Ch 85 azorath 10


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Once Carl and his Dragon Flight had decimated the Cult of the Damned for the atrocities they committed and for attacking them, things settled down into a routine. Every day they split into separate groups to do Heroic Dungeon runs.

Unlike Carl's first impulse to get to the point where his Flight could solo the Heroic Dungeons for materials, he found that it was better to let them continue running the instances as a group. It was basically socialization and fun time for them. Since they were able to easily gather plenty of crafting materials for everyone to use, there was no real need to work themselves to the bone to gather as much as they could.

Every week they continued to go through the raid instances of Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, and Magtheridon's Lair to get the materials, armor, and weapons they could use for their own crafting projects.

They continued to completely dominate the PvP scene. It soon got to the point that if any of their members were recognized before combat started then the enemy team would immediately leave the arena. They didn't see the point of letting themselves get slaughtered when they were already going to lose. It was better to just give up and hope for a better match up that they could actually fight.

The Reputation Panel in his character interface allowed Carl to track his reputation with the various factions. They usually started out as Neutral, and moved from there to Friendly, Honored, Revered, and finally to Exalted.

So the final thing Carl and his Flight did was to complete the daily quests that were available from the various factions around the Outlands in order to gain reputation, gold, and other items available from getting higher reputation.

The Violet Eye faction, for example, that was in charge of watching over Karazhan gave them some nice crafting designs in both Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, and Jewelcrafting. A nice Alchemy Flask of Chromatic Wonder recipe that when imbibed could increase magical resistance and all stats for a short time. And also an Enchanting formula that could enhance a melee weapon to increase Agility.

The Cenarion Expedition faction that was in mostly in charge of the Zangarmarsh and the Coilfang Reservoir set of instance dungeons had plenty of plans for them to study and add to their own knowledge and crafting experience. But beyond that when Carl reached Exalted with them, he was able to purchase a fine looking Cenarion War Hippogryph as a flying mount.

Once he got the new flying mount from the Cenarion Expedition, Carl realized that he really wanted to gather all the mounts and pets available from the world before he left. If only because it was something to do to amuse himself.

The various pets he could gather in this world wouldn't be familiars like Rover, who became Feng Ra, would be. So he wasn't worried they would suddenly gain their independence and be left behind. So Carl was quite happy to spend time gathering them up.

After Carl had been in the world for about a year and a half, he noticed that things among the factions in Shattrath City were heating up. The Sha'tar faction members were talking about ramping up for the next step in taking back the Outlands from the demonic forces. The Tempest Keep raid instance was about to be opened up.

In preparation for that, Carl and his Flight members all talked to Khadgar the Mage who gave them the start of a quest chain that would eventually end up with them obtaining the key needed to open up the door into the Tempest Keep raid instance.

It really wasn't hard for them to accomplish. They simply had to obtain items from the bosses of various Heroic Dungeons. The three bosses of Heroic Shattered Halls, a dungeon instance in Hellfire Peninsula allowed them to retrieve the [Unused Axe of the Executioner].

A trip through The Steamvault in Zangarmarsh and they retrieved [Kalithresh's Trident] from the Naga boss inside. Then a quick jaunt through the Shadow Labyrinth in Terokkar Forest to kill Murmur, the giant elemental there and retrieve [Murmur's Essence].

After that they made their way through the Arcatraz, which was a floating prison dungeon instance. At the end of the prison, they rescued a Gnome by the name Millhouse Manastorm.

And the last request was to travel to Magtheridon's Lair to once more Slay Magtheridon.

After that they received the [Tempest Key] and a nice ring that enhanced stamina and fire resistance.

The Cenarion Expedition was also gearing up for their assault on the Serpentshrine Cavern that was a raid instance located in the Coilfang reservoir. The raid instance was filled with Naga and their various servants.

