"I'm getting faster." Barry admits as he zooms around coast city. "Faster than I've ever been, and I wonder if it's because lately something's chasing me. I know what it is that's stalking me. It's my past. It's getting closer, and as fast as I am, I can't help but feel like my past has almost caught up with me."
Meanwhile, ar Joe's shouse in Central City, Joe, Eddie, Caitlin, Cisco and Atchaco were sitting in the living room. "Where's Barry?" Eddie asked.
"He should be here any second. I sent him out for…" Joe started.
Barry to coming zooming in with pizza boxes. "Pizza!" Barry called.
"Yes" Atchaco smiles.
"What? From Coast City?" Cisco wonders.
"Supposedly the best in the west." Barry replies.
"Why did I not think of this before? Come to papa." Cisco chuckles, grabbing a slice.
"Caitlin?" Joe wondered.
"I'm not hungry." Caitlin admits, shaking her head.
"Okay." Joe sighs. "Six months of investigating Harrison Wells has led us nowhere, so we're going back to the beginning to see what we can find out." Barry lifted his head up from eating his slice of pizza and Atchaco momentarily stopped eating her's. Barry was also currently sitting on Atchaco's lap with on his arms holding his pizza and the other around her shoulders.
"What does that mean?" Eddie asked.
"Road trip, baby." Cisco answered.
"Joe and Cisco are going to go to Starling City." Atchaco said.
"Starling City? What for?" Caitlin questioned.
"To investigate the car accident that Dr. Wells was in with Tess Morgan 15 years ago." Joe told them.
"I... I don't understand. Why?" Caitlin wondered.
"Dr. McGee said that after Wells's accident, he became like a complete stranger. Just a different person entirely." Barry replied.
"Because the love of his life died? You of all people can understand how grief can change a person." Caitlin argued.
"Caitlin, we believe that Dr. Wells is the Reverse-Flash and killed Barry's mother, and he may have done the same thing to Tess Morgan. We have to learn everything we can about that night. See where it leads us." Joe reminds her.
"Oh, um, can you cover for me with Dr. Wells?" Cisco wonders.
"You mean lie?" Caitlin questions.
"Yeah." Cisco sighed, his voice a little high.
"I need some air." Caitlin admitted as she walks out of the door.
"Whoa... hey, Caitlin…" Barry stutters.
"Doesn't look like Caitlin's with us." Joe pointed out.
"No, she's with us. We'll talk to her." Atchaco said.
"What do you want us to do here?" Eddie asked.
"Business as usual while we're gone." Joe answered.
"Copy that." Eddie said, closing the lid of the pizza box and walking out of the room as well.
"Well, I want to wish you good luck over there, but I'm also scared of what you might find." Barry confessed.
"Scared is a good thing. Scared keeps us alive." Joe reminds them.
Later at nighttime at Gold City Bank a woman was walkin out of the building. "Can you get the door, Nina? Nina?" A woman asked.
"Oh. Sorry." Nina aplogogises, grabbing the keys. "Wrapped up in my own little world." She then stood up and walked over to the other woman.
"Late night?" The woman asked.
"Just one more thing to do before I make my escape." Nina chuckles, opening the door.
"See you tomorrow." The woman said, walking out.
"Night." Nina replied. She then locks the door and goes to the room housing the safety deposit boxes. She starts stealing from all of the boxes and she gets cauct on surveillance footage doing so.
The next day, Eddie was showing Nina the footage, who had been arrested for stealing. "So let's go over this again. This is you on the surveillance footage, correct?" Eddie questions.
"It looks like me." Nina admits. "But it's not me. I left work early yesterday. Ask my husband."
"Footage doesn't lie. Your husband might." Eddie reminds her.
"That's not me." Nina persists.
Later, Eddie, Barry and Atchaco are all standing downstairs. "No priors, no arrests, not even a speeding ticket. And everyone who knows this woman, coworkers, neighbors, say she's the kindest, nicest, most honest woman they've ever met." Eddie informed them.
"So, unless she woke up this morning and out of nowhere decided to become a criminal…" Atchaco started.
"Maybe we should be looking for a meta-human." Edde suggests.
"Yeah." Barry agreed.
"One that can control people's minds. Coerce them into becoming thieves. Is that possible?" Eddie wondered.
"Is that a real question?" Atchaco replied. "You are standing with someone who can read minds afterall."
"Hi, Barry. Hi, Atchaco." Iris greets the pair as she walks up to them.
"Hey." Barry returned.
"Have you, um, seen my dad? Captain Singh says he took a couple of days off, and he hasn't been home." Iris said and Eddie gives her the stink eyes.
"I didn't ask." Eddie lied. "Apparently he's taking a couple of personal days. Like father, like daughter I guess. I'm sorry. When are you coming home?"
"When it starts to feel like a home again." Iris admits, turning around and walking away.
"You better pray Joe and Cisco find something on Wells at that accident site, Barry, Atchaco, because I am just about done lying to Iris. About all of this." Eddie tells them.
"Yeah." Barry agrees.
Later at a jewelry store, a man was trying to sell down jewelry to the shop. "I recently inherited the entire collection." The man said.
