Value of Listening

Kayla had come around the corner to the rooms and heard raised voices. As she walked toward her room, Anna had come toward her. There was absolutely no reason for Anna to act the way she did and Kayla couldn't believe her. She just had this angry glare about her when she approached Kayla. Savon had been standing near the end of the hall with his back to them.

She now understood who Anna had been talking about before with her side comments. It was clear that Savon wanted nothing to do with her. He'd told her off, and still she just kept coming around. She wondered about that, did that normally happen with him? Did he do that with women a lot? She didn't think so, he didn't seem like one for a deep relationship but that didn't mean he did that on purpose to others. He was honest and straight forward, he wouldn't have promised Anna something that he wasn't going to give her. She'd figured that out about his character right quick.

"Are you okay?" She asked when he turned. His eyes were very bright, that dark ring there. She didn't think it smart for him to go off and be angry somewhere alone.

"Not really." He said and moved off down the hall. Kayla took a few steps forward, she felt toward him. It seemed that he really stayed to himself, and in her opinion that wasn't healthy. Everyone needed someone to talk to.

"You know if you need someone to talk to I'll listen. It's not exactly healthy to keep things like that bottled up. They can come out at unexpected times." Kayla touched his arm lightly to stop him. He did stop but didn't look at her just took a deep calming breath.

How could Savon describe it to her? That it wasn't any kind of feeling that he had toward Anna that was the issue. It was him, he had the problem and actually it had a bit to do with Kayla. His attraction to her he was starting to think abnormal. He couldn't remember finding someone as attractive as he found her.

"It's a bit more complicated than a simple argument." Savon said, glancing at her and moving forward.

"I'm listening." He found her persistence annoying. Kayla followed him down the hall to his door. He paused there and looked down at her.

"I don't like talking to others about myself." He said bluntly. "Sometimes you have personal things that you'd rather not share." Kayla decided to push it a bit with him, ignoring the hint to go away.

"I'm offering to listen as a friend. I wouldn't tell anyone anything you didn't want me too. Besides who do I really owe anything too? The only one would be Drake for giving me a place to stay, but I'm sure he already knows most everything about you. It's a pretty small place Savon, where am I going to hide?" She gave a bit of a chuckle.

This was true, and she wasn't lying with her statement. He found that that alone took a bit of his anger away. At least he had one honest person around him. He found that he wouldn't mind having another person to trust other than Drake. Drake really was more like a parental figure to him than a friend. His human side was definitely lonely, and his acolyte didn't help the situation by distrusting and caring for no one.

"It'll make you feel better." Kayla said with a smile. "Just to be clear I'm offering my confidence, so hands to yourself." He did smile at that, almost laughed too.

"Saw that." She said, he glanced at her. She was appealing for more reasons than one. It was nice, really nice and he almost reach up to touch her. He thought better of it.

Savon opened the door to his room and Kayla followed him in. She didn't think that he shared space with anyone else, and she was right. She just sat down on the extra cot there. The room smelled like him and she had to fight not to pull in to strong a breath. What could she say? She liked him.

"So what is her problem and why are you so pissed about it?" She asked, his eyes were still brighter. Savon gave a sigh, he found that he didn't really want anything from Kayla at the moment but perhaps to talk. Something new to him. Refreshing and lifted a weight, he didn't know why he felt like trusting her when it took far longer to trust anyone else. Best not look a gift horse in the mouth.

"I don't know what her problem is. She's been fixated on me for a while now." He answered. "Told her to leave me alone, she didn't want to."

"Just a slap to the face?" She asked, there was still a bit of a red mark. He gave a shrug.

"Can't see that that alone would piss you off so much. You looked rather angry when you came over by us. Not that I get why she was being such an ass." Kayla had taken a quick listen to the conversation that Anna had with him at the door. Anna was obsessed. He was clearly out of patience with her.

"Because I can't stand others when they push at me. You wouldn't understand unless you were in my head." He said.

"I'm listening." Savon stared at her for a moment and then sat down across from her. He figured that telling her this now would show just what kind of person she was and what she could or couldn't handle in regards to him. Tell him just how much he was wasting his time, or how short of time he'd get.

"I was angry because the part in me that is acolyte doesn't deal well with opposition. When one that is weaker than I am stands up to me, I instantly need to put them in their place."

"As in physically or verbally?"

"Both." He said. "Though most times I can control it. Doesn't mean the thought isn't there and it's more than violent." She looked at him.

"So when she struck you, that wouldn't sit well with you huh?" Not that it would sit well with anyone, but he got what she meant.

"Not really no."

"Says a lot that you didn't hit her back. Besides I personally would have thought less of you if you had."

"That is what the human in me says. You don't attack the weaker, there is nothing to be gained. My acolyte half doesn't see the world that way, female or male, it doesn't matter. There is just strong and weak. If you let the weak push you around then you are no better than them."

"So is it just an urge that hits you?" Kayla asked trying to understand. She thought that this was really interesting. She couldn't know what it would be like to be him. To have the urges of a darker side and have to control them daily. It also let her know how demons thought too. He had a lot of insight that was valuable.

"No, its more like a voice and an urge." She stared at him for a moment. "I'm not possessed if that is what you are thinking. It's like having your conscience alive inside of you, talking to you. Most of the time it's the voice and I'm in control." He'd never explained this to anyone else but Drake. It was kind of liberating to tell someone, and not have them looking at him like he was crazy.

"It's the whole eye color change right?" she asked. He gave a nod.

"It's just what happens."

"We'll I'm glad that you're on our side." Kayla gave him a smile and asked him a few more questions about himself. He answered them honestly, though not fully. Not wishing to share a few things with her. He was surprised when she didn't push and answered a couple of his questions too.

"I'm going to get some sleep." She said standing.

'No make her stay, I want her to stay.' He realized that his acolyte had been very quiet this entire time. That was strange for it, normally it whispered things to him. Things it thought they should do to other people or try. It was silent at the moment with her, like it was studying her. Very strange for it to speak up the way it did just now. Almost like a whine.

'You'll have just her for company for the next two days.' He said to the voice and it quieted instantly. Going over different things in his mind. Savon just sighed inwardly at his wayward thoughts.

"Night." She said opening the door.

"Night." He repeated to her and the door closed behind her. He got up and pulled the shirt off of himself looking at his back in the mirror there.

"Stop moving so much." He said out loud, ever since Anna in the hallway the marking had been moving. He looked at it, part of the wing on the creature was extended now warped around his left side down to his hip. The skeletal looking being covering most his left side. The spreading of the wing made the marking larger. His permanent companion.

"You wouldn't let me out, I am restless." Savon just took a deep breath and moved over to lay down. This part of him really was restless and wouldn't stop moving until it calmed on its own. Since he wasn't letting it strike out, then it would be antsy for a while. Nothing new honestly, and he tried to ignore it to sleep.