Ch 83 azaroth 8


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Carl entered a raid instance for the first time. He wasn't nervous, so much as he was excited to finally be at max level for the expansion and able to finally start participating in the raid content he remembered from back in the day.

At the time when the Burning Crusade expansion had been released, he had been quite busy with work and school, so he hadn't gotten to raid and play to his heart's content.

And now that he was actually here in the world of Azeroth, he was determined to enjoy the situation as much as he could. Especially enjoyable to him was that with his various powers he gained from hopping from world to world, he had the ability to absolutely decimate the dungeons and raids solo.

Which meant that he didn't need to deal with all the negatives of playing an online game, namely dealing with random people that make getting a raid together difficult. If he ever needed an actual raid, he would simply call on his Dragon Flight once they had reached level 70.

Carl opened the door that was just inside the raid, and was met by the sight of the welcoming hall. As he moved forward, there were undead servants and horses that Carl cleaned up swiftly, gaining reputation with the Violet Eye faction. The Violet Eye faction was tasked with keeping an eye on the dead Medivh in his tower Karazhan.

So far the various mobs in the raid didn't trouble Carl any. The undead seemed to be quite vulnerable to the holy damage attacks from his Paladin class.

Ignoring for the moment the stairs that lead further into the tower, Carl followed the curved hallway through the stables to where the first boss of the raid waited.

Attumen the Huntsman wasn't present at first. His undead horse Midnight was standing alone. Carl didn't waste any time snuck up behind the horse in stealth and began with an Ambush. He did enough damage to the horse that Attumen the Huntsmen in his blood read cloak and bronze colored armor immediately showed up.

Carl dropped a Consecration and used a Holy Shock on the undead boss. For these fights Carl was fighting with a shield and sword combo, acting as a tank. He kept up his Holy Shield spell that magically increased his blocking ability.

Attumen and his horse were attacking madly, but Carl was blocking, parrying, or dodging the attacks. His much greater magic was focused on not taking damage from the raid boss, which was actually working quite well.

With his shield occupied blocking the horse, and his sword parrying Attumen's attacks, Carl relied on casting his mage spells to damage the two attackers. He dropped a Flamestrike on the area, which burned both Attumen and his horse. He then used the Dragon's Breath attack, burning the two even more.

It was enough to cause the next phase of the fight. Attumen mounted Midnight and they continued attacking Carl. Now that he was only fighting one figure in front of him, Carl actually had it easier by a small margin. He used his Paladin judgment spell with additional Holy damage. While attacking with Blue Orchid, he employed the Rogue's Sinister Strike to add combo points, and used up the combo points with an Eviscerate.

Attumen and Midnight died at that point, falling over right in front of Carl. He hadn't expected the fight to be over so quick, due to his memories of playing the game. In his memories of raiding Karazhan as a fresh level 70, the raid would take hours. The fights would always be close calls, and there would be plenty of fighting among the raid members about who would get loot. Sometimes the fighting and drama would be enough to cause raids, and even guilds, to disband due to incompatibility.

So being able to so easily take down the first raid boss, as if he was a simple dungeon boss, filled Carl with an unusual feeling, as well as a sense of pride in his powers.

Something that was so difficult in his past life in the game, was so easy for him here and now. It really made Carl pause for a moment to dispassionately examine how far he has come from the time he first started on this crazy journey.

In his original life, the idea of swinging a sword and fighting undead monsters was so far from his reality that it was at most a daydream. And now, here he was, almost casually ending a monster that could have easily killed thousands of him before. Not even tens of thousands of copies of him in his previous life could have ended that boss.

Carl shook his head and dispelled the strange mood he had found himself indulging in for a moment.

From Attumen Carl received two [Badge of Justice], a few gold, and two epic items. The [Badge of Justice] could be used as a currency to purchase various gear from some of the NPCs in Shattrath city. They didn't drop from regular dungeons, only the Heroic version. So Carl hadn't gathered too many of them yet, even though he had run through some of the heroic versions of the dungeons.

The first epic drop was the [Handwraps of Flowing Thought], a pair of cloth gloves that enhanced Stamina, Intellect, Hit rating, and Spell Power. It also had two sockets that gems could be put into.

