Ch 84 Azaroth 9


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"Thank you for all assembling so quickly." Carl stated to the room of 45 Dragons and Dragonspawn. They were all in their Night Elf forms, sitting in the tiered seats in the presentation hall. "Congratulations. Earlier today, the last of us finally reached level 70."

Carl paused for the cheers and clapping that exploded from his Dragon Flight members. Carl naturally joined in, clapping with a big smile on his face.

"Good work! Everyone has been serious about getting stronger, and you have greatly impressed me with your dedication!" Carl paused for another round of cheers.

"The work doesn't stop here, though. You all already know about the Heroic Dungeons and Raids that we can go to on a daily and weekly basis, respectively. The items and materials that drop from those dungeons and raids are a good source of materials for study and crafting. And going through those fights will help you immensely in keeping up your fighting prowess."

"I've gathered you together to present the plan for your future growth and training for the next month. In order to maximize our gains and training opportunity, you will be splitting into various groups for the daily dungeon runs and the weekly raids."

"While you are all much stronger than the normal adventurer, I want you to start off cautiously. So at first you will be running the heroic dungeons in groups of five. The next day, if there was no problem and you passed through easily with no issues, you may run the heroics in groups of four. Then three. If you continue to show that there are no issues and you are strong enough, you may eventually be soloing the Heroic dungeons."

"And to help with your dungeon runs, I've had the best armor and weapons available crafted." Carl gestured and armor sets and weapons were teleported in, landing in front of each member of the Dragon Flight, all according to their weapon and armor preferences.

The armor he had crafted had all the enhancements, enchants, and gem slots that Carl could fit into the pieces he had crafted. It boosted all of their stats according to the standards set by the world they were in. Each individual piece was a thing of beauty that seriously boosted their abilities to the point where they were basically bosses in their own right.

His Dragons and Dragonspawn already had an advantage from the Ki and Cultivation training that Carl had put them through. With the armor and weapons added on, they would be nigh unstoppable, but only if they knew how to use their powers properly and support each other in a fight.

"For the 10 man raids, you should start with nine raid members each." That would split them into five different raids for Karazhan. "For the 25 man raids, you will be split into two raids at first, 23 and 22 members in each. As you continue to prove your prowess, the next raid you go on will require less members."

"Now, I care for you all greatly. So before you go on the real dungeon or raid run, you will be first doing a practice run in the virtual world. After extensive scans, the VIs have programmed and recreated the various dungeons and raids for your practice before doing the real thing. While it may not be 100% accurate of what situations will develop in real life, it is at least 95% accurate to the power, abilities, and situations that you will encounter for real."

"Before we dive into the virtual world, are there any questions?" Carl finished his speech.

Seeing that no one had any questions since his plans were pretty straightforward and his rules for loot and party cooperation had been long set, Carl ended the meeting and ushered them all into their virtual reality helmets to start their virtual dungeon runs.

Carl had reviewed the intelligence on the Cult of the Damned, and he was shocked at their numbers.

They had thousands of members and were continually recruiting more members. The large majority of them were the mortals, mostly humans. But there were some members in every race. The high level powerful members of the Cult had been turned into undead. Meanwhile the mortal members were working hard to earn the "honor" of being turned.

The sheer numbers of the Cult had made Carl change his plans. Even though his Dragonflight was powerful and would be the best equipped, they still only numbered 45 members. Compared to the Cult's thousands of members, they would be overrun if they tried to take them all on at the same time.

So he would have to split the campaign up into smaller battles. They would have the advantage over the Cult in that Carl had intel on the enemy numbers and positions, whereas they wouldn't know where the Dragonflight was attacking from, or even that they were being besieged at first.

One of the defenses that Carl had put up with the wards was the Fidelius charm. So while some of the members of the Cult might vaguely remember what region of the world of Azeroth their Dragon Hold was located, they wouldn't be able to see it even if they stood right outside it.

