ch 76 azaroth 1


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Carl opened his eyes and stared at the scenery in front of him blankly. He was having trouble remembering who he was and where he was. But the view was nice, at least. He was looking out over the ocean from the hills. There was a lighthouse on a little island a little distance out from the shore.

He yawned hugely, his wide maw exposing his sharp teeth. Lifting his head on his long sinuous neck, he looked around to see where he was.

He found himself draped over what looked like a house roof jutting out of the rocky outcrop he was laying on. His wings were folded into his body, and his tail hung down the side, twitching now and again.

The sun felt so good on his scales…

Wait a second.

Wings? Tail? Scales?

Didn't he usually not have those features?

Suddenly, the oddness in his mind shifted. And he remembered.

He was Carl the Jumper, and he just arrived in the World of Warcraft.

But at the same time, he was Carl of the Silver Dragon Flight.

He remembered hatching from an egg. He remembered being raised with his nest-mates. The games they played. The lessons they had in magic and crafting. Fighting to show that he was the best. Struggling to master all the skills so he could be the leader of his batch.

Carl smiled at remembering some of his close friends and the fun they got up to. He remembered his father, the leader of the Dragon Flight. How Carl swore he would be the next leader.

Carl's draconic smile dropped from his face when he remembered the Raid. Cloaked enemies that burst into their Dragon Hold, killing, chasing, capturing!

He remembered his father holding off several of them, yelling for Carl to Run! To escape and survive!

The fires, the chaos, the yelling and agonized screams had been a nightmare of his for years.

In following his father's orders, he had fled. He had made his escape. The chasers couldn't find him, couldn't catch him.

But he got so lost. He was still only a whelpling, and he was so small and weak compared to anything he encountered outside the dragon hold.

He barely survived. He learned to be stealthy. He learned to survive in the shadows, never being seen as he grew up, hunting the smallest of prey just to fill his belly.

Carl never could find his way back to the Dragon Hold. He had no idea where it was, or if anyone survived that night of nightmares. That chaotic night, where the Raid took place.

Eventually he found himself a place to survive in the wild jungles along the coast he found himself in. He hid himself among the thickest of trees, where the larger predators could not fit and chase him down.

And he survived. He grew up knowing that strength and cunning were important attributes. He managed to keep himself alive with his superlative hunting skills and by being very cautious.

Over the years as he grew up, he remembered the few lessons he had before the Raid. He remembered what they said of magic and how to use it.

And he practiced his skills in shaping his magic. It was hard at first. His magic reserves were comparatively large, so forcing his magic to do what he wanted was a struggle at first.

But he persevered. He learned to tell his magic what to do. He learned to cast a fireball to burn his enemies. And while the fireball spell wasn't nearly as powerful as his fire breath, it was at least versatile and a longer ranged attack than his fire breath.

He also learned to enhance his claw strikes as he attacked his prey from the rear, making sure to strike hard first and continue to attack until his prey died.

After he had a close call where his prey turned on him and hurt him greatly, he told his magic to heal him, and it did. He then figured out how to tell his magic to fortify his body to protect himself from getting damaged by enemy strikes in the future.

He moved many times as he outgrew his hiding places. He always found another lair to sleep in that would keep him safe.

It had been many years since he fled the Dragon Hold, and he hadn't seen any dragons at all, let alone a Silver Dragon. He grew into a full sized adult dragon.

But one day in the jungles he was ambushed by a troop of trolls in his lair. Before the ambushers attacked, he had a sense of being targeted. He knew that sensation, and knew that he needed to act immediately.

He climbed up the trees surrounding his lair, unfurled his wings, and flew away with only a single glance back to see the mass of trolls throwing spears and magic his way. Looking at the numbers, he knew he would have fallen if he had remained to fight.

So he escaped and flew north along the coast. He rested for a moment on the hillside where that cave entrance with roof built over it was. There was no activity in the cave, so he thought it would be safe for a short rest.

And that was exactly when his memories returned to him. The time when he remembered he was Carl the Jumper.

With all these new memories, Carl's head still felt a little jumbled. He sunk into meditation and used his Occlumency skills to order his new set of memories. He created a new section for his Azeroth memories and filed them accordingly.

Once he had finished ordering his new memories, he began thinking of his current situation. Thinking back on his memories growing up as a Dragon, Carl recognized many of the places that "he" had travelled through while growing up from his time playing the World of Warcraft game.