"Beautiful. Let me grab my microscope." The Jeweler repled.
"Of course." The man said.
The Jeweler then walks into his office, where he finds out that the jewelry was stolen and he calls 911. "This is Dominic over at Abbott Jewelers. I've got a guy in here trying to sell stolen diamonds." The Jeweler, Dominic told them.
Meanwhile, at STAR Labs, Barry and Atchaco walk into the Cortex, where Caitlin was already sitting in front of the computers. "Good morning." Atchaco greets her.
"Hey." Caitlin returns.
"Hey, look, uh... can we talk about last night?" Barry wonders.
"There's nothing to talk about." Caitlin answers.
"Yeah, there is actually." Atchaco corrects her. "Caitlin, look, I know after everything Dr. Wells has done for all of us, it's hard to wrap your head around this, but I need you to see the truth."
"The truth? The truth is that he saved your life multiple times." Caitlin reminded them.
"Look, I know. But if I'm right about this…" Barry tries to say.
"If, Barry, if. And before I can believe any of this, I'm gonna need to see some proof." Caitlin admits.
"Proof? Proof of what?" Wells asks as he wheels into the room.
"W... we may have another meta-human case on our hands." Atchaco answers him.
"Ah. We are always happy to help, Atchaco, as you know. Have you heard from Cisco? He hasn't arrived yet." Wells replied.
"Uh, he has to help Dante, his brother. He might need a few days off." Caitlin lied.
"Ah, well." Wells said, wheeling away.
"All right." Barry replied as his phone vibrates. He looks down and sees Eddie calling him so he answers it. "Eddie."
"Hey, I got a call about a guy selling some of the jewelry stolen from the bank last night. Could be the teller's partner. I think he's made me. I could use The Flash and Thunder's help." Eddie admitted.
"We will be right there." Barry said and in seconds Barry and Atchaco zoom out of there.
Meanwhile, Eddie was chasing down the guy that had stolen the jewelry. Eddie then tackled the guy to the ground and they start fighting each other, but the man runs off as soon as Barry and Macanese arrive. "You can't outrun us." Macanese warns.
"I won't have to." The man smirks. He then touches the shoulder of the girl standing by and in seconds he turns into the same girl and walks away. When the two speedsters try and follow the man they couldn't find him anywhere. He… her… they had disappeared.
"Well, that was new." Barry admits.
Back at STAR Labs, Atchaco and Barry had told them what they saw. "A shape-shifter?" Caitlin wonders.
"Yeah, we literally saw a grown man, like, m... morph into a teenage girl." Atchaco answered.
"That's fascinating." Wells admits. "Today's physicists have always regarded programmable matter as nothing more than a theory, but I guess your shape-shifter proves it can be done."
"Wait, so he, or she, or I... whatever. This person can actually transform into anyone they touch?" Barry questions.
"Yes, it appears so. That includes both of you, Mr. Allen, Lady Macanese." Wells said.
"Dr. Wells is right." Caitlin agrees. "If you are touched while you're the Flash and Thunder, and he transforms into either of you, we run the risk of him exposing that Barry Allen and Atchaco Cornwall is the man and woman behind the masks."
"Because at this point we don't know if the shape-shifter is capable of absorbing more that just your physical characteristics." Wells reminds them.
"Like he might be able to copy our speed?" Atchaco wonders.
"That would be bad." Wells answers.
"Got it. Hands off the meta-human." Barry said.
"Hands off the meta-human." Wells agreed.
"So how do we find someone who can transform into anyone?" Caitlin asked.
"We, I guess like any problem, you just go back to the beginning. In this case, that would mean finding the first person the shape-shifter morphed into when they discovered their powers." Wells told them.
"Yeah, can you pull up the CCPD records of cases where the perpetrator plead innocent, even thought they were caught on camera committing the crime?" Atchaco asked and everyone stares at her. "I'm lazy, okay?"
"You're good, Lady CyAmze Macanese. You're very good." Wells comments as he starts searching through the computer until he finds what he is looking for. "Look at this. Multiple crimes of this manner all dating back to a month after the particle accelerator explosion."
"And the first one was?" Barry asked.
Wells pulls the case up onto the monitors. "Jacob Fisher. A teller at the Federal Credit Union. Claims he was innocent, and was framed by his best friend, a Hannibal Bates." Wells informed him.
"We'll pass this along to the CCPD, see if they can track him down." Atchaco told him.
"Good." Wells replies.
"Thank you, Dr. Wells." Barry replied.
"Always here to help, Barry." Wells reminds him and then Barry and Atchaco walk out of STAR Labs.
Later in Starling City, Joe and Cisco were at Starling Metro Police, getting a file from Detective Lance. "There it is." Lance said as he hands the file over to Joe.
"This is all you have?" Joe asked as he and Cisco start looking at the crime scene photos.
"Well, it's a pretty cut and dry case, Detective." Lance answers. "Harrison Wells, Tess Morgan are out on a Sunday drive, the tires blow, Wells loses control, and, uh... sadly Tess dies on the scene. Couldn't imagine carrying that kind of guilt around. So, uh... what are you two hoping to find?"