'This is good.' Carl thought while looking at the gloves. 'I haven't really delved into making socket slots for gems to enhance armor or weapons. With this, I should be able to research how to add that to my crafting!'

The second piece of loot was [Stalker's War Bands], a mail armor wrist piece. It enhanced Agility, Stamina, Intellect, and Attack Power. Normally the wrist piece would go to either a Hunter or an Enhancement Shaman.

Carl chucked both armor pieces into his bags to be examined and deconstructed or disenchanted later.

He already had pieces of armor that had Strength, Agility, Intellect, Spirit, Stamina, Attack Power, Spell Power, and Critical Strike Rating on them. He wasn't going to replace his carefully crafted armor with random pieces that catered to only one class. His set was much better.

But that didn't mean the armor drops were useless to him, since they would be instrumental in increasing his understanding of how to magically enhance anything he crafted to be that much stronger. They could also be disenchanted into enchanting materials.

So while Carl wouldn't wear anything that dropped from the bosses, he was very interested in obtaining the boss loot.

With the boss down, Carl returned to the first hallway and climbed the stairs to the Banquet Hall on the way to the next boss.

Carl paused when he saw the wide open Banquet Hall with undead dancing, laughing, and joking as if they were still alive. An idea had suddenly occurred to him.

This was a closed raid instance. No one could exit and spread word outside of what happened in here.

"Hehehe." Carl began laughing in delight. He had been looking for an excuse to do something like this for a long time now!

Concentrating his magic, Carl released his hold on his shape shifted Night Elf form. A large Silver Dragon appeared in the place Carl had been standing.

Carl stretched his legs, his wings, his tail and neck. It felt so good to be in his normal Dragon form!

Looking down on the undead party goers, Carl took a deep breath and breathed out his true Dragon's Flame!

An entire group of a dozen undead were engulfed in the flames and burnt to death (second death). Their undead corpses fell to the ground and Carl swept up any loot they dropped.

He turned to the next group and began a massacre of the undead. Swiping his tail on one group, swiping another with his claws, Carl reveled in being free to fight in his Dragon form, finally.

He had felt so stifled from the need to keep a low profile until his Dragon Flight was strong enough to stand on its own. He hadn't even considered letting go while in a dungeon until now. Besides, his Flight members were all above level 60 and should soon join him as level 70s.

Once they too were max level and geared up, they would start to destroy the Cult of the Damned in retaliation for the Raid.

Carl finally finished off all the undead in the Banquet Hall. He had even climbed up to the second floor and killed all the undead up there too. Climbing back down to the first floor, Carl gazed in the room where the second boss was in dismay.

He couldn't fit through the doors!

With a sigh, Carl returned back to his Night Elf form to enter the side room where Moroes was waiting.

Once inside, Carl gleefully returned to his Dragon form and began laying waste to the undead at the banquet tables.

Taking another deep breath, he blew fire at Moroes and the small group of undead surrounding him. Moroes' dinner guests immediately succumbed to the fire and died. Moroes himself had Rogue-like skills and he vanished from sight.

Unfortunately for him, Carl's magical senses were quite acute. He lashed his tail out and smacked Moroes to the ground, dispelling his stealth. He then pierced through Moroes' body with a claw, digging in and shredding the undead boss.

The damage was too much for Moroes, who fell dead. Carl's Dragon face smirked down in triumph. It was fun playing with small human forms as a dragon. He could totally see why Dragons were normally arrogant, when everyone around them were puny toys.

Moroes dropped the [Emerald Ripper], a nice Agility, Stamina and Attack Power enhancing dagger, and [Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch], a trinket that enhanced the ability to dodge. Carl put them away in his bags with the rest of the loot.

Carl stalked through the halls of Karazhan, he stayed in his Dragon form whenever he could, tearing through the enemies like they were tissue paper. Occasionally he had to revert to his Night Elf form to squeeze through doorways. Thankfully most of the place was large hallways that allowed him to stretch out and have fun.

He soon arrived in the alcove that held the next boss, the Maiden of Virtue, a titan like construct that stood nearly as tall as Carl's Dragon form. As soon as Carl engaged her in combat she dropped a Consecrate that did a little damage to Carl as he stood in it.