With how prevalent the Naga were everywhere, Carl realized he had really dodged a bullet by not making the Naga one of the enemies that hunted him. It was bad enough that the Cult of the Damned had staged their Raid early on. If a race and faction as prevalent as the Naga had gotten in on the action, he didn't know if there would actually be any Dragon Flight left for him to take control of.

It made him wonder if there really was no Jump-chan watching over his Jump Chain like he was told, or if they were just sitting back and messing with him somehow.

He really didn't expect any of his enemies to be active against him until his consciousness entered the world. But here in this world, their attack had actually been part of the memories that were given to him once he entered.

Thankfully for the moment his other enemies were unavailable. Heyla's group of undead valkyries were locked up in Northrend for the moment. And the Iron Horde were mired in an alternate timeline and wouldn't be making it here until after he had left the world.

Once Carl had been in the world for 20 months the two raid instances, Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest keep were opened up. Both raids were 25 man raids. The first week his flight entered the raid instances, they split into two groups. In order to spend time with his people and assure them he wasn't going to be getting himself killed, he joined one of the raids. So it was split into two groups of 23 each.

Every single Flight member was equivalent to a boss themselves, so the raids were over incredibly quick.

In the middle of Zangarmarsh, they swam underwater and entered the cavern where the dungeon instances were. The entrance for the Serpentshrine Cavern was straight ahead. Upon entering, the raid members were faced with the first, most deadly boss for the player adventurers.

An enormous elevator with an ugly face imprinted on the floor. There were no rails or safety measures. When the elevator was down, there was only a large circular hole in the floor. It moved very fast, and if anyone wasn't firmly standing on the elevator, they would soon find themselves falling to their deaths.

Carl chuckled to himself remembering how many idiots back in the day tried to play around, only to find themselves dying and having to run back as a spirit into the raid instance.

His Flight members didn't have any problems surmounting the issues of the elevator boss.

After following the path at the bottom, there was a new elevator that raised up to the where the cavern opened up.

There were two bosses in the main part of the cavern, a water elemental and a leviathan fish monster.

Three bosses were in a side tunnel. A blind folded Blood Elf, a Naga, and a Sea Giant.

And the final boss was the very tall Naga, Lady Vashj, who was in the final cavern off to the east side of the main cavern.

Once more the delightful aspect of the raid instances was that Carl and his people got a chance to fight in their draconic forms. Some of the melee classes had to stay in their Night Elf forms in order to fit in close for the fights, but the rest of the ranged classes could stay in their draconic forms and blast away.

Carl suspected that one of the reasons that Goram chose the Hunter class was that as a Dragonspawn he had arms in either form and he really enjoyed using guns. So Carl had designed the most badass rifle for him. He loved it.

The Tempest Keep was a floating prison that was turned into a fortress by the inmates and corrupted prison guards. The boss in the first chamber was a Phoenix, a fire elemental.

There were two paths, one to the left and one to the right that led to two more wings, before the pathways met up for the final chamber. In one of the wings was a mechanical Fel Reaver, in the other was a female Blood Elf Mage.

And in the final chamber was the Blood Elf Kael'thas Sunstrider and his four advisors. After killing the advisors, some legendary weapons were summoned that they had to battle and destroy. Then the advisors were resurrected by Kael'thas only to die a short time later. Finally, they could focus on Kael'thas and killed him a short time later.

In the first week enough tokens were dropped so they could get at least one set each of the class's Tier 5 Armor sets. Bringing those armor sets back to the Dragon Hold, they were able to analyze them and learn how to improve their own armor.

That is the kind of cheat that would make the adventurer players everywhere gnash their teeth in envy. Not only did all his armor sets enhance all main and secondary attributes, have the maximum gem slots and Enchantments. But they were also able to go through a single raid in order to outfit the entire Flight.

There were plenty of times where a Guild was broken up over arguments over fairness in distributing loot drops. To have the ability to overcome that source of jealousy and strife was something that made their Dragon Flight stronger together. There was literally no reason to get upset over inferior loot drops, because nearly any one of them could make better equipment.