"We're not exactly sure yet." Joe admits.
"You come all the way from Central City, you don't know what you're looking for?" Lance questioned.
"Just following a hunch." Joe told him.
"Uh, can you take us to the accident site?" Cisco wondered.
"It's been 15 years. I think the pictures will serve you better." Lance reminds him.
"Still, we'd appreciate a look." Joe tells him.
"Whatever you need." Lance replies as Laurel Lance walks up.
"Captain, I need those witness statements for the Joshua Brown trial." Laurel said.
"Um, yeah, well, like I told you, end of day." Lance replies. "Sorry, uh, Detective West, Cisco Ramon, this is A.D.A. Laurel Lance."
"Related?" Joe asked.
"Daughter." Lance answers.
"Hi. Hi." Laurel said, shaking their hands.
"Hey there." Cisco smiles.
"You work at S.T.A.R. Labs with Barry Allen, right?" Laurel questioned.
"Uh, yeah." Cisco nodded.
"Can I talk to you privately for a minute?" Laurel asked.
"Sure." Cisco replies. Laurel walks ahead as Cisco gives Joe a look before following the woman.
"So, uh... how is Allen and Cornwall? Not too messed up from getting hit by that lightning, I hope." Lance wonders.
"No, no." Joe reassures him.
Meanwhile, Laurel and Cisco walk into an empty room. "How do you know Barry? Are you guys, like, friends or something?" Cisco asked.
"Not really." Laurel answers. "We met last time he and his friend, Atchaco, were in Starling City visiting my friends. John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver Queen."
"Three people who have absolutely nothing in common. As far as I know." Cisco lied.
"Cisco, I know Barry and Atchaco are The Flash and Thunder, and that Oliver's The Arrow." Laurel admits.
"How do you know that?" Cisco questions.
"Because I'm the Black Canary." Laurel whispers.
"Stop playing." Cisco chuckles.
"It's true." Laurel admits.
"You stop it right now." Cisco said and Laurel chuckles. "No."
"Okay, okay. Calm down." Laurel replied.
"I love you. I mean, I love the way that you beat up criminals." Cisco mumbled. Laurel chuckles again. "Wait. Why are you telling me this?"
"Because I need some technical expertise." Laurel said, holding up a device. "I've been using my sister's sonic device. I was hoping you could help... modify it."
"Yeah. I think I've got some ideas." Cisco smiled.
"Great." Laurel said.
Back in Central City, Caitlin was in STAR Labs looking at an article on Dr Wells. She then turns off the computers and leaves.
Late at night, Wells comes home and once he wheels himself inside, he stands up from his chair as the door closes behind him. He walks over to the counter and pours himself a glass of scotch after he took off his glasses. At the door or Wells house, Caitlin walks up and rings the door bell. Wells hears the door bell ring and puts on his glasses and gets back int the chair. As Caitlin stands outside, waiting for the man to answer the door, a streak grabs her and takes her away as the door opens. In seconds, she was in the middle of the street with Barry aand Atchaco. "What... are you two spying on me now?" Caitlin wonders.
"Caitlin, what were you doing at Wells's house?" Atchaco asks.
"I was gonna talk to him and get some answers of my own." Caitlin answers.
"You can't. You cannot talk to him." Barry tells her.
"Oh, so I'm just supposed to stand by and watch all of you ruin this man's life? Ruin my life?" Caitlin wonders.
"What are you talking about 'your life?'" Atchaco questions.
"Those nine months that you were both in a coma were the worst of my life." Caitlin admits. "I lost my reputation, my fiance, and through all of that, Harrison Wells stood by my side. He told me everything was going to be okay. If Dr. Wells is who you say he is, everything I've done since the minute I stepped foot in S.T.A.R. Labs has been a lie."
"Caitlin. If I am right about all of this, and you tell him what's been going on, I'll never be able to get my dad out of prison." Barry reminds her.
"Barry." Caitlin tries to say.
"If not for me, just do it for him." Barry replied.
"I can't believe you're pulling the dad card. That's dirty pool, Barry." Caitlin said.
"Just until Joe and Cisco get back. Please." Atchaco told her. Caitlin nods and sighs.
Later, Eddie, Atchaco and Barry went over to Bate's grandmother's house. "Turns out Hannibal Bates hasn't been seen in well over a year. Only remaining relative is his grandmother. She took out a missing person's report a couple of days after the Jacob Fisher arrest. Figure we could ask her a few questions." Eddie said.
"Like why anyone in their family thought that naming a kid Hannibal wouldn't mean he'd grow up to become a criminal?" Barry wondered and Atchaco chuckles.
Minutes later they are all inside the house. "Have you heard from your grandson, Hannibal, recently, Mrs. Bates?" Atchaco asked.
"Recently?" Mrs Bates wondered.
"Uh-huh." Barry nodded.
"No. Why do you ask?" Mrs Bates ponders, motioning for them to sit. "Oh, please."
"Um... because you filed a missing person's report over a year ago." Eddie reminded her.