Carl ignored the small amount of damage she was doing and continued to rip into her with his claws. He found that he could actually still use his class skills, so he was using his Rogue skills in conjunction with his claw attacks. Mutilate and Sinister Strike added combo points before Carl finished her off with an Eviscerate.

She dropped [Shard of the Virtuous], a main hand mace that enhanced Stamina, Intellect, Spell Power, and Mana Restoration, and [Totem of Healing Rains], a relic totem for Shaman's that increased the amount of healing Chain Heal did.

The next boss was the Opera Event. The undead ghost Barnes was the Stage Manager. He was one of the few non hostile NPCs in the Raid. After talking to him, Carl made his way onto the stage where the "play" would occur. There were three plays that became a boss encounter on the stage: Wizard of Oz, Romeo and Juliet, and Red Riding Hood.

Carl ended up with the Red Riding Hood play. In the normal course of the play, the large humanoid wolf would temporarily transform one of the raid members into a little helpless girl with a red hood and chase them. If the wolf caught the party member, he would kill them easily, so they had to run around to avoid the Big Bad Wolf.

Unfortunately for the Big Bad Wolf, Carl was an even bigger Dragon. The wolf didn't even get a chance to try to transform Carl into a little girl.

The Wolf dropped [Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle] that enhanced Agility and Attack Power, and [Ribbon of Sacrifice] that was a trinket that enhanced Spell Power as well as having a use function of increasing Healing power for a short time.

Carl was pleased with the Epic trinket drop, since it would be a good enhancement to add to his Flight members that focused on healing.

The next boss Carl came upon was the giant golem construct The Curator. The moment Carl stepped into the hall The Curator was patrolling in, he immediately saw Carl and attacked. Carl smiled helplessly inside. In the game The Curator was known for having an enormous aggro radius, which proved true in real life as well.

Carl wasted no time changing back into his Dragon form and began going wild with his Mage spells, using AoE spells of fire and frost to kill all the other mana construct and wyrms that aggroed along with The Curator.

Once Carl finished off all the adds, he focused on The Curator. After a couple hits the Curator summoned up some sparks that were doing some lightning damage to Carl as they floated around. Carl simply whipped his tail around and smashed them to smithereens.

Shortly after that, The Curator dropped to the ground. Carl had finished him off even before he could do his evocation to gather more mana to himself.

Carl smiled at the loot drops. There were three glove tokens that dropped that could be redeemed in Shattrath for the Tier 4 Raid Set. [Staff of Infinite Mysteries] also dropped which was a staff that enhanced Stamina, Intellect, hit rating, and Spell Power.

[Gloves of the Fallen Defender] could be redeemed by Warriors, Priests, and Druids. Unfortunately it was useless for Carl's classes, but he would see if he could still redeem it for the Raid tier armor. They would be good for enhancing his Flight's armor.

[Gloves of the Fallen Champion] could be redeemed by Paladins, Rogues, and Shamans. Carl thought for a bit and decided he would collect the Rogue set first, since there were three different sets for the Paladin, since they could be tanks, healers, or damage dealers, he would gather those the next time he came to the raid.

[Gloves of the Fallen Hero] could be redeemed by Hunters, Mages, and Warlocks.

Carl continued clearing out the trash mobs and made his way up the tower. There was one particular room that was filled with bookshelves and books scattered around the ground. Carl spent some time checking to see if the books contained useful information, but was somewhat disappointed to find that they were mostly history books. While interesting, they didn't have anything useful to add to Carl's magical knowledge. He still added them to his database, since knowledge was knowledge.

Behind one particular bookshelf was a hidden passage that led to the next boss. A Satyr demon by the name Terestial Illhoof. Behind the Satyr was a portal that continually brought in little fire imps.

Carl was a little disappointed that the room wasn't large enough for his Dragon form. But the demon boss seemed to be quite susceptible to Holy and Frost damage. Carl even summoned his Water Elemental to help kill off the imps and do damage to Illhoof.

The demon dropped [Cord of Nature's Sustenance], a leather belt that enhanced Stamina, Intellect, Spirit, Spell Power, and Mana regeneration, as well as [Breastplate of the Lightbinder], a plate chest piece that enhanced Stamina, Intellect, Spell Power, and Mana regeneration. Carl also got the Enchanting formula [Enchant Weapon – Soulfrost], which permanently enchanted a weapon to increase Frost and Shadow spell damage.

