[Country of Hartford, Military HQ:Bank Division]

*Ring* ....*Click*

"Hello?... oh... What do you need?Did they approve the blueprints yet? no? ...fine, tell him to screw himself, im on my way." the man slams the phone down on the receiver, shattering it into pieces leaving its cord dangling from the wall.

"Those flunkies can't do anything right" he punches the wall and then slams down into his chair. Once seated, he presses the button on his intercom; it begins to glow a deep red.

"Ms. Bronze?.. I need to run some errands, can you push all of my appointments up for me, I might be a while."

"Yes sir, no problem..." Sylvis Bronze, Brakus' mother, says with a hint of irritation.

"Thank you Sylvis." The bank owner mutters while walking past her desk, he doesn't glance in her direction the entire time. He calls the elevator; before the door opens he tosses a stack of papers onto the floor, "I almost forgot these.." he chuckles as he enters the elevator. "Pick those up, They are important " he orders her as the door closes.

Sylvis takes a deep breath and mutters "Asshole..." under her breath. She looks around the room, seeing the papers scattered all over the floor and she furls her brow; she shutters out of her seat with a sigh.

She gathers the documents into a neat pile before slamming them onto the desk, "I don't know why I'm still here, I should've escaped this lifestyle by now..". Sylvis droops back into her desk.

After a while of sulking, Sylvis begins to stir. "I wonder what the boys are up to right now, Brock has been lost without Brakus at home." she scans her desk for her phone. Unable to find it, she stands up and searches through her desk frantically, but it is nowhere to be found. She begins to rummage through her purse until she feels her cell phone.

She dials a number and presses send.

[Country of Hartford, Military HQ, Headmaster's office]

A familiar man with a dark ponytail sits at his desk as he stares out the window at soldiers passing back and forth; he has a phone receiver up to his ear, a dark aura engulfs him.

"So is it that you can't make the weapon, or you won't make the weapon?" The headmaster retorts to someone on the other line. "It's fine, don't make it. but if I find someone who will... you and your company are the first on the list. Remember who you are speaking to." the man threatens. This man is General Sapphire; he controls the armies of Hartford and soon he plans to control the entire world.

The person on the other end of the call is inaudible but whatever Sapphire heard caused him a cracked grin to appear. "I need them finished in 2 months or less, no exceptions. Hartford will hide in the shadows no longer." Sapphire exclaims.

"I will wire the payment soon, my advisor is already on the way... you better hope he has some good news for me." Sapphire hangs up the phone. Just as the call ends, there is a knock on the door.

"Come in Topaz there is no need to knock, we are brothers after all." Sapphire chuckles as he stands to beckon his brother to take a seat.

Topaz walks over to the chair which somehow pulled itself out , welcoming him to sit. Topaz drops into the chair which pushes itself closer to the desk.

Once Topaz is seated, Sapphire takes his seat once again with a huge smile on his face. "What is it oldie?" Topaz teases him, he always knew when Sapphire had something to tell him.

"Nexus approved the bomb designs that our little brother came up with, I just need you to sign off on the payment" Sapphire explains as he slides a sheet of paper towards Topaz.

He takes the paper and looks it up and down , his expression is unchanged for a while, but suddeny his eyes widen and a bead of sweat drops from his brow. "Eight hundred and twenty three million dollar?!? are you mad?" he pushes the paper away while shaking his head in disapproval. "There is no way that I can approve that, I would he taking a major loss here." Topaz sits back in his chair, crossing his arms and let's out a loud sigh.

"Come on brother, you surely aren't blind to the possible profitability of weapons such as these.." Sapphire leans forward onto his desk, closing the distance between the two men. "We can take over Scorsland , we would be rich beyond our wildest dreams... and you would have your own country to rule." Sapphire says as he stares into Topaz's soul with unbreakable ambition.

Topaz considers what he just heard for a moment , and he finally gives him a uncomfortable approval.

"There better return this money ten-fold, don't screw me here. I know you too well." Topaz sneers as he rises from his chair and exits the room; leaving Sapphire alone in his chambers.

Once Sapphire is sure that his brother is gone he takes a deep breath and calls out to someone in the room, "You can come out now... Hanzo, I Know you've been listening."

Darkness begins to swirl in the middle of the room, sending papers flinging in every direction; as the darkness dissipates we see Hanzo standing there in a slightly bowed position. He begins to speak, "You are working against my bosses interests , what do you want with Scorsland? there is no reason to play our trump card against a lesser enemy" his voice freezes the air with intimidation, but Sapphire remains confident.

"Do i need to remind you that the Shade group's target is Ironwel-" Hanzo's sentence is cut short by Sapphire suddenly gripping his throat, Hanzo didn't even see him move.

"No. Do I need to remind you of your place? underlings should never question their master." Sapphire tightens his grip as he spits out a threat. "Ironwell is a neutral country, surely you knew that; and if your master wants to continue his silent revolution that is fine, but I will let this world know of my power, starting with Scorsland."

Sapphire tosses Hanzo to the floor and then fixes his jacket. "He hasn't lost my support , But my empire is of more importance to me." he says.

Hanzo rises onto his knees , but doesn't stand up all the way. "If you can help me get my revenge, I couldn't care less about my orders." he replies stoicly. Sapphire turns to face him , seemingly interested in his request.

"What is it that you want?" Sapphire chuckles.

Hanzo rises to stand eye to eye with Sapphire before saying , "What do you know about an ex soldier named Haru?". Sapphire grins at the mention of this name, "Let me show you something" Sapphire replies with a cold voice.

[Brock Bronze: Bronze Household]

Brock is in his room playing video games when the house phone begins to ring and breaks his focus. He pauses the game and rushes to the phone to pick it up.

"Hello.... Oh hey Mom!" Brock says excitedly

Sylvis chuckles quietly before replying , "I just got off the phone with Brakus, he said he will head straight home, you should be expecting him at any moment.". Brock leaps with joy as a huge smile spreads from cheek to cheek.

"Yay!" Brock exclaims.

Sylvis sighs quietly before speaking again, "I am so sorry baby , but I really have to get back to work. but you guys have fun, I'll see you both later!". Brock's smile is immediately replaced with sadness as he sits there silently. "I know you have been lonely lately so your brother decided that he would start spending more time at home for now on."

"Okay , mommy.." Brock smiles, "... I love you!"

"I love you too, Bye bye baby, I'll see you later I promise!" Sylvis replies before hanging up the phone.

As the call ends there is a knock on the door, Brock recognized this knock, it was the secret knock that the brothers made up; four loud knocks and two quiet knocks. There was nobody else that it could be other than Brakus. Brock runs to the door and whips it open.

On the other side of the door stand Brakus , a huge smile on his face; signs of dried tears are dotted beneath his eyes but he seems genuinely happy to be there. As soon as the door opens and Brakus sees Brock, he reaches in for a strong hug and says " Hey bro, I missed you so much! I have so much stories to tell you. let's catch up inside."

Brock wipes the snot from underneath his nose and nods his head to invite him in, Brakus steps forward closing the door behind him with a click.

[Haru, Haru's car]

"I hope the kid doesn't tell his brother too much, all i can do is hope for the best and hope that he sticks to the plan. He's a great kid that has a lot to learn." Haru says after taking a drag from a cigarette and pulling off from Brakus' driveway and leaving the house behind.