The Defendant

AFTER the last trial and after hearing the sentence, Reign's was brought to City Jail so much of making him more disappointed. Making him more dull as he was. But not just like a few months ago, his prison cell was not in the municipal anymore, he was now brought to City jail where real criminals lived after the sentence and so as he! He was proven guilty, whether he like it or not, he will live the home of criminals for more than a decade.

With his hand being handcuffs infront below his abdomen, he went out of the patrol car escorting by two police officer.

He was silent. Their are thoughts he couldn't voice out. What for? His thoughts can't bring his desire freedom!

As soon as they enter the city jail, Reign started to tremble. His both hands were trembling. He has to bite his own lip to stop himself from crying.

"How I ended up being like this?" He thought.

Reign still can't imagine himself being like this. It seems like he has to. He couldn't believe that his proven guilty to a crime he didn't commit.

A sad smile arise on his face. Just few months back he was working his ass to make money for his living but now, he has to suffer someone else crime.

Without feeling any emotion, he entered his prison cell the two police lead his way in. The policeman removed the handcuffs from his hand. It was violently removed that he was really hurt but he did not show any emotion.

A mocking laugh filled his ears. "If I were the judge I will sentence him death penalty! 12 years isn't enough for what he did!"

"Agree," said by the later. "For brutally killing two innocent individual, indeed, 12 years isn't enough! Sentencing him death penalty isn't that bad, don't you think!? He deserved it after all!"

After removing the handcuffs from his hand, One of the policeman slammed the iron door shut. He made two steps backwards.

"Good thing you two aren't the judge!" He talk back. "Because if you were, then your sentencing the wrong felon and killing me won't give you the satisfaction, know why?" He playfully ask. "Because I'm not guilty! What's the difference between you and the real culprit if you kill me? Theirs nothing difference, don't you think? I'm not guilty because I didn't commit any crime!"

"Your attention was all too focused on me! Why don't you all step back and see the whole picture? Because I am the one who pays for the sin I did not commit, while the real culprit walks freely outside!"

After saying his remark, Riegn turned his back and sat on the cold floor. He didn't hear any negative response from the officers and all he could hear was the outward footsteps until silence filled the whole cell.

Alone on her prison cell, Reign started crying. Tears after tears. Now that he was alone he didn't have to pretend. He no longer had to fool himself into how he really felt. He was hurting and there was nothing he could do to relieve it.

He felt extreme hopeless. Now that his a sentence person, he don't know what will happen next aside to endure a decade being prison. He don't know who to count on nor, who to ask for help. His pretty sure that his attorney can't do anything in his favor. He knew that there was nothing his attorney could do because if there was, he would have made a way to reduce his sentence.

It's either, his attorney is powerless to defend him or, it was being buyed by the other party!

With that thought, Reign cried even more. He felt like the whole world is  turning their back and against to him. It's as if, he was the most disgusting and wicked human being!

Carrying the heavy feeling, Reign didn't seems to notice that he fell asleep. Lying on the cold floor, Reign fell into a deep sleep making her at ease even for a shortwhile. He had a long day and he endured everything bravely.

He sleep as if he was really drained, but he is! His emotionally and mentally drained and a good sleep can refresh his strength he needed once he wake up.

Only to be sooner. Reign's peaceful sleep interrupt when he heard someone is calling his name.

"Reign..!" Someone called out. "Reign..."

He did not move and felt himself first.


When it was confirmed that he was not dreaming or just hallucinating, he slowly opened his eyes. Dimmed light was the first thing he noticed. It wasn't too bright and the light was just right so he wouldn't stumble in the dark.

"Thanks God you're awake now! Come over here Reign!" Riegn don't need to see his face to recognize because he know it was his attorney who's talking.

Heaving a deep sigh he approached his attorney. "What?"

"Nothing. Just checking up on you." His attorney said in a shrugged.

"And i just wanna remind you the things you need to do while you're here!" He added and later on stopped talking and stared at him. "Wait... Did you cried?"

"Who on earth would enjoy this kind of situation?"

Just like him, a sad smile arise on his attorney's face. "Just hold on tight Reign, I promise, I will free you before your sentence end! I believe in you so don't stop hoping! But for now, endure as long as you can, even if you don't feel anything anymore, please be patient. Finish your one month charge, after that continue your good behavior! You need to have a good record."

"You have to make a good record, it won't be easy but I know you can do it! That's all we can do now. Your case is non-billable and only parole can temporarily release you!"

"That's why I'm asking you to build a good record while your here! Once we proved your good behavior after a few months, I will petition a parole for you and that's where we start cleaning your messed up name!" He added.

"How many months before the parole you say is approved!?"

"I can't tell." The attorney said while shacking his head. "It takes time and it will depend on your record, If you deserve to be a parole prison or not!"

"Then I have to stay here for a long time until my parole is approved. "It was not a question but a statement. Reign slowly shook his head." Theirs no way out! There is no certainty that parole you say!"

"Just believe, we'll be there too!" The attorney's voice was encouraging but it didn't seems to affect Reign.

After a shortwhile of silence, the attorney spoke again but this time it wasn't meant for him so, he has to lifted his gaze to see who's his attorney speaking to. "All right, enter that."

A few minutes later a police officer appeared from the dark corridor while carrying something. He had already opened his cell and only then did he see what they were carrying.

It was a folding bed.

Surprised, he looked at his attorney who now had a smile on his face. "How did you get that in?"

His attorney just grinned and tapped the shoulder of the two policemen who brought in the folding bed. Those are no longer the two policemen who delivered him earlier.

"Reign, I have my ways!" His attorney playfully said.

"Oh really? My bad doubting you, attorney. Thank you then!"

After it, silence fell between them. It was the attorney who broke the ice. "I'll take my leave now! I'll visit you one of this days, just don't forget what I told you!"

"Hmm... Thank you!" Reign said referring to the folding bed her attorney give.

The attorney just nodded at him and started to leave. Later he was alone again. He arranged the folding bed and lay there while resting on his own arms. Staring at the empty ceiling, Reign fell into deep thoughts.

Thinking differently about what is bothering him. Starting with how it all happened and he ended up in this situation. Those who's waiting with him outside. His siblings that are waiting for his support in the province.

A smile appeared on his face when he remember his siblings. Oh my adorable siblings, I wonder how they doing?

With the thought of his siblings, a courage and new hope arose deep within him. He can't be weak now! His siblings needs him the most.

I can't let this continue! More than a decade is way too long! I can't be like this. I can't wait that long... I need to be out of here as soon as possible!