Carl continued to go deeper and higher into the tower, coming to a room where the Shade of Aran was pacing back and forth in.

Seeing that the room was just big enough, Carl opened the door and got a running start. The moment he jumped in the room he transformed into his Dragon form and landed on the ghostly mage, tearing into him and breathing fire.

Carl was successful and killed the shade before he could cast Flame Wreath. When playing the game in his past life Carl had always hated fighting that boss because his raid members were stupid. The Flame Wreath spell surrounds each raid member with fire. All they had to do to survive was: Nothing. Just don't move, and they wouldn't take damage.

But if they moved the Flame Wreath would explode over the entire raid group.

Too often it was too difficult a task for the raid members, making the boss much harder than it should have been.

So for Carl, killing off the Shade of Aran so quickly and easily was very cathartic.

The shade dropped an Enchanting formula [Enchant Weapon – Sunfire] that enchanted a weapon to permanently increase Fire and Arcane spell power.

[Pendant of the Violet Eye] was a trinket that increased Intellect and when used increased a stacking bonus of Mana regeneration.

[Steelspine Faceguard] was a mail head piece that increased Agility, Stamina, Intellect, Attack Power, and Mana regeneration.

Following along the ramps and platforms, Carl went down into a large open room where a Nether Dragon was pacing back and forth. He grinned at being able to fight a Dragon as a Dragon.

He started the fight off with his Breath attack before jumping on the Nether Dragon's back. Carl missed biting Netherspite's neck and got a mouthful of wings. But he didn't let go as he continued to claw at the other Dragon.

He didn't forget to drop Consecration or Flamestrike either. A bit of added magical damage in addition to his physical attacks was too much for the Nether Dragon. When Netherspite collapsed, Carl raised his bloody muzzle and roared his triumph.

[Spiteblade] was a one handed sword that enhanced Agility, Stamina, and Attack Power.

[Skulker's Greaves] was a pair of leather legs that enhanced Agility, Stamina, hit rating, and Attack Power. It also had three gem sockets. Carl was quite pleased to have another item with sockets that he could study.

Backtracking a bit led Carl higher up the tower. He strode through the open door and looked down on the room in front of him. He stood on a balcony overlooking the room that was dominated by an enormous chess set. Larger than life figures stood in place of the chess pieces.

On the Human side all the pawns were replaced by Human footmen. The rooks were represented by Water Elementals. The knights were large Warhorses. The bishops were replaced by Human Clerics. The queen was a tall Mage with a funny wizard's hat. And the King was King Llane.

On the Orc side the pawns were replaced by Orc Grunts. The rooks were replaced by a summoned Daemon. The knights were large wolves. The bishops were replaced by Orc Necrolytes. The queen was an Orc Warlock. And the king was Warchief Blackhand.

On the other side of the room was a closed and locked door. In order to pass through the door to reach the last boss of Karazhan, he had to win the chess event.

In front of the chess set was the Shade of Medivh, pacing back and forth as he stared at the chess set.

For some reason Carl started remembering Professor McGonagall and her chess set that she set up as an obstacle to protect the Philosopher's Stone. It had been a while since he was in the Harry Potter world. He wondered what Fleur, Hermione, and Luna would think of this chess set.

Carl started getting lost in his recollections as he thought over all the girls he was in a relationship with. Some of them he hadn't seen for centuries.

Amy, Marcie, Harmony, Fred, and Cordelia. The girls he first connected with on this crazy journey. That first world had been a crazy time. He only had magic to protect himself with in that world. Everything felt so new and scary.

Everyone in the group knew how easily they could die, despite all their hard work and study. So they had really embraced living their lives to the fullest.

He thought about his first set of parents in the Pokemon world, and his girl there Serena, who was crazy about working with Pokemon and exploring the world. She would definitely be interested in seeing what was out here in the omniverse.

While he hadn't hooked up with anyone in the HSDK or SAO worlds, he had people there he cared about. And he might go back to the HSDK to see his sexy sensei Shigure and see whether or not there could be something between the two of them.