And while that wouldn't prevent anyone from seeing the Dragonflight coming and going, the teleport system that he had installed would make sure that his flight members weren't wandering around just outside to prevent such a security breach.

After a month of training and running Dungeons and Raids, Carl planned to have them begin training for the planned attack on the Cult of the Damned. After a couple weeks of that training, the real assault would happen.

Carl was quite proud of his Flight. They had worked hard to get to where they were. And they were putting all their efforts into getting ready for their future.

He settled himself down in front of a terminal to evaluate his people's performance in their fights in the virtual world. He was looking forward to seeing how good they were.

Pruitt Nottley grinned through the ale fueled haze as he stumbled out of the tavern into the night. Tonight had been a smashing success, and he would get a bonus at the end of the month.

Walking relatively straight down the streets of Theramore, he paused at the end of the docks. Looking out at the ocean in the middle of the night, Pruitt realized that he really needed to take a piss.

Looking around, he didn't see any of the Theramore guards around to object, so he shrugged and unlaced his pants. Leaning against a post, he sighed at the feeling of relief that came from pissing into the surf.

Lacing up once more, he made his way away from the docks and headed for his home, fondly thinking about what a bunch of idiots he had to work with to get some recruits for the cause, and how he would have extra points added onto his account for managing to convince three dockworkers to sign up.

While there was a higher reward for convincing guards, knights, or magisters to join the cult, Pruitt liked his little niche in the scheme of things. It was perfect for getting benefits but avoiding the danger.

And dockworkers that were part of the Cult were always welcome. They could smuggle the most amazing things through customs inspections when they had the dockworkers on their side.

And if those idiots Ancil, Pascal, and Roel ever managed to gather enough points, they would only be able to turn into low level zombies. Pruitt himself would make a decent lich at some point, so he would always be higher up the totem pole than those idiots.

"Yup, life is pretty good for one Pruitt E. Nottley." He bragged to himself as he opened his door to step inside. "Got a great job, plenty of booze, and smashing retirement plan."

Pruitt had just closed the door when he heard a scuff sound behind him. In his drunken state he never managed to turn around to see what the sound was before a sword separated his head from his body.

Hot flames then ignited on his body, lighting up the entryway to his home, in which stood what looked like a Night Elf Warrior and Mage.

The Mage held a tablet that he was just checking a box.

"Looks like there was a recruitment effort this evening by one Pruitt Nottley." The Mage muttered to the Warrior. "Looks like the order is to leave them be for now. They weren't already on the docket, which would throw off our timetable, and we'll watch to see if they try to contact the Cult or not. If they are just a few idiots led astray by this scum for a few bottles, they can live out their lives as dockworkers. If they do anything for the Cult though…"

"Their ass is grass, as the saying goes." The Warrior chuckled as he cleaned off his sword while the Mage was burning up the body. "Who's next on the schedule?"

"There's a Sullivan Thorp down the street who works as a baker. Three guesses what he would be making with Plague Grain if the Cult ordered him to."

"No need for guesses. Trash like that needs taking out before they can do something nasty like that." The Warrior growled as he reached for his communicator to indicate he needed transport to the next destination.

"He is apparently in bed, so it's another easy one." The Mage continued as he finished reading the report while controlling the flames so they didn't go out of control. Now that Pruitt's body was burnt to ashes, he let his fire die down.

"No need to give the scum an even break when he would be baking up a Plague Loaf of Bread given half a chance." The Warrior pointed out.

"Got that right. Ready to teleport."

The two Dragonspawn under their Night Elf forms teleported out, leaving behind a mystery for the authorities of where Pruitt Nottley had disappeared to. When the authorities inspected the house some time later, they would find evidence that Pruitt Nottley was a member of the Cult of the Damned and would issue an arrest order for him. But he would never be found.

Carl looked over the report of the Cult members they had taken out. They were rushing to take out as many of the low level members as they could before they attacked the stronger ones. If they could clear up the cannon fodder early on, then when they hit the higher leveled ones they wouldn't have reinforcements to call on. And if they didn't have the cannon fodder to use to wear down Carl's forces, then killing the higher leveled ones would be much easier.

