Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and Atchaco were all still inside Wells's secret room. They were all looking at the newspaper article… from the future. "Flash and Thunder missing. Vanishes in crisis." Cisco reads.
"After an epic street battle with the Reverse-Flash, 'our city's very own Scarlet Speedsters disappeared in an explosion of light." Barry finishes.
"Barry, look at the date." Atchaco said.
"April 25th, 2024. Guys, when I fought The Reverse-Flash at Christmas, he said that we'd be fighting for centuries." Barry points out.
"Wait, you can't really think that this is from... the future." Cisco wondered. "That would means Dr. Wells, or whoever he is, is also…"
"From the future." Atchaco suggests.
"I have to say, I'm really digging the brighter red suits." Cisco smiled. "And the white on the symbol? That's dope. Wait a second. Suppose we now change the color on your suit. Will it be because we got the idea from this picture? That would mean we're living in a causal nexus. This... wow. This is so trippy. Like, Marty and the Polaroid trippy."
"Not as trippy as the name on the byline." Caitlin said.
"Iris West?" Barry notices.
"Wow. Moá neá w'awoáda (Congratulations)." Atchaco replied.
"Akan." A voice calls out and Caitlin gasps. "Native language of the people of Ghana. Also commonly spoken by inhabitants of the planet Bicia."
"Uh-uh. What the hell was that?" Cisco questions.
"Is someone here?" Barry wonders.
"Hello?" Atchaco said and suddenly Gideon pops up in front of them.
"Good evening, Barry Allen. Good evening Atchaco-Leigh Allen." Gideon said.
"Uh... H-hi." Barry stammers. "You know who we are?"
"Of course. Barry Allen and Lady CyAmze-Atchaco-Leigh Allen Macanese, directors of Central City Police, CSI Division."
"Allen?" Atchaco gasps.
"I guess you guys get married, congrats." Cisco replied. "And I guess you guys also get a promotion."
"Also known as The Flash and Thunder. Founding member of…" Gideon continues.
"What are you?" Barry asks.
"I am Gideon, an interactive artificial consciousness, or as Atchaco calls, a cyberspace buddy." Gideon replies.
"AI. Sick." Cisco smiles.
"You know Dr. Wells?" Atchaco questions.
"Yes." Gideon replied.
"Do you know who he really is?" Barry asked.
"I don't understand the question." Gideon admits.
"We... we mean, what is he doing here?" Atchaco questions.
"W-why did he come here?" Barry asked.
"To kill you." Gideon tells Barry and everyone's face widens on hearing what she just said.
Cisco's phone then vibrates. "Wells is in the building." Cisco informs them.
"What? How do you know that?" Caitlin questioned.
"I put a tracker on his wheelchair. Which, if we're wrong about him and he is paralyzed, I'm going to hell for that one." Cisco answers. "He's in the Cortex. Ask questions fast." Atchaco motions to Barry to ask what he needs to know.
"Why did he kill Nora Allen?" Barry asked.
"Because he was angry." Gideon replied.
"About what?" Barry questioned.
"That you escaped." Gideon answered.
"He's on B level. He's coming this way." Cisco warned, looking at his phone.
"What does he want from me and Atchaco?" Barry asked.
"For you two to be The Flash and Thunder." Gideon stated.
"Maybe that's why Wells let the particle accelerator explode, so that you could become The Flash and Thunder." Caitlin pointed out.
"Why? I mean, for what reason?" Atchaco asked.
"Guys, we got to go. He's almost here." Cisco warned them again.
"Hurry." Caitlin said.
"All right." Barry sighed and they all start to leave.
"Wait a second. Wait. What if HAL over there tells Wells that we were in here?" Cisco wondered.
"That would be bad." Caitlin reminded them.
"If I can get into its operating system, maybe I can disable its memory core." Cisco told them.
"Gideon, can you show us where your operating system is?" Atchaco wondered.
"Certainly." Gideon replied and she pops open her operating system and it was a weird tunnel.
"Yeah. Nope. That's not gonna happen." Cisco sighed.
"Guys, he's in the corridor." Caitlin warns them, looking at Cisco's phone.
"Gideon, could you just, like, not tell him that we were here?" Barry questions.
"Of course. I will accept any command given to me by you or Triton." Gideon reassures him.
"Barry!" Cisco hissed.
"Come on. We gotta get out of here." Atchaco reminds him, ignoring what the Wells's AI had just said about her own AI.
"Wait, wait, wait. Why would you accept my commands?" Barry asked.
"Because you and Triton created me." Gideon replied, as if it was the simplest thing. Then Gideon disappears as Barry and Atchaco zoom out of there with Cisco and Caitlin. The door to the secret room closes as they zoom out. As soon as they were gone, Wells comes around the corner and goes into his secret room. As soon as the door closes he gets out of his chair and walks over to the pillar in the middle.
"Good evening, Gideon." Wells greets.
"Good evening, Dr. Wells." Gideon returns as she appears.
"Is everything alright?" Wells questions.
"Everything is fine." Gideon replies.
Later at Jitters, Joe mets up with Eddie. "Eddie. Thank you. What's the emergency?" Joe asked.