"Oh, yes, I certainly did. You'll have to forgive me, Detective. My memory is not quite as it used to be." Mrs Bates replies.
"Of course." Eddie said as Atchaco looks at how uncomfortable Eddie and Barry are while trying not to laugh.
"Uh, neither apparently are my manners. May I get you three something? Coffee, tea?" Mrs Bates wonders.
"Uh, no thank you, ma'am. We're fine." Atchaco answers.
"Oh, please. It'll only take a minute. It's nice to have visitors." Mrs Bates tells them.
"Coffee'd be nice. Thanks." Eddie replies. Mrs Bates then walks out of the room and Barry and Eddie glance at each other before quickly getting off the couch.
Barry walks over to the mantel piece and picks up a photograph. "Ma'am, would you happen to have a recent photograph of Hannibal?" Barry wonders. They all hear silence when a clock chimes. "Ma'am?"
What they had not known was that they were never taking to Bate's grandmother to begin with, it had been Bates the whole time, he was just dequised as his grandmother. He then walks out of the door and changes into Nina again before taking off. Barry, Atchaco and Eddie walk into the kitchen to see that the back door was wide open. "She's gone." Atchaco notices.
"I'll take the front." Barry tells them. Barry then goes to the front while Atchaco and Eddie go out of the back door and they spot Bates and run after him.
"Hey, we located Bates. He was impersonating his grandma." Barry said.
"Barry, do not let him touch you. Do not tel him touch Atchaco either." Wells reminded him.
"Or let him see you use your super speed." Caitlin continues.
"Well, how am I supposed to catch him?" Barry asked.
"The old-fashioned way. Run like a normal person." Wells answers.
"Okay, all right." Barry said, hanging up the phone as he starts to running normally. "Oh, man."
Meanwhile, Atchaco and Eddie were chasing down Bates, Atchaco was running at peak human cybernetic speed and not peak speedster speed so that Bates wouldn't know her secret. They both continue running until Eddie runs out of the alleyway and stops running when two policemen show up. "What do you want us to do, Thawne?" Asked a police officer.
"Die." Eddie answers. He then shots both of the police officers and then the camera that was on the cop car. This meant that it wasn't Eddie at all, it was Bates disguised as Eddie. Barry hears the gunshot and super speeds over to the sound as the real Eddie arrives in front of the cop car with Atchaco. They both check the cop's pulses when Barry shows up. "Barry, call 911."
Later at the precinct, they were watching the video of 'Eddie' shooting the two policemen. "I know what this looks like, Cecile." Singh admitted.
"It looks like one of your detectives shot two of your cops, both of whom are now fighting for their lives." Cecile pointed out.
"That's not what happened." David said.
"David, I am the district attorney. I can't ignore what I just watched because you want me to." Cecile reminded him.
"We both know there are things going on in this city that can't be explained." Singh replied. "Hell, Atchaco here is an alien cyborg." He pointed over to where Atchaco was standing.
"Come on, David. Until you show me something incontrovertible, the best that I can do is promise to keep him out of gen pop at Iron Heights." Cecile told him and then she walked out of Singh's office.
Singh turns to the two CSI's. "Do you two have any way to explain this?" Singh wondered.
"We're working on it." Atchaco reassured him as she and Barry walked out of Singh's office and run into Iris.
"Barry, Atchaco." Iris greets them.
"Iris." Barry returned.
"What is going on? Everyone at CCPN is saying that Eddie shot two cops. How is that even possible?" Iris questioned, tears in her eyes.
"We're not sure yet." Barry admitted.
"You don't think he did this, do you?" Iris asked.
"No, of course not. He was with me the entire time, he couldn't have done it." Atchaco answered.
"I need to see him." Iris said.
"You can't... you can't see him, all right? They're not gonna let you." Barry replied.
"Look... we're gonna do everything we can to help him. Okay. Okay? Okay, I'm so sorry." Atchaco apologised. Then Atchaco and Barry give her a hug.
"It's gonna be okay." Barry said.
"Okay." Iris cried.
"We promise. All right?" Atchaco replied. Iris nods as Barry and Atchaco walk away.
Meanwhile, back in Starling City, Joe and Cisco were at the crime scene of where Wells and his fiancee got into an accident and Detective Lance was there to help them. "This is definitely the place. Cisco, let's see what we can find." Joe said and Cisco takes out a machine from the van.
"What is that? A, uh, metal detector?" Lance asks.
"Uh, essentially." Cisco answers. "Only instead of listening for metal objects, I'm listening for anything that emits a abnormal sound wave." Cisco then walks away.
"Right." Lance said, not truely understand what Cisco had said and Joe chuckled. "Where'd you find this kid?"
"It's a long story." Joe answered. "So, it must be interesting having a daughter who is also the D.A."
"Yeah, interesting's the word." Lance grins.
"I have a daughter of my own." Joe admitted.
"Same line of work?" Lance asked.
"No, I wouldn't let her anywhere near this nonsense." Joe confessed.
"Smart guy." Lance chuckles.
"Overprotective." Joe corrects.
"You two get along?" Lance questions.
