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sapient species that range from Humanoid in appearance to, well, almost anything you can imagine. Choose your race, but be warned: some races aren't loved by all, and some may override your starting location to a more dangerous area. All races who are playable in game right now come with their own racial abilities and passives unless stated otherwise. All races are restricted to the classes they could take in the game unless otherwise stated.

See the note section for how certain race's racial abilities will work in other Jumps.

All races will count as a Drop In, no one will question your origin since there is so much war and loss of life. If you so desire, you may receive the necessary memories and background for your race via the perk [Operator] to begin your stay here as an Adventurer and blend in with the rest of your race seamlessly.

"Well then. I guess I don't have to worry about my starting location that much, if my race probably overrides it." Carl shrugged off his previous worries and began reading the list of races.

"There's the races of the Alliance: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, and Draenei. Hmm, it seems that, unexpectedly, the races from later expansions are also available. Worgen, Pandaren, Lighforged Draenei, and Void Elves."

"Then there are the races of the Horde: Orc, Troll, Forsaken, Tauren, and Blood Elves. Then the Goblins, Pandaren, and Nightborne."

Carl was looking over the list, pondering about which race he should pick when he saw that there were more than just the Horde and Alliance races available. He perked up a bit at that bit of information. He would have to spend CP to choose them, but Carl was very interested. He began looking over the various races he could purchase, and was a little amused at some of them.

Some of the alternate races seemed interesting, while others were a huge no.

There were the Hozen, a monkey humanoid race from the Mist of Pandaria expansion. There were the fish humanoid race of the Jinyu from the same expansion.

Ogres, Naga, Furbolg, Murloc, and several others Carl wouldn't even consider. They just weren't something he would like to spend 10 years as.

There were the races from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The Vrykul were like Norse Vikings. The Nerubians were a spider-like insectoid race.

There were basically any race that was present in the game. But Carl just wasn't excited about any of them until he saw the dragons. As a result of the Dragon God Bloodline purchase from the ATG world, he was already nearly 10% dragon. So the idea of getting an alternate body that was fully a dragon was appealing to him.

Having the Dragon God Bloodline boosting up the Dragon bloodline was sure to make him powerful.

Carl began looking over the various Dragon Flights, trying to determine which one he would choose. Until he saw one dragon race choice at the end of the list that made up Carl's mind for him.

Jump Dragon (1000 cp): This is your very own Dragon Flight designed specifically by you. Choose a color and an idea for your Dragon to represent and embody. Some restrictions apply; for one, you cannot choose an already existing Dragon species in WoW (so no Infinite Dragons, no Twilight Dragons, and no Netherdrakes). You also cannot choose to embody the exact Traits of an existing Dragon Flight. (So no magic and knowledge which is the Blue Dragon Flight, but power and magic would work).

You don't have to choose a color per se, but can choose something more etheric in nature like the Infinite Dragons, and finally you could choose not to be a typical Dragon like the rest of the flight but a Wyrm or a Cloud Serpent instead.

If you do not desire to be a part of any Dragon Flight, even one of your own creation, you can instead take this race at a cost of 600 cp. You will gain all the traits of the race, but you cannot take the perk [Oh Captain, My Captain].

Traits: Flight, Transformation – you can assume the form of any ONE species from this list (but that's all it is, an appearance, you get none of their traits), Dragon's Breath – you can choose one of the Breaths, but it cannot be more powerful than the Black Dragons Breath, choose one additional Trait in the same vein as the previous dragons or even one of their traits (again, it cannot be more powerful than the Black Dragons).

Gain the perk [Oh Captain, My Captain] for free. Must take the [Hunted] Drawback, but you can keep the cp gained.

From his time as a T-Rex, Carl knew just how much the Dragon God Bloodline helped his dinosaur form increase in strength, size, and power. The thought of having a dragon body that would be enhanced even more than normal due to the bloodline excited him. He would be the strongest dragon around.

And while the description of the Jump Dragon said that his abilities couldn't be more powerful than the Black Dragons, it didn't mean that he couldn't be stronger than them, just that his dragon abilities were limited while in the world.