Then there was Caiyi in the ATG world. The imperious, proud empress while in public, but a naughty fun loving girl in private.

Alice and Tera, his smart girls from the Stargate world who he toured the galaxies with.

And Lyanna from ASOIAF, his sexy Northern girl.

Shaking his head, Carl chuckled at how the memories had flooded in. He almost felt like one of those Highlander immortals that would have vivid memory flashbacks. But he was back in the present once more.

Carl strode over to King Llane and started the event. He was controlling the King Llane chess piece. Carl exited out of the king's piece and watched for a few seconds as his pieces began moving while the Orc side also becan moving forward to attack.

Carl began controlling the Human Mage piece and moved it forward. He began attacking the Orc's king piece with frost bolts once he was in range. The important point to end the battle was to kill the enemy king.

"Perhaps a change is in order." Carl heard a voice echoing through the chamber.

[Echo of Medivh cheats]

A message popped up in Carl's vision. A moment later, fire appeared on the ground under his chess piece and King Llane. Carl narrowed his eyes in anger. He knew that a part of the chess encounter was that Medivh would cheat. But seeing it happen behind a screen and seeing it happen right in front of his eyes were two different things!

"Well, if you can cheat, why can't I?" Carl muttered.

He released control over the chess piece. Focusing on Warchief Blackhand, Carl summoned up some flames of the Golden Crow. Fanning the fire hotter and hotter, he gestured with his hand. The flames followed his will and pooled under the Warchief, burning him.

Carl smirked at seeing the health of the chess piece drop dramatically. A moment later, the Orc king piece died, letting him win the match.

Carl then stared at the Shade of Medivh to see if he would cause any problems for Carl. But Medivh's ghost seemed to be caught up in the past and never looked directly at him.

Since the ghost wasn't going to cause problems, Carl smirked and opened up the dust covered chest that held the loot for the chess event.

[Triptych Shield of the Ancients] enhanced Stamina, Intellect, Spell Power, and Mana regeneration.

[King's Defender] was a one handed sword that increased Stamina, defense rating, and hit rating.

With the Chess Event over, there was only one more boss to kill.

There were actually two more bosses, but Carl had to first get some reputation with the Violet Eye faction and complete a chain quest line before he could summon the undead dragon Nightbane. When the raid reset in a week, Carl would have the opportunity to finish the quest line and kill the undead Dragon.

Carl continued up the stairs and climbed to the top of the tower where he saw the final boss, Prince Malchezaar.

He didn't waste any time and transformed into his Dragon form, charging forward and slamming into the large demon boss. Malchezaar immediately summoned an infernal from above. The comet crashed down nearby and stood up, showing itself to be one of those fire golem infernals. The infernal started channeling an AoE fire around it, which in normal circumstances would quickly kill anyone who stood in it.

But Carl was immune to fire, so he didn't bother moving. He was too busy attacking the boss.

Prince Malchezaar pulled out two axes after only a moment of combat. Carl smirked at the boss while he was slashing with his claws and avoiding the slashes of the axes.

A second later Prince Malchezaar threw his axes at Carl. He knocked the axes out of the air with his tail, but was unsurprised to see the axes start floating and come back around to try to attack Carl once more.

He didn't let himself get distracted by the axes and continued to cast spells and attack the boss. A short time later, Prince Malchezaar couldn't handle the damage Carl did and fell to the ground dead.

Looking at the loot, Carl smiled at seeing 3 [Badge of Justice].

[Helm of the Fallen Defender]

[Helm of the Fallen Champion]

[Helm of the Fallen Hero]

[Adornment of Stolen Souls], an amulet that enhanced Intellect, Stamina, Critical Strike rating, and Spell Power.

Smiling at how easy the raid had gone and the loot that he had gotten, Carl soon ran back through the tower to exit into Deadwind pass. He then stealthily flew from the entrance of Karazhan to the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands. Entering the portal, he found himself once more in Hellfire Peninsula.

He then flew to the center of the zone where the Hellfire Citadel stood.

The raid in Karazhan had gone so smoothly, he was willing to give Magtheridon's Lair a try, even though it was considered a 25 man raid.

Carl was pretty sure he could manage to do enough damage to overcome the demon Magtheridon's defenses and health and kill him before he could threaten his life.