Already after 4 days of operations they were coming to the point where it was time to hit the high level members of the Cult of the Damned. Any longer and word would start spreading of the disappearance of the low level Cultists, which would put the higher level ones on the alert.

Once they killed off the high level ones, they could spend the rest of the time cleaning up the small fries. It wasn't like his satellites and spy bots wouldn't keep track of all the members.

One of the things that he had been forced to design was an injectable bug bot that would report its position to the satellites if it was taken through any kind of teleportation. There were Mage teleports and portals, hearthstones that returned one to a specific inn, dungeon summoning stones, Warlock summoning stones, Dark Portals, Time travel to the past, and various other ways that the cultists could evade surveillance. So having the bug bot in their person to track them and report where they end up was necessary.

One of the other difficulties facing their campaign to kill of the Cultists in retaliation was that many of the mid level cultists were actually located in the capital cities. Many of them were in Stormwind, but there were plenty of Orcs in Orgrimmar that needed to be snuffed out.

So the presence of the various guards made it necessary to be especially circumspect. They didn't want to get into a pitched battle with the guards of Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

With a few last notations Carl made plans for the next set of attacks and sent the orders out. He himself had a few targets of his own to take down.

Standing up, he moved out of his room and found Jeff waiting outside his room resting against the wall in his Night Elf form.

"Heya boss." The young Dragon cheerily said when he saw Carl exit his rooms. "I'm ready to go when you are."

"Sounds good." He chuckled at Jeff's enthusiasm.

No Dragons went alone on the raids, not even Carl. Especially not even Carl. He was the leader, and if something happened to him, then it would devastate the rest of the Dragonflight. Jeff ended up winning the tournament for the privilege of joining Carl.

"Since you're ready, let's go now." Carl pronounced. "Ready?"

"Born ready, boss."

With a thought to the teleport system they were whisked away to the home of the first Orc in Orgrimmar who was a mid level Cultist member. They had to get working early tonight, because they had 5 Cultists to kill tonight.

After the night filled with killing Cultists, Carl and his Dragonflight met up in the expanded dimensional space below their Hold. The portals to the dimensional space was located in the lowest levels of the dungeons, and were the most guarded part of the Hold because it held their future.

The dimensional space was where Dragon and Dragonspawn eggs were kept safe until they had hatched. Unfortunately the Raid had been so overwhelming that most of their eggs had been smashed or eaten that night. It really was a miracle that Mortic, Fausic, and Mauret had been able to grab the few dozen eggs that they had saved.

Six of the eggs had already hatched and were the six young Dragons that Carl had first met when he first arrived. There was another batch of eight Dragons that had hatched previously, who were being watched as they grew by the whole Flight.

The Dragonflight was meeting this morning in the dimensional space because the next batch of 19 Dragonspawn eggs were about to hatch, and it was a moment of great importance for the Dragonflight.

Carl had found out that the Dragon eggs took up to 20 years to mature, and the Dragonspawn eggs took up to 15 years to mature. Added on to low rate of actually laying eggs, which was every 100 years or more, and it explained why their race had so few in number and why the Raid had been so devastating.

This was the last batch of new additions to their numbers for the next 30 plus years, unless they take extra steps like going under time compression to speed up the process.

When faced with the issues, Carl had actually made a new discovery about the Heavenly Time Pearl. The default setting was for aging and lifespan to not be affected while under time compression, which meant eggs couldn't mature and Dragons couldn't grow up. But those rules could be changed if he so desired to allow them to lay eggs for the next generation.

He could also change the time compression ratio, which he hadn't ever done before. Changing up the rules of the inside of the Time Pearl would change the amount of energy it required to compress time.

For the time being Carl had no plans to force his Dragonflight to sit inside time compression and hatch egg after egg. He was considering putting them through one cycle just so they could increase their numbers before he left this world, but he hadn't decided just yet.