"Oh, no emergency. I just wanted to, you know, talk to you…" Eddie answered, handing Joe a cup of coffee.
"Thanks." Joe said, takng the coffee.
"Without Iris around or Barry around or Atchaco around or Cisco around or Caitlin around." Eddie continued.
"So, in other words, you want to talk to me alone." Joe pointed out. Eddie chuckles as they sat a table. "What is it?"
"Right. Um, so listen. With everything going on... Investigating Wells and finding out about Barry and Atchaco…" Eddie started to say.
"Eddie, you cannot tell Iris about Barry and Atchaco." Joe reminds him.
"This isn't about Barry and Atchaco." Eddie replies. "I know the timing might seem off, you know, with everything that's going on, but I want to propose to Iris, and I'd like your blessing."
"No." Joe tells him, placing his coffee down.
"Come again?" Eddie chuckles.
"No." Joe sighed. "You do not have my blessing." Joe phone starts to vibrate. "That's Barry. We got to go."
"Joe, I only asked as a courtesy, out of respect. I don't need your permission." Eddie reminds him.
Later, Joe and Eddie met up with Cisco, Caitlin, Barry and Atchaco at Joe's house. "Really? For four very smart people, one of which is a cyborg, that was really stupid. What if Wells had caught you in that…" Joe said.
"Time vault." Cisco suggested.
"Thank you." Joe replied.
"Okay, I know we've seen a lot this past year, but time travel?" Eddie wonders.
"I did it. Or I will do it, I mean." Barry said.
"Excuse me?" Eddie questioned.
"One of the two speedsters in Barry's house the night his mother died was Barry. I mean, The Flash. He was there. Which means that one day in the future, Barry will travel back in time to that night." Cisco informed them.
"Okay." Eddie said.
"Actually, I wasn't talking about that. I kind of already time traveled. By accident." Barry admitted.
"What?" Joe questioned.
"I was running to try and stop a tsunami from hitting the city…" Barry explained.
"When was that?" Atchaco asked.
"A few weeks ago." Barry answered, turning to Cisco. "Right before you started getting those dreams."
"Oh, you mean the ones where Wells uses his super-speeding hand to shred apart my heart? Those?" Cisco wonders, sitting down.
"Yes, right. So, what if they're not dreams?" Barry questions.
"What else could they be?" Caitlin asked.
"Memories." Barry replied.
"I'm not following." Joe admitted.
"All right, what if, that day, Cisco found out that Wells is the Reverse-Flash, and then Wells killed him? But when I ran back a day, I changed the timeline so that event never happened." Barry explained.
"If it never happened, how can Cisco remember it?" Cisco asked.
"I don't know. I don't know. I think the important thing is, he does. Guys, I think I've got a really bad idea." Barry admitted and Joe goes into another flashback.
It was about a year ago, Barry and Atchaco were both in a coma and the doctors had placed them in the same room. Joe was sitting between the beds when Iris walked in. "Dad, it's been three weeks. You barely eat or sleep. You should probably go home at some point." Iris told him as she handed her dad a cup of coffee.
"Hey, baby." Joe greets her.
"Hi." Iris returned.
"I'll go home when Barry and Atchaco do." Joe told her when suddenly, Atchaco and Barry's monitors start bepping loudly as they flat-line and start having a seizure at the same time.
"Oh, my God. Oh, my God." Iris gasped as se rushes towards them.
"Help! I need help in here! They're coding." Joe called.
"They said he was stable. Barry. Atchaco. Oh, my God." Iris cried as doctors came into the room with two sets of deibrillators.
"I need the room." The Doctor ordered. "Just go. I need the room." He goes over to Barry and Atchaco body's. "How can he be seizing? He has no heart rhythm."
"Starting compressions." The Nurse said.
"Epi push. Epi." The doctor replied.
Iris was in tears as she walks out of the room with Joe and she leaves. Joe stays and watches through the window of Barry and Atchaco's room. "They can't save them. But I can." A voice said, and Wells appeared in his wheelchair.
"I know who you are. You're that scientist that Barry's obsessed with, the one who blew a hole in the city." Joe replied.
"Harrison Wells, and interestingly enough, my facility is the very place I would like to take them." Wells told him.
"You're out of your mind." Joe comments.
"I'm not gonna try and convince you with promises. But, Detective, give me a chance." Wells replies.
"I think we already know what you're capable of, Doctor. You hurt a lot of people that night." Joe reminds him.
"So those doctors in there, they're good enough? The best in the city, best in the country. Look at them. They have no clue what's going on. They're baffled, and the reason for that is that what's happening inside Barry and Atchaco is a mystery, and they don't have the tools to solve it." Wells replies.
"But you do?" Joe asked.
"That's right." Wells answers. "Millions of people used to look at my lab, and what did they see? They saw the future. Well, let me take that technology, let me take that know-how into ensuring that they actually does have a future. Detective. Let me save them."
Joe breathes unsteadily as he watches the doctors try to save Barry and Atchaco. "Hand me the paddles." One of the doctors ordered.
"Starting compressions." The nurse replied.