This was also the perfect opportunity to test to see if getting a dragon body would leave him in a blank slate and have to train his dragon body from scratch like he assumed it would. This would let him know if it was just the gauntlet of the dinosaur world that forced that situation, or if it was normal for when he got a new alternate body.

There was a big grin on Carl's face as he thought about how awesome the idea was, to fully be a dragon.

But before finalizing his decision, Carl he decided to look at the perk and drawback that came with the Jump Dragon race.

Oh Captain, My Captain (600 cp, free Jump Dragon / Na'ru. Can only be purchased once): Congratulations on your promotion! You are now, or will be, the leader of your class's Order Hall! Alternatively, if you have chosen Jump Dragon or Na'ru, you become the leader of your own faction of Dragons or Army of the Light! If you choose to pick a Class Order Hall then choose the Order Hall associated with your class. This order hall, and all its members, will follow you into future Jumps, appearing wherever you desire and completely loyal to you.

The member of your Order are considered followers unless you choose to make them companions. Order Halls will retain any changes you make to them between Jumps as well as any training to the followers within. This Perk can only be purchased ONCE.

Jump Dragon Flight: A Dragon Flight made to your specifications. Since this is your Dragon Flight, and not an existing one, you can choose the location of where they call home, or roost, or nest. You can choose a mountain or island of some sort to reflect the aspects your Dragons represent. These natural wonders can contain large areas for your Flight to live that are sculpted and handmade, but it cannot be just a city in the middle of a desert.

Alternatively you can take an exact replica of the Wyrmrest Temple as your own and place it down somewhere on Azeroth other than Northrend. This building will be large enough to comfortably house your Dragon Flight for several generations. It will contain portals in its basement to a pocket dimension that you can keep and store your eggs so they can hatch in relative safety. You can, over time, shape this area into a city if you wish or import a city you already own into the setting. In future Jumps this location will follow you and can be placed anywhere you wish.

If you choose to have your Dragons home in something similar to the Emerald Dream you must have at least one portal or location from which it connects to the outside world.

Every Dragon Flight have Dragonspawn serving them. The origins of these subspecies of Dragons is unknown, though it is believed they were somehow created through a ritual or were former humanoids who spent years living alongside the Dragons and by doing so slowly evolved into Dragonspawn. Either way, you have a large number of these Dragonspawn who carry out many of the mundane tasks such as being guards, soldiers, servants, caretakers, or perhaps even farmers. They are devoted to your Flight, and your Flight only, seeing your word as law.

Carl was liking the idea more and more of having his own Dragon Flight. But before he made his final decision, he decided to look at the drawback that came with it.

Hunted (+500 cp): One of the evil factions of Azeroth is hunting you. Chose one: the Black Dragon Flight, the Burning Legion, Twilight Cult, Cult of the Damned, Scourge, Iron Horde, the Naga, Sylvannas, or Heyla. This group will be fanatical in hunting you down. Alternatively, if you are a Demon, choose: The Alliance, The Horde, Silver Hand, Kirin Tor, Cenarion Circle, Earthen Ring, Ebon Blade, Army of the Light, or any of the Dragon Flights.

They will actively seek you out to kill you. You can take this drawback as many times as you want, but will only receive the maximum 1500 cp. Should you possess any powers that allow you to travel through time or prevent key figures responsible for the creation of these organizations, they will never work. The Iron Horde will ALWAYS be created and the Cult of the Damned will exist no matter what you do.

Carl was stroking his chin in thought over the Hunted drawback. He would only be in Azeroth for the Burning Crusades and Wrath of the Lich King expansions. The factions prevalent during those times was the Burning Legion, the Scourge, and the Cult of the Damned.

So, if Carl chose a faction that didn't rise to prominence and make trouble until later, would he avoid most of the trouble the drawback could net him? Or would they surface earlier in their eagerness to hunt him?