"We don't always see eye to eye, but no matter how mad she gets at me or how mad I get at her, there's a strong bond. Why? You two have a bit of a rough patch?" Joe wonders.
"Yeah, she, uh... she kept something from me, you know, something important. Lied to me about it for months. Hard to come back from something like that." Lance answered.
"Mm. She give a reason?" Joe asked.
"Not one I could accept." Lance replied.
"Ah. Well, sometimes we lie for love. Especially when it comes to family, right?" Joe told him when suddenly there was a loud beeping sound coming from Cisco's device.
"Joe!" Cisco called.
"Yeah?" Joe wondered.
"I think we got something." Cisco admitted. Joe walked over to Cisco with Lance trailing behind him. "Tachyons. Little bits of time travel."
"You sure?" Joe asks as Lance walked over with his coffee cup, the lid lifting up.
"Pretty sure, yeah." Cisco answered.
Back at the precinct in Cenral City, Eddie was sitting in the interrogation room. "I didn't shoot those officers." Eddie told them.
"Yeah, the Captain certainly plead your case." Cecile admitted as Barry and Atchaco walked in.
"The results of the GSR swab. Detective Thawne's hands are completely free of lead, barium, and antimony." Barry told them.
"Yet no one can seem to explain how the surveillance video clearly shows Thawne firing his weapon." Cecile pointed out.
"It only looked like Detective Thawne." Barry told her.
"Mr Allen, no. Aren't you and Lady Macanese supposed to be the scientists around here?" Cecile said as she stormed out of the room.
"It's hard to blame her. That video is pretty damning." Eddie reminded them.
"No. No, we just have to convince her." Atchaco replied.
"Seeing is believing, Atchaco. They're gonna put me away." Eddie sighed.
In seconds, Barry grabs Eddie and zooms out of the precinct with Atchaco right behind him and they stop in an alleyway. "Okay, look, you get to S.T.A.R. Labs. They'll set you up with a burner phone. We'll contact…" Barry tried to say.
"No. I run now, that surveillance video is the least of my problems. No way I don't smell guilty. No way they'll let me stay on the force." Eddie replied.
"Look, you said it yourself, if we don't find Hannibal Bates, you go to prison." Atchaco argued.
"For a crime you didn't commit. I'm not gonna let that happen. Not again." Barry told him.
"This isn't like your dad, Barry." Eddie reminded him.
"Eddie, look." Barry said.
"When you dad was put away, you were a kid." Eddie said. "There wasn't anything you could do. But you're not a kid anymore. You're a scientist. Hell, you're The Flash. You and Atchaco are going to find Bates, and both of you are going to clear me. So go do it."
"All right." Atchaco said and seconds later they were back in the interrogation room.
"Get me out of here the right way." Eddie told them.
Later, Barry had already left the precinct. Atchaco was going to an meet him over at her house but as she was walking past an alley she was suddenly pulled in. The person who grabbed her pressed a needle into her neck and injected her with something. She turns around as she sways on her feet. She sees Eddie standing there before she collapses onto the ground. It wasn't Eddie though as you probably already knew, it was Bates disguised as Eddie.
Meanwhile, Barry was on the phone with Iris at Joe's house. "I promise, Iris. Now, I'm just here to shower and change, and then I'm going right back to my lab when Atchaco arrives. I swear I'm going to get Eddie out of this, okay?" Barry told her as he heard a knocking at the front door. "I'll call you later, all right?" Barry opens the door and sees Atchaco standing there. "Atchaco, hey, your here."
"Yeah, I'm here. Just like I was supposed to be, right?" Atchaco smiled.
"Yeah, we need to go and find Bates. Eddie cannot to jail." Barry replied. "I was just on the phone with Iris. She is really worried. You should call her."
"Right. There is just one problem with that." Atchaco said.
"What?" Barry wondered as he turns his back.
"Atchaco." She answers, hitting Barry over the head with her fake arm. Barry falls down to the ground, knocked out. "I have no idea who she is." Atchaco, who was actually Bates, kneels down next to Barry and touches him, which instantly turns him into Barry. Minutes later, Bates was still disguised as Barry as he tied up the real Barry and put im in his closet. He went through Barry's wallet and finds Barry's key card to STAR Labs, he would have taken Atchaco's but he never found it. He hears the doorbell ring and Bates goes downstairs as Caitlin walks through the door.
"Barry, it's me." Caitlin greets him.
"Hello... you." Bates returns.
"I think I figured out a way to stop our shapeshifter from morphing into other people." Caitlin told him.
"Oh, really?" Bates wonders.
"What if I create a serum that will terminate the polymerization reaction, essentially forcing the bonds to revert to their original form stopping him from being able to control his power." Caitlin explained.
"You can do that?" Bates asks as he puts on Barry's jacket.
"Yeah, I think so." Caitlin answers.
"Okay." Bates said.
"What's wrong with you?" Caitlin questions, noticing that something is off.
"Nothing." Bates lies.
"Look, about last night, I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. I mean, I know how desperate you are to solve your mum's murder." Caitlin replies, touching his shoulder. "But let's just bury the hatchet, and we'll go back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Figure out how to catch this everyman."