"Then save them." Joe told him. Wells nods as he turns to look at Barry and Atchaco.
"Joe? Joe, are you listening?" Barry wonders, bring Joe out of the flashback.
"Yeah." Joe said.
"We... we have to access Cisco's memories somehow. Somewhere in his subconscious is the key." Atchaco replies.
"The key to what now?" Joe asked.
"Getting my dad out of prison." Barry smiles.
"And how are we going to do that?" Caitlin questions.
"We're gonna get Wells to confess to killing Barry's mum." Atchaco answered.
In the morning, Cisco and Caitlin were making some type of glasses for Cisco at STAR Labs. "So, will this allow Cisco to see into his dream?" Barry asked.
"I got the idea from a journal article on lucid dream therapy. They think it can be used to help people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder." Caitlin informed them.
"Traumatised, stressed? Check and check." Cisco scoffed.
"The theory is that it will allow people to objectively enter their dreams and face their fears. Still working on the talking part." Caitlin admitted.
"And you're sure this thing isn't gonna, you know, mess with my brain?" Cisco asked.
"Oh, the amount of electricity required to trigger lucid dreaming is harmless." Caitlin stops talking. "Probably."
"Who's going to be lucid dreaming?" Wells asks as he wheels in.
"Um... With all of the meta-humans in Central City, people have been seeing some strange things... Things that they don't understand. And it's really just a matter of time before psychological issues develop." Caitlin told him.
"And lucid dreaming will help the doctors better understand their fears. Intriguing. Of course, you still need to guide the patient from the outside, right? Direct them to specific aspects of the dream." Wells reminds them.
"We're still working on a communications interface." Cisco admitted.
"When we dream, the middle brain lights up with electrical activity, whereas the higher brain remains dormant. Once we find a way to make both parts of the brain active, then it's just a matter of finding the frequency that will stimulate the language center." Wells explains as he shows them a diagram of the brain on the computer screen.
"Then the dreamer could speak. He could describe his dream." Caitlin said.
"Exactly." Wells agreed.
"Or her dream. It could be used for anyone." Caitlin said.
"Right, it's not gender specific. I would try a frequency of 45 hertz to start." Wells suggests.
"Thank you, Dr. Wells." Caitlin replied.
"Well, you never cease to impress me, Caitlin." Wells admits as he wheels away.
Later at the precinct, Barry and Atchaco were walking together and barry put a file onto one of the desk and they ran into Captin Singh. "Allen, Lady Macanese." Singh greeted.
"Hey." Atchaco returned.
"The Owens case. I'm still waiting on the fiber evidence and the ballistics report. Are you two on vacation or something?" Singh replied.
"No, I'm so sorry, we're just…" Barry starts to say when Singh's phone chimes. "We've been distracted by another case. Which is no excuse, we just…"
"Okay, just get me the reports when you can. There's... there's no rush." Singh said, looking at his phone.
"All right. Uh, Captain? Is everything okay?" Atchaco asked.
"Yeah." Singh sighed. "Since Rob and I have been planning the, you know, wedding, between the florist and the hundreds of kinds of cake filling and who can sit next to who... Never get married you two." Barry and Atchaco glance at each other awkwardly as Singh walks away and then they bump into Iris.
"Iris, hey." Barry smiled.
"Hye, you guys." Iris returned.
"You just messed it, Captain Singh was nice to us." Atchaco admitted.
"Oh, well, he's in a good mood. He's about to get married." Iris reminds them.
"Lucky him. Yeah, I know, it's…" Bary stop talking, not knowing what to say.
"Oh, hey, can I talk to you two in private? It's... it's kind of work-related." Iris wondered.
"Okay, yeah, now's not a great time. I'm sorry, we've got…" Atchaco said as Eddie walked in.
"Hi, beautiful." Eddie greets her.
"Hi." Iris returned, giving Eddie a quick kiss.
"Barry, Atchaco, can I grab you two for a second?" Eddie wonders.
"Absolutely. Yeah." Barry replied.
"Okay, well, can you call me when you're done? It's... it's really important." Iris told them.
"Yeah." Atchaco said and Iris sighs before the two speedster walk away with Eddie.
"Yeah. What's up?" Barry asked and Eddie shows them a wedding ring.
"Oh, wow." Atchaco gasped.
"I was gonna propose tonight. " Eddie told them.
"All right." Atchaco said.
:But I went to Joe to ask for his blessing. He said no." Eddie admitted.
"He did?" Barry wondered.
"Repeatedly." Eddie answered.
"Weird." Atchaco said.
"I need you both to talk to him, find out why." Eddie told them.
"Uh, Eddie…" Barry tries to say.
"Look, I know me asking you like this, it's a little awkward." Eddie admitted.
"Yeah." Atchaco agreed.
"But you know how heartbroken she's gonna be if she finds out that Joe's not on board." Eddie replied.
"Yeah. Yeah, all right. Yeah, I'll talk to him, man." Barry reassured him.
"Oh, thanks. I appreciate it so much." Eddie said, hugging both of them.
"Yeah." Atchaco said.
