I couldn't let him do that."
"Hey." Barry squashed as he walked over to him.
"I'm sorry, Barry, Atchaco." Cisco apologised.
"No." Atchaco said as she held his hand.
"I'm so sorry." Cisco repeated.
"I put you in that position. I'm the one who's sorry." Barry told him as Cisco went to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Atchaco asked.
"I don't deserve to be here." Cisco told them. "I won't be the one to put you in jeopardy. Not again. Never again."
Later, Cisco was downstairs picking up all of his things when Wells wheeled in. "Don't worry, I'll be out of here soon." Cisco admits.
"Well, before you shuffle off forever, may I show you something?" Wells asked.
Minutes later, they are down at the containment system where they tried to capture reverse flash. "I get it. I failed." Cisco sighed.
"No, no, no. Now, you're an incredibly clever guy, Cisco. So why don't you tell me why would I bring you down here?" Wells told him.
"Because we all failed that night." Cisco realised. "But we kept going. We kept trying to protect each other, and Barry, Atchaco, in spite of the setbacks."
"Making a choice between three people you love, that is the hardest dilemma you will ever face." Wells informs him.
"Well, you won't have to worry about me making the wrong decision again." Cisco replies.
"All you proved today, Mr. Ramon, is that you're human." Wells said. "All you proved today is that you love your brother. And the reason that we all want you to stay is that we love you too. Now, I am not a parent, but, in many ways, you have shown me what it's like to have a son."
"Guys, you should get up here." Caitlin calls over the intercom system.
"Shall we?" Wells smiled.
Minutes later, Cisco and Wells are now up in the Cortex with the others. "The casino wasn't the target." Atchaco tells them.
"Then why did he do it?" Cisco asked.
"Casinos keep tons of cash on hand to cover their markers, not to mention the money that they make." Caitlin reminds them.
"But if they're under attack, the protocol is to relocate the money outside the casino." Barry informs them.
"So, that was Snart's plan all along. To trigger the move." Wells noticed.
"Okay, where is it now?" Cisco questioned.
Late at night, the money from the casino was being relocated and taken in a truck. Snart, Lisa and Mick see the truck and are about to go after it when the people who were in the driving seats see them. "Get ready, we got company." He warns. Then the people in the back of the truck start shooting at them but Lisa uses her gun to make one of the guys melt into gold. Mick shot his heat gun at the tires and the truck started to swerve. Just as Snart was about to use his cold gun, he gets grabbed by Barry and Macanese. His now empty bike slams into Lisa and Mick and they crash, falling off of their own bikes.
Seconds later, Barry and Macanese drop Snart off in the woods. "Good to see you both... Barry, Atchaco." Snart smiles. Barry takes off his mask and Macanese retracts the nanites on her head to show her human face.
"We have to talk." Macanese tells him.
"We know Cisco told you who we really are." Barry admitted.
"Can't really blame the kid for giving you two up." Snart laughed. "You two or his brother? Come on! I put him in a tight spot. Same kind I got you two in right now. Can't really stop me now that I know who you two are."
"We could speed you to our own private prison where you'll never see the light of day." Macanese told him.
"You could, but then I won't be around to stop my own private uplink that'll broadcast your identity to the world. So, the million dollar question. What to do with me now, Barry Allen, Atchaco Cornwall or should Lady CyAmze Macanese?" Snart chuckles.
"We won't let you keep stealing whatever you want, whenever you feel like it. It needs to end." Barry ordered.
"Can't do that. It's what I do." Snart reminds them.
"Then find a new line of work." Macanese orders.
"Don't want to." Snart replies.
"Why is that?" Barry asked him.
"The same reason you two keep running after guys like me." Snart answers. "The adrenaline. The thrill of the chase. I love this game. And I'm very good at it."
"Then go play it somewhere else. Leave Central City." Macanese told him.
"Can't do that either. I love it here." He takes a deep breath. "This city is my home."
"You've seen what we can do." Barry scoffs. "You know that we can stop you. You want to keep pushing your luck, go for it. But from here on out, no one else dies. If you're as good as you say you are, you don't have to kill anyone to get what you want."