His newly trained Dragonflight was strong enough that he wasn't completely worried for their survival. He had the technology and defenses to keep them as safe as one was likely to be on Azeroth. And he still had the desire to get through the next few worlds and gather all his people together as soon as possible.

It would all just depend on circumstances. If he felt the need to bolster his people's numbers so they could better protect themselves, then that was what he would do.

Carl's attention was drawn to the group of eggs once he heard the sound of shells cracking. The heated sands of the hatching ground was currently surrounded by Dragons and Dragonspawn in their normal forms, all perched on what amounted to stadium seating.

He smirked a draconic grin as he saw the first cute little Dragonspawn come falling out of his shell. He was soon scooped up by one of the female Dragonspawn and fed his first meal.

It was good to see the Dragon Flight so excited. Even though it would be some years until the next group of eggs for the Dragons, they were just as excited for the hatching of the Dragonspawn as the Dragonspawn were.

Carl had made history by decreeing the Dragonspawn to be full members of the Dragon Flight. They were all related by blood, although they had different forms. And they were all working toward the good of the Dragon Flight. So it was important that they all worked together and respect each other.

And while the Dragons were more powerful, generally speaking, than the Dragonspawn, it didn't mean that the Dragonspawn were any less important to help accomplish everything they needed to do. So they got all the privileges that came with being a full member of the Flight.

Carl was pleased to see that by now, under his leadership perks, the whole flight had pulled together and the Dragons were just as excited for the Dragonspawn's hatching as if they had been Dragons. They were truly one now.

He decided they could take a day off for the momentous occasion. For the rest of the day the whole Flight relaxed in the dimensional space, enjoying their time together as they cooed over the new members of their Flight.

Looking around while they enjoyed time in their draconic forms and greeted their new members, Carl realized that there would come a time where the Dragon Hold wouldn't be able to contain their members. He needed to have some plans drawn up to use some massive expansion magic on their available space to accommodate future additions.

After sending a notice to the Yamato VI to send some Petes to do measurements, Carl returned to looking at the cute little Dragonspawn that was sleeping between his claws while chatting with his nearby Flight members.

Carl smirked at the intelligence report that he just received from the VI. The past few days the members of the Cult of the Damned had been scattering like roaches to their more bunkered and remote safeholds. They had finally stopped moving, allowing him to know just where their locations were.

He was amused because there was a whole host of information on locations and hidey holes that he hadn't known about before. Killing off most of the low and mid level members of the Cult had worked wonders for scaring the higher levels to act rashly and reveal more of their secrets.

Which meant that he now knew a lot more about the Cult. Sure, there were plenty more targets. But until he had hunted down every single known element, he wasn't going to stop. And even when he finished off all those enemy he knew about, he would continue to keep an eye out for any more hidden elements emerging.

It had already been over three months since his Dragon Flight had started getting their revenge against the Cult of the Damned for what the Raid. And his Flight was loving every minute of it.

Every stronghold they found and killed their way through was looted of everything of value. And while much of it was low level gear and materials compared to what they got from dungeons and raids from the Burning Crusades expansion, it was welcome in filling out their coffers, especially since it denied the resources to their enemy.

Every week his Flight was clearing up the three raids that were available and getting more drops. And they were getting plenty of materials and experience from the heroic versions of the dungeon instances.

Carl even occasionally talked to the adventurer players in town to see what kind of information he could gather. So far he had learned that the next set of raids, Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep, were due to be released in about four more months.

He was planning to have the rest of the Cult finished off in the next week. Aside from a few of the high level Cult members that he would lead the Flight to finish off personally, he planned to have bombs teleported in to finish off the rest.

With that thought fresh in mind, Carl ordered the Yamato VI to deploy the bombs to the designated targets. He then mentally pushed the big red button and watched over the feed as the bombs went off.

The bug bots all seemed to have been destroyed, indicating that the targets had been killed along with them, since they were inside the targets.