After that first week, at least for the new 25 man raids, they split their raids up into four groups of ten and one group of five that Carl would join. The older raids they simply went in their five man dungeon groups. They were that powerful and it was a fun social time.

Due to the nature of the game world, and the fact that there were probably plenty of undead members of the Cult of the Damned over in Northrend, occasionally a new undead member would show up in either the Eastern Kingdoms continent or the Kalimdor Continent.

Carl was seriously annoyed that he couldn't get to Northrend yet, but apparently the undead there could leave as they pleased.

Whenever one of them showed up on the figurative radar, his Dragon Flight descended on them like a Dragon shaped ton of bricks that could fly and breathe fire.

Bricks were very deadly.

Two months after the new Raids were released, there were new sets of PvP armor and weapons that were available for purchase. It was the Season Two sets.

It didn't take very long for his Flight members to obtain and deconstruct the new gear, which further solidified his Flight's position as unbeatable in the Arena or on the Battlegrounds.

By this time Carl had somewhat relaxed his rules of how and when his Flight members could leave the Hold. But he still held to strict rules that they had to stay at least in groups of four when leaving. A partner to watch their back, and another duo to further act as backup wherever they went.

This was after all a world of warcraft. And it was chock full of asshole adventurer players who would love nothing more than bragging rights if they managed to kill any of their members who had made a name for themselves in the Arena.

Carl didn't want to find out whether or not his Flight could resurrect themselves at a Graveyard like the adventurer players could.

Because he thought it likely that his Flight members operated under the same death rules he himself did: One chance only.

Life at the Dragon Hold once more settled down into routine. They practiced their craft. They educated and entertained their newly hatched Flight members. They did their dungeon and raid instance runs.

After 36 months had passed in world, there was a new season of PvP gear, Season Three.

Carl's Flight of crafting maniacs was naturally all over it.

After 38 months in world had passed, there was another excitement in Shattrath. New factions were formed to prepare for assaulting new raid instances.

The Shattered Sun Offensive was working to build a foothold on the Isle of Quel'Danas in preparation to combat Kael'thas Sunstrider's mad bid to use the Sunwell as a portal to summon his demon master Kil'jaeden.

Carl rolled his eyes. He didn't know how many times his people alone had killed Kael'thas in the Tempest Keep. Apparently it really didn't stick, since he was at it again, this time in the Magister's Terrace dungeon instance and the Sunwell Plateau raid instance.

Meanwhile the Ashtongue Deathsworn was ramping up to assault the Black Temple raid instance that lay in the far east of the Shadowmoon Valley.

The Ashtongue Deathsworn was a subgroup of the Ashtongue Tribe, which were part of the subrace known as the Broken. And the Broken was some kind of devolved Draenei, who were mutated after being overly exposed to the fel demonic energies wielded by the Orc Warlocks who sold their souls to the Demons of the Burning Legion.

And the third and final group that was recruiting for a big battle was the Scales of the Sands, which was a secretive subgroup of the Bronze Dragon Flight. They were recruiting help from the adventurer players to fight in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, or the Hyjal Summit raid instance.

The Bronze Dragon Flight was located in the deserts of Tanaris and their domain was Time. Any fiddling with time that Carl attempted in this world would have made him and his much reduced Silver Dragon Flight enemies of the Bronze Dragon Flight, who would have done anything to stop him from changing history.

In established history the Battle of Mount Hyjal was the final bloody battle at the end of the Third War. Also known as the Chaos War, the Third Great War was a huge battle between the mortal races of Azeroth and the Demons of the Burning Legion, as the Burning Legion sought to invade and subjugate all of Azeroth.

The original Battle of Mount Hyjal was the final and conclusive battle of the Third War, where the Demon commander Archimonde attempted to destroy the World Tree Nordrassil.

The Horde, The Alliance, and the Night Elves fought a delaying battle meant to weaken Archimonde's forces to allow the Night Elf Malfurion Stormrage time to prepare a proper defense against the Burning Legion.