And it said that the faction would be hunting him specifically, not necessarily his Dragon Flight in general. So if Carl was able to lay low and hide among the heroes of the Alliance or Horde, how would the evil faction know where to find him?

Carl decided that having his very own Dragon Flight was worth the hassle of having a dedicated enemy. He added Jump Dragon as his race.

For the color Carl chose ethereal Silver as the base color of his dragon body, with glowing blue highlights. His dragon form needed to look cool.

Carl decided that the Ideas/Traits/Domains of his Dragon Flight would be Magic and Crafting.

Specializing in magic would help Carl be a high class mage in this world.

In the game each player character was restricted to two main professions. Carl wasn't sure how close the world he was jumping into was to the game. He was hoping that there would be less restrictions in the real world of Azeroth. He was hoping that with the addition of a focus on crafting, Carl could get around any restrictions there might be.

In addition, having his Silver Dragon Flight be masters of magic and crafting would give them plenty of ability to defend themselves with their abilities and created items. If they were experts at creating magical items of great use, they would also command great economic power. So the choice to have a focus on crafting just kept adding benefits.

Carl looked over the list of Traits. He made the selections for what type of dragons breath and the additional trait. Flight, Transformation: Night Elf, Dragons Breath: Magically burning fire, and Natural Mage.

Carl ultimately chose to have a Night Elf form since he was most familiar with The Alliance faction from his time playing the game. He could blend in with them and take on some of their quests while generally hiding from the faction hunting him. The Natural Mage trait that Carl grabbed from the Blue Dragon Flight would also help him be a very dangerous mage.


You may choose only one class and it must align with the race you have chosen. You may choose one class for free. You receive one specialization for free, and you may buy additional specializations for 100 cp each, but only those listed for your class.

Even if you don't buy all specializations you will get the general powers of the class you have chosen (ie Mages will get Mana Table spell if they are a Frost Mage, but not Pyroblast).

Note: Your weapons are not limited to what the classes were in the game. If you are a mage who wants to wield a two handed axe, then go for it.

Carl chuckled a bit at the idea of a heavily armored mage. He chose the Mage class and purchased all three specializations.

Mage: Masters of Arcane, Frost, and Fire. Mages are capable of teleporting around the world to teleporting around a battlefield. Though not very durable they can deal out explosive damage.

Arcane (0 cp): Arcane Mages use arcane energies to destroy their enemies with overwhelming power.

Fire (100 cp): Fire Mages should be pretty self explanatory. Burn, baby! Burn!

Frost (100 cp): Frost Mages are masters at controlling a battle. Often freezing targets to the ground to give themselves distance, or summoning an ice elemental to do their bidding.

A note on the mage class and their abilities made Carl happy to choose the mage class.

Mages will be capable of creating portals to any major city they have been to in future jumps. For instance, if you just came from a DC jump and then followed this Jump with another DC Jump you can create portals to Gotham and Metropolis if you have previously been there. If you have Dalaran then you can create permanent portals to these locations, with a couple of caveats. One, the portals are two way, meaning others can enter your portal from the opposite end at any time. And Two, these portals will cease to exist when you move onto your next Jump. The Mage Table will serve food that is no different than normal food, meaning you can summon an endless supply of mana bread. Post Spark you can create portals that connect other universes together if you so desire.

With his class selected, Carl moved on to the Perks section. As usual, he picked up the free perks first.

Roll Out (0 cp): You are capable of summoning a mount to your side by focusing on the image of the mount for 1 uninterrupted second. Works on animals or vehicles. Does not work on spacecraft. For an additional 200 cp you can used this ability to summon small spacecrafts that you own that are no larger than a ship capable of holding eight.

Carl thought about it for some time, and eventually decided to spend the extra cp so he could summon spacecraft. Not being able to pull out the Yamato while in the Dinosaur Gauntlet for a couple years had made things a bit more annoying for him. While he hadn't felt like he would fail without his ship and technology, having the option to summon his ship whenever he wanted was something he decided he was willing to spend 200 cp on. This way he wouldn't have to worry about any future gauntlets that cut off his ability to access his pocket dimension.

