"I'll never be a hero!!!"

Brakus tosses and turns in his sleep, there is the same sound from 'That night' running through his head, when their father , Diamond was lost forever. He suddenly wakes up in a sweat, "I didn't wake him up this time." He checks the bottom bunk and then sighs in relief, relaxing back into his bed.

Suddenly he hears sirens in the distance and smiles "I'm sorry mom..I need to help someone else tonight. But how do I get out without anyone noticing?". He slowly climbs out of bed and sneaks past his brother to the window, he turns the lock slowly until he hears a click.

"Here goes nothing" he says to himself as he jumps into the backyard from the second floor, "hmm, now where were those sirens coming from?". He closes his eyes , he can hear the police sirens wailing in the distance, he focuses until he pinpoints the direction "got it! it's that way" he exclaims, opening his eyes and pointing towards the shopping district of their town.

"Judging on the direction...it must be a robbery. I hope that old man's shop is okay" he imagines his white bearded and bald smiling face, covered in wrinkles. "I should 'go shopping' , huh?" he chuckles jokingly as he sprints down the street, the lights of the shopping district are slowly getting brighter in the distance; with sirens growing closer , there are only a few more miles until he arrives.

"Woah, I can barely breathe but I have to keep pushing myself to be like him!" Brakus is determined to continue to run towards the shopping district, his dad's face on his mind; he was a a burly man, he had a chiseled chin, his hair was black and white, so was his goatee."Only a half mile left , I may have beat my record of 45 minutes if I can make it..." He is beginning to get lightheaded, but the sirens are close and he needs to protect the old man's store.

[Same time:outside the corner store]

"We're hitting every store tonight, grab everything that has value!" A large man with a bulletproof vest brandishes a 7.62mm fully automatic rifle as he orders his men around, they are breaking into every store on the street and in a gunfight with the military police at the same time.

Rounds are flying everywhere blasting holes into police cars that are being used as cover and ripping apart any person daresome enough to peek from their cover. Suddenly a grenade explodes the gas station on the other side of the intersection; shrapnel shredding through anything in sight and the noise alone was loud enough to shatter someones eardrums.

The man in the vest takes cover behind the counter in the old man's corner store, trying to break open the register, "Shit! This is gonna take too long, and my source told me there was a safe too... those fools are fighting over the wrong loot , but more for me hahaha!" he chuckles menacingly, unaware of the fate he would suffer during this heist of his.

Brakus jumps from an explosion that isnt far "Was that a bomb? I need to hurry , I'm almost.. there.. that is definitely the old man's shop." He smells smoke in the air as fire burns through most of the stores, the gunfire and explosions reminds him of that night and it's making him sick.

"Ugh! I need to throw up!" he exclaims, keeling over and taking deep breaths; once he gathers himself he looks through the window of the shop, avoiding the fighting outside: he sneaks in, hearing a drilling noise behind the employees only door Brakus whispers quietly "What is that? someone must have found the old man's safe, I need to stop them."

He charges into the backroom, kicking through the door and says "hi" startling the man with the bulletproof vest, "What Is a kid doing here , do you have a death wish?" he snears at Brakus as he raises his rifle to fire on him. but before the man can pull the trigger Brakus pushes the barrel upwards, causing it to discharge into the ceiling; small parts of the roof come crashing down on the thugs head getting dust all over his face. And in this moment, he is kicked into the wall and knocked unconscious "I would open a cold one with the boys, but I'm alone. get it?? out cold , cold one?? haha!" Brakus sticks his toungue out teasing the criminal.

"Now what was he trying to get from in here that was so important? all those other guys are having a all out war over the jewelry, video game and gun stores...there's even a car shop down the street...", he wonders, but the he noticed that the thug actually opened the safe. "One peek won't hurt, will it?". He hears a rustling behind him as the man reaches for his gun , standing back up "You think you're some kind of hero,huh?"

He uppercuts the man and his head hits the ceiling, crashing to the ground. "I'll never be a hero!!!" he screams and then there is silence, "now let's see what's inside, these gunshots and explosions are freaking me out" his eyes glowing in anticipation as his mouth starts to water. Before he could open the safe door an explosion goes off out front, sending shards of glass flying everywhere. Brakus barrels into the wall from the Shockwave "Damn, this pain..." he collapses to the ground, glass stuck all throughout his body and then he passes out.