Spicy Romance, MATURE CONTENT involved
For some people, the adrenaline rush is fun.
Some even have certain hobbies to intentionally pump their heart and blood faster to earn the hormone and achieve excitement.
Joshua is a tall muscular young man, steady and established in his career, good-looking and good in bed. Warm and nurturing towards his loveable young wife - Carly, and yet selfish, just like most men naturally are.
Carly is a petite young woman, 4 years younger than her husband, doing well in her profession, but has been expecting to be a mom and be a good one by staying at home and starting to handle her own business.
But the heart and blood-pumping things Carly had experienced in the last few years have diminished and even turned her off to the lowest level of her life.
Her ascending value of life just spiked down all of a sudden after she lost her most precious hope, family.
How did she manage to stand up on her feet one more time?
What kept her alive?
Who did?