Operator (0 cp): If you choose to take this red pill you will journey down the rabbit hole. You will receive the necessary memories and general knowledge to blend in seamlessly with your chosen race. Whether or not you choose to actually play along is up to you. This perk only give you enough knowledge to not be an oddball among your race, it does not give you secret or hidden knowledge.

Carl figured this perk would give him all the knowledge and instincts he needed as a dragon so he wouldn't embarrass himself by tripping over his wings on his first day. It wouldn't do to have his Dragon Flight laughing at their leader's clumsiness!

Elven Nature (Free Elves and Dragons): You are naturally graceful and long lived. The average lifespan of the Elves and Dragons is measured in Millennia and now yours is too.

Carl chuckled at that perk. One of the benefits and reasons so many people were so desperate to practice profound cultivation was that it increased their lifespan. A Sovereign Profound Realm had a lifespan between 1,000-2,000 years. A Divine Origin Realm already had a lifespan over 10,000 years.

Carl wasn't sure if the long lifespan from the Elven Nature perk would add on to the lifespan he gained from his cultivation, but he was fine with trying to stack more lifespan. Especially since the perk was free for him.

After spending some time looking over the other racial trait perks to see if he wanted to add any, Carl chose to purchase the Blood Elves' trait.

Addictol (100 cp): You cannot become addicted to any chemical, substance, or activity.

Carl figured that if he ever made his way to the Dune universe, it would be good to never get addicted to the Spice. And he was sure there were other drugs out there that could hook him that he wanted to avoid. As strong as he was, if he went to another cultivation world, he would once more be on the low end of the totem pole. It was best to hedge his bets and protect himself from problems in advance.

Dwarven Crafting (100 cp): No matter the fantasy fiction one thing always remains true. Dwarves are master craftsmen and can imbue their works with beautiful art and craftsmanship. Now, so can you. Capable of crafting weapons and armor that are pure works of art but incredibly lethal and durable.

Carl almost didn't purchase the Dwarven Crafting racial trait, since he already had Crafting as a trait of his Silver Dragon Flight. But he eventually decided that 100 cp spent to add on to his crafting abilities was worth the small cost to ensure he was that much better at crafting his future gear. He was the leader, he needed to be the best, right?

Multiclass (100 cp): What's that? You want to be a Rogue Warrior hybrid? Okay, sure thing. With this perk you may pick one other class and add it to your existing class as you please. You gain the benefits of both classes along with their discounted perks. You may choose as many of their specializations as you can afford. Each subsequent purchase of Multiclass doubles the cost of this perk from 100 to 200, then 400, etc.

Carl chuckled aloud at the Multiclass perk. At only 100 cp it was too good to pass up purchasing it at least once. He really wanted to be a heavy class mage. Not to mention that adding the Paladin class would give him a healing specialty in addition to the tanking. Might as well throw in the damage dealing specialty as well for only 100 cp more.

Paladin: Paladins are called and charged with protecting the weak and innocent as well as bringing justice to the unjust. They will not rest until they have vanquished all evil from this world.

Holy (0 cp): Holy Paladins use the Light to heal their wounded allies while vanquishing evil.

Protection (100 cp): Protection Paladins use Holy Magic, mace, and board to defend and inspire their allies. Capable of shielding themselves and transferring damage meant for others onto themselves. If you like Captain America, this is the spec for you.

Retribution (100 cp): Retribution Paladins are righteous crusaders bringing retribution to all evil entities.

Carl chuckled at the idea of a mage wearing plate and tanking or healing. He wasn't sure just how close the world of Azeroth would be to the game, but he was enjoying the anticipation.

The previous game worlds he had gone to, Farmville and SAO, had been interesting. There had been both game and magical elements present in those worlds. He was even able to gather real herbs from the game world of SAO. So Carl was interested to see just how game like the World of Warcraft would be.

While thinking about his two classes, Carl made finally made the decision to add one more class. He already had an Intelligence based class in the Mage, a Strength based class in the Paladin (aside from the healer specialization that focused on Intelligence), and so adding the Rogue class would give him an Agility based class.