The entrance was at the very bottom of the Hellfire Citadel on the west side. Carl didn't hesitate to fly straight into the portal leading to the Raid instance.

Once inside, Carl was faced with groups of three patrolling Orcs. Carl didn't waste any time with playing with them. He turned into his Dragon form and killed the patrols.

He found that he was strangely becoming addicted to his Dragon form and the sheer physical presence and ability it had. It was a hell of a lot of fun.

Looking in the room at Magtheridon, Carl narrowed his eyes in determination. The demon Magtheridon stood head and shoulders taller than his own Dragon form. The bottom half of its body had four thick clawed legs. His upper torso was like many of the demons, with bat-like wings and an ugly toothy face. He carried an enormous Glaive in his right hand, which Carl eyed warily. He would have to expend quite a bit of effort to dodge that giant weapon.

Without wasting anymore time, Carl charged in the room to attack the Orc Channelers that were keeping Magtheridon frozen. The moment Carl entered the room, the metal gates closed behind him, making him smirk.

In the words of some notable characters in the past, "I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with me!"

He made short work of the Orc Channelers, and was amused to see that he had finished them off before their magic had worn off Magtheridon. He didn't wait for the large demon to recover and began attacking immediately with fire and frost spells, before he closed the distance to melee and breathed his Dragon's Fire on the demon.

The 25 man raid boss was quite a bit tougher than a 10 man raid boss, and it was taking a while for Carl to work his way through his health. He also took some hits from the demon, but his defensive magic and natural armor, enhanced by the armor he wore in his humanoid form, kept him from taking too much damage.

It was one of the things Carl loved about switching between forms. The armor he wore in his Night Elf form and the enhancements he gained from it didn't go away when he was in his Dragon form. They still applied, which was just like magic.

After a few minutes of battle, Carl finally managed to finish off Magtheridon. The massive demon collapsed to the ground, and Carl gleefully checked the loot.

He received 3 [Badge of Justice].

[Magtheridon's Head] which was an item that started a quest to turn in at Honor Hold.

[Pit Lord's Satchel] which was a 20 slot bag for adventurers.

The three armor tokens for the Tier 4 Raid Armor.

[Chestguard of the Fallen Hero]

[Chestguard of the Fallen Champion]

[Chestguard of the Fallen Defender]

[Eredar Wand of Obliteration], a wand that enhanced Stamina, Intellect, Critical Strike Rating, and Spell Power.

[Girdle of the Endless Pit] a plate waist armor piece that enhanced Strength, Stamina, Critical Strike Rating, and had two gem slots.

Carl gathered up his loot and happily departed the raid. It had taken some effort, but soloing the 25 man raid boss was actually quite easy, compared to how it would be if he was a normal adventurer player at level 70.

Carl arrived at Honor Hold and turned in the head of Magtheridon and the quest to Force Commander Danath Trollbane.

"The feast of corruption is no more! Magtheridon has fallen to the battle prowess of Carl and his allies! Witness the might of the Alliance! A pit lord commander is destroyed!" The commander of Honor Hold surprised Carl by suddenly yelling loudly enough to be heard throughout Honor Hold, at the very least, if not throughout all of Hellfire Penninsula.

Carl snickered a bit though, since he had no allies with him when he killed Magtheridon, though Danath Trollbane didn't know that.

With that taken care of, Carl mounted his Gryphon and began flying across the continent to the Blades Edge Mountains. In the northern part of the zone, Carl found Gruul's Lair, the other 25 man raid that was available. He entered the raid instance, eager to finish off the available raids for the week.

Inside the mountain cave like setting, Carl found he had plenty of room to be a Dragon, so he moved forward on four legs. There were patrols of Ogres that Carl made short work of as he continued on.

At the first large chamber there stood five large Ogres. High King Maulgar, Kiggler the Crazed who was a Shaman, Blindeye the Seer who was a Priest, Olm the Summoner who was a Warlock, and Krosh Firehand who was a mage.

Normally in this encounter there would need to be a few people acting in the capacity of tanks to keep the various Ogres busy while the damage dealers took them out one at a time. But Carl was confident in his abilities.