It was one of the downsides of being undead. They didn't really have much of a sense of touch anymore, and so small metal devices injected into them didn't irritate or get noticed as much.

Which was good for him, since it made it easy to track the targets.

Carl watched over the satellite feed as the surveillance devices swooped in and confirmed the kills. He watched the kill count rise higher as each of the targets were confirmed dead.

With all the targets done, Carl put away his tablet and began meditating. Over the past several months, he had been considering a particular problem that he had wanted to solve to continue to get stronger in his magic.

It was something that had come to light, especially as he had gained a new alternate body with both the T-Rex and now a Dragon.

Each time he gained a new body, his Ki, Profound Cultivation, and especially Magic were basically reset to zero. He had to train them up all over again.

When he had been a T-Rex with basically miniscule amounts of magic, it had taken years to mature and get his magic backup to even a first year Hogwarts student. It was only his long practice that allowed him to squeeze out spells early on.

But here in the World of Warcraft there was a system in place to level up his magic. Somewhat similar to the techniques he had to absorb energy and level up his Ki and Profound cultivation, it was a systematic way to level up his magic instead of waiting for it to simply mature, which was priceless.

And so ever since coming to this world he had been working towards compiling a technique that would focus on advancing his magical levels. While he had been leveling up he had been going over the data and his own personal experience.

Each time he leveled, he focused on the feeling of reaching another level, another plateau. He paid attention to how it felt to reach another level. He focused on what it felt like when he was able to learn new magical spells.

He was especially interested in the sensations that accompanied the absorption of magical energy whenever he killed monsters, or turned in a quest.

Even the obstacle that the magic of the world forced on him as it limited his level gave him clues on how to construct a proper Magical Cultivation technique that would allow him to simply absorb magical energy to continue to improve the amount of magical energy he could store in his body, the amount he could channel, and the amount he could release in spells.

He was confident that when the world blockage of levels was lifted when the time of the next expansion came about, he could simply use his technique and level up quickly. He could even construct new versions of all the spells that the trainers taught him to a higher level and more damage output without visiting the trainers.

One of the key elements for figuring all this out was one of the perks he had purchased from the ATG world, Dragon God's Bloodline.

…This perk makes it so that strictly speaking you don't even need to cultivate now. Any powers you possess will continue getting stronger as you grow older, with no upper limits except your lifespan…

Even with the block on his level, his magic was continuing to grow larger. His mana pool kept increasing, and his damage output continued rising, due to the perk. And exploring that sensation on his Magic created by the perk and comparing it to what it felt like to employ his Ki and Cultivation techniques had given him the last step he needed to figure out his own Magical Leveling Technique.

Beyond getting a badass Dragon form that benefitted from having drops of blood from a Dragon God, figuring out how to create his Magical Leveling Technique was priceless.

He now had techniques to systematically level up his Soul, Mind, and Body through Cultivation, Magic, and Ki.

All of these techniques were ultimately ways to increase the amount of energy one could store and use, and that storing of energy transformed the person. But each system focused on only one particular aspect of the person to strengthen. Any one system could create amazingly strong individuals, since it was impossible to strengthen any part of the whole without a bleed off effect that strengthened the other two aspects.

But by being able to employ techniques to strengthen all three aspects meant that the rate of improvement was much greater, as well as making him stronger on the whole at the same level compared to others than if he only improved in one or two of the areas.

Carl was well satisfied with his progress in this world. Back in the Stargate Universe, with the assistance of the high technology there, he was easily able to add the needed additions to make Magic available to his people. But unlike Profound Cultivation where he could induce Profound Veins, or Ki where he could build their bodies and Ki through training, with Magic he could only wait over a decade for them mature enough in their magic to even begin training them.

Which is why he made the decision to only train his people in Ki and Profound Energy in those worlds, leaving the Magic behind, for the most part.

But now, with this Magical Leveling Technique he could train his people in all three aspects of Body, Mind, and Soul strengthening.