"And so will the future Mrs. Thawne. Iris Thawne. Sounds pretty good, huh?" Eddie wonders. Barry and Atchaco smile politely as Eddie walks away.
"Is it me or does it feel like the universe is cramming wedding stuff into out faces?" Barry wonders.
"Yeah, it does." Atchaco replies. "And to me it's not just the universe."
Later at nighttime, everyone is in Barry and Atchaco's lab. "Okay, can we go over this one more time?" Cisco asked.
"Yeah, you put the glasses on, fall asleep, and start dreaming. Not that hard." Caitlin simplifies.
"Yeah, except I'm pretty sure I die in this dream. If I go back into it, am I gonna die in real life? I mean, what are we talking about here? Is this Inception or Dreamscape?" Cisco wondered.
"Here. Drink this." Joe said, handing Cisco a cup of warm milk.
"What, am I five?" Cisco questioned.
"Just drink it." Joe replied.
"Okay, I'll drink it." Cisco told him, drinking the milk.
"You're gonna be fine, Cisco." Atchaco reassures him.
"Mm." Cisco babblers. "Okay." He leans back on the chair and sighs.
"The glasses are emitting a low-level delta wave which should help you fall asleep." Caitlin explained, putting the glasses on Cisco and turning them on.
"Okay. I got to warn you, though, usually it takes me a long time. I mean... I'm not saying I'm, like... an insomniac or any…" Cisco mumbles, falling asleep.
"Ah, so that's how you get him to shut up." Joe jokes and Atchaco chuckles.
"He's entering REM. It's working." Caitlin chuckles.
"Cisco. Can you hear me? You're dreaming, bud." Barry said.
In Cisco dream, everything around Cisco was a shade of blue. "Okay, I will take Dr. Wells to Jitters so you do whatever it is you want to do." Caitlin said, her voice echoing as she walked away.
Cisco looks around. "Whoa." Cisco gasps in amazement. "Guys, this is mad freaky."
"Okay, um, where are you?" Atchaco asked, her voice echoing in the dream.
Um, in the Cortex. I mean, I know I'm just dreaming that I'm in the Cortex, but it feels so real." Cisco said.
"What is dream you doing?" Barry asked, his voice aslo echoing.
"Caitlin just left." Cisco answers.
Meanwhile, outside of the dreaming everyone was standing around Cisco. "I asked her to take Wells to Jitters." Cisco said.
"Why... why do you want Wells out of the lab?" Atchaco asked.
"I think he might have tampered with my work. I need to check." Cisco replies.
Back inside the dream, Cisco was walking down the hallway. "Okay. Okay, I'm walking to the bunker." Cisco explained as he looks down at his shirt. "Oh, man, I love this shirt. I thought the dryer ate it." Joe's chuckles echoes in Cisco's head.
"Focus, Cisco." Barry's echoey voice told him.
"Okay, okay." Cisco replies. "All right. Now I'm running tests on the containment system. This data... It doesn't make any sense. All the supercapacitors... They were all still fully charged. There's absolutely no reason that the Man in Yellow should have escaped." Cisco then turns on the machine and the electronics start humming as he looks up and sees Reverse Flash in the containment system. "Oh, my God. It was just a hologram. He tricked us."
"Hello, Cisco." Wells said, his voice echoing like everyone else's, as he walked into the room.
"Oh, God, Wells is here . " Cisco said.
Outside of the dream, Cisco was breathing heavily. "Cisco, it's just a dream. He can't hurt you." Caitlin reminds him.
"You better be right about that." Cisco replied.
Back in side the dream, Wells is talking. "My name is Eobard Thawne." Wells introduces with his real name.
"Eobard Thawne." Cisco repeated to the others.
"Thawne? Like Eddie Thawne?" Joe wondered as Wells walked towards Cisco's laptop.
"You killed Nora Allen." Cisco reminded him.
"It was never my intention." Eobard admits as he closes Cisco laptop,
"Nora? What about my mom?" Barry asked.
"He's confessing." Cisco told him.
"Cisco?" Barry said.
"He... he didn't want to kill her. It was you, Barry. He was trying to kill you." Cisco repeats what was happening in the dream when suddenly the monitor starts beeping.
"His blood pressure's 200 and his heart rate is 147. Guys, he's losing higher brain function." Caitlin warned.
Back in the dream, Wells was making his hand vibrate rapidly. "Cisco, you're gonna be okay. It's just a dream. You're gonna be okay." Caitlin reassures him.
"I have grown quite fond of you, Cisco." Wells admits.
"His hand... It's vibrating." Cisco said.
Outside of the dream, Cisco was freaking out. "He's gonna kill me!" Cisco told them.
"Oh, God. He's gonna have a stroke." Caitlin said, looking at the computer screen.
"Get him out of there!" Atchaco ordered.
Inside the dream, Wells was just about to shove his hand into Cisco's chest. "In many ways, you've shown me what it's like…" Eobard said.
"Help me, please!" Cisco begged.
"To have a son." Eobard finished.
"Help me!" Cisco yelled and then Wells shoves his hand into Cisco's chest.
