"Ahhh. Where am I?" kin opened his eyes and noticed that he was in a familiar place but not the one he was expecting to be in.
He was in Konohagakure's hospital room.
He has been to this place when he was visiting Naruto so he knew that he wasn't mistaking the hospital for other places.
"You are up." Then he heard a familiar female voice as an apple come flying straight into his face.
He was able to catch the apple before it hit him and saw sakura who seems to be waiting for him and Shikamaru who was sleeping.
"Seriously how fragile are you? You have been knocked out for more than a week." Sakura said.
"What are you guys doing here?" Kin asked.
"... Shikamaru said he comes here so that he has an excuse to skip training," Sakura said.
"And what about you?" Kin asked his question again.
"Ah, you are finally awake. Geeze. And now he is sleeping. Ino who just come into the room said as she looked at Shikamaru.
"Sakra wanted to nurse you while you are knocked out because she felt she was responsible for the way that the mission played. Shikamaru was just sent here because he volunteered to guard Sakura against killing you in sleep by Kakashi sensei's orders." Ino said as she explained.
"Oh Yeah. The mission." Kin asked.
"It was a success. Although they refused to surrender their advanced military technology but they made a contract to provide the village with their non-military technology. Like radios and skateboards. And you even got this as a bonus for your hard work." She said as she showed a pink ticket in her hands.
"Permanent Permit to use the spring in the land of snow. Vip?"Kin read out what was written on the ticket.
"Yeah, it turned out that the Kazahana family treasure is a hot spring that can be accessed in Snowy Mountain," Ino said.
"..." Kin looked at her with the look this is the mission that I almost lost my life to and the reward is a ticket to a hot spring.
"Wahhh. Oh, you are up." Shikamaru said to Kin as he woke up from his nap.
"...." Kin, Sakura and Ino just look at him with strange eyes as he woke up.
"What?" Shikamaru asked.
"You know if you are really in the middle of the Battle with such determination I don't know if I should be worried about you overworking," Ino sarcastically said to Shikamaru.
"Puff." Kin chuckled for a bit.
"If you normally smile like that I am sure that you will be more popular with girls," Sakura said to Kin as she looked at him with eyes that says my mission is over. It was a compliment but Kin didn't take it that way as she insults her back.
"If you cover your forehead with your hair I am sure that you might be more popular with someone other than Naruto." Kin said to her.
Of course, all the people present In Kin's hospital room immediately who that someone that Kin was referring to.
Shikamaru and Ino immediately widened their eyes when they heard him say that.
Thinking that Sakura might throw a tantrum.
But strangely Sakura didn't bust out into anger.
"I see." She replied she started to pack her things and walked outside the Hospital room.
Although she was trying hard not to show that she was visibly upset and mad at Kin for saying something to her.
"You know you can really be a Jerk sometimes," Ino said as she also walked out of the room.
"I was wrong. Girls don't always like a lone wolf type guy that excels in almost everything." Shikamaru said to himself as he remembers what he said to Naruto before he left the village.
After a few days since Kin got up.
He was at the training ground with Kakashi.
"Let's do something about those eyes," Kakashi said as he pointed at Kin's eyes.
"They are your greatest asset in battle but you seem to be lacking control somehow," Kakashi said to Kin.
"Genjutsu? Do you know how to use it?" Kakashi asked Kin.
He shakes his head.
Kakashi let out a sigh.
"This is going to be more troublesome than I thought," Kakashi said as he revealed his three tomoe Sharingan to Kin.
"Listen carefully. I don't know if you could do that with your eyes but Sharingan usually has two abilities. Eye of Insight enhances your vision by giving you vision chakra flow and allowing you to see fast-moving objects that normal eyes could not observe. But another ability allows you wield Genjutsu with eye contact. Eye of hypnotism." Kakashi said to Kin.
"Genjutsu with my eyes?" Kin asked. He has read about what genjutsu was in books and documents that Tsunade gave him but he has never heard or read something about the eyes being the eye to use your genjutsu.
"I don't think you get what I am saying. Fine I will show you what I mean." He said as he looked into Kin's eyes with his Sharingan.
"Wha....." Kin was taken in by surprise before falling to the ground with his eyes closed.
"I know something like this is going to happen," Azuma said to Kakashi as he put out the cigarette that he was smoking.
"Why are you here?" Kakashi asked.
"I was worried about the brat. After all, even if we didn't talk much I still taught him Taijutsu." Azuma said.
"Ah. I see." Kakashi replied.
Kakashi looked at the sleeping boy as he saw himself in him.
"Obito, don't go after them," Kakashi said to a black hair boy.
"What do you mean by that? Don't you get it?" The boy replied.
"The two of us will resume the mission," Kakashi said.
"Rin. What about Rin?" The black hair boy shouted.
"Leave Rin from now. The enemy wants to know our motive so they won't kill her yet." Kakashi said.
"Rin is a medical ninja so I am sure that if she treats their wounds they won't... More importantly, the issue is the enemy discovering our aim. If they find out what we want our mission will become even more difficult." He said with a cold voice.
"Obito. I swear that I will not let another one follow my path so. Please just wat over rin." Kakashi said.
"Here," Azuma said as he handed Kakashi a smoke.
"It looks like you need it." He said.