There will be better days

"Mom, where's dad?" Brakus pulls on his mother's sleeve looking distraught, his mother grabs his shoulders and looks him in the eyes, tears rolling down her cheek; "it's difficult to say this.... but I want you to know the truth.." trying to gather her words, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath "your father didnt make it... he got caught in the explosion".

She bursts into tears once again, crying hysterically. Brakus reminisces for a moment and then suddenly, his face contorted with rage and sadness.

"I don't understand, why wouldn't they let him through?! He was a great man! He was the bravest and strongest person in our whole village!".

Brakus charges one of the guards in the holding area from behind but, his mom grabs his arm before they noticed. He turns back and sees's her smiling with tears continuing to fall; "Please don't, I can't lose you too, if anything happens to you or Brock.... I wouldn't be able to handle living." Brakus realized he has forgotten that his brother wasn't with them, he was taken into another building to get operated on; he doesn't even realize that his entire life just changed dramatically. We see Brock sleeping soundlessly in a hospital bed; unaware of the rest of the night's events.

(5 years later... Brakus Bronze: Age: 15, Brock Bronze: Age 10, Mother: Age Unknown...).

"Hey! Come here Brock I want to show you something". We see a matured Brakus, he snickers to himself, Brock is sprinting straight to him to check things out; there is a river with thin layers of trees on each side, Brakus is hanging by a branch of one. His little brother runs full speed towards the river , but he loses sight of Brakus; but continues sprinting anyways, running into his outstretched leg and flipping into the river causing a large splash sound.

"What did you do that for!?!" Brock exclaims as he struggles to swim to the shore , "Ummm, I'm not the idiot who ran full speed into who knows what?" Brakus jokes , bursting into tears of laughter. However, Brock doesn't find this funny at all, he finally gets to the shore and pulls himself up "Oh yeah?!?, Well... I'm gonna go tell Mom!".

Suddenly Brakus has a look of terror and takes off running towards the smoke rising from their home , hoping to beat him there. He smiles and laughs while he's running thinking " I love you brother" then yells "I'll see you there then! Unless you think you're faster than me!" sticking his tongue with a huge smile.

The two of them race home; Brock is gaining on his older brother , "Idiot! you forgot something!!" Brakus looks back and gets hit directly in the face with a rock and then gets tripped by a tree; flipping and rolling forward many times, eating dirt as his little brother runs past leaving him in the dust. "Oh crap... What am I gonna do!?!!" He screams out to Brock "Damn you little bro!!"

He rolls onto his has and lays there for a while laughing, "I'm so proud of him , he really got me this time." and then dread comes onto his face, "She is gonna kill me!!" he squeals in fear. Brock bursts through the front door of their small house and is greeted by his smiling mother, he pauses and the quickly says "Brakus tripped me." she explodes with anger , "He did what!?, I'll kill him!...umm did I say that out loud.. ", he stares at her in fear , "She's always had dark humor but that was scary!", he thinks to himself; "Don't worry baby, he'll get punished, but I won't really kill him,that was an expression." she says with a small giggle and right on cue Brakus walks into the front door whistling like nothing happened.

Later on that day, "You can't keep messing with your brother like this, you're out of control" his Mom says with a stern voice "It was just a prank and I told him sorry earlier. What else can I do? He doesn't even want me to be punished he was trying to scare me with telling you." She sighs and gives in, "Fine, I won't punish you, but you'll have to clean the whole house for a week" with a small smile. "But that's stil-" Brakus stampers, "Exactly." she responds in the middle of his sentence.

Nightime, we see the boy's mother in her bedroom, Sylvis's room; and she is scribbling in a notebook which reads, "The boys have grown into fine young men, I know what happened that night, I remember it clearly as if it happened yesterday, but why?".... she rips the page out, licks an envelope, and seals the letter she plans to ship to... somewhere, or someone: inside.