Cisco screams and he wakes up from the dream and takes of the glasses. "You're okay. It was just a dream. You're okay." Caitlin reassured him.
"Oh, God. It felt so real." Cisco panted.
"Barry?" Atchaco said, turning to the other speedster, who had a sad look on his face.
"My mom. That's why it's my fault." Barry replied. Atchaco looks at him sadly as she puts her hand on his shoulder when Barry's phone vibrates and he answers it. "Hello?"
"Where are you?" Wells asked and Barry's face widens. "Barry. Barry, are you there?"
"Dr. Wells. Yeah. It's... sorry, yeah. It's... it's a bad connection right now." Barry lies.
"Where have you and Atchaco been?" Wells questioned.
"Uh, we're... Why? What's going on?" Barry wonders.
"A fire. A huge fire just erupted." Wells tells him and Barry puts the phone on speaker.
"A fire? Where?" He asks.
"New Brighton. Bradford Tower High-Rise." Wells informs them.
"I know that building. That's where Captain Singh's fiance works." Joe tells them.
"We're on our way." Barry said and he and Atchaco zoomed out of there.
Minutes later, Barry and Atchaco were suited up and on their way to the burning building. When they arrived, the police and firefighters were already there. "Now move it! Go! Get those hoses up. Move! And tell dispatch we need as many tankers as this city has." A firefighter ordered as Singh walks up to them.
"What floor?" Singh asked.
"21st." They replied.
"God. That's where Rob works." Singh replied. Suddenly an expolsion erupted from that very floor as Barry and Macanese zoomed past Singh and raced up the building. "Please hurry."
Once the two speedster arrived inside, they heard groaned and people screaming from nearly all angles. "Dr. Wells, the sprinklers... They're not working." Macanese called into her ear piece.
"I see that. Just get everyone out of there." Wells ordered.
The fire was getting bigger. There was so amny poeople and they doubted that they could actually get them all out of the building in time. "No, we can't. We can't save them all." Barry replied as people coughed frmo the fumes of the smoke.
"Dr. Wells, please, what do we do?" Macanese asked.
"You both create a vacuum." Wells answered. "Rotate your arms at super-speed. That'll create a wind funnel that will suck the air right out of the room."
Then Barry and Macanese start moving their arms fast and the flames shoot out fast. "It's making it worse!" Barry told him.
"Barry, Macanese, listen to me. You both need to move your arms faster. I believe in both of you." Wells replied.
Then Barry and Macanese start to move their arms really fast as everyone in the room grabbed onto something. In seconds the fire was out and everyone was okay. So they all walked out of the building unharmed, coughing, but fine and Singh runs up to his fiancee. "Rob." He smiles.
"I'm okay. It's okay." Rob reassures him.
"I thought I lost you." Singh said, hugging him. Barry and Macanese walk out of the building and see Singh with his fiancee before they zoom away.
Later at STAR Labs, Barry was sitting with Wells and Atchaco had gone home to shower. Barry sighs as he walks into the room. "Mr. Allen. Tonight, at the fire, I saw hesitation. I saw you doubting yourself. Why is that?" Wells wondered.
"I don't know. Uh, I guess I was afraid I couldn't save everyone." Barry admitted.
"Right." Wells agrees. "But if there is anything that I have learned in our time together, Barry, it is that the only thing standing in the way of you achieving every goal that you set for yourself is you. There is no limit to how strong you and Atchaco will get or how fast you will go. Everything that you need, you already have."
"Thank you, Dr. Wells." Barry said, turning to leave but he stops and turns back towards Wells. "You know, I couldn't have done any of this without you."
"I feel the same way about you." Wells replies.
Later, Joe and Barry were talking at their house. "It's so strange." Barry admitted. "I mean, I look at him now, and I know that he killed my mom and he sent my dad to jail, but, I mean, sometimes he's just so kind in the moment, I actually like him. But you never did."
"No." Joe said.
"No." Barry agreed. "Well, at least now we know how to trap him. In Cisco's dream, he confessed to everything. If we can just recreate those conditions, he'll do it again."
"Man, Barr. Taking down bad guys, pulling confessions. I'm the cop. I'm the one that's supposed to be doing this." Joe replies.
"Look, if we're gonna get him to confess, it has to be with someone that he truly trusts, someone that he'll genuinely let his guard down with. He thinks of Cisco as a son." Barry reminds him.
"Well, then we need to do a better job protecting him than I did protecting you and Atchaco." Joe sighed.
"I'm not sure what that means." Barry admits.
"Barry, this is all because of me." Joe tried to say.
"No." Barry butted in.
"I never should've let Wells take you and Atchaco from that hospital. None of this would've ever happened." Joe told him.
"If you hadn't let him take us, we would be dead, for sure." Barry said.
"But even then, I knew something wasn't right. Everything in my gut was telling me not to trust him, but I did, because I was so desperate to see you two okay." Joe replied.
"Joe, this isn't your fault. It's not your fault." Barry reminds him. "Look, every bad thing that has happened to us... All of it... It was him. And now he's gonna pay for it."
