65. Wolf

Tanya's POV

Mastering the act of shifting had proved more difficult than I thought it to be. Days had passed with no progress and I was gradually losing hope of shifting.

'Get up Tanya,' Marie encouraged as I groaned, my muscles weighing a torn as they vibrated beneath me from my weight.

'Easy for you to say,' I scoffed at her. 'You aren't the one whose body is getting deformed.'

'Yes, but I'm the one whose body is threatening to break free from your weak one,' she argued.

'Who the fuck are you calling weak?' I grunted, my teeth gritting, my head pounding as exertion slid down my back.

"Come on darling you are almost there," Dante spoke and I altered my gaze from the concrete floor to where he stood on my right.

"You have been saying that for days now," I hissed, struggling to keep my weight from crashing atop my limbs. I was on my hands and knees in a caged room that was the size of my apartment in the city.