Not to mention that the Rogue was focused on stealth, so Carl was quite interested to see just how effective the stealth abilities of the Warcraft Rogue were. So he paid the 200 cp for another multiclass.

Rogue: The Class everyone hates, for good reason (Don't be a ninja looter). Rogues are capable of invisibility and stealthily assassinating their targets. Or just spamming sap on people over and over and ganking low levels in starting zones as well as quest givers just because most rogues like being douches.

Outlaw (0 cp): I suppose there's one in every bunch. Though you value its approach, stealth is not your forte. Swordplay, footwork, hidden weaponry, and foul play are your tools for the job, preferring to outmaneuver an opponent face to face instead of knifing them in the back. Tactics favored by pirates and buccaneers, as it were. While such a tactic is quite effective, one can't help but feel you're deliberately going against the grain.

Assassination (100 cp): Masters of poison and death dealing. Just when you think you've killed a Rogue, you die because you forgot about the 50 different poisons he inflicted upon you.

Subtlety (100 cp): These Rogues are the masters of Stealth and subterfuge. You were born in the shadows, molded by them. These masters of stealth will stab you in the back, or front, and vanish before you can even realize what's going on.

The Oultaw specialization was once called Combat back when Carl had been playing the game. Since he hadn't played the most recent expansions, Carl wasn't sure just when the change had been made. But he kind of liked the new name for the specialization. It added more flavor than the simple "Combat".

And while Carl already had many spells from the Harry Potter universe that helped him be stealthy, something about choosing to be a Rogue Class and upping his stealth game appealed to Carl. The skills would also greatly complement all the hunting skills Carl had just gained from the Dinosaur Guantlet.

You Have the Powa! (100 cp): You are now strong enough to dual wield melee weapons that are more than twice your height as if they weighed nothing. Not only that, you are capable of wielding them with a skilled ease that would make Samurai jealous.

Originally, Carl was going to wield a one hand sword and shield as a Mage / Paladin. But now that he was going to be a Mage / Paladin / Rogue, the idea of dual wielding two massive two-handed swords really appealed to Carl.

And while Carl believed he was more than strong and skilled enough to wield massive melee weapons without the perk, something told him that getting the perk would be the right thing to do in this world. Something made Carl think there might be some kind of inherent restrictions or negative penalties on what someone could do in the world based on their class and skills. So getting the perk for only 100 cp wasn't too big of a price to look cool with massive weapons.

Surprise Mothafucka (Free Subtlety Rogue): Holy crap are you sneaky. Like seriously, you could be standing right in front of someone and they wouldn't even notice unless you bumped into them. This does not protect you against cameras or magical scrying, but bodyguards are basically useless against you.

There was no reason not to add a free perk that enhanced his stealth abilities. Carl was grinning in anticipation of what he could get up to in the future.

The Dark Crystal (200 cp): Draenei use crystals that are, possibly, native to their homeworld for almost all aspects of their daily lives. Even their technology, magic, and homes are made of these crystals. Certain Artificers are capable of 'Programming' these crystals to do certain things ranging from protecting an entire city in a shield or powering magitek spaceships that can travel the void of space. You now have their knowledge of these ancient arts and are capable of incorporating this magitek into your own technology or magic.

Carl was always on the lookout for more knowledge and methods of improving his crafting and technology ability. Spending 200 cp to gain all this knowledge and bypass the need to hunt down a teacher that probably wouldn't give him the knowledge was worth it. And Magitek was just cool.

And the final perk Carl got was Oh Captain, My Captain. Carl thought for some time about having his Dragon Flight's home be a duplicate of the Wyrmrest Temple. After some consideration he decided that he didn't really like the idea. The tower would be a huge sight high in the sky, letting everyone in the surroundings spy on them.

Instead, Carl decided that he would have his Dragon Flight's home be a castle hold inside a giant mountain located on the eastern edge of the Redridge Mountains. It would have the ocean on the east, the Redridge Mountains zone on the west, the Swamp of Sorrows to the south, and the Burning Steppes to the north.