"'Everyman?'" Bates wondered.
"Bad nickname?" Caitlin asked.
"No. No, I kinda like it." Bates admits.
"Okay, good. Me, too." Caitlin agrees and then they both walk out of the house together.
Meanwhile, Cisco and Joe were still digging up he spot where they had found the tachyons. "Wait, hold up, Cisco." Joe said as he sees something. He moves some dirt out of the way and a hand emerges.
"Please tell me that's not what I think it is." Cisco replied.
"Okay, that is definitely a hand." Lance told him.
"Okay, see, I thought it was a foot, but a hand is just as bad." Cisco admitted. Joe moves some more dirt and then he finds a skull. "That is freaky."
That is proof, Cisco." Joe reminded him.
"I'll need to test it to be certain. I'm gonna grab my kit." Cisco said, walking away.
"Okay, I'm gonna have to call this one in." Lance said as he takes out his phone.
"I can't let you do that. Now I'm asking you, cop to cop, keep this under wraps. Forget you ever saw it." Joe told him.
"West, I can't do that." Lance replied.
"Listen, Lance, if this is who I think it is, anybody that knows about this is in a hell of a lot of danger, including my daughter. As mad as you are at Laurel, I can't imagine you wouldn't do anything to protect her." Joe argued. Lance sighs.
Back at STAR Labs, Caitlin was working on the serum as Bates was looking around. "Hey. Good to go. Just need to give it a little spin." Caitlin told him as she motions for him to move out the way.
"Oh. Right. Yes. A spin." Barry replies as she puts the tube with the serum into the machine.
"So this, uh... serum that you're making, is it a temporary fix, or will it take away his power permanently?" Bates asked.
"Not permanently. Just long enough so we can stop him." Caitlin answered.
"And how long is it going to take?" Bates wondered as he looks up and down at Caitlin.
"Not long. We just need…" She stops talking because Barry was standing right in front of her. "What are you doing?"
Bates smiles as he walks up to Caitlin. "Something I think I should have done…" Bates started to say, spinning Caitlin around. "A long time ago."
"Barry, uh…" Caitlin tries to say, pulling away. Bates then pulls her back and continues to kiss her. Despite knowing that it was wrong because Barry had a girlfriend that was also one of her good friends, Caitlin couldn't help but kiss him back. Then there was a beeping sound and Caitlin pulls away and sees Iris standing in the elevator through the computer screen. "Oh, my God. Look who's here."
"Yes. Her." Bates said.
"Hi, I have been looking for you everywhere." Iris told them as she walks into the lab.
"Here I am. What's up?" Bates questions.
"Where's Atchaco?" Iris asks.
"She is currently at home, she didn't feel right." Bates lied.
"Okay, well makes sure she comes in to get checked." Iris replied. "Look, whoever is framing Eddie, I got to thinking. What if they've done something like this before? I went through CCPN's crime archives, and in the last 11 months, there have been six crimes committed by people who later swore that they were innocent. None of them had priors, all of them had rock-solid alibis."
"All right." Bates said as Iris walked over to the computers.
"So... I hacked into my dad's CCPD account, and went through the footage of Eddie shooting those cops." The computer beeps as she pulls up the camera footage. "Look." They watch the footage as Iris turns to Caitlin, noticing her acting weird. "What's wrong with you?"
"Huh? Nothing. I didn't do anything." Caitlin lied.
"I don't know. Seems pretty convincing to me." Bates tells her.
"Look again." Iris suggested, showing them a still shot of Eddie. "Eddie is not left-handed. Look, Eddie is being framed, and we need to figure out who is behind this." Iris continues as Bates starts to take out a gun. "And believe me, when I get my hands on them, they are going to be…" Se is cut of when she suddenly hears a loud buzzing. Bates groans and twitches before he falls to the ground, the gun falling out of his hand. Caitlin and Iris turn around to see Wells holding a stun-gun (taser). "Oh, my God. What did you do?"
"Your observations about the shooter were spot on, Miss West. He was indeed left-handed. As is this man. Our Barry…" Wells tells her, moving the taser in his hand to the right. "Is right-handed."
"Oh, I knew it." Caitlin sighed before taking note of the other's faces. "Never mind."
"Then this is him." Iris wondered.
"It is indeed." Wells agreed.
"I need to take him in to the police. If they can see what he can do, then maybe they'll let Eddie go." Iris tells them.
"Perhaps it might be best if Dr. Snow and I handle this." Wells replied.
"Mm." Caitlin hummed.
"What are you two going to do? No. No, no, no. I'm taking him in." Iris argued.
"Of course." Wells said.
"Well, at least let me help you." Caitlin replies.
Later, Caitlin goes to Joe's house but runs into Atchaco on the way there. "Atchaco, where have you been?" Caitlin asked.
"Bates happen." Atchaco answered. "He knocked me out and left me in some alleyway. Way are you here?"
"Bates, he pretended to be Barry and now we have lost him." Caitlin told her.
"If he pretended to be Barry…" Atchaco gasps. "Oh my god." Atchaco then sprints into the house with Caitlin right behind her.