A beeping alarm interrupted Carl's meditation.

Opening his eyes, he looked over at his tablet. He had just spent a few hours meditating and it was time to go on one more attack of a high level undead of the Cult.

Grinning ferally, he got up and armed himself before making his way to the meeting point. It was time to burn some asshole shambling corpses who thought forcefully converting the living into the undead was the cool thing to do.

Upon arriving, he saw that all the adults of the Dragon Flight were present and ready to fight. Everyone had the same feral, nearly manic, grin on their faces.

The location they arrived at was in the far western part of Tirisfal Glades. The same zone that the Undead faction of the Horde had their capital, Undercity. Apparently the Cult of the Damned thought it was clever of them to hide among the undead who oppose the rule of the Lich King and who weren't enemies of all that was alive.

Carl didn't bother to give any kind of speech at this moment. He didn't need to pump up his people's motivation anymore. He simply called out for a ready check.

"Everyone accounted for and prepared, Lord Carl." Goram reported.

"Good. Teleport us to the site." Carl ordered out loud.

A moment later all 46 of them disappeared from the meeting room and appeared in a forest glade.

"Everyone knows their assigned spots. Keep in contact and none of them will escape. Execute!" Carl called out.

The various groups split up, speeding through the woods in silence due to the spells they cast. Carl rushed along as well, not wanting to be left out of the fun.

A few moments later, he arrived outside a large keep that appeared abandoned. His people signaled they were in position a moment later. Carl cast the fire spells on the keep, melting through the gates in moments.

He then cast some ice spells to cool off the entrance and his people began streaming inside, tearing apart the undead guards. Carl followed along behind, occasionally casting an arcane missile to destroy some undead guards that his fellow Flight members couldn't immediately get to.

In the final room they found the high level cult member, a Lich that was roaring and throwing around shadow spells at the Night Elf looking attackers. He was once a very tall Tauren. But now he looked absolutely disgusting, with flesh sloughing off his cheeks and his horns looking particularly sickly and vile.

"Hahaha! Even if you destroy my body, I will not die this day!" The undead Tauren Lich yelled out mockingly in a lull in the fighting.

"Oh, why is that?" Carl replied, unable to resist. "Is it because you think you've hidden your phylactery very well and we couldn't possibly find it? You couldn't possibly be referring to this phylactery, could you?"

Carl pulled out from a pouch the repository of the Lich's soul to show it to him.

"Give me that!" The Tauren Lich yelled out in desperation.

Unfortunately for him, Carl simply ignited the foul thing, burning it to ashes.

"Noooo!" The abomination cried out in despair as he fell to his knees.

"Kill it." Carl ordered. All kinds of spells and attacks flew from the Flight members, obliterating the undead Lich.

Carl didn't know who started it, but every Flight member began with a cheer and moved on to roaring. Not to be outdone, Carl joined in, exulting in their triumph over their enemies.

After a final sweep of the area, they went back home, cleaned up, and threw one hell of a party in celebration of wiping out the Cult of the Damned.

The empty room had rough stone walls and a dirt floor. Faintly through the walls loud and boisterous voices could be heard talking and laughing, sounding like they were excited for the upcoming event. The faint smell of spilled blood wafted in the air.

Five figures suddenly appeared, landing on their feet in the room that was only big enough for them all to have room to spread their arms out while still touching.

All five figures appeared to be Night Elves.

Carl immediately began casting buffs on his team, while the rest were doing the same, preparing for the upcoming battle.

After destroying the last of the undead members of the Cult of the Damned, Carl had made the decision that they would start participating in the Arena and Battleground Player vs Player (PvP) events.

As long as his Flight members went as a group into Battlegrounds or Arenas and stuck together through the battlegrounds, they would be more than capable of keeping themselves alive. Their additional Ki and Profound Cultivation training gave them strength that made them comparable to at least 10 man raid bosses.

