A young boy named Brakus, loses his father at a young age and struggles to come to terms with it, while simultaneously trying to keep the way he died a secret. Brakus realized that heroics are Unnecessary and he will only save those he loves, "Capes aren't necessary they are only for show." This is Unnecessary Capes.
Good day! I'm Pike from the Author Support Team, and I'm here to inform you that your novel has entered the incorrect competition. If you still wish to enter another competition (romance/fantasy carnival), simply create a new book with the same name, modify the name of the previous work, and then choose the appropriate competition. Thank you.
Wow, after reading, one to two chapters, I really enjoyed the plot and theme, even the synopsis. It is actually a very nice book. And I can't wait to read it all. good luck author
After i read a few chapters i really like your story. your theme really got me interested to read more chapters. but if i can critique your book, there are some misspellings in terms of punctuation. I hope that in the future it will be better
I liked the plot, it gives us the glimpse of the horrible effects of war, causing families to torn apart and the trauma that the young childen has to go through. Although, I think the paragraphs are too long, some readers tend to skip long chaps. Also, I got lost sometimes in the middle of dialogue tags but overall the story has feels to it. Lastly, I kind of wanting to know how the two brothers cope up in those 5 years after losing their father. This is a good read! 👏🏻
Ok .. NGL. . the prologue alone got me hooked and even before I knew it, i read all 3 chaps .. It was so interesting, something I haven't read here in a while so I will definitely be looking forward to it!!