Jealousy and Confrontation

"Are you okay with the choice?" Drake asked.

"Yes." He was more than okay with Kayla going, if it had been Anna he would have said something.

"I'm not so sure of Anna. I didn't like that she joined our group. However I was gone and Ian let her in, can't kick her out now. I get a bad vibe from her."

"As do I."

"Didn't exactly use your head with that one."

"Not really no." Savon said. "In my defense she came to me, and it took a bit of her badgering." Loneliness, it's a killer.

"Whatever you say." Drake said with a smile getting up. Savon just gave him a smirk.

"Always thinking the worst."

"I brought you home didn't I?"

"This is true, a good choice by the way." Drake just gave a laugh and moved off. Savon got up and figured that it would be best if he got sleep. He went down the hallway there and turned to the left. He felt like turning around when he saw Anna standing there.


'She is annoying.' Well that was a first, both of his halves had had enough of her. He came up to his door where she was standing and stopped.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Why do you always ask that. I've told you what I want."

"I'm not an object and I grow tired of this Anna. Just what do you think you can get form me that you can't get from someone else?"He honestly had no idea how much more straight forward he could be with her. She was as dense as a wall of bricks.

"Someone else isn't you, and I can't help it. I just don't get why it's such a problem with you."

"Because you aren't what I want." He spoke honestly. "I don't see why you can't understand that, why you keep following me around."

"Is it because of Kayla?" She asked him, was she fucking serious? He'd had a problem with her long before Kayla ever showed up. Anna was mentally unstable.

"She hasn't even been with us that long. What could she have that I don't?"

How about everything? Whether he knew her long or not. Kayla had far more to offer him than Anna ever could. Kayla had seen more of him than Anna had and wasn't pushing him away like other people. She talked to him normally, didn't expect him to do anything, nor pressure him like Anna was doing.

"You have been at me since the day that we met and I severely regret ever doing anything with you. You're obsessive and personally I think you aren't all that trustworthy. You are deceitful." He knew that his words were hurtful, but he couldn't find it in him to care.

"That's convenient for you to think. Do you say that to everyone once you are done with them?"

"You asked, and I told you. There is no reason for me to lie, and no matter what I say or do you won't leave me alone. I've asked nicely, been rude, and out right hostile toward you, yet you keep coming back. What would you want with someone that is that way to you?"

"Because I don't think you know what you want. You just want her because she is different and new. I saw both of you." Anna was certifiable he decided, something was really off in that head of hers.

"And? What does it matter, not like you haven't been with anyone else here. I don't give a shit who you are with because there is nothing here. You and I are nothing, get it through you head." She looked out right furious at him. Her eyes seemed a bit darker brown. Instead of being hurt by his words, she just grew angry with them. Like he was just not seeing the situation properly.

"You're an asshole."

"Great, now will you leave me alone?" He asked sharply. "I'm tired of listening to you." She smacked him hard across the face. Harder than he thought she was capable of. It stung but he didn't react to it, and it was rather hard not to. He just moved his head slightly to look at her. His eyes were brighter as he watched her a very intense and dark look.

"Satisfied?" He asked. She just clenched her fists and he thought that she might swing at him. It might very well be the last thing she did. His human part would stand and take it. His other half couldn't tolerate being beaten down by another and would act. As it was, that half was growling at the human half. Pissed that he didn't put her in her place. That he didn't lash out and hit her back. However it would just make him less and like her.

"This isn't over." She said and moved past him.

"As far as I'm concerned there never was anything. So there is nothing to be over." He said not turning to look at her. He just stood there for a moment calming the part of himself that demanded he turn around and show her that she was the weaker race. Not him, the acolyte would not stand for those weaker than it to contradict and stand against him. He breathed in and out slowly trying to bring his darker half back from the edge. It might seem like a simple slap but it wasn't.

He just listened to her footfalls recede, there was a moment that they slowed and paused halfway back down the hall. He didn't look, just hoped like hell she kept going and wasn't turning around to come back.

"Fuck you." He heard Anna say.

"Excuse me?" Savon turned and looked down the hall. Anna was there looking at Kayla who was standing there. She looked a bit stunned at what had been said to her.

"You heard me. Fucking bitch."

"Look lady, I haven't done anything to you, but you seriously need an attitude adjustment." Kayla said anger in her voice. Kayla obvious had no knowledge of what went on between him and Anna. Anna's verbal attack clearly caught her by surprise.

"It's okay, whores are always a quick fix." That was extremely uncalled for and it made his anger worse.

"Anna!" Savon snapped calling out in warning. She had no right to talk to Kayla that way. It actually pissed him off that she did, he found that he'd taken steps forward.

"Whore?" Kayla said in a disbelieving voice. "If I recall it is you that sleeps with anyone you can? Guess it take one to know one." Anna swung but Kayla ducked and shoved her back away from her. Anna swung at her again clipping Kayla in the jaw. Kayla caught her arm and stopped her from trying to hit her again, her grip was tight and painful.

"You need to take a walk and calm down." Kayla said to her. All Kayla had been doing was coming to her room. Anna was crazy, what the hell was this woman's problem? She barely spoke two words to the woman.

Savon didn't think that Anna was that obsessed, but it seemed that he was wrong. He saw what she meant to do and he was there in an instant and grabbed her other hand as she reached for the weapon that she had. That was beyond ridiculous.

"Leave, now. Come near me or her again and you will regret it." He said, it wasn't just a simple command. He said it with a push at her mind. Anna looked at him, she looked a bit confused at first, but jerked her arms away from him. She moved off storming up the stairs and away from them.

"Sorry." He stated turning from Kayla because his anger was so close to the surface right now. He'd never had such a violent reaction before to the treatment of another. It seemed that his reactions to Kayla were very different than normal.