Carl wasn't sure if there were magical methods for the Alliance or Horde to detect who was a member of their faction, or if they simply went by appearance. If it was appearance, then with his metamorphmagus abilities and magic Carl planned to interact with both factions.

If there was a magical detection method, then Carl would see about joining the Alliance and work only with them, unless he could spoof the system. Carl had mostly played Alliance back in his original world, so he was much more familiar with them.

Inspirational Sight (150 cp): Your mere presence inspires others. Those who have lost all hope in a cause will find themselves reinvigorated in your presence. Those who spend time around you will become more and more loyal to you as time passes.

Carl picked up the [Inspirational Sight] perk because it gave him a discount for being a Paladin, and he felt that his subordinates becoming more loyal wasn't a bad thing. There was nothing more despicable than the actions of a traitor. So preventing traitors from hiding in his ranks and striking at the worst time was an important matter.

Ain't Nobody Got Time For That (200 cp): You no longer need a wand, staff, gesture, or words to cast a spell. Merely thinking of the spell you wish to cast is enough to do so. This does not remove the need for reagents or other materials that are mandatory for a certain spell.

In addition to the perk being discounted, Carl thought the Ain't Nobody Got Time For That perk was very useful. While he had trained himself in the Harry Potter world to use wandless magic, it had taken plenty of training time to do so. Having a perk that bypassed that training for all future magic he learned was worth the cost in his mind.

With all his perks selected, Carl moved on. The next section was Loot. Carl perused the items list to see if there was anything interesting. He picked up the free ones as a matter of course.

Hearthstone (free): You gain a magical rock with a rune carved into the surface. When held in your hand and focused on, this rock will bind to a safe location that you own, allowing you to transport back to that location at any time as long as you channel your focus into the stone uninterrupted for three seconds. If you lose your new pet rock, it will reappear within your inventory or warehouse courtesy of the GMs.

Basic Adventurers Gear (free): A set of white gear appropriate to your class. This is the lowest of the low quality armor and a weapon of your choice. Its barely worth a copper.

Artifact Weapon (First purchase free with Oh Captain, My Captain): If you have chosen a class you may choose the artifact weapon of your specialization for the aforementioned price. If you have multiple classes or multiple specializations you may choose ONE artifact weapon for ONE of your specializations. You can also choose any appearance for your artifact weapon that existed within the game. You may choose to import a weapon into this one or vice versa. The imported weapon will gain all the stats and abilities of the Artifact Weapon, including any sentient beings trapped within. After this Jump ends you may choose to rid your weapon of any awareness they might have if you get annoyed from their constant chatting. If you did not take the perk Oh Captain, My Captain, you will receive a replica of your chosen weapon. The real weapon will still make its way into the hands of the ones chosen to lead their class order hall. Multiple purchases allow for you to have a duplicate of another Artifact Weapon so long as you have the Class AND Specialization.

Carl hadn't played the most recent expansions of WoW, so he had no idea what the Artifact weapons were at first. But after looking at the list, he found that they were basically a class weapon. He decided to import the Blue Orchid in and merge it with the Artifact Weapon and chose to have it look like Ashbringer, which was a legendary Paladin two handed sword.

Artifact Forge (Free with Oh Captain, My Captain): This forge grants you every appearance in game of your Artifact Weapon and allows you to alter the appearance of your weapon at any time. In future Jumps it will allow you to alter the function of your weapon at any time. Turning swords into spears or axes into daggers. I'll even allow you to use it to change a pistol into a rifle, or something similar. The forge will also serve as a medium allowing you to more easily enchant and create powerful weapons which you can imbue with powerful magical effects.

While Carl didn't really see the necessity for the Artifact Forge, he could easily see the coolness factor for it. It could alter his weapon to look however he wanted, and it was free. Carl was always happy to take free items, especially when they added to the fun factor. And if he ever got tired of the Blue Orchid looking like Ashbringer, he could change it up.