And he recognized the place that he was currently resting. He was in the southwestern part of Westfall. The cave he was resting above was the exit to the Deadmines instance dungeon.

Each of his entries into these Jump Worlds was interesting. In some of them he was just chucked into the world. In some, it felt like he lived through the time growing up and had his memories unlocked at the proper time.

In this world it felt like the memories were put in his head. Carl couldn't point to exactly what led him to that conclusion, but that's what it felt like happened this time.

Looking down at his badass dragon body, Carl preened and smirked a bit. Being a dragon was so cool.

Sinking his mind into inspecting his body, Carl saw what he expected. His dragon's body was starting off from scratch, just like his T-Rex body had started with no training. His current body had never trained in Ki techniques. It had never cultivated Profound Energy. And his magic was weak. Well, relatively weak compared to before.

Even though his magic was currently comparatively weak, with just a look at his dragon body Carl could see that it was very well suited to magic. His memories showed that he had been using rudimentary and untrained magic all his "life" here in Azeroth, and done very well for himself.

But comparing the feats he was capable of with training to what his immature, untrained, and uneducated dragon self had done, he had a far way to go with his magic training.

Despite his new and untrained body, he was very happy to see the presence of the various bloodlines present in his body that he had purchased with CP in the ATG world. There was the Golden Crows's bloodline, the Dragon God Bloodline, the Nine Exquisite Body, the Heart of Snow Glazed Glass, and the Evil God's Profound Veins. Even the Phoenix bloodline was present thanks to the cheat he got from Spere 037.

Just like his T-Rex body, all those perks were available for him in this world where he first got his alt-form. If it worked the same as his T-Rex alt-form, then it was likely in future worlds he wouldn't have access to those perks and bloodlines with his Dragon alt-form unless he used Spere 037's terminal to add them to his body.

Carl guessed that having all those perks and bloodlines available when he first gets the alt-form is a kind of courtesy and good customer service. But he would have to manually choose what perks to add to this body in the future, otherwise he would be a normal plain Dragon.

So he was pleased to see that his current dragon body had all the perks and abilities he had purchased previously. He would just have to begin training this body from scratch, since it came with the factory default settings.

Another thing he was thankful for was his inner world that stored all the various types of energy was shared between his bodies, so he didn't need to work on filling it back up again for each body. Not to mention that he would have access to his dimensional storage once he trained back up to the sovereign profound realm.

"Whoa! What's a dragon doing here?!"

An excitable voice interrupted Carl's inspection of his body. Opening his eyes, he saw a group of five people gathered on the ground just outside the cave tunnel that Carl was currently laying on.

"So cool. But it's a silver dragon. Have there been any news about a Silver Dragon Flight on the forums?" A female human priest doubtfully asked.

"No, but it would be so cool to have it for a mount in the expansion!" A male dwarf warrior mentioned.

Carl got a strange look on his face as he looked and listened to the group of adventurers below him.

'I'm right here, you know? You think I can't hear you talking about making me your mount?' Carl sardonically thought, questioning the intelligence of the group.

But at the same time, Carl had some serious doubts about what was going on here.

First of all, it was strange that people in Azeroth were talking about expansions and forums. It almost made him think that they were player characters, and they were talking about the upcoming Burning Crusades expansion.

Second, the moment he laid his eyes on the group of adventurers, Carl finally noticed that a heads up display, or HUD, popped up in his vision. And he could see the levels of the people in front of him when he focused on them. They were all level 20-26 according to their portrait frames that popped up next to them.

'Is this more of a game world than I thought?' Carl wondered.

"Hey, that dragon is only level 1! I can totally tame it!" The male Night Elf hunter exclaimed. "I just need you guys to distract it so he doesn't interrupt the taming spell!"

Carl got a look of consternation on his face. There was no way hunters could tame Dragons, especially because they were intelligent creatures. There was no way someone could tame him! But he didn't want to chance it. He certainly didn't want to bother with these…players?

Not when he was apparently only level 1 and hadn't gotten any training in to enhance his abilities. He would be rofl-stomped in nothing flat by a full group of five.

Were these players from the regular world? Was this more of a game world than he expected? And why the hell was he only level 1 when he had been killing mobs for many years, according to his implanted memories?

He had many things to consider here. He wasn't going to sit around and let these yokels try out their strategy of distracting and taming him. The way they talked about their plan directly in front of Carl where he could overhear them easily led him to believe that this world was a strange mix of real life and game.