Later at STAR Labs, everyone was in front of the containment system and they all looked at the hologram of the Reverse Flash. "So, Wells set up a fake showdown with a fake opponent who was never really there?" Eddie questioned.
"He figured if we saw both of them together it would prove that he wasn't the Man in Yellow." Atchaco explained.
"This all just keeps getting crazier and crazier." Eddie admitted as Cisco turns of the machine and Caitlin walks in.
"I just talked to Dr. Wells. He's attending a lecture downtown, won't be back until 5:00." Caitlin informs them.
"All right, Cisco, you know when he gets here you need to be working on the trap so he sees you set off the hologram." Barry reminds him.
"Hold on, isn't that, in your dream, when everything went all…" Joe started to say.
"Kali Ma. Temple of Doom." Cisco suggested. "Yeah, that definitely happened. But this time, I'm ready for him. I originally designed the force field to keep a speedster from getting out. But I've reversed it. Now it won't let one in." Cisco then steps into the containment system and turns it on. He smiles and then signals for Barry or Atchaco to try.
"I'll do it." Barry told Atchaco. "Back up." Everyone steps back and then Barry runs towards Barry and bumps off the force field as he fall to the ground, hard.
"Barry, are you okay?" Atchaco asked.
"Ah. It works." Barry groans as Joe helps him stand up.
"Okay, as long as I'm inside, Wells won't be able to get near me." Cisco said.
"And I will be in the Cortex watching and recording everything that happens." Caitlin informs them.
"And as soon as we get the confession we need to free my dad, I'm moving in." Barry told them.
"So what do I do?" Eddie asked
"Wells also threatened Iris, so if something goes wrong here, we need you to keep an eye on her until Wells is neutralized." Joe answered.
"I'll always keep Iris safe, Joe." Eddie said as he walks away and leaves the room.
"What?" Joe wondered as the two speedsters looked at him.
"Come here." Atchaco said and the three of them walked into the hallway.
"So, um, Eddie told us what happened, that you kiboshed his proposal." Barry admitted.
"That was supposed to be between him and me." Joe replied.
"We also agree with that. And we know that we have a lot going on right now, but I don't get it, Joe. Why did you say no?" Barry questions.
"Because if Eddie proposes to Iris, she's gonna get caught up in the moment and the romance, and she's gonna say yes." Joe reminds them.
"What's wrong with that?" Atchaco asked.
"Because one day she's gonna wake up and realize she married the wrong guy." Joe answered. "But she'll stay anyway because she made a promise. I don't want that kind of life for her. Or him. I want her to be happy in her life, just like the two of you are. I want Iris to have the kind of love you two share."
Barry's phone vibrates and he looks at it. "Speaking of, Iris just sent us a 911 text. WeI'll be right back." Barry told him and he and Atchaco zoom out of the room and Joe sighs.
Minutes later, Iris was waiting for Barry and Atchaco in their lab. "Hey." Atchaco greets her as she and Barry walk in.
"Hi." Iris returns.
"What's going on?" Barry asked.
"Look, Barry, Atchaco, I know it's not a good time. I mean, lately, it never seems to be a good time, but I need you two to listen to me right now. Like... like, really listen to me." Iris answers.
"Of course. Yeah." Atchaco said.
"Whatever you need to tell us, we're listening." Barry agreed.
"Okay, I mean, I know this is gonna sound really crazy at first, but... Everything strange that's been going on in Central City, it all goes back to that night. The night that the particle accelerator exploded." Iris reminds them. "I have gone through every bit of information that I've collected since I started my blog... Every tip, every rumor, every strange sighting. Nothing predates the explosion. Whatever was released into the atmosphere that night, I think it changed people... Caused them to have powers. And I think that S.T.A.R. Labs knew about it. I think the Burning Man worked there, and I think that that's how The Flash and thunder got their powers too."
"Uh…" Barry mumbled.
"So what do you think?" Iris asked.
"I... I don't know. I mean, it's... it's interesting." Atchaco admits.
"Yeah, it's interesting. It's... there's... there's just... A big hole in your theory. Um, you know... we was affected by whatever was released by the explosion, and we don't have any powers." Barry lied.
"Obviously." Iris replied.
"Right, yeah." Atchaco agreed.
"Look, I mean, I know that it's... It's really mind-blowing. I mean, I haven't even talked to Eddie about it yet, but…" Iris mutters.
"Yeah, you and Eddie... How are... everything's okay with you and Eddie?" Barry asked.
"Uh, sure. Sure. Yeah, we're great. Why?" Iris wondered.
"Just asking." Atchaco replied. "Anyway, let us read over all of this stuff, and we'll definitely talk about it later. We promise."
"Okay." Iris replied. Then Barry and Atchaco walk out of the lab ithe the folder, leaving Iris to sit by herself. She looks over an sees a picture of the three of them on the desk.