After a drawn out war that was fought desperately for every bloody inch, the demon legions finally reached Nordrassil. That was when Malfurion called forth an army of spirit wisps that ignited Nordrassil's defenses in a massive explosion. The explosion burned the demonic legion to ashes, thus ending the Third War.

And now, the Demonic Legion was fighting on multiple fronts to try to invade once more. One of their ploys was to send reinforcements back in time to the Battle of Mount Hyjal, to change history and claim victory.

So the Scales of the Sands faction was recruiting the adventurer players to reinforce the mortal forces arrayed against the Burning Legion and ensure that the battle concludes as it should, according to established history.

At the 40th month mark inside the world, the new raid instances opened up and Carl and his Dragon Flight attacked the 25 man instances. They cleared the raids and created their new armors and weapons.

At the 48th month mark, the new tier of PvP gear was released. Season 4 didn't change any from the previous seasons: his forces swept the board.

At the 59th month mark the events that would kick off the Wrath of the Lich King expansion began.

Within his Dragon Flight, once loyalty and trust had been established, Carl had shared with his people the nature of his Jump Chain and of their world. It hadn't been too hard to believe, what with him sharing all the unknown technology and abilities. As a result, they had long since known of the coming expansion into Northrend, and they were excited.

For a bunch of crafting obsessed Dragons and Dragonspawn, the infusion of new materials and recipes was looked at as a great gift. It kept them from being bored.

And since Carl had his memory of the game in the past, he knew what to look out for concerning the events leading up to the campaign in Northrend.

Corrupted grain crates began appearing in Booty Bay that quickly spread a deadly plague that corrupted the Horde and Alliance adventurer players into undead. Once they died, they would resurrect in their normal forms, no longer undead.

Apparently the adventurer players who were simply playing a game using the avatars thought it was a fun event to run around as zombies attacking everyone and infecting them. They spread the word around and more and more players showed up in Booty Bay to check it out and get infected, spreading the plague around.

Since he didn't want to risk his people catching the plague and dying permanently, the Dragon Flight had been holing up in their Hold and waiting out the plague until there was a cure. And staying away from the insanity that could infect them into undead was a good idea. They had already suffered under the hands of the Cult of the Damned, there was no way they wanted to play around with this shit.

Carl naturally sent small robot probes to grab samples of the plague grain so they could manufacture a cure for themselves, so that his Flight wouldn't be relying on the Argent Healers to figure out a cure. Since they would be fighting all manner of undead in Northrend in the near future, having an immunity to their plagues was vital.

A short time after the plague grains appeared, roaches got into the crates and turned into plague roaches. Apparently the roaches lost their damn minds and went crazy running around the docks. Carl watched over the satellite feed as the player characters seemed to be having a grand old time smashing the plague roaches, which just spread the plague further.

While the plague and the need to gain a cure was distracting many of the two Faction's forces, the Scourge started invading various zones around the two continents of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, trying to gain footholds and further destroy the two faction's ability to make war.

Necrotic Shards would appear around the continents. The Shards were floating corrupted crystals imbued with necrotic magical energies. Their purpose was to summon in groups of undead armies. If no one destroyed them for a long enough time, they were able to summon in Elite troops that would be even harder to displace after they gained a foothold.

In this time the Argent Crusade had quests available to urge and reward the adventurer players to fight against the Scourge invasion. There were various rewards items offered to entice them to work hard. New sets of armor for level 70s were introduced. Wearing multiple pieces of the new sets gave set bonuses to damage against undead, making the hunting of the Scourge an easier prospect.

A few days later giant floating citadels appeared over Stormwind and Orgrimmar. The massive floating pyramids had thick chains running from each corner down to attach to some kind of corrupted crystal that spewed out the plague gas.

Carl shook his head and sent a sample of the cure to be delivered to the overworked Argent Healers in the capital cities shortly after it was finished, with instructions on how to make it. He knew they would eventually discover a cure on their own, but he didn't want to continue watching the damned undead spread their diseases and shit.