It had to be some kind of game world. No one would be that stupid to discuss their plans in front of the enemy in real life where they could hear, right?

There were no natives of Azeroth that weren't aware how smart dragons were. They would never let a dragon hear their plan of attack. This led Carl to think that the adventurers thought of him as an NPC, not a real, thinking creature. Since they hadn't instigated combat, or aggroed him, they apparently thought that Carl wouldn't attack them or instigate action.

And it was true that he didn't want to attack them at this moment. While he would normally be fearless in fighting, he hadn't had any chance to train his body or assess his strength. He had no idea how much stronger than normal players being a dragon made him. He didn't want to chance death and jump failure on something so uncertain!

There was definitely something odd about his insertion into the world. The jump document did say he would be a drop in with the appropriate memories. Seems it was true, since he was starting at level 1.

But if he was only level 1, why was he able to see these player's levels? In the game, if he wasn't a part of the same faction, then any enemy with 10 levels more than him should be shown as a skull. Was it judged by power levels?

Carl sighed at the oddity of his existence in this world as he ignored the rest of what the players in front of him were saying as he prepared himself to act.

He didn't want to fight these players. He had no desire to test just how big of a difference the level gap would cause in their abilities. He still remembered in the SAO world how he couldn't do more damage than his equipment and stats said he could, despite being a master class martial artist and much stronger than a normal human.

And right now he hadn't trained up his new body any. So while he may be really strong for being a dragon, he was completely unsure of his capabilities in this game-like world. It wasn't the time to go into a fight blind.

Besides which, he wasn't sure that if he attacked and managed to kill the group of Alliance adventurers that it wouldn't flag him to the rest of the Alliance faction as a kill on sight enemy.

He still needed to interact with the Alliance, so Carl decided to retreat for now while he was uncertain about a great many things.

After he had gained his bearings and figured things out, then he could be more confident and bold in his actions.

So while the five adventurers were still sitting in front of Carl and discussing what they wanted in payment in order to help the hunter, and how they would go about it, Carl took a deep breath.

A loud "Huaaawk" sound echoed out before Carl spat a loogie at the hunter. The gooey mess smacked him in the face. Without a harrumph, Carl stretched his wings and took flight, leaving the gobsmacked group of heroes behind.

"Looks like the dragon didn't want to be your pet there, Abugaw." Carl heard a mocking voice before he got too far away from the group.



"You can't tame a dragon anyway, huntard. It would have been a waste of our time."

As he flew away, Carl saw the small village of Moonbrook that was taken over by the Defias Brotherhood was laid out on the ground near the mountains. Carl could spot the building where the entrance to the dungeon instance was.

Carl made a note that he would go and check out the dungeon instance some time later. If this world had a large amount of game elements, then it would be interesting to run a dungeon.

Catching an updraft, he rose higher in the air as he sought out an isolated peak that he could land on to be able to think for a while. So far, if he was at the beginning of the Burning Crusades expansion like he expected to be, then there were no alliance or horde members that could fly around this area.

So he should be safe for the time being.

After a few minutes of flight, Carl saw a suitable peak. He glided in for a landing, flapping his wings sharply to pull up at the proper time to slow down and land on his back legs first before settling down on all four legs. He folded up his wings and settled on his haunches.

Looking around the immediate surroundings with his sharp eyesight, he came to the realization that his Dragon form had amazingly sharp and dynamic eyesight. He knew that many of the predatory birds had very good distance viewing, but apparently so did Dragons.

Apparently they needed it to clearly see their prey on the ground while flying high. He only needed to focus on the tower in the distance and he could clearly see everything happening at Sentinel Hill.

He could even see two of the five Alliance players that he had just run into talking with the NPCs at the Alliance base and turning in quests. The hunter even had a golden light burst up around him for a second when he turned in a quest, which indicated he had leveled up.

Carl breathed in slowly for a minute and held it. Five minutes later he slowly exhaled for a minute. His Dragon form had amazing lungs! He wasn't even feeling the strain of holding his breath for several minutes. And that was in an untrained body!

He returned to breathing normally. Carl curled his tail up around his feet as he sat on his haunches and looked at it curiously, studying the scales that covered his body. His ethereal silver with blue glowing highlights really did look awesome.

'Well, I should get started on doing some Ki training first.' Carl thought. 'But I gotta check something first, though.'