For the 5v5 Arena battles, the math was pretty easy to work out. Five 10 man raid bosses versus 5 normal players, it wasn't hard to figure out who would win.

Even in the biggest 40v40 battleground of Alterac Valley, as long as they stuck in groups they couldn't be overwhelmed by the normal forces they faced.

And doing the PvP events allowed Carl and his Dragon Flight access to the special attributes on the Armor and Weapons that could only be purchased through the PvP system. PvP Resilience was an attribute that lessened the amount of damage that was taken from other players or their minions.

Carl couldn't always trust that his people wouldn't be ganged up on by massive numbers of players, or that they wouldn't be separated from their groups. Accidents happen.

So it was better to prepare for worst case scenarios and arm his Flight with anything that will keep them alive.

Which resulted in Carl leading Mortic, June, Hilda, and Goram into this 5v5 arena battle.

Carl was a cheat in this world with three classes. Mortic had taken up the role of a Priest, June was their Shaman, Hilda was a Warrior, and Goram had chosen to be a Hunter.

And naturally he was going to continue cheating as far as he could, so once all their buffs were up, the group cast the standard stealth spells from the Harry Potter world. Disillusionment may not be quite as good as a Rogue's stealth, but it made it incredibly difficult to find them visually.

After the preparation time, a countdown soon echoed out over the arena to let the combatants know that the battle was about to start.






The doors in front of Carl's group opened up, letting them see the sand floor of the arena. The roughly circular shape of the arena battle ground was lit here and there with torches. Cheering crowds watched them from the stands.

In the middle of the arena floor, going from one side to the other, was a wooden bridge that offered an elevated position. There were two stone ramps on either side of the bridge that offered a way up to the bridge.

As Carl's team exited the starting room, the stone ramp up to the bridge was in front of them, so they made their way over to it to get some height and view of the rest of the arena floor.

[I've got 4 humanoids on my tracking map.] Goram broadcast over the mental connection Carl held open. [The fifth one is either a Rogue or a Druid in stealth.]

[Maybe a Mage with invisibility.] June pointed out.

[Maybe.] Goram admitted. [But it wouldn't get them much of an advantage if it was a Mage. It would only be a cheap trick to have us become more wary. We're in a battle of life and death; of course we're already going to be on our toes.]

The group of four enemies climbed onto the bridge opposite of Carl's team. He could see they were freaking out at not seeing any enemies, thinking their enemy was a team full of stealthers.

[They've got a Warrior, Warlock, Hunter, and Priest visible.] Carl pointed out. [Goram, when we open combat drop an Ice Trap so if their fifth member is a Rogue or Druid he can't sneak up on us. We're going to take out BubbleMan, their Priest, first so they can't get any heals or shields. June, after your opening shot be sure to drop a Tremor Totem so that SirDotsaLot, their Warlock, can't Fear any of us before we take him out next.]

[Yes, Lord.] Goram nodded, preparing his shot.

[Sure thing, Lord Carl.] June sung out in their minds.

[Hilda, I want you to charge and stun GrumpsMcCharge, their Warrior.] Carl ordered.

[Gladly, Lord Carl.] Hilda grimly said. From Carl's memories of her before the Raid she had been a cheerful and carefree Dragon. But her time as prisoner and torture victim of the Cult before her rescue had fundamentally changed her attitude. Now she had a no nonsense attitude and loved to beat on things personally, hence her decision to become a Warrior class.

[Mortic, after you cast a Smite on the Priest then start casting Power Word: Shield on us to make sure we are fine.]

[Yes, Lord Carl.] Mortic had come a long way from the timid Elder who barely survived the Raid. His desire to protect the rest of the Flight had led to his decision to be a Priest class. His power and abilities had given him a lot of confidence in his abilities.

[I'll cast Sheep on BangBang, their Hunter, after our opening volley. So once the Priest is dead, target the Warlock, then the Warrior, and then the Hunter. Then we'll hunt down their stealthed team member.]

