How to NOT have the perfect first encounter

Charlie just sat there, looking down. It was hard to see his expressions, but anyone could guess that the person who got food spilled on himself would naturally be angry.

Just thinking about the male lead having sour feelings towards him sent shivers down his spine. After all, if the characters hate each other, readers would naturally leave trash reviews. And if the amount exceeded 20...No, he didn't even want to think about it!

He'll work it out somehow! Yeah, he'll save himself and his sister for sure!

"S-sorry! I didn't see where I was going! Please forgive me!" He shouted, embarrassed. Everyone was just staring at him, not saying anything.

Even that guy wasn't saying anything. Hey, at least reply to his apology! You can be angry...But please, at least reply! Ignorance is worse than hatred after all!

"I-I'm sorry!" Willow repeated since he didn't receive a reply. Well, this was his bottom line.

Sure, it was partly his fault, but that guy was in the wrong here too. Willow already took the initiative to apologize, if he didn't want to reply, then so be it.

Charlie was still just staring at Willow with an indifferent face. His bangs fell on his forehead, so it was a little difficult to see his eyes and make out his expression. Still, his mouth was pressed into a thin line, which gave off the aura that he was extremely pissed off.

Willow got up, dusted himself, and got ready to leave quietly. Even though the burning stares of Charlie's fangirls were making him feel guilty, he shamelessly chose to disregard them all and grabbed Adelia's hand, heading for the door.

When he thought things would finally settle down for once, Adelia decided to make it known that she was still the bane of his existence.

"What's up with that dry apology, Will?" She spoke loudly like she wasn't afraid of anyone hearing her. "You should use your body to repay him, in the very least."

Everyone was stupefied as they just remained in their positions, still too shocked to say anything. Even the students who were in the middle of eating stopped midway and quite a few morsels fell off the forks. Some glasses were dropped for extra effect.

If Willow thought the situation there couldn't get any worse or awkward anymore, he was wrong. It became even more silent than before and no one even dared to breathe. Adelia just stood there, not a hint of remorse on her face.

Willow really wanted to kill himself right then and there. Heck, why did he even think it could succeed and they could live? This was damned from the start.

Eyeing the butter knife with longing, he wondered how much it'll hurt if he tried to slash his wrist with a blunt knife.

Adelia was still not done, and continued, completely disregarding the atmosphere, "Huh, why aren't you saying anything? Aren't you sorry- Mmf, re-release me!"

Her words were cut off as Willow forcefully pressed his hand on her mouth, stopping her from spouting anymore nonsense. With much difficulty, he managed to keep straight face, barely stopping himself to cry tears of grief and anger. "Sorry, everyone. My sister just said some nonsense. We'll be on our way, then. Please enjoy your meal."

Every eye was fixed on him as everyone looked at him with different gazes. Charlie's fangirls were enraged, Adelia's fans were also enraged, while the remaining just looked amused due to the sudden entertainment. It was quite a good show after all.

'I'm air, please don't look at me. I'm air...' Willow chanted in his mind like that was going to help at all.

Grabbing Adelia's wrist, he broke into a run with a red face due to all that attention. Adelia looked like she had more to say, but was dragged away by Willow.

Everyone quietly looked at their departing backs, still not quite knowing what to say. They were so focused on them that no one noticed that Charlie had already gotten up.

With his hand pressed lightly against his face, he stood there, looking down. The tips of his ears were tinged light red as quietly gazed at Willow's departing back, a smile adorning his usually cold face.