55. Problem

Tanya's POV

Whirling around, I searched for the source, only to inhale sharply when she materialized from behind the rose bush. Shock was etched on my features, prompting her to smirk as she took a confident pose.

"What are you doing here Courtney?" I inquired, the color draining from my face as her irises turned dark.

"It's obvious," she beamed, her smile not reaching her eyes. "I came to say hello to our missing Luna."

I kept mute, my palms beginning to shake as I peered around frantically, hoping Ricky or Tony would return in that moment and help me. Her sight shifted to my hands, prompting me to squeeze them into fists to stop their vibrations.

"Thank you then," I muttered, my voice hoarse from the fear that began to wash over my form as she made no move to leave. The phone was digging into my palm as I fisted my fingers tightly.