Carl reached out for his magic, followed his instincts and had it work just so. A moment later, he felt himself shrinking down and becoming bipedal.

Standing up on his two legs, Carl opened up his Warehouse portal and walked inside. He strode purposely to his house and stood in front of a mirror in the bathroom.

The face of a Night Elf looked back at him. His hair was a silvery blue color. His skin was a dark bluish, almost purple color. His floppy ears stuck way out.

"Strange to see myself as a Night Elf after having played that game so much." Carl muttered as he poked and prodded his new features. His long eyebrows were almost too much as they were nearly 10 inches long, jutting out horizontally from his face and defying gravity.

After measuring his new Night Elf body, he found that he was 7 foot 2 inches.

"Not as tall as my T-Rex human form, but still damned tall." Carl chuckled. "At least taller than the average NBA player. And very well muscled, too."

Carl stopped flexing in the mirror, glad that no one could see him now.

Before leaving his warehouse, Carl stopped for a frosty mug of Root Beer. Ahh, that hit the spot.

Once he was back on the mountain peak he had picked to be his temporary base, he shrunk his Warehouse portal back down to a microscopic size so it was still open and the farms weren't frozen in time. Reaching out for his magic, he once more returned to his Dragon form.

He wasn't sure what the effect of training in Ki and Profound Energy would be if he did it in his Night Elf shape shift form as opposed to his Dragon form. So he would start the training in his actual body first.

Looking around the peak, Carl still felt a little uneasy. Even though he knew, or at least assumed, that the players couldn't fly, he still didn't feel fully confident that he was safe.

So he put up some temporary wards on the clearing around him to make noticing him next to impossible and give him a warning if someone did manage to get close.

When he was done, he felt a little winded. His magic was only that of a level 1 noob, even though he was a Dragon with 6 drops of Dragon God blood, he was still a noob. But at least he had some warning and hiding wards up, so he could get started on making himself not a noob.

Settling down in a comfortable sprawl, Carl brought up the mnemonics and formula of the Great Way of the Buddha and began absorbing the surrounding energy into his body as Ki.

He soon lost track of time as he fell into a training trance.

Several hours later Carl finished the first stage of the Great Way of the Buddha technique. This was the third time he was training it, and it had gotten even easier to complete the steps.

He took the time to stretch, spreading out his wings, arching his back, stretching out his tail. His claws dug into the ground as he stretched first his front legs out in front of him; then his back legs one at a time.

His stomach gurgled in hunger, so he shook himself and shrunk down into his Night Elf form. Reopening his Warehouse portal on a nearby rock face big enough, Carl entered before shrinking the portal as small as it could go without closing.

No one was likely to find it if it was on some random mountain and too small to fit a needle through. (Knock on wood.)

Instead of heading for his kitchen to cook a meal, Carl continued on through his Warehouse until he saw the door he was looking for labeled "Hunting/Grazing Grounds".

He found himself in the hunting lodge once more. Looking around and smiling at the nice digs, since it felt good to own something nice like the lodge, Carl didn't slow down as he made his way to the balcony.

Once outside, he changed back to his Dragon form and took to the skies, soaring out as he looked around for some prey to fill his belly.

Several minutes later he spotted some flying Pterodactyls. Smirking down at the preoccupied aerial dinosaurs, he judged their relative positions and speeds. Folding in part of his wings, he tipped over and dived.

Speeding down, he watched the dinosaur carefully for any indication it was going to dodge. The ignorant dinosaur continued on is merry way, unaware that death was swooping down on it.


The collision immediately knocked the large flying dinosaur unconscious. Gripping his breakfast with all four legs, Carl once more stretched out his wings and glided down to a nearby clearing.

Without any more ado, he began tearing up huge chunks of meat, raising his head and gulping them down his gullet.

Just like when he was in his Shadow Panther or T-Rex form, the blood and meat of a fresh caught prey just tasted so good. Carl spent some time devouring the Pterodactyl, enjoying his first hunt in his Dragon body.

Sure, he had memories of hunting. But he wasn't really counting them, because when he woke up and "remembered" his early life, he found out he was only a level 1. That meant that more than likely all those memories of hunting prey were not real. If they were, he would have leveled up at some point, right?

This world insertion just had to mess with his head. He had just come to the conclusion that when he entered the world his body was regressed in age and his personality matrix was living the whole life until his blocked memories were released, thus "waking" him up.