Anything to derail those damned cultist's plans was great in his mind.

Two weeks later the Scourge sent in their next attack at the two faction's capitals. Carl smirked a bit in satisfaction, since they had obviously hoped to soften up their targets a lot more with the plague. It didn't work out the way the Scourge wanted because he had sent the cure along to the two factions almost as soon as he had it.

As a result of the two faction's forces not being too depleted, they were able to repel the invasion of Frost Wyrms and Patchwork Horrors that invaded.

The Frost Wyrms were skeletal undead dragons that shot out beams of ice, freezing the targets and damaging them greatly. The Patchwork Horrors were enormously rotund undead Frankensteen monsters. They had two legs and at least two arms, and were large messes of undead flesh sewed together that could soak up damage, used to assault the guard's position and tank damage while other undead ran around the city guards to attack from the sides and rear.

Carl took his Flight and helped the defense of the Stormwind Harbors. It was immensely satisfying for all of his people to kill the undead. Seeing the twisted abominations of Dragons was a particular insult to his people, which they took satisfaction in destroying.

After the Scourge assault was repelled, the Alliance and Horde factions organized their expeditions to Northrend, to take the fight to the Lich King. If they didn't do so, they would be continually assaulted by wave after wave of undead.

Finally at the end of the first five years, the World's concealment and blockage of Northrend was lifted. Carl's satellites could now go to the new continent and start gathering data.

At the same time, the World's restrictions on their level disappeared. They could once more level up.

Carl immediately had his Flight enter time compression and begin practicing his newly made Magical Leveling Technique. The results were amazing. Within the first day inside time compression, they were already level 71. It was definitely faster than the traditional way of killing monsters and completing quests.

And it was a huge advantage over everyone else.

After exiting the time compression that they used to level up quickly to level 80, Carl noticed an unusual discrepancy. Many of the higher level people of The Alliance were already level 80 or had the Skull indicating they were considered to be a boss level.

While he thought it was a bit unfair that the World played favorites so much, it was just one of those things that seemed to be a result of the game like nature of the World of Warcraft. The adventurer players and Carl and his Dragon Flight had to struggle for their levels and power, while the people that the world loved got instant level ups to maximum.

Well, it didn't really affect him too much ever since he worked out his magical leveling technique.

He and his people paid the trainers to learn all the new spells available and spent some time practicing them while they waited for the boats to be ready to take them to Northrend.

It only took a few days for the fleet to be assembled. Carl and his Dragon Flight in Night Elf form was on the first ships to sail from Stormwind Harbor to Borean Tundra. The peninsula on the south west part of Northrend was where the Alliance set up. Valiance Keep was on the south east shores.

Arriving at the base, Carl could feel the chill in the air. It felt pretty good to him, due to the Water Seed he had from the ATG world that let him control water and ice.

Normally Carl would have joined the rush of adventurer players as they hurried to complete quests and kill mobs, struggling to level up. But since he and his Flight had already leveled to 80 in a cheat like manner, they were able to bypass the crowd.

Due to the frozen air of Northrend, anyone who wanted to fly had to purchase a specific skill called Cold Weather Flying that would allow their mounts to soar the frozen skies of the north.

So his Flight simply purchased the skill, mounted their Flying Mounts, and flew away from Valliance Keep, leaving all the adventurer players looking on in envy.

Carl knew where Dalaran was, so they soon arrived at the floating city. The city looked quite empty to him, without mobs of players running around the place. Carl smiled in satisfaction.

His people spread out and began interacting with the inhabitants of Dalaran. They trained at the Profession Trainers, learning the new recipes they had available. They grabbed various quests and generally made themselves at home.

Carl himself grabbed the new portal location and did the same thing his Flight members were, learning all he could.

They soon began spreading around the continent of Northrend, completing quests with the various factions to earn reputation and gain access to their new crafting recipes and goods. They ran the new dungeon instances, gathering gear to deconstruct, and generally owning the land.