"That's true." Snart tells them.
"And if you, or anyone in your Rogues' gallery goes near any of my friends or family again, I don't care who you tell my identity to. I'm putting you away." Macanese warns.
"I guess your secret's safe… Flash, Thunder. For now." Snart smiles before turning to Macanese. "Though, I may have spilled Atchaco is CyAmze, but not about you being Thunder, should make life easier for you." He laughs as Macanese growls at him, though in her head he knows he is right, it does make it easier. "Take it as a warning about what I can do." Barry and Macanese share a glance at each other. "Oh, I don't suppose you'd give me a ride back to town, would you?" Barry and Macanese smile slightly before they zoom out of there. "The Rogues. Cute."
Later at Jitters, Atchaco is talking to Iris and Eddie when Barry walks in the door. Iris walked up to Barry and smacked him on the shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?" Barry asked.
"For not telling me, your best friend, that you and Atchaco finally dropped the L-Bomb on each other. And for not telling me that Atchaco and CyAmze are the same person, I thought you were cheating on Atchaco."
"Sorry… we've been busy." Barry apologised as Eddie walked up to them.
"We're really happy for you guys." Eddie tells them before turning to face Atchaco. "How do you feel knowing that everyone knows?"
"Okay really." Atchaco sighs. "I was going to tell everyone eventually when I felt like it was the right moment, but Snart telling everyone, yeah it sucks but it also takes a weight off my shoulders." She then goes and sits back down at her table.
"Well, we'll see you love birds later." Iris smiled.
"Okay, bye." Barry chuckles before going over and sitting beside Atchaco.
"I got you your usual and a muffin." Atchaco said.
"Thanks." Barry replies. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?"
"No, but I don't mind hearing it." Atchaco answers as she leans in and kisses him.
Later at Central City Picture News, Mason was sitting at his desk writing an article on Harrison Wells when thunder started to rumble and the electricity started to flicker. "Come on. Hey." Mason complained as his computer screen flickered. Suddenly his lamp shuts off and as Mason goes to try and fix it, the Reverse Flash appears behind him.
"Harrison Wells. What do you know about him?" Reverse Flash ordered. He then punches Mason across the face which sends him flying over his desk. "What do you know?"
"Everything I know is in that drive. I swear." Mason begged as he stood up from crawling away. The Reverse Flash punches Mason so hard that it sends him crashing into the ceiling and then sends him across the floor.
"Everything?" Reverse Flash asked.
"Everything! Just take it!" Mason cried as he tried to crawl away from him. Reverse Flash bends down in front of him and drives his hand into Mason's chest. Mason looks up at him confused before Reverse Flash stops his heart.
"You really were on to the story of the century. Well... this century, anyway." Reverse Flash said, dropping his distorted voice. He then vibrates his hands and destroys Mason's hard drive before cleaning up the mess he made and zooming away with Mason's dead body.
Back at STAR Labs, Barry is talking with Wells. "Do you think Atchaco and I made a mistake letting Snart go?" Barry asked.
"I think you did what you felt was right in the moment." Wells answered. "And really, Barry, that's the best any of us can hope for. Now, let's be thankful the timeline remains intact."
"Oh! I keep forgetting. I've been meaning to ask you. It's about Simon…" Barry is cut off when the news of Mason being missing pops up on the computer screen.
"You were saying, Mr. Allen?" Wells questions.
Barry quickly turns off the computer. "Uh... Nothing. Sorry. Goodnight Dr. Wells." Barry answers.
"Goodnight Barry." He replies as Barry looks at Wells. Barry then puts his jacket on and leaves the Cortex.
Later, Barry is standing in his and Atchaco's lab at the precinct. Barry had told Atchaco about Mason being missing and what he thought of Wells when Joe walked into the room. "Barr, Max, what's up? Why did you two want to meet up here so late?" Joe asked.
"I think that maybe you were right, about Dr. Wells." Barry tells him.
"Which part?" Joe questions.
Atchaco and Barry look at each other before Atchaco turns back to Joe. "All of it." She answers.