Once they were inside the house, they looked everywhere for him and they found Barry tied up in the closet. "Oh, Barry." Caitlin sighed. She then slapped him hard and Barry groans as he wakes up and Athaco takes the tape off his mouth.
"Aah! For real? Why did you slap me?" Barry questioned.
"Because you were unconscious." Caitlin answers.
"Smelling salts work just as well." Barry reminds her.
"Sorry but we didn't have the time for that. You okay?" Atchaco wondered.
"I think so, yeah. Wait, Atchaco, Caitlin. Bates, he was here." Barry informs them.
"Uh, yes, I know." Caitlin replied.
"Yeah." Atchaco agreed.
"Okay, let's go." Barry said.
Later, Caitlin goes to Joe's house but runs into Atchaco on the way there. "Atchaco, where have you been?" Caitlin asked.
"Bates happen." Atchaco answered. "He knocked me out and left me in some alleyway. Way are you here?"
"Bates, he pretended to be Barry and now we have lost him." Caitlin told her.
"If he pretended to be Barry…" Atchaco gasps. "Oh my god." Atchaco then sprints into the house with Ciatlin right behind her.
Once they were inside the huse, they looked everywhere for him and they found Barry tied up in the closet. "Oh, Barry." Caitlin sighed. She then slapped him hard and Barry groans as he wakes up and Athaco takes the tape off his mouth.
"Aah! For real? Why did you slap me?" Barry questioned.
"Because you were unconscious." Caitlin answers.
"Smelling salts work just as well." Barry reminds her.
"Sorry but we didn't have the time for that. You okay?" Atchaco wondered.
"I think so, yeah. Wait, Atchaco, Caitlin. Bates, he was here." Barry informs them.
"Uh, yes, I know." Caitlin replied.
"Yeah." Atchaco agreed.
"Okay, let's go." Barry said.
Back in Starling City, Joe and Cisco were back in their Police Station. "You sure there's nothing else I can do for you, Detective?" Lance questioned.
"You have done more than enough. Thank you for everything, Captain." Joe replied.
"Listen, I should be thanking you for getting me out of the office for a day." Lance tells Joe. "Pushing papers, reviewing budgets public all over my ass. It's been a nice change. I'd still be detective if I could, but, you know, body just can't take it anymore. What you gonna do when you got a bad heart?"
"I can think of something that might make things better." Joe replied, motioning over to Laurel and Lance nods.
Meanwhile, Laurel walks over to Cisco who was standing by one of the desks. "Cisco." Laurel greets him.
"Laurel, hey. Uh... We're just about to head back to Central City." Cisco told her.
"Were you able to make that item?" Laurel asked.
"I think this will do the trick." Cisco answered, opening a small case, revealing a choker with a device attached to it. "I bumped up the specs. Quadrupled the range, tripled the resonance. You should be able to do some serious damage with this thing." Cisco then hands her the box.
"I can't believe you were able to make it so quickly." Laurel admits.
"Eh. I've had some practice with sound waves recently. I think you should call it 'The Canary Cry.'" Cisco suggests.
"I like it. Thank you. As promised." Laurel replied, handing him a yellow envelope. "Hey, you show this to anyone, I'll kill you."
"That's just an expression, right?" Cisco chuckles.
"Nope." Laurel said as she walked away. Cisco shakes his head and opens up the envelope and takes out what is inside. Cisco grins at the picture of him and Black Carney.
"Cisco? You good?" Joe wonders.
" Oh, I'm good." Cisco answers, grabbing his things.
Back at STAR Labs, team Flash is in the Cortex. "So this Hannibal Bates has turned into quite the metahuman." Wells admits. "Take a look. His cells have the ability to transmogrify at quite the rate." Wells shows them Bates's DNA on the computer screen.
"Which is how he can become anyone." Barry points out.
"Which is how he can look like anyone. Because he cannot appropriate your memory or your powers." Wells corrects.
"Got it. Hands on the metahuman." Atchaco smiled.
"Hands on the metahuman." Wells agreed. "And to help you do that, Dr. Snow has concocted a solution we believe will stop him."
Caitlin opens a box and shows them what they need to stop them. "Yes. I've made a serum that will create a cortical reaction around his cells." Caitlin explains.
"Deprive those cells of their electrical charge, his shape-shifting days are over." Wells informs them.
"Wow, that's great work." Barry said as he touches Caitlin on the shoulder.
"Thank you." Caitlin gasps. "Um... no need for a hug or anything like that."
"Okay." Barry said confused. Atchaco looks at Caitlin with a confused look as well, wondering what was wrong.
"Oh, Barry. We got a ping from your cell phone. Looks like Hannibal Bates is at the airport." Caitlin calls.
"Payback time." Barry grins.
Later, Barry and Atchaco were at the airport. Barry was wearing a baseball cap and a hoodie and Atchaco was in a hoodie with the hood up. "Guys, are we sure he's at the airport?" Atchaco asks.
"According to the GPS on your phone, he's there." Wells answers.
"Yeah, but... he could be any of these people. I'm not seeing him." Barry replies. They then turn and see people walking past security, the x-ray machine giving Bates, who had been disguised as and old lady, away. He turns and sees Barry and Atchaco and touches a security guard and runs.