Iris looks at the image and smiles before remembering when the two of them where still in a coma. She was at STAR Labs and was sitting with their two comatose bodies. "Hey, Barry, Atchaco. It's Iris. I don't know if you both can hear me, but I hope you two can, because I really, really need you to wake up. Like, the other day, Detective Pretty Boy came into Jitters, and he asked me out, and I actually said yes." Iris laughs. "See, I do dumb things like that when you two are not around." She looks over at Atchaco and her voice breaks a little. "I miss our long talks on the phone together.: She turns to Barry. "And the house is really quiet without you. I know that the reason that you came to live with us was awful. But Barry, you made it a home again. And Atchaco, even if were not related, you will be my sister in my heart. You both made us a family again. We need you guys. I need you."
When Iris goes to touch Barry's hand it gives off a little shock. Iris looks both amazed and confused at it. She then tries to touch Atchaco hand and the same thing happens again.
In the Cortex, Caitlin was alone when Wells wheeled into the room. "Hello, Dr. Wells. How was your lecture?" Caitlin wondered.
"Oh, boring, tedious." Wells replied.
"Platitudinous?" Caitlin suggested.
"Couldn't have said it better myself. Um, where... Where's Cisco?" Wells questioned.
"Uh, he is in the bunker. He thinks he finally figured out what went wrong at Christmas. You know, when we were trying to catch the Reverse-Flash?" Caitlin told him.
"Yes, I remember that night. Well, did he say what he's found?" Wells asks.
"Nope, just that it was important." Caitlin Hmm. Good for Cisco. Um... okay. Well, maybe I'll wheel on down there, see what he's got.
"Okay." Caitlin says and Wells wheels out of the room. As soon as had left, Caitlin lets everyone know. "Here he comes." Caitlin warns.
In the hallway Wells takes off his glasses and sighs. A few minutes later, Wells comes walking out of the elevator to the bunker where Cisco was in front of the hologram of the Reverse Flash. Th hologram disappears as soon as Wells walks in. "Hello, Cisco." Wells grins. "You've been busy. You really are incredibly clever, Cisco. I've always said it."
"You're him. the Reverse-Flash. Joe was right this whole time, wasn't he?" Cisco questions.
"Good ol' Joe." Wells chuckles, closing Cisco's laptop. "Joe West had his doubts all along. Even from that first night in the hospital, Joe knew something wasn't right. Cops... as inconvenient now as they will be in a hundred years."
"Come on, Cisco. We need a confession." Barry whispers.
"You killed Barry's mother. I want to know why." Cisco told him.
"It was never my intention to kill Nora. But from my perspective, she was already dead. It just happened sooner than it was supposed to." Wells said, lifting his hand up.
"No. That's not an admission." Joe points out from where he, Atchaco and Barry were sitting behind the canisters, waiting for the confession.
"Oops." Wells smirks as he walks closer to Cisco, who had tripped and got inside the containment system.
"You're not gonna get away with this." Cisco said, taking out his phone.
"I'm not gonna get away with it?" Wells smiles and Cisco turns on the force field. "Oh, you're smart." Wells chuckles. "You're smart, Cisco. But you're not that smart."
Caitlin was watching through the monitors as she sees it all unfold. "Cisco!" She shouted, running out of the Cortex. Suddenly Joe comes out from behind one of the canisters and starts firing his gun.
"No!" Atchaco yelled. Barry and Atchaco take off running after the bullets, they each grab one but when Barry tried to reach for the last one, he couldn't get to it because it had already passed the force field and Barry couldn't get inside.
"He didn't confess." Barry said, horrified.
Caitlin runs in after Cisco and turns of the force field. "Cisco, are you okay?" Caitlin asks.
"Yeah. I'm never ever gonna sleep ever again, but, yeah, I'm okay." Cisco admitted.
Caitlin walks over Wells body and checks on him. "He's dead." Caitlin informed them.
"He didn't confess. Joe, this was it. My dad's gonna be in prison forever." Barry said, his eyes watering.
"Barry, I'm sorry." Joe apologises.
"Hey, uh…" Cisco gasped. Suddenly, the Wells that was lying dead on the floor changes form, in had actually been Bates disguised as Wells and now he was dead. "Whoa. What the hell?"
"I told you this before. I am always one step ahead... Flash." Wells reminds him, is voice coming through the speaker as he stood outside on a balcony. "Allow me to reintroduce to you Mr. Hannibal Bates and his incredible ability to transform into any person he touches. I knew that ability would come in handy. I did not expect it to come in handy this soon."
"You used him! Like you used all of us!" Atchaco screamed, Triton showing through slightly more with each word.
"Well, he served a purpose. Didn't take much convincing. Just the simple promise of his freedom." Wells chuckles.
"You ruined my life! All our lives!" Barry yelled.
"We stood by you after everything that happened." Caitlin said.
"I can see how this must be difficult for you to understand, but trust me, your lives now are so much better because of what I have done for you." Wells replies.
"You don't have to hide anymore. We know you're not Harrison Wells. Just tell us who you are." Joe ordered.
"A confession will get you nowhere. You've seen who I am. You know what I can do." Wells reminds them.
"You want to kill me, go ahead. I'm not gonna fight you. But just tell the police what you did. Get my dad out of prison." Barry shouted angerily.
"I don't want to kill you, Barry." Wells admits. "I need you. And…" Wells chuckles. "I also did not anticipate, as difficult as the past 15 years have been for me, how much I would come to love working with you and Macanese. With all of you. And yet, that does not change what needs to happen."