Grand Mount (Free Paladin): This is a mount capable of bearing your immense, or tiny, weight around Azeroth. As is, it is only a ground based mount that cannot fly and can run at speeds around 50 mph. For an additional 100 cp your mount can now run at speeds exceeding 100 mph. For a further 100 cp you can choose both a flying mount and land mount. These mounts can be anything in game, unless they are class or Order Hall specific. Death Knights, Paladins, and Warlocks gain their base land Mounts for free.

Carl thought about it for some time. While he didn't really need a mount, since he could fly as a dragon, he thought he should upgrade the mount in order to be able to hide his origins from the enemies that would be hunting him. If he was turning into an ethereal silver dragon that glowed blue every time he needed to go anywhere, it would be pretty easy to target him. So Carl spent the extra 200 cp to upgrade his mount all the way.

Adventurer's Bag (100 cp): A bag that is bigger on the inside. This bag will alter its appearance to blend into any future Jump setting. This bag comes with 20 slots which you can stack multiple items of the same type up to 999 times within a single slot. You can purchase this item multiple times to increase the number of slots in your bag. Each purchase will increase the number of slots within your bag by 20.

Carl decided to add one Adventurer's Bag to his purchase. It just felt right to have a bag while going into the World of Warcraft, even though he really didn't need it. Since he might lose access to his pocket dimension at first because of his alternate dragon body, Carl decided it was a good thing to have a bag like that.

With the Loot section done, Carl then turned to the Drawback section. He saw that there was a limit of 1500 cp he could gain from the drawbacks.

He already had one instance of Hunted mandated by his purchase of Jump Dragon. After thinking about it for some time, Carl decided to go ahead and add two more instances of Hunted.

At first, he was going to add The Naga, until Carl remembered just how ubiquitous the Naga were, even before they broke out in the Cataclysm. So Carl decided not to choose them.

He instead chose the Iron Horde as the first enemy. While their remnants were around as the Fel Orcs in Burning Crusades, they wouldn't really be a problem until the Warlords of Draenor expansion, when the time portal connected past and present. Carl figured he would be long gone before they could make too much of a nuisance of themselves.

Next Carl chose Heyla. She was originally a Titan forged Watcher and Sorceress. But then she was turned into one of the undead spectral Val'kyr. She didn't really appear until the Legion expansion, so Carl thought he probably wouldn't run into her, for the most part.

And lastly, Carl chose the Cult of the Damned. The Cult had been around in the original game, but they pretty much went into hiding during the Burning Crusade expansion, and only had a small presence in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. They didn't really become a bigger power until after the Cataclysm, where Deathwing broke the world.

So while they had agents that ran around before the Cataclysm expansion, as long as Carl remained in disguise, they shouldn't be able to figure out who he was in order to be able to target him. And he should be gone before that happened.

Of course, if any of these factions started getting too annoying, Carl always had the option of running away temporarily to level up and then come back and destroy them another day, or just hiding out for the rest of his time in world.

Carl sighed as he finally got to the end of the jump document. His choices were made, and he still had 3450 cp banked. He paused for a moment before finalizing his choices and entering the world.

Was he sure that he wanted to have three enemies from the Hunted drawback? Was the extra 1000 cp worth the hassle he was sure to have? Carl pondered that question as he watched the timer count down the final hour before his break time was up. He didn't have much time to decide.

Ultimately Carl decided that he would go ahead and keep the drawbacks. He would have to trust that the enemies he gained wouldn't be completely overpowered compared to his current "expansion". Even if those enemies jumped out before their time, Carl figured that they wouldn't be any more powerful than the rest of the enemies he would have to face.

If that wasn't the case, then he would just have to get strong and muddle through as best as he could. Before getting into the world, he really didn't have any idea how his power and strength compared to the enemies of the World of Warcraft. Carl decided he wouldn't let his fear to cause him to cower away before he had even entered the world.

With his course decided and his will set, Carl clicked the finalize selection button and the world around him faded to black.