"I don't think you would be able to defeat Roga and the team," Doto said as he looked at Kin and Kakashi from above the castle near the hole that Nadare made previously.
Kin and Kakashi looked at Foto who was observing the fight from the start.
"Die." Kin said as he threw his chakra-infused kunai at Doto but the chakra from the Kunai disappeared before the kunai hit his black armour and dropped to the ground.
He jumped down from the top of the castle and made a large impact on the ground as smoke and snow make his body invisible for a few seconds.
Kakashi noticed that he heard some sort of hand movement within the smoke meaning that Doto is performing hand seals to attack.
"Kin dodge," Kakashi said as he jumped into the air as dodged the black snow dragon that came in his direction.
Kin unlike Kakashi was able to see the exact movements that the enemy was making in the smoke and exactly what seals he used to perform the Jutsu but he was unable to dodge the dragon as the snow dragon's movement was faster than his own as he got hit by the snow dragon.
"Kin!!!!" Kakashi called out to find out if he is even alive since the Jutsu that Doto made seemed to have high destructive power.
Kin's body fell to the ground but he seems to be still alive as he tried to get up.
"He doesn't seem like an opponent that I should hold back against. Right Obito." Kakashi said as his three tomoe Sharingan transformed into a Mangekyou Sharingan.
"Kamui," Kakashi said as he started to rip off Doto's body apart as the Daimyo started to yell in pain.
"How are you doing this? The chakra armour is supposed to protect me against both Ninjutsu and Genjutsu." Doto yelled at Kakashi.
"What an amazing technique." Kin marvels at Kakashi's attack as his head started to ache.
"Grrrr." His two tomoe golden eyes were being forcefully transformed into Kakashi's Mangekyou Sharingan. However Kin was feeling an intense amount of pain while this process was being carried out.
Kakashi stopped his Kamui as he looked at Doto whose chakra armour was now messed up and one of his hands was chopped off from Kamui and disappeared from the eath.
Seemingly like it just was transferred to another dimension.
Kakashi covered one of his eyes as he walked towards doto who was now defenceless because one of his hands was chopped off and his chakra armour was damaged.
"Hey wait. You can have the hex crystal if you want. You can have the Kazahana family treasures if you want to. I will give you anything that you want gold, women, power and authority. please spare my life." Doto said as he saw Kakashi pull out a tanto. A small katana that several chunin, medical ninjas and shinobi of the Konohagakure carry on their backs when they go into the battle. Kakashi's tanto however was one of a kind. The tanto originally belongs to his father. Sakumo that was passed onto him.
Kakashi didn't listen to anything that Doto was saying to him as he quickly used the Tanto to cut off the neck's blood Vessels if Doto caused him to immediately die from blood loss.
"Kin are you alright," Kakashi said as he walked toward the boy when he checked that everything was over. He then noticed that the boy was unconscious as blood was dripping from both of his eyes.
He then carefully put the boy on his back as he walked toward the place where Yukie and others are hiding to treat Kin's injuries as soon as possible.
"Kakashi sensei," Sakura called out to Kakashi from her cell.
"Ah. There you are. I was worried that something might have happened to you and Ino." Kakashi said as he ripped the sealing seal off from the cell allowing Sakura and Ino to recover their chakra. Which gave them enough strength to destroy the cell door.
"What happened to him?" Sakura asked as he saw kin who looks like he always is one step in front of her being carried by Kakashi.
"I don't know. I think he overused his eyes a bit too much while fighting the enemies." Kakashi replied.
"I see," Sakura replied.
In her mind, only if she and Ino could defeat the snow ninja and be able to help Kakashi and Kin none of this probably would have happened. She was also feeling guilty that Kin openly admitted that he didn't think she was strong enough to take on Mizore. If only she had just listened to the plan she thought that everything would be in a better situation.
"It's not your fault. Sakura." Ino said as she put her hands on Sakura to consult her knowing what her friend was thinking at the time.
"No. It's my fault. I didn't listen to his warnings. I was only thinking about proving how I was better than him. No. How Sasuke was better than him." Sakura said as she cried.
During the whole mission, she always tries to point out his mistakes and stubbornness because she knows that he was stronger than Sasuke when she last saw him but did not want to admit that her beloved Sasuke was weaker than this red hair jerk.
Sakura also noticed that her hatred for Kin was even stronger than the hatred that she used to feel for naruto when he kissed Sasuke for the first time.
Ino watched her friend as she started to cry.
She also noticed that Kin was treating Sakura badly and disrespecting Sasuke at every chance that he gets. Always acted like he was better than them. But she didn't say anything to him during that time because she thought that as an information-gathering Ninja who was trained emotionally to endure even the hardest of mental attacks, doing the mission as soon as possible is the priority.
"Sakura. What over is over? And to tell you the truth I am more responsible than you for this mess. So don't be too hard on yourself." Kakashi said as he walked on towards the Hideout.