
Three nights gone...

A shrill cry sounded loudly into the night and it jolted Blake and the girls. The cry they heard sounded like pain into their ears and then the next minute, rampard footsteps was heard next.

Sound of horses galloping around. Clangor of metals, hissing of blades.

Has war broke out in Ruithe Ville?

They had thought of going along Ruithe ville and inter-porting themselves back to Blackshire but, the journey has been so long that even for complete three days, they weren't able to leave the land.

All Blake could hear right now from behind the large tree where they took shelter was... bloodshed.

It was the most ungodly thing they were able to witness right now at this ungodly hour.

Obviously, it is already mid-night so they still needed to sleep.

Three good days wasn't enough for them to claim a good sleep but though things happen, they wouldn't allow themselves to be an escape goat to this war ongoing.

Blake turned to Tera and Evie.

Their eyes still held surprise in them, as though not able to believe that a war just broke out in the middle of the night.

Seems like whoever that started the war had gone about killing lives and that was why the shrill cry was heard earlier.

This had got to stop!

"We need to leave here this minute, it isn't safe for us."

Tera's eyes circles abruptly and she stared at Evie.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go."

Evie said stading up from her position and summoning her weapon.

The metalic [Azure Steel] danced in scarlette weaves right before their eyes and Blake knew instantly that she had been downed a weapon by the gods.

"Wow, nice steel Evie..."

Blake complimented but still, the lady didn't bother giving him a single smile. She just looked even more indifferent to the whole situation.

The trio sneaked out from behind the large tree and now, they wandered around the street still being alerted just incase they are being surrounded.

But suddenly...

The sounds of approaching hoaves ruminated and that sent the level of alertness instilled in them. Blake turned behind and saw the horse approach them from a distant and then Blake summoned the [Night Tide].

Tera held unto her own blade as they waited for the attacker to approach. But soon, the horse drew closer and later halted right in front of them. He was putting on a dark armour just like the one Blake had in his Racks and instantly, his helmet disappeared in those famiiar weaves and behold, it was Jotham.

Blake's eyes widened.

"Master Jotham... I mean, Sire! You.. I.. Sire!"

Blake was tongue tied. For a moment he imagined whether Jotham is already dead. He couldn't believe that he was already seeing this man. He had full beards half of it dark and half white. He had golden brown eyes with dark-silvery hair. Chaperone type. His skin was light and he looked like he was born to be a true War god.

"Sire!! Um,"

"Blake... don't gaggle."

Evie was the one who stopped him from talking or else, he would continously make a fool of himself.

"No time for these... let's go guys. These men are after me. I stole their stallion."

Jotham said making Blake to 'ow'

Instantly, before they could even make escape, they were already surrounded. Several men on their horse were radiating with nothing but killing intent. Their body smelt of blood, both the dried one and fresh blood.

Before they could realise what was happening, these horsemen were already upon them.

Their armour radiating and spear, glistening by the pale colour of the moon light.

Everyone clashed upon each other. Jotham fought effortlessly like the epitome of a war god that he was. Blake kept slipping in and out of the [Darkness Cover] and dealing his attacks on them.

Evie and Tera kept using some of their somber attributes on them which only depicts nothing but pure perfection. The whole fight scene was perfect...

Until one of the men decided to use a dark medalion to reduce their gravitational force.


Blake found it hard to move. Everything became heavy. Even to move his leg was a problem.

"This is bad..."

Then the next minute, everything went down in explosion as white flames radiated the air.