Even when the adventurer players finally caught up in level and showed up in Dalaran, it didn't disrupt his Flight's activities.

After a couple weeks, the word came down from the Faction's leadership that Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and the Vault of Archavon raid instances had opened.

There was only one boss in the Vault, Archavon the Stone Watcher. And the Obsidian Sanctum only had a Black Dragon named Sartharion as a boss. His Flight loved the Obsidian Sanctum because they could turn into their Silver Dragon and Dragonspawn forms and kick some Black Dragon Flight butt. It felt damned good.

On the other hand, his Dragon Flight had a love-hate relationship with Naxxramas.

They loved tearing through Naxxramas destroying and killing everything because it was home of Kel'Thuzzad, the leader of the Cult of the Damned. It was immensely satisfying to destroy the undead bastard regularly.

But they hated that the nature of the raid instance made it so they couldn't permanently kill him. It felt so unfair that the World was keeping him alive when so many of their Dragon Flight had died in the past.

Carl didn't know what to say at first. He still somewhat had the mindset that it was just a game. But seeing his people's reactions and feelings on the matter changed his mind.

He solemnly promised them that if he ever got powerful enough through the Jump Chain, they would all come back to this world and he would tear up the mandate of the World's Magic so that they could permanently end Kel'Thuzzad so he could never rear his ugly head again.

With that promise Carl made, it seemed to ease their minds quite a bit.

[AN: Because of Carl's perk to kill things dead and they remain dead that he got from the Dinosaur Gauntlet, the World's Magic counteracted him by time travel teleporting the bosses from different times in to replace the killed ones. Say the world had one second to play with, but could split that second up into 1000 parts. For every second that the boss was alive, the world could replace the boss Carl killed 1000 times. So, he does permanently kill that Kel'Thuzzad. Never coming back. But there are so many of them chilling in the fractions of time in the past that the world will never run out of them to make use of…

I know, it's a cheap cop-out. Blame Blizzard, not me.]

After some time of following the routine of running daily Heroic Dungeons, doing daily quests, running weekly raid instances, and fighting in the Arena and Battlegrounds, Carl had an idea.

He knew there was some magic that identified him as a member of The Alliance, since that was the faction he first joined. He wasn't quite satisfied with just one half of the WoW experience.

He had already gone through all the quests and activities on the Alliance side in Azeroth (what was known as Vanilla WoW), The Outlands, and Northrend, to include all the Seasonal events. So why shouldn't he isolate that little bit of magic that identified him as a part of the Alliance and jigger with it so he could do all the quests and fun bits available to the Horde in this world?

Once he had the idea, he couldn't help himself and began working on it. In order to make sure he had enough time in the remaining four or so years in world, he entered time compression to figure it out. It didn't even take a month to figure out the identifying magic, which seemed to be tied to the Faction's Reputation function.

A little bit of jiggery pokery, a usage of his Metamorphmagus ability, and he was now a proud Blood Elf, a member of The Horde.

From then on in their spare time Carl and his Flight members would go through all the quest and events on the Horde side. It satisfied his inner completionist and made his people happy, since certain recipes and items were only available to one Faction or the other.

About 15 months after Northrend opened up, the new raid instances of The Eye of Eternity and Ulduar was available, and a new boss appeared in the Vault of Archavon raid instance, Emalon the Storm Watcher.

When the Ulduar raid instance first showed up Carl was a little concerned because he had chosen Helya as one of his enemies that was hunting him. She was originally a Titan-forged Watcher and Sorceress, but was forcefully turned into the first of the undead spectral Val'kyrs.

So he kept expecting her to show up in some capacity in Ulduar or around Northrend, since there were plenty of Val'kyr running around. But it seems she was in hiding somewhere, biding her time.

Either that or she was imprisoned somewhere, biding her time.

Or she didn't even know where Carl was because he never showed his Silver Dragon face outside of instances.