"Then face me now!" Barry screamed.
"Oh, we will face each other again. I promise you. Soon. Very, very soon." Wells warns.
"He's in the time vault!" Cisco informed them and Barry took of running.
"Barry!" Atchaco yelled, running after him.
Barry arrives at the time vault and so does Atchaco. When they walk in the see that Wells chair is empty and when they walk in further, they see that their is video recordings of everyone. "It was all a set-up. We thought we set a trap for him, but he set a trap for us." Barry realised.
Atchaco sees the videos of Iris and look amazed. "Oh, my God. Iris." Atchacoo gasped.
Minutes later, Barry and Atchaco run into the cortex where everyone else already was. "We have to find Iris." Barry said.
"Why?" Joe asked.
"Wells. He's been watching all of us. He has surveillance footage set up everywhere and I'm not only talking access to cameras in my eyes." Atchaco told him.
"Our homes, our lab at the police station, Central City Picture News. Cisco, call me when you have a location." Barry explained and they grabbed their suits and ran off.
Meanwhile, Eddie and Iris were on a bridge a few feet away from STAR Labs. "I am very much enjoying this stroll. We needed a good stroll." Iris admitted.
"Yeah." Eddie agreed and Iris chuckled. "Actually, though, would you mind if we park here for a second?"
Iris phone's vibrates and looks at it. "Um... Oh, it's my dad." Iris said.
"Could you call him back later?" Eddie wonders.
"Sure. What's going on?" Iris questions.
"Iris, this week, when I was arrested and it looked bad, you never wavered. You never lost faith in me." Eddie reminded her.
"Impossible." Iris gasped.
"And even though we've been through some rough times, I've never lost faith in us." Eddie admitted as he takes out the box with the ring and holds it behind his back. "Iris West."
"Eddie?" Iris questioned when suddenly a red blur passes them and takes the ring before shoving Eddie back. "Eddie!"
"Bad timing, Detective." Reverse Flash told Eddie as he appears in front of him. Eddie shoots at the evil speedster, but he just moved out of the way and the Reverse Flash grabs Eddie.
"Stop! Leave him alone!" Iris ordered.
"Iris, no!" Eddie yelled and Reverse Flash shoves him to the side and zooms up to Iris.
"I know who you are. You killed Barry's mom. But you don't have to hurt anyone else." Iris told him. The Reverse Flash was started vibrating his hand and was about to shove it into Iris's chest but he saw Barry and Macanese and he took off, taking Eddie with him. Iris gasps and falls to her knees as Barry and Macanese arrive beside her, causing her to yelp.
"Hey, Iris. It's okay. It's us." Macanese said, distorting her voice.
"He took him. The Man in Yellow, he took Eddie." Iris admitted.
"We promise, we will find him, okay?" Barry told her, vibrating his voice.
"What is happening?" Iris asked.
"Listen to us, you got to go home. Don't say anything to anyone." Macanese answered.
"We swear to you, we will bring him back, all right?" Barry said.
"Wait, stop." Iris pleaded. But they didn't and when they went turned to leave Iris gabbed their hands, and she gets a little electric shock as they get out of sight. "Barry? Atchaco?"
Meanwhile, the Reverse Flash drops Eddie on the floor of his secret hideout. "You might as well take that mask off." Eddie groans. "I know it's you, Wells. Or whoever you really are."
"Well, allow to to introduce myself. " Reverse Flash smiles as he takes his mask off. "My name is Eobard. Eobard Thawne."
"I don't understand. Why do you have my name?" Eddie wonders.
"Why? Well, 'cause we're family, Eddie." Eobard answers as he tosses the engagement ring to the side.
"Funny, I haven't seen you at any reunions or weddings." Eddie replies.
"That is funny." Eobard chuckles. "And the reason for that is because as far as those guest lists are concerned, I haven't been born yet."
"So that's why you didn't kill me that night at S.T.A.R. Labs? This whole thing... It's been about me?" Eddie questions.
"Not a chance." Eobard replies. "You, my friend, are simply my insurance."
Somewhere, Wells is pulled into a flashback. Barry and Atchaco were at STAR Labs, still in their comas. Wells, well, Eobard was there alone with them. "You both look so young." Eobard chuckles as he gets up from his chair and walks over to Barry. "And I could kill you right now so easy. What I wouldn't have given…" Eobard sighs. "All those times before to have had you like this. So... helpless. But fate, it's tricky, isn't it? I come here to destroy you... And then to get home, I have to be the one who creates you, both of you." Eobard chuckles again.
He walks over to Atchaco and strokes the side of her face. "But I will say, it's been an education... Watching the both of you grow up all these years. Science fairs and soccer games." He looks at Atchaco. "Debating shows and tennis matches. No hint, no sign, no trace of the man and woman you will be one day for whom I have nothing but hate." He looks back over at Atchaco. "And companision to my goddess most high. But to be clear, nothing is forgiven." He looks at Barry again. "You will be eradicated. I promise you, Barry Allen, that you will die."