Chapter 26: Love is mysterious

“Honeymoon, how come, they don’t know each other, and how could they go on a honeymoon.” Ae-Cha asked Elivs

“Love is mysterious, so don’t bother your head about it.” Elivs replied.

“Before I leave, I will tell you how the whole thing happened.” He continued

Ae-Cha agreed and waited for when he would tell her the whole story that eventually lead to a honeymoon.

On Sunday evening, he told her what happened. The woman was somehow happy that her daughter was marred to one of the wealthiest men the world has ever witnessed, yet she was apprehensive that the girl who hated wealthy men was now married to one and under such a terrible circumstances.

Well for them to have gone on a honeymoon was a good omen.

But ironically, Chin Cho and her new husband were in the hospital battling for their lives.


due to the high medical attention, treatment and facilities, it did not take long for Chin Cho to be fully recovered. After about two weeks, she was released to go home.

When she was released, she asked the assistant if she can see Rohan “Mr. Omar, can I see Mr. Bon-Hwa before going home.”

“Yes of course, you can see him.”

While they were about entering Rohan’s ward, Chin Cho said to Dan “Mr. Omar, I would love to go to my own home, after I leave the hospital.”

Dan was surprised at her statement. Did the woman really not care a little about the man? She can’t even wait for the man the wake up from his coma, before she leaves?

Has she forgotten the agreement at the church days ago?

“madam it seems that you have forgotten the agreement in the church before the two of you were joined. That you would stay with him until your sister is found.”

“I have not forgotten any-thing; I have simply changed my mind.”

“Well you cannot just go back on the agreement. Madam, am afraid you have to stay until your sister comes back.”

She was about to argue further when a sturdy woman and a fine gentle man appeared before them at the corridor and stopped.

The four of them looked at each other without expression.

The sturdy woman was Vera; Rohan’s twin sister. Rohan and his twin sister were very close and never kept any secret from each other. So Dan had told the woman what happened to her brother.

She had come several times to see her brother but was denied access by the nurses in charge, but today, the doctor had told them to allow the man’s wife and sister to see him.

“The man would soon wake up, according to my examinations, the drug he took before the fire, really kept him from waking up earlier.”

So Dan had called the woman to come and see her brother, he was likely to wake up that day according to the doctor’s report.

Then the sturdy woman looked at Dan questioningly.

Dan cleared his voice and said to them “this is Mr. Bon-Hwa’s wife Cho and then turning to Cho he said “this is Vera; Mr. Bon-Hwa’s twin sister and her husband Martins.

Vera was smiling genuinely at the girl, and she said to her while embracing her at the same time “am happy to meet you personally, I was in the church at my brother’s wedding. Hope you understand everything. And thank you for saving my brother’s life.”

Chin Cho was overwhelmed at the sincere love and affection coming from Rohan’s sister.

Vera gently dragged Chin Cho into the VIP ward where Rohan was. Although he was still unconscious of his surrounding, but his breathing was stable.

His burns were second degree burns, and mostly affected his back where Chin Cho was dragging him on the floor while trying to save him, and his chest where burning wood fell on. Other than that, he was not severely burnt in other areas.

The four persons watched the sick man on the bed for a while. Tears were coming down the cheek of Vera. her brother would have been a dead man if not because of this woman.

The two of them were the only survivals of the great Bon-Hwa Fernando family, apart from their aged grandfather. So if her brother had died in the fire, she would be the only one left. And being a woman, she already belonged to another family.

This means that the great Bon-Hwa Fernando’s family would have been closed. Their parents died two years ago in a mysterious motor accident. And now her only brother and the only surviving heir of the ancient Fernando family would have died few days ago.

From all indication, it was a suicide attempt. Her brother has passed through a lot these few months, but those things should not have lead him to try to take his own life. Especially through fire.

She had thought of her brother as a strong man and even the whole world sees him as a strong man, so why being feeble enough to attempt suicide?

‘Only cowards, and feeble minded people attempts suicide’ she said in her heart.

She was so overwhelmed with these thoughts that she started sobbing out uncontrollably.

Chin Cho and Martins quickly went to her and started consoling her.

Chin Cho said to her soothingly “why are you crying over a living person, his is not dead, and the doctor said he will soon wake up any moment from now.”

On her own, Chin Cho was unperturbed. This was the third time she was seeing the man closely. The only time they looked at each other was in the vestry, when they first saw each other.

Other than that, they never looked at each other again. On the drive home, she was too preoccupied with the event of the day to take a closer look at the man. And anytime, she wanted to look at him, his piercing cold eyes were always focused on her expressionlessly.