42. Tyrant

Dante's POV

"Oh come on," I rolled my eyes at the two warriors training a few inches from me. 

"You can do better than that," I scoffed as the both of them landed on the floor. Their lips busted and black eyes designed their face.

I crossed my bare arms on my chest and shook my head at them. Their upper half was covered in sand and dust from their fall. I was in the training ground, the sun high up in the sky beating against my skin.

Every warrior and guard was present on the perimeter, together with Dalia, and Victor. Not only were there warriors but everyone at the age of 18 and have undergone the first shift was all training.

I strolled away from the goofing guys and stopped for a moment at two teenagers. A boy and a girl were sparring. I admired their skills and determination but didn't point out their lack of proper stamina thus they just had their first shift and had more to learn.