And now here in this world the Jump Chain gives him a situation that looks very much like his memories are faked and his body was only just created and placed into the world as he was woken up.

Shaking his head, he refused to think of it any further, for fear of doubting his familial bonds with those he knew in past worlds. It just didn't really matter, anyway. The Jump Chain is full of magical shenanigans. And even if the initial connection was faked by the Jump Chain, the subsequent 10 years or more he spent with them meant that they were still his loved ones. Or as Naruto would say, his "precious people".

Once he finished eating, he cast some cleaning charms on himself and then leapt into the air, flying back to the hunting lodge. The bones and scraps he left behind for some scavengers to enjoy.

With his hunger sated for the time being, he exited his Warehouse and returned to the mountain side he had temporarily settled on. Lying back down in a comfortable position, he began utilizing his profound energy cultivation technique. Thankfully this world didn't restrict his cultivation like the Dinosaur Gauntlet had.

In just a matter of hours, he had already solidified his realm in the first level of the Elementary Profound Realm. It really was getting easier each time he started from scratch to advance his training.

Carl had decided that he would train for some time in his Profound Cultivation as well as Ki before he left to do anything in this world. It would give him a measure of strength to protect himself with while he leveled up.

When he had been meditating and filing away his memories, he had paid particular attention to the memories he had of fleeing the Dragon Hold. He wanted to find that place as soon as possible to see what he had to work with.

It was his Dragon Flight, after all. They would be joining him on the Jump Chain. But the disaster that struck them in his memories had him worried about what he would find. Would there even be any Dragons left alive when he got back? Would he have to work hard to get them to make him their leader and follow him? Or would the Jump Chain fiat kick in and smooth everything out?

He had selected the location of the Dragon Hold himself, and judging from the memories of his escape from the enemies, Carl figured that it was where he had put it, in the mountains between the Redridge Mountains and the Swamp of Sorrows.

So he would be returning their soon to investigate what was remaining of his Silver Dragon Flight. But for now, more training!

Carl was just finishing up a training session when he a shadow passed over the clearing on his mountain top and over him.

His head snapped around, his eyes scanning for the source of the shadow. For something to cast a shadow like that meant something was flying around nearby, and he didn't want to be surprised by some threat ambushing him.

Based on the direction the shadow was flying in, and judging by the angle of the sun in the sky, Carl soon spotted what had cast the shadow.

He focused his vision on it, and was shocked. In the air above him he saw another Silver Dragon flying by. He narrowed his eyes at the sight of the Dragon. How much of a coincidence was it that he just happened to see a member of his Dragon Flight so soon and by chance?

Was it the Jump Chain fiat, ensuring that he connected with his Dragon Flight, since he paid good cp for it?

'Well, whatever caused it, I need to talk to that Dragon.' Carl promptly crouched down and flung himself into the air, unfurling his wings and flapping to gain additional height and forward speed to chase down the Silver Dragon in his sights.

After several minutes, he was soon close enough to call out in the Draconic language to gain the Dragon's attention.

When the other Dragon turned his head and saw Carl, he almost stopped flapping his wings, so great was his shock. Carl felt a bit of concern and embarrassment on behalf of Dragons everywhere at the idea that a Dragon would fall out of the sky, even if he was suffering from a huge shock for whatever reason.

"Young Master Carl, is that you?" The other Dragon called out.

Carl himself was startled, but continued to maintain his flight. He came to a halt in air as he maintained his position relative to the other Dragon.

Hearing that the other Dragon knew him, he narrowed his eyes in thought, sifting through his memories. There was one Dragon in his memories that resembled this one in front of him, but he never heard the other Dragon's name.

"I recognize you, though I don't know your name. And yes, my name is Carl." Carl responded.

"Young Master Carl, my name is Mortic, I was a common and humble blacksmith Dragon back when you were introduced to the Flight. I still remember the day when your father, Lord Camden, proudly showed you off to the rest of the flight as his successor to the leadership of the Flight."

Carl "remembered" that day very well. The crowds of Dragons in the banquet were quite rowdy, and the Dragonspawn worked overtime bringing food and drink to the feast.

"Follow me; we have some things to talk about." Carl ordered as he wheeled around to return to the clearing on the mountain peak where he had been training. The older Dragon didn't hesitate and followed Carl down to land.

