


I observed the humanoid monster addressing us.

With white hair that looked like snow and a goatee of the same hair color on a face that appeared to be in his late 60s and a single colorful horn on the forehead, it was clear at first glance that this was the mythical creature known as the Unicorn.

I looked at the "kind-looking old man," diverting my attention from the monster's body, as I paid attention to what he had to say.

Among the humanoid monsters gathered here today, he was one of the few who didn't look down on us lower levels with contempt, even though it was true we were inferior to them from another point of view.

After all, power determines your position in this world, and the same rule applies in another world and dimension.

But that didn't mean this 'nice-looking old man' didn't have any arrogance on his face.

But this is normal.

Being on his level is something to be proud of.

"As you can all see," he said calmly as he began his speech.

"A natural treasure has been born here," he said.

"There is, however, a minor issue." Saying this, he kept quiet causing the surroundings to be unusually quiet, and continued.

"The treasure in front of you are laws," he said, as I noticed the monsters around me becoming restless.

'What are laws?' I thought and considered this as I was beginning to grow weary of my ignorance of issues like this.

Without thinking, I quickly raised my right hand and asked the Arch level monster a question in a loud voice, summoning courage I never knew I possessed.

"Excuse me, but what exactly are laws?" I spoke in ancient language.

I didn't realize what I had done until after I had said it.

Steeling myself, I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impending pain of my head exploding and cursing myself for being too stubborn to interrupt an Arch-level monster speech. I was prepared to see myself in the real world.

But nothing happened after a few seconds.

I opened my eyes, puzzled and confused, to see that everyone's eyes were on me, each with a different expression on their face.

The most noticeable facial expressions were those of confusion, doubt, and curiosity.

Before I could ask what was wrong, I realized I had disappeared from my spot and was in the midst of the big dogs, which meant I was surrounded by monsters above level 70.

"Who or what are you?" In ancient language, a demigod with scales and snake eyes questioned.

While struggling to think of a response to her questions, another demigod asked with a curious expression on its face.

"Who are you?" it questioned.

Being surrounded by individuals with such powers I could not dream of having now was killing me.

I was struggling to breathe, but I managed to force something out of my mouth. Saying;

"I can't breathe," I exclaimed with the last of my energy as I began to feel dizzy from the monsters' presence.

Realizing that I couldn't breathe because of them, they all brought in their presence and looked at me again, but this time with more interest on their faces.

I spoke with some difficulty after a while of panting and trying to catch my breath.

"Adrea flame," I said, using only my first name and the name of one of my main elements as an alias.

"Adrea Flame, eh?" A demigod said as he narrowed his eyes at me.

When I saw this, I started sweating and getting nervous, but luckily for me, he ignored me and nodded to the Arch level monster that addressed the monsters and me in the beginning, the unicorn.

The monster looked at me and asked me, after receiving what I assumed was a signal;

"What was the question you asked before?" he asked, looking at me with a barely visible curiosity as he waited for my response.

"What exactly are laws?" I asked again, trying hard not to shake under the gaze of the humanoid unicorn and the other monsters.

"Laws?" it asked, continuing.

"Laws are certain rules on how something is being governed in the sense of how something was made and how it was meant to be. For example young one, how do you think a fire is made?" he asked.

"Because of the principles of fire?" I asked, unsure.

"What are they?" he questioned.

"Fuel, oxygen, and heat are the three primary conditions required to start a fire. A flame will not appear if one of these is missing", I said.

"So, according to your understanding, this three must be present in order to make an ordinary flame, correct?" He asked,

Replying him with a nod, he continued.

"That means that according to you, to make a fire, you must follow these rules because that is how it was intended to be." Laws are similar but more complex and diverse." He paused for a moment to let his words sink in before proceeding.

"For example, to make a flame appear, you must have the corresponding element for it as well as mana, correct?" he asked.

"That's how it was meant to be and should be, but laws are different." All things in this world have their origins in laws. Fuel is required to start a fire. To make one with mana, you must first awaken the element. But with laws, manipulating reality and the lines, you ignore the rules that govern this and produce flame from the universe itself or other elements depending on the law that corresponds with the element," he explained, saying things I couldn't understand.

Unsurely, I asked, scratching my head "So, if I have the law of fire, I will be able to disregard the restrictions and rules that govern how a flame is produced and create one as if it were created out of thin air? And I can get to the 'roots' of a particular element using laws?"

"Well, you got something out of it, so it's a yes," he said.

I was about to ask more questions when the monster interrupted me, saying;

"Now that I've answered your questions," it said, "I need you to do something for me."

'Sure enough, nothing in this world is free,' I thought as I waited to hear what he had to say.


Next Chapter: Battle for the law of dark flames, Meeting Agneya Again.