After getting acknowledgement from his team, Carl started charging a Pyroblast. His Stealth wouldn't end until he had actually attacked, which was nice because he could charge his strongest Mage spell and throw it before he was actually seen. A huge fireball to the face was a nice greeting, in Carl's opinion.

The moment that Carl's Pyroblast streaked across the bridge, everyone followed their orders. Hilda Charged, keeping GrumpsMcCharge stunned for a moment, June cast her own Lightning Bolt at BubbleMan before dropping her totems, Goram cast an Aimed Shot at the Priest before dropping his trap, Mortic got off a Smite and started to Shield their group.

BubbleMan died without being able to respond at all. Their combined assault had blasted through his Shield and dropped him with no drama.

After casting his Pyroblast, Carl had immediately Sheeped BangBang. BangBang's pet, BamBam had immediately charged toward their group, but Goram's own pet wolf Fenrir intercepted BamBam and kept it occupied.

A Shield immediately popped up on Hilda as she continued to focus on smacking down GrumpsMcCharge while Carl, June, and Goram switched targets to SirDotsaLot. The moment that it took to charge up their spells and cast was enough for Hilda to do enough damage that the Warrior died at the same time as the Warlock the moment their spells landed.

All five members of Carl's team focused their attention on the small innocent looking sheep that was wandering in circles that was the Hunter. Without needing to say a word, the group started attacking and the sheep poofed into being a humanoid once more on the first attack. Less than a second later the Hunter dropped dead, interrupting Carl and the other caster's spell.

Hilda didn't think twice and started smacking the Hunter's corpse.

[Silly Hunter, thinking that Feign Death would work.] Carl laughed as he cast a Fire Blast.

BangBang died for real this time, with no fuss.

[Alright let's track down that -] Carl was interrupted by the end of the match.

Looking at the victory screen that popped up in front of him, Carl saw that the last member of the enemy team was StabInTheDark, a Rogue. He had obviously not wanted to be part of being hunted down by a group that could take his team down so quickly and viciously, and since he hadn't had the chance to enter combat was able to immediately give up, granting them a flawless victory.

"Good job everyone." Carl congratulated his team after they had all exited the Arena. They were standing around the Lower City of Shattrath City where they had queued up for the fight.

"That was easy!" June enthusiastically laughed.

"Thank you, Lord." Mortic smiled calmly.

"Another, Lord Carl?" Goram asked with a smile for June's enthusiasm.

Hilda grunted agreement with a gleeful smirk on her face.

"Yup, gotta get our weekly quota in so we can rank up, get Arena Points, and grab all the gear we need to study." Carl was pleased with how well his team and the other Arena teams were doing.

Due to running several Arena teams at the same time, it was inevitable for some of the Dragon Flight to face each other in the Arena. When that happened they simply did a Rock, Paper, Scissors game to determine who won and who gave up. No one wanted to fight each other to the death, even if they would probably come back to life due to the magic of the World and the Arena. Maybe.

Better safe than sorry.

As a result of those awkward meetings in the Arena, there was now a schedule for when the different teams would queue up for the battles. So far none of his teams had lost without a game of Paper, Rock, Scissors. And due to their ambush ability with stealth spells and their powers far above the normal players, an even match with players was anything but fair. Which pleased Carl to no end.

With his team ready and eager for more victories and their allotted slot not yet expired, Carl signed them up for another match.

This time they arrived in the Ruins of Lordaeron Arena, which was a graveyard with a large altar in the middle that could break up a caster's line of sight for casting spells.

"Second verse, same as the first." Carl joked as he began casting buffs.

"Compared to us, everyone is the worst." June laughed along as she cast the stealth spell package on herself.

"Five show up, five go down." Mortic joined in on throwing out a line.

"In front of us, they are only a clown." Hilda surprised everyone by joining in the jollity, showing a hint of her former cheerful disposition.

Carl smiled inside, thinking of how much having a strong and caring Flight had done for the rescued Dragons who had suffered so much. He was really enjoying this time in this world.