While Carl was still somewhat guarded, the older Dragon's immediate obedience to his words and the knowledge that said the Silver Dragon Flight would be loyal to him caused Carl to relax a little bit while confronting an unknown variable.

The Dragon named Mortic also recognized Carl from his features taken from his father, the previous Flight Leader, as well as from the glimpse he had of him as a whelpling. He knew his name, which indicated he very well knew who Carl was, which lent credence to him being a loyal member of the Silver Dragon Flight.

Carl was also pleased to see that the Probing Eye perk he picked up from the HSDK world worked just as well on Dragons as it did on humans. So he could see that Mortic fully intended to be honest and forthright with his answers.

Once the two dragons were sitting across from each other, and Carl had recast some privacy and hiding spells to keep their conversation uninterrupted, he turned to finding out as much as he could about Mortic and the Silver Dragon Flight.

"It has been many years since I saw any other Silver Dragons, Mortic." Carl kept his attention on the older dragon, watching his reactions. "Tell me what you remember about that night when we were attacked, and what has been happening with the Flight ever since."

"Yes, young master Carl. The night of the Raid I was busy in my little corner, forging a new sword that had been ordered by a Gnome. I had just quenched the blade when I heard a commotion out in the halls. I made my way to see what was happening, and saw cloaked figures attacking our Dragons and Dragonspawn everywhere."

Mortic paused to gaze into space, reliving that horrible night.

"I joined the effort to attack back, but there were too many of them and they were too strong." Mortic shook his head in dismay. "We were near the egg crèche. The Warrior Oliver, who was in charge of defense, singled me and two other Dragons out. We were to grab as many eggs as we could and escape the death trap. Warrior Oliver and his men covered our retreat."

"We managed to get away, but Fausic, Mauret, and I had only managed to save a small part of the eggs. A short time later, six of the Dragon eggs hatched. While my two fellow dragons watched over the whelplings, I snuck back to the Dragon Hold to see what had become of the place and find out if there was still a flight. All that was left was 21 Dragonspawn that managed to escape the destruction."

The pain easily visible on Mortic's face told Carl everything about how much despair that discovery had shook the older Dragon.

"After talking with the Dragonspawn, I rejoined the two Dragons that were watching over the six hatchlings and the remaining eggs of both Dragons and Dragonspawn that still had some time before they hatched. We made our way back to the Hold. We repaired what we could, and continued to live on quietly, afraid that if anyone saw us, we would be attacked again."

Carl spent some time digesting the information from Mortic's words.

"Who was our enemy that staged the Raid?" Carl asked.

"We don't know. They all wore dark clothes and masks. They never said a word, as far as I know." The older Dragon looked apologetic to not have an answer for Carl.

Carl hummed in thought as he considered what he was going to do. There were nine Dragons and 21 Dragonspawn in his Dragon Flight. And judging by the timidity and fear evident in Mortic, they were a broken lot. Crushed under the terror and helplessness of the Raid.

Not exactly the big and dangerous Dragon Flight he expected to get after shelling out the cp. But, they were his. And he wasn't going to abandon them.

"Why were you flying around so openly then, if you were afraid of bringing our enemies back down upon us?" Carl finally asked Mortic.

"I…I don't really know why, Young Master Carl. I just had a…feeling that flying in this area was the thing I absolutely had to do. And now that I've seen you, Young Master, I must say that it was likely divine intervention to be reunited with our future Flight Leader!"

Carl simply smiled and nodded at the other Dragon. Jump Chain Shenanigans could be considered divine intervention.

His original plan had been to train up his Ki and Profound Cultivation to a certain level. Once he was able to use his profound energy to access the Heavenly Time Pearl, he could enter the time compression and train all the way up to Sovereign Profound Realm, access his dimensional pocket, and pull out the Yamato.

Once he had access to his technology, finding the Dragon Flight's castle Hold would be that much easier.

But now that he had a guide here in front of him to guide him in, it would be no problem to rejoin his Dragon Flight.

He still planned to do things a certain way and ease into his new role. But starting out at his Flight's Hold where he could set up base was the right way to go, now that he had a guide to get there and wouldn't have to fly all over the place in plain view of anyone around.

"Okay, then. Let's set off for the Hold, Mortic. I'll need you to lead the way." Carl gestured for the other Dragon to go ahead and take off and he would follow.

"Of course, Young Master Carl."

The two Dragons threw themselves into the air, and Carl followed the other one to the east.