66. Uproar

Tanya's POV

Things had taken a sort of normalcy and I was glad about that. Each day was spent with me waking up, and attending to calls from my friends and emails from my editor. Eat, and train in both my physical and wolf form.

I'd proven stronger than they thought me to be judging by my high pain tolerance, stamina, speed, and agility. I was also able to knock Victor on his ass, who would have thought?

Marie and I were so glad at the victory that we danced around, provoking the defeated beta to wear a frown for the next few hours. Regardless of my progress, Dante had returned to keeping me in the mansion which was frustrating.

I had thought with me being a wolf and a strong one at that, he'd let up, rather the reverse was the case. Marie was itching for a run and I needed the fresh air and scenery to keep me sane.