"Gotcha." Atchaco smiles, as Bates runs into the storage area and Barry and Atchaco zoom in, already in their suits..
"Hannibal Bates." Barry called.
"I think you've mistaken me for someone else." Bates replies, taking something out of his pocket before turning into Caitlin. "Wait. It's me. Please don't hurt me." Bates pleaded before pepper spraying Barry. Bates shoves Macanese so hard that she hits the back of her head on a pipe. She groans slightly before pasing out and Bates starts to fight Barry, still disguised as Caitlin. Barry seemed to be losing momentarily until he throws Bate up against the gate and he turns into Athcaco. Their fight continues and Barry hits Bates throat and he changed again, this time to Eddie.
"Not so hero-like. Treat all your women like that?" Bates questions. Barry gets pissed at the statemnt and he throws Bates against the wall and he changes again, this time he was dressed as Barry in his flash suit. "Well, look at that. I'm The Flash." Bates smiles as his fight with Barry continues.
"You may look like me... but you're not as fast." Barry reminds him, grabbing the tranquiliser and injecting Bates. "You're done imitating innocent people." Then Bates starts changing, first he was Eddie, then his grandmother, Caitlin and even a security guard. His form stops changing as he looks like Atchaco. Bates screams in pain and then drops to the floor.
The real Macanese starts to stir and clutches her head as she walks over to Barry. "Well this creepy even for me." Macanese admits, pointing to Bates on the ground who had taken her human form.
"Barry? Macanese?" Caitlin wondered as she talked into their ear pieces.
"Yeah. The one and only." Barry reassures him.
Later, they meet up with Cisco and Joe in Barry and Atchaco's lab with the proof that Caitlin was looking for. The body of the real Harrison Wells. "This isn't possible." Caitlin stated.
"Caitlin, I ran the DNA test twice. It's a perfect match." Cisco replied.
"This body is the real Harrison Wells." Joe told them.
"If this is Dr. Wells, then who have we been working for this whole time?" Caitlin asked.
"Dr. McGee said that after the accident, Wells became a completely different person. It's because he is a different person." Barry realised.
Downstairs, Joe runs into Wells. "Dr. Wells. You here on business?" Joe wondered.
"Business, no. I came to give my regards to Detective Thawne. Glad it all worked out." Wells informed him.
"Yeah. Crazy day for him." Joe said.
"Yeah. Crazy day for us all." Wells agreed, turning his chair to leave but he turns back for a moment. "Oh. Detective, did you enjoy your time in Starling City?"
"Not much time for sightseeing. I was working on a case." Joe told him.
"Oh." Wells said.
"You used to live there." Joe pointed out.
"I did." Wells agreed.
"You ever go back?" Joe asks.
"No. Too many memories of Tess." Wells answers.
"That's right. Sorry." Joe apologises.
"You, Detective, are one of the few people I know that truly understands that kind of loss. Iris's mother, you never talk about her, do you?" Wells questions.
"No. I don't." Joe admitted.
"No? You and I, Detective, are members of a rather exclusive club, I suppose. One who's membership is too expensive. Maybe we should have another drink sometime. Talk about it." Wells wonders.
"Yeah. Yeah, we should do that." Joe replied. The elevator door dings and cops get oof as Wells goes in it and Joe watches him leave.
Later at STAR Labs, Cisco was looking at a 3D map on the computer screen, the 3D map was of STAR Labs. "What are you doing?" Caitlin asked.
"After the accelerator exploded, I built a 3-D model of S.T.A.R. Labs so that I could pinpoint exactly what caused the malfunction." Cisco explained.
"And you never ran this test?" Atchaco questions.
"Of course I did. I just never had any reason to look at any areas outside of the pipeline or the cortex. It's a big building. Lots of places for Wells to hide something." Cisco replied.
"What is that?" Barry asks, as he find something in one of the models.
"That shouldn't be there." Cisco answers.
Minutes later, Cisco is using his detector as he walked down the hallway with Barry, Atchaco and Caitlin. "I'm picking up more activity around here." Cisco admits as the detector starts beeping loudly. "Tachyons." The beeping then intensifies as they stand where Wells's secret room is. "There." Cisco pointed to the wall. Barry feels around the wall until he puts his hand on a certain spot. Then the door to Well's secret room open up. They all walk in and the door closes behind them and seconds later the lights turn on and it shines on the Reverse Flash's suit.
"Oh, my God." Caitlin said as she and Cisco looked at the suit. Barry and Atchaco looked around the room until something turns on behind them.
"Guys." Atchaco called, they all look in front of them and see the newspaper clipping that Wells had always looked at. There was a photo of Barry and Atchaco in their speedster suits with the heading: Flash and Thunder missing; Vanishes in Crisis.
"What the frak?" Cisco gasped. What had freaked them out the most was the date of the article, it was a date from the future. Barry and Atchaco look at it with shocked and horrified expressions on their faces. But then again, how would you handle if you saw an article about yourself dated with a time from the future. This cannot be good, right?