For the first time he tried to enter stealth as a Dragon. He smirked as his Dragon figure faded away to be half visible to himself. It was the indication to the Rogue himself that he was in stealth mode. To everyone else, he was now invisible.

Carl smirked at how terrifying that was, a Rogue Dragon that could sneak up on anyone.

Carl snuck up on Blindeye first. It was important to take out the healer first. Opening up the fight with an Ambush, Carl was amused to see the health of the Priest fall by half.

Blindeye started casting a Heal, but Carl wasn't going to let that happen. He Kicked the Priest, interrupting his spell. The other Ogres were angry and were casting spells or charging Carl the moment he left stealth.

Carl finished off the Priest with a Judgment, Sinister Strike, Fire Blast, and Eviscerate.

Now that the rest of the Ogres were on Carl, he had his claws full fighting four on one. He started employing all his AoE spells, starting with Consecration, Flame Strike, and Dragon's Breath.

The next Ogre that Carl focused on was the Warlock. He didn't want Olm to summon any demons that would make the fight too complicated. With a few claw attacks enhanced with Sinister Strike and Mutilate, Carl had finished off the Summoner.

Carl then moved on to the Shaman, ignoring for a moment the Mage that was casting Greater Fireballs at him. The impact of the Fireballs kind of tickled.

A few spells later and Kiggler was down, leaving just the Mage and the High King, who was a Warrior class. Carl was tired of the attacks of Maulgar, and since the mage was doing no damage he ignored Krosh.

Carl had to admit that the High King was tough. Not nearly as tough as Magtheridon, but tougher than Prince Melchezzar. That didn't save him though as he finished the Ogre a short time later, leaving just the Mage.

A short and unsuspenseful fight later, Carl checked the High King for loots. The Shoulder Armor token for the Tier 4 Raid set dropped.

[Pauldrons of the Fallen Defender]

[Pauldrons of the Fallen Champion]

[Pauldrons of the Fallen Hero]

[Badge of Justice] x 2

[Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Magi] was a cloak that enhanced Intellect, Stamina, Spell Power, and Critical Strike Rating.

After tossing the loot in his bag, Carl continued down the cave passageway, killing more patrolling Ogres along the way.

Looking in at Gruul the Dragonkiller, Carl was impressed by the sheer brutal look of the boss. There was no way that Carl was letting that giant one eyed Gronn kill him though. Carl was too strong and too good looking to allow it.

Carl liked how he was able to get the jump on the Priest in the last boss fight, so he entered Stealth and snuck up on Gruul.

The drooling face of Gruul seemed excited to see a Dragon once Carl started the fight. Carl chuckled in amusement since he wasn't like any Dragon that Gruul had run across previously.

The various abilities of Gruul didn't bother Carl much. Even the rocks landing on his back from the Cave In didn't damage him too much. And what damage he took he could immediately heal with his various Paladin Spells.

Carl took satisfaction in seeing the Dragonkiller go down. Ever since finding out about the Raid that killed a lot of his Dragon Flight, he had been quite sensitive to any hint that anyone would kill his Dragons. They were his.

Gruul dropped the leg piece armor tokens to the Tier 4 Raid Armor set.

[Leggings of the Fallen Defender]

[Leggings of the Fallen Champion]

[Leggings of the Fallen Hero]

[Badge of Justice] x 3

[Axe of the Gronn Lords] was a two handed Axe that enhance Stamina and Attack Power.

[Shuriken of Negation] was a throwing dagger that enhanced Stamina and Attack Power.

With all the Raids completed for the time being, Carl teleported to Shattrath City and turned in the Armor Tokens he had gathered. He now had the complete Mage set of the Aldor Regalia, the Rogue Netherblade set, and he found that he could turn in the tokens to get the Warrior Warbringer Battlegear.

He couldn't wear the Warrior's Raid set, since he didn't have the class. But he found that he could easily exchange the tokens for the raid set at least, which made him happy since he had another Raid Armor set to study.

Carl smiled in satisfaction at what he had gained. With his loot in his bags, he teleported to the Dragon Hold. He had some studying to do and some gear to upgrade for his Flight. They would get to level 70 soon, and he wanted them outfitted in the best gear.

They were going to go hunting for cultists, after all. They needed to dress their best.