Whatever the case may be, she never showed up. Carl somewhat figured that his policy for his Dragon Flight to conceal their true nature as the Silver Dragon Flight was what kept his enemies from truly knowing they were around.

And his magical defenses made it incredibly hard to once more find their Dragon Hold.

Once they had left this world behind Carl would ease up on the restrictions and allow them to be a bit more open once more. He wasn't just being paranoid; his Drawback enemies really were out to get him. So they continued to practice extreme caution.

While the Ulduar raid instance had many different bosses, the Eye of Eternity only had a single boss. Malygos was of the Blue Dragon Flight. As might be expected by now, his Dragon Flight all turned into their draconic forms and tore him apart.

Carl's Flight had a nice barbecue afterwards, since there was no taboo about eating the flesh of a member of a different Flight. It turned into a weekly party for them all. Very team building.

By the time the new raid instances of Onyxia's Lair and the Trial of the Crusader came out when it had been 30 months since Northrend opened up, Carl had caught up with all the Horde specific quests and activities. He felt much better about having finished all those quests and gotten various titles and achievements, and pets and mounts.

So he was fully prepared to enjoy the Argent Tournament that was located in the northern part of the Icecrown zone. The Trial of the Champion was the five man dungeon instance where they fought against three sets of bosses in a tournament arena.

The Trial of the Crusader was the 10 and 25 man raid instance that was basically the same arena bouts, only with a few more bosses. And the last boss was actually a giant undead bug deep underground under the arena.

There was one more boss added to the Vault raid instance, Koralon the Flame Watcher. The bosses of the Vault were all quite nice to be an easy and quick way to gain some enchanting mats each week. The members of the Flight were all suitably thankful to them.

Onyxia was a Black Dragon Flight member that was located in the Dustwallow Marsh of Kalimdor. She really didn't have much of anything to do with Northrend or the Lich King, which is why she was so far from the normal location of the raid instances.

In the original game they had revamped her raid to give more content to the players and celebrate some anniversary or other. And since this world mirrored the original content, she grew up from level 60 to 80 and gained some upgraded loot for the taking.

And finally when Carl had 18 weeks left to go in the World of Warcraft, Toravon the loot vendor, er…Ice Watcher was added to the Vault, and the final two raid instances opened up.

The first raid instance was The Ruby Sanctum. It was located under the Wrymrest Temple in the Dragonblight zone, next to the Obsidian Sanctum. The single boss was a Twilight Dragon Flight member by the name of Halion. He was delicious.

And the final raid instance was what the whole expansion had been named for and building up to. The raid where the Lich King could be found and killed. Icecrown Citadel was located in the southern most part of the Icecrown zone.

By now one could assume that with how overpowered the Silver Dragon Flight were, what with their ridiculous crafting skills, that the Lich King wasn't that hard to kill.

And they would be right to assume that. 20+ raid bosses versus 1 raid boss wasn't much of a challenge.

Over the past month Carl and his Dragon Flight had been busy preparing for their exit from the world. They knew the date it would happen, but they didn't know how it would happen.

The rumblings deep within the earth that signified Deathwing's escape from the elemental plane prison he had been kept in had already started.

The elementals all around Azeroth had begun to go crazy, attacking anything around them.

The final month passed in a state of ramping up chaos leading up to the Cataclysm.

Carl was sitting among his Flight members in their banquet hall, having a final feast together before it was time to leave the world. A sea of blue was shown on the large screen on one of the walls. The satellite feed was overlooking the area that would become The Maelstrom once Deathwing made his escape.

Everyone paused in their feasting and talking as they saw the waters on the screen starting to bubble and churn crazily. Something deep underwater was causing a huge disturbance.

A huge spout of water burst upwards hundreds of feet in the air as an enormous Black Dragon burst up out of the water. Even through the screen and without sound they could feel his anger, madness, and malevolence as he flew out of sight of the satellite feed.

"Well, it looks like Deathwing is not happy." Carl quipped before his vision grew dark and he left the World…of Warcraft.